In the hot summer, Kenban and Flanda were licking ice cream, while Maino Shiri, with Erlang's legs crossed, was frantically fiddling with the computer. This was the secret network dedicated to Anbu.

"Huh! This task is interesting, to capture the level 5 of the sabotage facility alive."

"I'll take a look at what." Flanda poked her head with interest.

"Capture alive or eliminate the fifth, psychological control?".

Chapter [*]: Finally meet the little bee

"Capture alive or clear the fifth, psychological control?" Flanda blinked and exclaimed excitedly: "Haha, what a great opportunity, it's rare to have such a mission worth 500 million yen, and it's still level 5." Randa raised her hands in excitement like a lively child.

"Takitsubo and Silk Flag have both become level 5, and they just need to show off their prowess, show their supernatural power, and drive the fifth girl from the greenhouse off the stage of level 5 in one fell swoop. It's a rare scene, and I'm excited. trembling."

"Keep your head away from me." Flanda's head blocked Maiye Shenli's sight, and she grabbed Flanda's head violently and bumped it into the sofa.

"Oops! It hurts, it hurts." Flanda burst into tears, rubbed her red forehead, and sat beside her with her legs together obediently.

"It's super troublesome, the ice cream was almost dropped by you, Flanda, we can't take this task."

A faint complaint came out of the silk flag, and she frantically rubbed the ice cream that dripped onto her slender and perfect legs because of Frenda.

"Why? This is a good opportunity. Silk flag, your ability has not been formally used yet. If you are on a mission, you can use your ability as you like. If you break something, you don't have to be responsible. You can use it on the spot." The solution said, as if she was using the ability.

"Frenda, shut up for me, it's so noisy." Mai Ye Shenli said irritably with the slightest vicious words.

"As soon as you see a task with a high commission, you want to take it without even looking at it, and as a result, how many times have you been scammed."

"Where is it?" Fran-Da retorted unconvinced.

"What did you say?" Mai Ye Shenli glared at Flanda fiercely.

Frightened, Flanda bowed her head and apologized awkwardly like a student reprimanded by the teacher.

"I'm sorry, I was wrong"

"That's right, because of the high commission last time, all of us were caught alive and sold to Director Ye Fei by the chairman of the board as a commodity, and you cut corners in the battle plan, which led to the current result." Silk flag loves the most. Holding her arms, although she is a loli, she deliberately pretends to be cool, like a little adult.

"Kanqi, you can't speak ill of Director Ye Fei, even if you don't mean that, you can't." Takitsubo Rihou, who was idly leaning on dozing, heard the words, his expression became serious.

"Tsk!" Mai Ye Shenli was very upset with Erlang's legs crossed. This was almost a black history and stain in her heart.

"Takitsubo, you're too nervous. I'm just explaining Flanda's crimes, but I don't mean to speak ill of Director Ye Fei. Although he cursed us, it is also his gift that we became level 5." Silk Qi Favorite finished the rest of the ice cream in one bite and said, "Because of this matter, even if I want to dedicate my life, I have no complaints."

"It's true or false, you really want to dedicate yourself." Flanda was stunned.

"So, Flanda, you are super stupid. According to Director Ye Fei's ability, even if we want us to warm the bed, are we super capable of resisting? Even if Accelerator becomes level 6, they say that Director Ye Fei is a monster, then Ye Fei Director Chao is definitely a level 6, and he is still a very powerful level 6."

Silk flag loves to say calmly: "Also, the water in Academy City is not as level 5 as it seems on the surface, and it will not be so dangerous to perform tasks in the future. I advise you to please Director Ye Fei, otherwise you will accidentally sacrifice. I will not avenge you."

"Silk flag, don't be so scary! I'm scared." Flanda was shivering and tears were about to fall.

"Damn, after a while, the mission was actually snatched away."

"The mission was robbed? I don't take the mission anyway, and if I grab it, I'll be robbed. What are you doing with such a big temper." Flanda said listlessly.

"Flanda shut up, there is something wrong with this mission, no, these are two missions at all, and the initiator and specific information have not been marked."

Silk flag favorite frowned and looked at the computer: "Hey, capture and clear the fifth psychological control, and capture seven "Misaka sisters"!"

