In the literacy judgment of Academy City, only 21 people have the potential to reach level 5. As for why Academy City only cultivated seven people before, it is purely because the resources are not enough to cultivate so many level 5 people, so the literacy judgment is the first to pour all resources into training.

"Anyway, these things are far away from me. Now I have to manage these guys who disrupt the order of the class because they are too funny." Fukiyose said with a strong sense of responsibility, taking out the armband of the Disciplinary Committee from the drawer.

"And level 5, who is a public figure in the school, you should also manage the order of the school, right?" Fukiyose Jiri looked at Ye Fei and said dissatisfiedly.

"Who said that level 5 is to manage the order of the school, this is the matter of the principal, the teacher and the student union." Ye Fei said with a spit.

"Well, even if that's the case, ah ah... I'm too lazy to care about you." Fukiyose was complaining and didn't know what to do.

"Mr. Ye Fei is really not motivated today. During this period of time, my tired scalp almost numb. I was invited to participate in the academic presentation this afternoon." Ye Fei complained helplessly, so his current forces are all Throwing it to Bushu caused Bushu to resent him very much, saying that she was only happy if the researcher had to wear her down.

So I invited him to attend the academic presentation. If 787 missed her appointment, she would quit. She is really a willful woman and needs to spank her well.

"Research conference?"

"It's that space science and technology research conference."

"It turned out to be that one. I heard that the finished space technology has been manufactured. Academy City is so powerful, but why are you invited as a scientist?"

"Because the one who came up with the space technology was my friend."

"You still have such a great friend, um! But don't be so unmotivated, I have functional drinks to supplement here. If you are anemic, it will affect your health." Fukiyose took out the drink from the desk and stuffed it into Ye Fei. said in the hand.

Ye Fei looked at the remaining half of the drink and looked at Fukiyose Jiri's flushed cheeks. It was already an indirect kiss. He drank it in one breath, and then asked: "Fukiyose, by the way, are you really asking for it? Do you fall in love after graduation?"

"Why are you asking this?" Fukiyose Shiri's heart beat faster: "School is time for study, and precious time should not be missed. It's no problem to get married directly after graduation."

"It's no problem to get married directly!" Ye Fei was shocked, he didn't expect Fukiyose to have such a realization, as expected of a well-behaved Fukiyose.

"Are you dissatisfied?" Fukiyose Jiri said, staring at Ye Fei with his arms crossed. .

Chapter [*]: Lolicon is very dangerous

"Are you dissatisfied?" Fukiyose Jiri said, staring at Ye Fei with his arms crossed. The shy blush and sharp eyes made Ye Fei a little Alexander.

"I have no opinion." Ye Feiyang smiled, and then asked in a low voice, "Fukiyoshi, are you not afraid that I am a guy who likes to pedal two boats?"

Fukiyose Shiri's eyes became sharp, and he half-squinted: "Could it be that Ye Fei is hiding your feet from me?"

"I said if, what if it's true?" Ye Fei said with a smile without changing his face.

"Are you serious? If this is really good, then I will." Fukiyose Jiri smiled and took out his stationery bag, then took out a paper cutter and a pencil, and cut it in half with ease. .

"Then I slapped the scumbag man hard."

"You're too cruel." Ye Fei's mouth twitched, he made a typical mistake, he asked this question, no matter the girl would answer like this, and even slap him.

"It's not too much at all, but if you were level 5, I would definitely not be able to beat you, so I will never get along with you." Fukiyose Jiri said indifferently with his arms folded.

"Uh, let me put it another way, if a boy that a girl likes will become a god of immortality in the future, and that boy will also make girls a god, and that boy loves her very much, but that boy has many girls, then you Said that girl would like to have him with him?" Ye Fei thought for a while and said.

"Hmm... Mythology question? This question is simple and simple. If it is troublesome, it will be troublesome. If that girl also loves that god very much, and that god also loves that female superior, I think it is acceptable. After all, for a girl, Only mutual love can last long, and we can live forever together." Fukiyose Seiri frowned and analyzed rationally.

"However, this is absolutely impossible, and it is not a myth or legend. Even if it is a myth and legend, there are so many women in Zeus of Greek mythology, and those women's lives will not end well."

"That is, if there are more women, there will be a tit-for-tat in the harem?" Ye Fei raised his eyebrows and said.

"That's right, that's it." Fukiyose Sari nodded.

"I think it's because Zeus is the king of gods, but his power is not strong, and if he wants to develop the group of gods and stabilize his position, he can only stabilize the name of the king of gods by multiplying offspring, so the woman who framed her would pretend to be a god. Zuo can't see it, if he had absolute rights, there would not be such an outcome, not to mention that he is really a scumbag."

Ye Fei shrugged and said, Zeus is a super scumbag who has ambitions but not enough ability to secure his position by this scumbag method.

The key is that he did not simulate the star creation map, and the simulated star creation map was in the hands of the earth goddess Gaia.

"Have you studied theology? You are so clear about theology." Fukiyose asked in surprise.

