"Gudong." Silk Flag's favorite face turned pale and swallowed. The removal of the aim diffusion position is definitely more painful than death, but even the ability to run wild can make a person become a vegetative person, so directly peeling off the aim diffusion position can easily become Brain dead.

Shokuhou Misaki covered her ears and took away her ability. Could that girl be able to do this? What a terrifying ability.

"You bastard!" Emperor Kakine roared angrily.

Takitsubo Rihou successfully took away the power of Emperor Kakine, who fell to the ground with foam at the mouth.

After stealing the power of Emperor Kakine, Takitsubo Rikou stretched out his hand, and an unknown substance composed of white light appeared in his hand.

"Takitsubo, you have obtained the power of Emperor Kakine." Kinaba said, swallowing his saliva the most. If Takitsubo took away all his level 5 powers, would he become a monster like a boss? Takitsubo is also a monster.

"Yes, this ability has to be taken back to the boss, this is what he wants." Takitsubo said flatly: "Kenban, you remove your ability, Mai Ye will soon be in an anaerobic state. incapacitated."

They have solved it here, and the elimination of the "school" fish has not been solved, and there is also the elimination of Kihara Gensei.

"I'm super relieved, I'm still quite sure of my abilities. The air around Maiye has oxygen." Senqi said most confidently.

"Thank you very much for saving me, can you tell me, can I know what your purpose is?" Shokuhou Caoqi smiled, but he was very cautious. Even if (cibh) saved her, this group of people might have Enemy not friend.

"Wait a while for the boss to come, you'll know." Takitsubo said flatly, but as a woman, her intuition told her that Shokuhou Misaki might be someone the boss liked, otherwise it would be impossible for them to protect them. she.

I couldn't help but feel hostility towards Shokuhou Misaki.

Shokuhou Caoqi frowned slightly, but still showed a harmless smile, worrying in her heart, even if she wanted to escape, she would have no chance to be watched by two level 5s.

Although I don't know who the boss they are talking about is, but to protect her, she is still safe for the time being.

So far, the only information she has got is what she sees now, she is in a very disadvantageous position, and she wants to try to hack into the brains of the two.

Although the ability can be activated normally, the girl who can control the aim diffusion stance can rebound her aim diffusion stance and invalidate her ability.

Takitsubo looked at Shokuhou Caoqi indifferently, and Shokuhou Caoqi smiled sweetly, secretly speaking badly, pursed his lips and said, "Subconscious reaction."

While this is perfunctory, it appears to be the only explanation at the moment.

At this time, a black Honda drove in, and the debris of the guard robot on the ground ran over and stopped in front of the three of them.

The door of the black Honda slammed open, and a blond girl with a beret jumped down excitedly, shouting excitedly.

"Takitsubo, your performance on Emperor Kakine is really great, I have already made a record for you."

"Frenda, don't talk nonsense, quickly take the Emperor Kakine to the test and take him to the car." Takitsubo said.

"No problem," Flanda said loudly, then came to Emperor Kakine with a grin and kicked her two feet and said, "This guy is not dead, he used to be against us, but now he has become The appearance of this stray dog ​​made me laugh to death."

Then he took out a rope and tied Emperor Kakine into a mummy, stepped on him with one foot and pulled the rope to tie a knot, and finally clapped his hands.

"It's done, now only Mai Ye has finished cooling off the miscellaneous fish."

"Don't worry, Mai Ye has cleaned up those trash fish. The old man passed out due to lack of oxygen. I will bring the old man here now."

Silk flag loves to clasp his arms and say coolly, stretches out his hands, as if he is operating something.

"Can it be done even at such a distance?" Flanda asked suspiciously.

"No problem, my operating range is more than 800 meters. As long as a tornado is created, people can be brought out." Silk Flag loves to activate the ability, and said with gritted teeth, it is still very difficult to activate the ability from such a distance. .

Chapter [*]: Finally meet

Kihara Gensei was taken out of the building by a tornado and fell heavily in front of the four of them.

At this time, Kihara Huansheng rolled his eyes and opened his mouth with dentures. He calculated everything, and if he missed the "props", he would intervene in this matter, otherwise he would have successfully completed his plan according to his plan.

Originally, he had successfully escaped when Emperor Kagene fought with "Prop", but unfortunately he hadn't run out to save me from hypoxia and lost my way.

