"Aiya, it's really careless, you level 5s are so careful." Kihara Gensheng's kind smile was a little shudder, and he slowly stood up and said, "Fortunately, I was prepared in advance and experienced "Deadlock" "The pursuit of the dead end, you should understand that the helmet is not a simple interference effect. "

The calm attitude made Shokuhou Caoqi uneasy, his face turned pale, and he quickly turned around to the wall behind him.

The wall behind her was constructed with "Gravityon Sending Planks", and only she could control these construction devices. She did not run away blindly.

The wall behind him disintegrated into tiny squares, and a door was opened, Shokuhou Caoqi quickly ran in, and the Gravity Substance Board returned to its original state in an instant.

Those people just now have completely escaped her mind control. Once those people are controlled by her, the helmet will activate another function, which is to use electronic signals to control their nerves to attack her.

"It's really a difficult character, but even if you surround this place, it's impossible to catch me in a short time." Shokuhou Caoqi frowned: "But sooner or later, you will be caught."

The researchers in the entire talent workshop have also been knocked out, and there is no way to control them to fight back.

With a sigh, she didn't allow herself to do this, it was absolutely impossible to use her abilities to cause death, only this was not possible.

"006, force calm." Shokuhou Caoqi squeezed the remote control in her hand and pressed it against her temple. The panicked expression completely disappeared. In this state, she lost her fear and other emotions, and only had absolute rationality.

She hated herself like this, so she only used it once.

The harsh sound of cutting sounded behind him, and a large hole was cut into the metal wall in an instant, and Kihara Gensei stepped in calmly.

"Ability? How is this possible!" Shokuhou Cao Qi secretly said, hurriedly turned, and pressed the control "Gravity Son Sending Plank", the floor behind him disappeared instantly, revealing the hole below.

Boom! Shokuhou Misaki just turned a corner when the wall in front of him exploded with air, and the metal wall disintegrated in an instant.

"This is..." Shokuhou Caoqi stood there, even in an absolutely rational state, her colorful star eyes shrank.

At the place of the explosion, the white wings stretched slightly, exuding a dazzling and pure white brilliance under the dazzling sunlight.

"Unsubstantial matter." Shokuhou Cao Qi's temples left traces of cold sweat.

"It was the first time we met, Shokuhou Misaki. Compared to the code name, I have a very normal name like Emperor Kakine." Emperor Kakine said politely, but his condescending attitude only made people feel arrogant.

"What are you doing here?" Shokuhou Caoqi calmly squeezed the remote control and felt chills all over his body. He really didn't expect that Kihara Huansheng colluded with Weiyuan Substance to deal with her.

"Hehe, don't worry, I'm not here to help you, can you squat in place obediently, I don't want to get blood on your hands casually." Kakine Emperor said in a polite tone, but looked at Shokuhou and prayed full. is contempt.

Shokuhou Caoqi frowned, it seemed that he could not escape successfully today, and he sighed in his heart, feeling a little depressed and bitter.

She has tried to control Emperor Kakine with her abilities, but she didn't sense the moisture in the other party's brain at all, so she was obviously prepared.

"Second, it's just the right time, but I wasted a lot of time, old man." Kihara Huansheng walked calmly from the corner with his hands on his back.

"Who are you..." Emperor Kakine narrowed his eyes and said arrogantly.

"Hehe, don't care who I am, as long as you know that I am someone related to this mission, trouble, use this to give psychological control a shot, old man, if I get too close to her, I may be controlled." Sheng said kindly, took out a syringe from his pocket and threw it at Emperor Kakine.

"It's really over now." Shokuhou Caoqi gritted her teeth, and in this situation, she could only wait.

"Stop ordering me, the old guy who walked into the cemetery with half a foot." Emperor Kakine said contemptuously after taking the syringe.

When everything was about to settle down, a strong wind was blowing against the wall that was broken by Emperor Kakine.

"Huh?" Emperor Kakine turned his head, only to see a girl with a bob head floating in the air, her fingers like the shape of a gun, and a cyclone visible to the naked eye at her fingertips.

"Cyclone blasting—"

The terrifying wind pressure formed a shock wave and hit Emperor Kakine. His face changed slightly, and his six wings wrapped around his body like white cocoons.

A white cannonball instantly flew, hitting the steel wall, and the wall shattered instantly. It stopped after hitting three walls.

Shokuhou Misaki was blown to the ground by Aleister's strong wind pressure.

"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts!" Shokuhou Caoqi rubbed his chest and said tearfully, what happened this time?

"Finally caught up, I almost failed the mission, and 790 won't be able to explain it to the boss."

Shokuhou Misaki looked at the person who was walking slowly in front of her.