"Just look at the myths and legends." Ye Fei said casually, and then looked at Fukiyose Jiri seriously: "What if that god could protect his women, give them happiness and freedom, and the ability to realize their dreams? ,Do you want to?"

"Hmm~" Fukiyose Jiri rubbed his chin and thought, "Probably."


"I'm just not sure, Ye Fei, your topic today is really strange, discussing such a strange topic." Fukiyoshi Shiri frowned, looking at Ye Fei dissatisfied and said.

"Hahaha, I understand." Ye Fei scratched his head and smiled, that is to say, there is a high probability that it will be.

"You are always feeling weird today," Fukiyose Jiri said.

"Let's get married after graduation." Ye Fei whispered in Fukiyose Shiri's ear, his eyes were full of love, Fukiyose Shiri's personality made him very comfortable, with a strong sense of responsibility and a well-behaved aura.

"Really, really?" Fukiyose Jiri suddenly blushed and her heart beat faster. In fact, sometimes she was thinking, Ye Fei is level 5, she is just an ordinary person, would it be inappropriate for the two of them, so she only liked each other for a while. will stay away.

"Really." Ye Fei nodded, and then said listlessly: "But there are still two years before graduation, which is long enough. I was greedy for your body a long time ago."

"You, what nonsense are you talking about, what are you greedy..." Fukiyose Seiri suddenly looked like a provoked hamster, puffing up his fist and hitting Ye Fei's cheek.

"Don't be rough, I'm afraid your hand will hurt." Ye Fei said helplessly, grabbing Fukiyoshi Shiri's fist without dodging or dodging. If the conditioned reflex stimulates the neural arc, the body will subconsciously become more than steel. Be tough, and Fukiyose will definitely get hurt.

"Really." Fukiyose Siri blushed and snorted coldly.

"Okay, kittens, don't discuss anymore, let's go with the teacher to develop superpowers now, don't be left behind~" Teacher Xiaomeng walked out of the classroom sweetly, and everyone walked out of the classroom one after another.

"¨"Ah~ Teacher Xiaomeng is always so cute no matter what~ Meow~" Tsuchimikado Yuanchun stretched and swayed like a noodle.

"I can't develop superpowers at all, so why should I go." Kamijou Touma dragged his body forward in despair.

"Tuyumen, you are really a vile lolicon. I think it was a wrong decision for you to adopt this lovely child Wuxia. If you want to adopt it to me, I promise to make her happy." Ye Fei He raised his eyebrows and said mockingly.

"I don't want it, meow~" Tuyumen Yuanchun said in a whimper, but he became cautious in his heart.

It is clear from his information that Ye Fei is a lolicon who often does indescribable things to the cloned sister Misaka. There are also two girls who are suspected female friends in Zachuan Middle School. For those who are still unclear, Anbu's "props" are also classified under his banner. Those two members become leve (Zhao Nuo's) l5, which must be related to him.

After all, even if this new type of superpower development was made by this guy's research institute, and the director of Yaowei Hisako didn't know that he had reached an agreement with Ye Fei to unconditionally carry out Ye Fei's mission.

It seems that something has fallen into Ye Fei's hands. Haha, my classmate's methods are really powerful. He managed to get two directors one after another, and he also obeyed his words.

If Ye Fei wanted to do something, he would not be an opponent at all. As a saint, he had to be level 5. He had four level 5s under his command, and one of them became the Accelerator of level 6. This lineup could literally rule Academy City.

And what connection with Aleister is really troublesome.

The situation is getting worse and worse, and the pope of the Roman Orthodox Church has been dismissed, and the Orthodox Church and the Roman Orthodox Church, and even the archbishop are preparing for a wave of things. .

Chapter [*]: The task of clearing the fifth psychological control

The new development of superpower programs is not much different from ordinary development, and it is just as complicated as regular testing, but this time each one is like chicken blood.

Although Fukiyose developed the same psychic power as his, Kamijou was still a rare incompetent, which surprised the researchers.

"Mr. Xiaomeng, since I have nothing to do with me, I will leave early." Ye Fei folded his hands together and said, looking at Teacher Xiaomeng who was tired from organizing the class and wiped his sweat.

"No problem~ I wanted to give you a summer break for Ah Fei, but I didn't expect it to be full marks." Teacher Xiaomeng smiled and said sweetly and satisfied Ye Fei.

"So let's just forget about the summer break." Teacher Xiaomeng said with a bit of frustration, losing an opportunity to teach Ah Fei well.

"Mr. Xiaomeng, you are so kind, I can't wait to marry a caring teacher." Ye Fei was moved and squatted down and grabbed Mr. Xiaomeng's little hand. The higher the superpower level, the more academic he is, and Accelerator is even more of a student god who breaks through common sense.

"A Fei, you said something misleading, and you molested the teacher. The teacher will add more homework in the summer vacation." Teacher Xiaomeng said with a blushing face and bulging cheeks, 790 then suddenly smiled seriously.