"Excellent." Silk flag said calmly with her hands in her trouser pockets the most. After becoming level 5, she knows the power of level 5 very well. Now she can play a hundred times of her former self, and as long as it is about gas and liquid physics Phenomenon ~ phenomenon can be achieved.

"Wow~ This old man is also an accomplice of Weiyuan Material? A mere old man, but the silk flag has become so strong now, the humanoid self-propelled air-air cannon, I am so envious."

Flanda looked at Kihara Gensei contemptuously, then jumped in front of Silk Banner's favorite.

"It's not that you pushed three or four, otherwise you will become level 5, and you have to be level 5 of the space department." Silk flag said the favorite, this is all found by Flanda herself, there is nothing good that runs faster than everyone else, Dangerous things always run last.

Shokuhou Caoqi walked to Kihara Huansheng and looked at him coldly. Now she really wanted to take advantage of this time to make him disappear forever, and the corners of her mouth curved slightly, but now it seems that the situation of Kihara Huansheng is also There's no need for her to do it and get her hands stained with disgusting blood.

I just don't know who the boss is.

Mai Ye Shenli also finished dealing with the miscellaneous fish, and walked over with a blood-stained Saturn-like headband in his hand, and threw it on Emperor Kakine in disgust.

"Hey, this thing seems to be the dead fish's eye. It's really unlucky to meet that guy from Mai Ye. Did Mai Ye get ripped off? So much blood." Flanda looked at the blood on her hands with disgust. Mai Ye shuddered and despised the members of the school by the way.

"Tsk, it's really dirty, the bastards at the "school" are completely finished, and the bastard Kakine Emperor has turned into such a funny look, can it be slaughtered, it's useless. Mai Ye Shenli shook off the blood on his hand, looked at the dead dog-like Emperor Kakine, raised his hand fiercely, and a bright green electronic ball appeared in his hand, ready to blast the old opponent's head.

"Wait a minute Mai Ye, he is what the boss wants, and he can't be killed yet." Takitsubo Rikou said.

"I know, just looking at this guy makes me angry." Mai Ye Shenli was unhappy with the ability to withdraw, and it was a pity that he couldn't kill this bastard himself.

"As a result, our mission this time has been successfully completed." Flanda blinked and said with her head tilted.

"Well, our mission has been completed." Takitsubo Rikou looked at Shokuhou Misaki and said.

Shokuhou Cao shed a drop of cold sweat on his temples, and had a bad feeling in his heart. Will it be her turn next? Will she be taken to a secret research institute or something? It's impossible to just let her go. .

"We have three level 5 items. If we fail to deal with one level 5, we will disappoint the boss."

"As a result, our props are the strongest Anbu, three level 5 luxurious lineups, who else is our opponent." Flanda said excitedly.

"Flanda is super useless now. The easiest person to be killed is you. You should think about making the boss happy and making you level 5."

"As a result, I also thought about it, but when I saw him, I couldn't help but be afraid." Flanda said without tears.

"Ala~Ala~ Your mission is completed, and I have nothing to do. Thank you very much for saving me, so everyone~" Shokuhou Caoqi said with a smile, and then turned around very naturally to prepare to leave.

"Who said you could go." Silk Flag glanced at her with arms crossed, and created a wall of air in front of Shokuhou Caoqi to stop her.

Shokuhou Caoqi had a stiff expression, turned around and said with a far-fetched smile: "I don't know, what else do you need me to do? I'll be happy to help~"

"The boss specially told us to make you wait until he arrives, so wait obediently." Takitsubo Ri said expressionlessly behind.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????????

"Could it be that this good girl is that guy's concubine, and we have to ensure her safety." Mai Ye Shenli pouted and said.

That person has an unclear relationship with an unknown number of girls. It seems that basically all level 5s have a relationship with that person, especially Misaka Mikoto, the only guy who lives in the "light", and specially solved the problem for her. An experiment led by Garden City.

Speaking of Misaka Mikoto, she felt a strong jealousy in her heart. She had never fought, but she was also ranked higher than her by someone with electromagnetic ability. She lived in a bright world and lived better than her everywhere.

If you encounter it, you must teach the good girl a good lesson to see who is the strongest electromagnetic system level 5.

...................... 0

"Why did your boss ask you to save me as a junior high school student? I wonder if you can let me know?" Shokuhou Caoqi smiled gracefully, but the cold sweat on her forehead indicated that she was not calm at all.

Being stared at by three level 5s, this treatment is similar to the one lying on the ground. She is the weakest level 5 in terms of attack power, and now she has no sense of security at all.