The light brown shirt just set off a pair of slender and straight legs. The girl snapped her fingers and looked at her and said, "Chao is not injured."

"You're the tenth..." Shokuhou Cao Qi said suspiciously.

"My name is Silk Flag the Favorite. Boss Chao asked me to protect you. I don't really like the code name "Molecular Changes". "Kenban Favorite said coolly like a little adult, and then looked at Emperor Kakine, who was knocked away by her, and the kind-looking old man.

"Now is not the time to chat."

"Well, I didn't think about it, what did that kid still do, ah ah ah, it looks like my plan is going to fail." Kihara Huansheng said with a smile when he saw the person coming.

"Tenth place! Haha, this time the mission is really interesting, just become level 5, are you in a hurry to challenge the ranking, if you want to die, I can fulfill you, kid."

Emperor Kakine was unharmed, not even the corners of his clothes were torn, his hands were in his trouser pockets, frowning, and he didn't see the sudden level 5 in his eyes.

"Today, you're super fucked up." Silk Banner looked at Emperor Kakine most sympathetically and said. .

Chapter 5: A group of level [*] online beating the second

According to the boss's instructions, Takitsubo was asked to strip off the ability of the second person, and then send him to the research institute. Such a simple and clear task, it is obvious that Emperor Kakine is finished, and he will definitely be soaked in formalin.

Thinking of this, I swallowed my saliva and shivered all over my body. Even Anbu personnel who made a living by killing people shuddered at such a thing.

"Just relying on a newly promoted level 5, do you think that the level of level 5 is just like a child queuing up casually? If I remember correctly, you are a "prop" kid, also a member of the Anbu, stand in front of me and put you I won't say much about clearing the "Overall Council", hehe. Emperor Kakine said politely, but his contemptuous eyes were undisguised, he raised his hand arrogantly, waved his mechanical claws made of non-elemental matter, and a pure white gale that violated common sense formed a tornado toward the silk flag, which was his favorite strangulation. And go.

The metal wall passed by the strong wind was torn like a fragile tin foil, and the silk flag loved subconsciously grabbing the back collar of Shokuhou Caoqi, covered in hydrogen gas to avoid, Shokuhou Caoqi's tongue sticking out, Tears run wild.

Boom! Silk flag's favorite original location was completely shattered, and the gale ran through the entire metal building.

"Extremely dangerous." Silk flag loves to leave a cold sweat on her temples. If she hadn't hid quickly, her whole body would have been smashed into pieces, and she quickly used her power to decompose all the air within a kilometer into nitrogen gas.

Even Emperor Kakine couldn't fight her in a place without oxygen.

"Wait a minute, vomit~" Shokuhou Caoqi clutched his neck in tears, and his graceful and calm state was all gone in that moment.

"Two more."

Emperor Kakine felt the change in the surrounding air pressure, his face changed slightly, his face became cold, and he looked at the silk flag the most.

"Two level 5s, I hope you can catch my ten strokes and die."

Following the words of Emperor Kakine, the six pairs of snow-white wings behind him were like six giant swords, slashing towards the two of them across a short distance with the harsh sound of the wind breaking.

"It's really troublesome to carry a person with you." Silk flag likes to have compressed gas in her hand, and flew out of the building like a jet device in an instant.

"Wow ah ah-" Shokuhou Cao Qi panicked: "I know you are here to save me, but can you take care of my feelings?"

"You are super shut up, I am super serious about dealing with the unreal material now, how can I have the energy to take care of you, aren't you a level 5, and you are beyond a little bit of strength." Silk flag loves to fly out of the building quickly, dissatisfied. Said while praying with Shokuhou.

"I also want to contribute, but Emperor Kakine has a device that interferes with my ability." Shokuhou Misaki said helplessly.

"Super useless level 5."

"..." Shokuhou Cao sighed, but who is the boss she is talking about? Why do you want to save her?

With a chirp, the silk flag was blown over by a gale the most, and he quickly shot the compressed gas towards the ground, and fell to the ground with ease. Shooting air cannonballs at Emperor Kakine.

Boom! Boom! Boom—

The power of each air cannonball is greater than that of a tactical missile, and each can destroy a floor, but it does no harm to Emperor Kakine.

"Your third-rate ability of "Molecular Changes" is nothing more than manipulating gaseous molecules, and it has nothing to do with my immortal matter. Your ability is only aimed at the physical rules of this world, and my immortal matter is There is no substance in this world. "

"Change the state of gaseous molecules, so that there is no oxygen in this world. However, the substance I created can turn any gas that comes into contact with it into oxygen. The third-rate ability is just playing at home." White wings, pale blue flames appeared around, and all the burned gas turned into oxygen.