"Arrest, arrest "Sister Misaka"? My God, does this involve Director Ye Fei!There is trouble, there is trouble. "Frenda's expression became stunned, and then she became panicked instantly.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????????

"This has something to do with us." Silk flag frowned the most. Who knows, Director Ye Fei cares about Misaka Mikoto's clones, and he buys snacks for them almost every day. .

"Who took over the task?" Takitsubo Rikura said with an icy expression. After becoming level 5, his body was still looked down upon. In addition, Director Ye Fei was actually very kind to her. She had already decided who would be with Director Ye Fei. Opponent, she rushed to the front.

"Who else could it be, our old nemesis, the bastard of Emperor Kakine, most of the high-commission tasks will be robbed from us, and now it's a slap in the face." Mai Ye Shenli smiled schadenfreudely, this time she Shake that bastard into a sieve.

...................... 0

"Now contact Director Ye Fei, Silk Flag will formulate a battle plan, and Flander will fill in the combat supplies." Takitsubo Rihou said coldly.

"Understood!" Flander and Silk Flag said in unison.


"Yeah! There is such a thing, who is brushing my beard, and also wants to eliminate the little bees."

Ye Fei hung up the phone with a slightly contemptuous expression, opened the director's private network, and quickly found the person who issued the task.

"Kihara Huansheng..."

Ye Fei squinted his eyes, the Kihara family, so that's the case, so it makes sense, a mad scientist who is mad, a guy who tramples on morality in the name of science.

However, you are really naive in trying to catch Miss Misaka.

The Misaka sisters in Academy City were given level 4 ability cards by him, plus their experience of 5 times against Accelerator, no one could catch them except for level [*].

This guy, Emperor Kakine, must be the main force in catching Little Bee, and it is impossible to catch Miss Misaka.

"Emperor Kakigen, what I said last time, next time we meet, I won't let you go like this. I've already thought about how to make the Weiyuan Substance Generator."

Ye Fei's eyes flickered, the corners of his mouth raised an arc, and then his expression softened.

"We're finally going to meet, little bee, it's really embarrassing." Ji.

Chapter [*]: Duel, Shokuhou is clever

The black Toyota drove out of the seventh school district and quickly headed towards the second school district on the asphalt road.

The second school district is dedicated to automobiles and gunpowder, and is a school district with a strong color of heavy industry.Explosives or weapons testing sites, school districts where guards and discipline officers are trained.Also the most classified school district.

The "talent workshop" controlled by Shokuhou Misaki is also in this school district.

"This school district is very suitable for high-ability people to use their abilities, and I can also drop bombs as I want. Three level 5 guys beat the "school" guys. This is a superb scene. Our "props" are the best in Academy City. Strong dark part. "

Flanda stuffed a puppet bear bomb under her skirt, and aimed at Silk Banner and Takitsubo.

For the three level 5 tasks, you can tell me how to lose. In this "[*]" task, she can paddle all the way through.

"Give that bastard to me, Emperor Kagene, and you two will protect the fifth girl." Mai Ye Shenri folded her arms, her white thighs wrapped in silk stockings folded together, and her eyes flashed fiercely. said with a smile.

"Mui Ye, you are not the opponent of Emperor Kakine, but I will assist you." Takitsubo Rikou said calmly.

"If you come to help, don't you have nothing to do with me? Are you going to fight me?" Mai Ye said with a frown. Facing Takitsubo, who had become level 5, she was a little cowardly, that was completely inappropriate. The ability to reason, in front of that ability, she can't even use it, and even Takitsubo can deprive her of it.

So in the face of Takitsubo, she is not as strong as before, not to mention that there is also a silk flag who is also level 5. Although she is not as strong as her, she is also a little helpless against the silk flag.

After all, air silk flags that are close to one thousand meters can be controlled. If the air is decomposed into toxic gases...

"The boss wants us to protect the fifth and destroy the Emperor Kakine. You can't do it according to your ability, Muye. Are you going to disobey the boss's orders?" Takitsubo looked at her calmly, his tone slowly changing said coldly.