"Don't think that I don't know about Ah Fei becoming a director."

"Teacher, you know." Ye Fei's tone became calm, smiled, and did not hide it. Ninety-nine percent of the students of Academy City's board of directors did not know everything, only those who were on the bright side.

His information was posted on the Internet aboveboard, and it was a matter of course for the teacher to know about it. After all, Academy City's network was graded, and most students still didn't know that he was a director.

"To be honest, this surprised the teacher. His students have become the big figures in the operation of this city. This is something that I can't even think about. The teacher is very proud."

Teacher Xiaomeng showed a gratified smile, but in Ye Fei's eyes, she didn't want to be cute.

"Your teacher sees the changes in your eyes. From being a loner to being a loner, you have become sunny, cheerful, confident, and now you have surprised the teachers. This proves that the teacher's education is very successful. I am very happy. But no matter what, don't forget what the teacher taught you."

Teacher Xiaomeng said with a smile that she doesn't pay attention to the students' superpower level, she pays attention to the students' personality development (cibh), and teaches them the truth of being a human being.

Ye Fei felt warm in his heart, looked at Teacher Xiaomeng with a smile, and hugged her gently with open arms.

"Mr. Xiaomeng, no matter what I do, I will never forget. When I meet you when I am confused, let me find my way. Otherwise, I don't know what I will be like."

This is the truth. He has not yet started the golden finger for ten years. He has really eliminated a bit. The guidance of Mr. Xiaomeng has made him sunny.

"It's really like a child." Teacher Xiaomeng said with a blushing face, hugging Ye Fei with her slender arms and saying.

"Actually, Mr. Xiaomeng, I said that I had this idea of ​​marrying the teacher and going home." Ye Fei whispered in Mrs. Xiaomeng's ear.

Teacher Xiaomeng was still immersed in relief. Hearing this sentence, her cheeks suddenly turned red, she hurriedly pushed Ye Fei away, and said angrily with a puffed face.

"A Fei, do you really want the teacher to punish you? Even if A Fei has this idea, it is absolutely impossible. The teacher is the teacher. You are not allowed to say such things in the future, otherwise the teacher will be really angry."

"Okay, I won't say it anymore, I won't say it anymore, it's all because Teacher Xiaomeng is so cute." Ye Fei said with a smile, "Then I'll leave."

Looking at Ye Fei's back, Teacher Xiaomeng's expression became lost, she was really shy, and her anger was really rising.

It's not that Sheng Ye Fei is angry, but that he is angry and makes such a joke.

She is almost thirty years old, and she wants to get married, but her physique is not developed at all, and no man will really accept it, and she can't fulfill her responsibilities as a wife.

"The teacher also wants to get married..." Teacher Xiaomeng muttered in a depressed mood.

"Mr. Xiaomeng just can't get over this hurdle." Ye Fei grumbled to the thought that if he could read his mind, he certainly knew what Teacher Xiaomeng was thinking. In fact, Mrs. Xiaomeng also liked him very much, and even surpassed the students. The kind of goodwill, just not strong.

He often takes care of Teacher Xiaomeng's life, and Teacher Xiaomeng also feels the feeling of home.

"No matter what, I'm very willful." Ye Fei raised a smile, he knew that his character was also being characterized with the "simulated star creation map", as the center of the group of gods, the will that could not be shaken.

Afterwards, I went to participate in the academic presentation of Bu Shutuxin for the entire academic community. The lecture hall is comparable to the world's largest music hall, and it was full of scholars from the scientific community.

As the dazzling protagonist, Bu Shutuxin made all the seniors shocked by the light of space science, and he raised his hands and asked questions honestly as a student.

Ye Fei crossed Erlang's legs and looked at the dazzling cloth bundle letter in the rearmost position.

"Starting from Academy City, starting from this world, I will officially open my super-dimension empire. Whether it is science or mystery, I have to reach the top of the universe, and let the universe be overwhelmed one by one."

Ye Fei's eyes flickered, and he had an intuition. After becoming level 6, the simulated star chart seemed to be able to break the vicious circle of the world and travel to multiple dimensions.

Aleister is to deal with the devil, and he wants to regain the devil. Aleister's pattern is only in this world, and his pattern is in the multiverse.

The "simulated star creation map" is really a magical thing. As long as it reaches level 6, that is, the embryonic form of the universe begins to germinate, it can condense the rules and crystals, that is, the "godhead". picture.

As for worrying about Aiwass leaving him after researching the rules, it is completely unnecessary. He is the owner of the "simulated star map". He allows Aiwass to study her to be able to do research, which is equivalent to the simulated star map is a car , he is the owner of the car, and Aiwass is just a driver. Even if she studies it thoroughly, she can't do anything if she doesn't give her the car to drive.

Aiwass just worked for him, helping him study all the characteristics of the "simulated star chart".

The car stopped at an ice cream restaurant in the seventh school district. This Toyota looked like a family car, but it was actually a special vehicle for Anbu's "prop".

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