"How do I know, you just wait." Takitsubo said flatly.

"The boss's abilities should be coming soon."

Just after finishing speaking, a figure instantly appeared in front of the five people.

"Oops!" Flanda jumped up in fright, and after seeing the person, she carefully hid behind Silk Flag's favorite.

"Looks like you've done a good job." Ye Fei raised the corners of his mouth as he looked at the two dead dog-like guys on the ground.

"Report to the director, we have successfully completed the task." Silk Flag said the most.

"Come on, if you want funds, ask Bushu to ask for as much as you want." Ye Fei nodded in satisfaction, then looked at Shokuhou Caoqi, who had been stunned.

Shokuhou Caoqi looked at the visitor with dry lips. It turned out to be him. He became a director. She knew it, and then smiled sweetly.

"It turns out that Director Ye Fei sent them to protect me~ Thank you very much, I don't know what I need to do~" Ji.

Chapter [*]: You must be my favorite person

He has long honey-colored hair, a slender waist, slender hands and feet, and a plump breast that doesn't look like a junior high school student. His facial features are as delicate as dolls, and his gloves and stockings are pure white lace styles. It's just...awesome.

Shiny and gorgeous eyes make people feel extra lively.

Ye Fei looked at her with a smile, took a deep breath and said, "Long time no see, little bee."

Shokuhou Cao Qi was surprised and looked at Ye Fei blankly.

I didn't expect that the first sentence I heard would be this sentence, and the already shining pupils became brighter.

Hearing this sentence means that his memory has been restored.

"A Fei~ Could it be that your memory has been restored?" Shokuhou Cao Qi walked up to him with a sweet and greasy grace and smiled softly.

"Of course it has recovered. Even if "Seven Nine Zero" was hit in the head by those guys at the playground, I won't lose my memory, but it's a pity that I didn't complete the date at that time~ Obviously it's the first date in my life. "Ye Fei said with a regretful shrug, and then said dissatisfiedly.

"Even if I lose my memory for a short time, you haven't come to see me for half a year. You are really heartless."

Although he knew in his heart that Shokuhou Caoqi was for his safety and would not let him get involved in the darkness so he wouldn't meet him, but this troubled him for a year, a year, even if he asked the frog-faced doctor, he wouldn't say, He also whetted his appetite with a little bit of news.

"Aiya~ Ah Fei's anger is so scary~ It's okay for someone to make up for the unfinished date~"

Shokuhou Caoqi hugged Ye Fei's arm ecstatically, and said in a sweet voice.

Ears seem to be pregnant...

"Really, then you have to compensate me well, but ah, the career line has become so stalwart in just half a year, and hitting people with the ball caught me by surprise." Ye Fei said with an amazing touch. .

"Ah le le~ Ah Fei has changed a lot now~ I wouldn't tell people this before~" Shokuhou Cao Qi half-squinted his eyes and smiled softly, then looked at the props group of four and said, "A Fei has been in the past half a year. I met a lot of female friends~”

"Cough, not many. My favorite person must be you. I haven't seen each other for half a year. I want to hug you." Ye Fei coughed silently, then changed the subject and prepared to hug for the second half of the year. The girl who met, but her waist was pinched.

Shokuhou Caoqi's cheeks flushed, although she was complimenting her, but she was smart enough not to be fooled so easily, half-squinting her eyes and smiling.

"My favorite is me. Is there a girl who likes the second, third, and Nth favorite."

"You really know me." Ye Fei laughed dryly and admitted it generously. This kind of thing can't be covered up at all.

"Humph! Men are like this. It's okay if they don't recover their memories. After recovering their memories, they're still in the middle of the night." Shokuhou Cao Qi hummed his whole life to express his dissatisfaction.

Although she doesn't know Ye Fei very well now, her essence has not changed. She has asked such a question before.

The answer of this dainty radish is that every boy has a harem dream in his heart. If he doesn't take action, he has no ability, and his strength is not enough. That is to say, this dainty radish has the ability to do it.

"Don't be angry, you also know that I'm not the kind of ruthless guy who can abandon feelings." Ye Fei said comfortingly, embarrassed in his heart, this doesn't seem to be comfort.

"You're not comforting me at all, big radish." Shokuhou Caoqi slapped his waist with his elbow like he was playing a temper.

"I don't care how many girls you have, but you must never appear in front of me."

"Okay, can you not listen to the Queen's order?" Ye Fei agreed casually, once it's the second time, will it be far behind after the second time?

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