"I see." Mai Ye Shen Li said unhappily, she felt uneasy when she talked about Ye Fei. She still wanted to become level 6, so she couldn't ignore his words. If it made him unhappy, she would not know if she wanted to become level 6. How long to wait.

"Kanqi, have you noticed that Takitsubo has become so scary now, don't make her angry." Flanda looked at Takitsubo Rikou and was a little fidgety, and whispered in the ear of Takitsuba's favorite.

Silk flag loves to smash Flanda with her elbow: "You talk too much, Chao."

"It's here." Anbu's driver stopped and said in a deep voice.

"Okay, let's get out of the car, the bastards at "school" should be almost there with us, we can't let that charming girl die, or the mission will fail. " Mai Ye Shenli said as he got out of the car.


"Leave me the task of cleaning up the trash." Silk Flag said with a relaxed neck, moving her neck.

"Then I'll do a reconnaissance for you to prevent the trash fish from running away." Flanda didn't get out of the car and excitedly released the surveillance drone.

"Then I'll go check the situation around first." Silk flag likes to jump hard, and the hydrogen cyclone flew up instantly, flying towards the building of the "talent workshop" like a jet plane.

There are many research institutes about cars and explosives, and even research institutions that can make a lot of noise.

From here, the school district is surrounded by towering soundproof walls, and the place has equipment that emits anti-phase sound waves to cancel noise.

Even when there is a bloody battle, these noises will drown out the past.

The Talent Workshop is one of the tallest buildings in the surrounding buildings, reaching 23 floors, but at this time, the building is already surrounded by dense guard robots.

"Hu, hu, hu... Already, I may have to exercise properly." Shokuhou Cao Qi said, breathing heavily in the air, leaving sweat on his temples, and pressing his hands down on his knees wrapped in pure white stockings.

"However, it seems that there is no such opportunity now."

"Then it's time to take out the "Exterior" restriction release password, huh, don't worry, as a level 5, you still have research value, and it won't let you die. "

More than a dozen armed Anbu personnel with steel helmets on their heads made way for a passage. A hunched and kindly white-haired old man walked out slowly with his hands behind his back and said...  

"Kihara Huansheng." Shokuhou Caoqi's delicate cheeks dripped with cold sweat, gritted his teeth secretly, and then calmly said, "How did you know about my plan and found it here."

She had planned to start sniping at Kihara Gensei according to her plan on the day she dropped out of school, but she didn't expect that the other party would take her first shot to catch her off guard.

"Oh, my old man doesn't have the energy of a young man. I spent so much time investigating the old man." Kihara Huansheng said kindly: "Don't try to delay time, you can't escape from here, your ability can only be used against humans. The effect, so I surrounded it with robots, a dozen of them also used the newly developed jamming helmet."

"You didn't expect it, it's just a mere child, adults can make you helpless."

Shokuhou Misaki's colorful star eyes twinkle, but I really didn't expect it. My plan was too naive, and I was too anxious to deal with Kihara Gensei.

However, in order to deal with you and deceive the people around me, I still have a hand.

"It looks like Shokuhou doesn't intend to listen to the adults, so let's take off her mobility first."

The armed men raised their guns towards Shokuhou Misaki.



The screaming was indeed not Shokuhou, Kihara Gensei fell to the ground clutching his shoulders, but there was no bloodshed 1.7.

"Hehe, I'm sorry, old man, in order to deal with you, I also kept a hand. In fact, my ability is [*]% stronger than the record. The helmet that I used specially for dealing with me doesn't work now."

Shokuhou Misaki straightened up gracefully and took a deep breath. The colorful star eyes looked at Kihara Gensei, who was shot and did not bleed. Is he wearing a bulletproof vest?

Kihara Gensei was surrounded by the armed men who had originally captured the bee-eater.

"Now, the situation is reversed. Before killing you, let's talk about why you want to use Exterior." Shokuhou Misaki looked at Kihara Gensei calmly and said.

Thanks to that person this time, "Never let others know your full strength", I remember this sentence very clearly. .

Chapter [*]: Shokuhou can't be this simple

Shokuhou Caoqi felt that this time Kihara Huansheng found here, it was different, and there must be some crazy experiments. According to the information she knew, [*]% of the crazy experiments were proposed by him.

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