"Hmph, I Chao is not your opponent, who said that I Chao is a person, it is not me to deal with you, it is time to change people." Silk flag snorted the most, and said seriously with a cool expression.

""Props" member, the other two level 5s!Mai Ye Shenli is but a defeated general, and there is a ninth "ability fantasy factory", even if there are more third-rate abilities, it is not my opponent. "

The props quartet will not act alone. As the leader of the "school", he certainly does not know this. Although the other two members of the props became level 5, he was surprised, but so what, he never put the first one Put him in the eyes of someone with abilities other than the eighth bastard.

With three bright green electron rays passing through the encirclement of the guard robot, a huge explosion occurred, and the flames burned instantly.

"Since you say I'm the loser, I'm just the second, don't be too arrogant, you bastard, Wei Yuan, I will kill you bastards today, and leave none of you."

Mai Ye Shenli waved an electron beam to cut all the rushing guard robots in half, sneered and looked at Emperor Kakine, who was flying in the sky with a sneer.

"¨"Hoho~ Everyone is here. This is my mission. If you want to fight with me in order to grab the mission, I don't mind sending you "props" to hell. "The Emperor Kakine smiled coldly, and raised the mechanical claws made of Weiyuan matter.

"Hehe, our mission is not the fifth one, but to clear you, the insubstantial material, I didn't expect this day to exist." Mai Ye Shenli smiled gloatingly.

"Clean me up, give it a try, no matter if the "overall council" is really with me, when you're done, I'll investigate and kill those bastards. "The Emperor Kakine narrowed his eyes and said indifferently.

It seems that this matter is not so simple. Could it be that I was calculated by that director again? After all, the person who posted this task is anonymous.

His face became gloomy, and there was murder in his eyes.

(Zhao Nuo's) "Silk flag, you protect your heart, Mai Ye, go and arrest Kihara Gensei and other staff of the "school", and the Emperor Kakine will give it to me. "

Takitsubo Rikou stepped forward, looked up at Emperor Kakine and said calmly.

"No, this bastard must be handed over to me." Mai Ye Shenli said irritably.

"You are not his opponent. The boss wants me to strip him of his abilities. If the boss is angry, we will not feel well."

"Tsk! Damn, I'll leave it to you this time." Mai Ye was upset when she heard Takitsubo's calm voice, but she still agreed. She had to admit that after Takitsubo became level 5, she was a little cowardly with this kind of calm. Attitude of Takitsubo donkey.

Emperor Kakine looked at Zheng Laiqi as his prey and ignored his "props", his face gradually darkened, and he said solemnly.

"Do you really think that you can ignore this uncle with just three level 5s?".

Chapter Two Hundred and Twenty-Three: Deprivation of Weiyuan Substances

Emperor Kakine decided not to give these guys any room to resist, and killed them completely. He incited his brilliant white wings to dive towards Takitsubo Rikō, and the mechanical claws in his hand stabbed at her.

Takitsubo Rihou stood there without dodging or dodging, watching Emperor Kakine activate his abilities.

The wings activated by Emperor Kakine's ability collapsed in an instant, as if encountering an unbelievable phenomenon, making a stunned sound, due to the potential of diving down, the whole person smashed to the ground, like a broken ball rolling a few times, the skin was scratched , fell to the ground bleeding.

The serious injury caused Emperor Kakine to lie down in a large font and take a hard breath. Since he landed on the ground face first, his entire face was already bloody.


Emperor Kakine covered his face and screamed through the sky, as if his arm had been broken and only one hand could be raised.

"..." Shokuhou Cao Qi couldn't bear to turn his head, rubbing his arms with both hands, as if his hair had exploded, how miserable.

But why did they come to save me, and who is the boss they speak of? I can't help but feel nervous, Academy City wants to clear the second... Although I'm already surrounded by the darkness of Academy City 790, but clearing a level 5 in an open and honest way It wasn't the first time, because she was the first to be purged, but she escaped with her own ability.

"What's going on, what's going on with your abilities, what's going on." Emperor Kakine tried to stand up like a demon, but his leg bone was broken, and his abilities were being interfered with, so he couldn't use it. .

"Don't tell me, are you planning to interfere with aim's diffusion position and take away my ability." Emperor Kakine roared in pain while covering his head with one hand. He knew that this woman's ability could lock aim and lock diffusion position and become level 5. Can it be done to this extent?

Takitsubo Rihou stepped forward, stared at him, locked on Emperor Kakine, and controlled the spread of aim a little bit and transferred it from his body to his own body, and he could achieve level 5 in front of his own brain.

"Ahhh, bastard, stop." Emperor Kakine roared.

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