"However, I haven't seen you for a year. I really miss you." Ye Fei said, hugging the girl, the scent of jasmine blossomed into his nostrils, it was the smell of shampoo on bee-colored hair, and there was a unique Hormonal breath, swallowed.

"You sure have nothing serious in your mind."

Such a weak voice was caught by Shokuhou Caoqi, a shining girl like her was often looked at in various ways by boys, and the voice of swallowing was the same as those of those idiots, breaking away from Ye Fei's arms and saying.

"How can I, don't talk nonsense." Ye Fei shrugged and said.

"By the way, why is Kihara Gensei doing things against you?"

Speaking of this, Shokuhou Caoqi said angrily: "He wants to use a device in the "talent workshop", and with that device, he can use my abilities, and I don't know what he wants to do.. ........"

"It turns out that the boss is really concubine with that good girl." Flanda blinked and muttered softly when she noticed a big news.

Silk Flag took a step forward silently, and then moved away from Flanda, Flanda's mouth was too dangerous.

Sure enough, the boss glanced at Flanda, and Flanda suddenly wanted to cry without tears, and then tilted her head to be cute.

Takitsubo Rihou looked at Shokuhou Misaki calmly, frowning slightly, Mai Ye Shiri folded his arms as if he had nothing to do with him.

Kihara Gensho woke up at this time, Shokuhou Kaori slowly took out the remote control from his shoulder bag and pressed a button on Kihara Gensho, and then Kihara Gensho kept moving like a puppet.

"Okay, now you can ask him questions, no matter what questions, he will answer truthfully." Shokuhou Cao Qi said gracefully with a smile, anyway, today Kihara Huan is dead, and her revenge can be avenged, and her mood is very refreshing. Although he was going to kill Kihara Gensei, it was a murder, but there was no psychological pressure.

"Although there are some eyebrows, it's better to ask." Ye Fei sneered as he looked at Kihara Gensei, the culprit of many experimental tragedies in Academy City.

"First of all, tell me why you want to use the "external replacement brain" plan. "

With shining stars in his eyes, Kihara Gensei said honestly: "I applied to the "General Council" to get the first level 6 experimental data, but it was rejected, but Accelerator's weakness is obvious, as long as I use the The missing part of her humanity, using the ability of psychological control to control all Misaka sisters in Academy City as a threat, then she will cooperate with the experiment with a high probability, since level 6 has appeared, maybe level 7 also exists..."

"I have to involve so many people for the experiment, but it's better to disappear." Shokuhou Cao Qi said shudderingly.

"That's right, the ashes will be raised for him." Ye Fei snapped his fingers. .

Chapter [*]: Tell the world that the second child has been buried

Under everyone's attention, the still alive Kihara Gensei instantly turned into a blurred state, like a statue made of dust that was blown down by the wind and turned into dust on the ground. There was no bloody visual enjoyment, and no any flavor.

"It's changed, it's turned into dust!" Flanda screamed like a kitten whose tail had been stepped on. She looked at Ye Fei tremblingly, and then quickly hid behind Silk Flag's favorite, holding her tightly with both hands. shoulders.

Such a cowardly action made Silk Flag frown the most irritably.

Mai Ye Shenli sweated coldly on his forehead and turned his head silently. It wasn't that he couldn't bear it, but he was afraid. Killing a person in blood is still acceptable, but a living person inexplicably turned into a pile of dust, which is beyond comprehension. category.

Shokuhou Caoqi took a deep breath, seeing such a scene really felt very uncomfortable.

"Can you take Kihara Gensei out of sight and start doing it, so you're not afraid that I'll have nightmares when I see it." Shokuhou Caoqi complained uncomfortably.

"Don't worry about it at all, your ability is very useful in manipulating memory." Ye Fei shrugged, the little bee who was more uncomfortable than this one has seen it, this is just a small scene.

"It's still the same as before, I don't feel bad for others at all, but I'm always reliable when it's important, and I have to thank you again this time~" Shokuhou Cao Qi Tian smiled gratefully.

"Nonsense, I love you the most, otherwise the memory won't be so deep. If I want to say thank you, I haven't seen each other for so long. Should we have an in-depth exchange tonight?" Ye Fei raised his brows, his eyes twitching You Ruowu glanced at Shokuhou's career line. A year ago, he even had to cry at the airport, but now it is extremely rich.

"You think beautifully, we're not even a formal boyfriend-girlfriend relationship, you don't even think about that step until I'm an adult." Shokuhou Caoqi snorted, her cheeks were flushed, this idiot, now he has become So bold, there are other girls here.

The demeanor and movements of the props were originally a faction leader. Of course, she could see that it was just a relationship with her subordinates, but she still had to be vigilant. Although they were not as beautiful as themselves, they were all level 5, and they were also competitive with themselves.

Ye Fei touched his chin with a half-smiling smile, which meant that except for that step, everything was fine, right?Then said.

"Would you like to go and see where I am?"

"Okay, as your real girlfriend, of course you have to take a good look at your boyfriend's financial resources." Shokuhou Cao Qi said gracefully, and was quite surprised. Who would have thought of a high school student who had a part-time job a year ago to make a living After one year, he will become the director of Academy City.

The director is the highest level who makes decisions on everything in Academy City. It is no exaggeration to say that he controls everything in Academy City.

"Fraxinas, activate optical teleportation." Ye Fei said to the bracelet on his wrist.

Even in the daytime, a blue light could be seen falling from the sky, and Shokuhou Misaki disappeared in place.

"You can't let the little bee see what's going on next. Get the non-elemental substance generator to have a good reminiscence with Shokuhou." Ye Fei looked at the dead dog-like corner of Emperor Kakine's mouth with a cruel arc.

I have already said that I won't let you go so easily when we meet for the second time, and ignorance is not proof that I can forgive you.

"Don't look kid, turn your head." Ye Fei smiled at the props with different expressions.

Flanda shuddered and turned around quickly.

"This is super definitely going to recover the corpse of the unreal substance." Silk Flag secretly said the most, and tightened his body, as if an experiment of dissecting aliens was being carried out behind him.

In fact, it was almost the same, except that it was not so exaggerated. Ye Fei took out four glass jars containing formalin, and each jar contained white tofu-like organs.

When the group of four were thinking wildly, Ye Fei called them over.

"Come over here, the four of you, and deliver this to the cloth bundle letter."

Silk Qi loved watching the glass jar that Ye Fei had stuffed into his hands, his face turned pale, his whole body shivered, and he almost fell to the ground.

Inside is a quarter of the human brain, looking at the dead man who fell to the ground and had the heavenly cover opened.

The atmosphere fell into a dead silence.

"Gudong~" Flanda's swallowing sound broke the silence. She only felt her pants were wet. Seeing this scene, she couldn't help but urinate a little, and whispered in a panic: "¨" This brain flower is , Emperor Kakine's..."

Mai Ye Shenli's face was also very pale. His former opponent was not only killed but also used his brain to study. Although he relieved his anger, he also shuddered.

"This is a very precious material, and it must not be broken." Ye Fei said instructed, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, he did it on purpose for Mai Ye Shenli to see, not to warn her, but to let her Be obedient.

"Promise, promise to complete the mission." Silk Flag Favorite was tense all over, as if facing a terrifying monster, he said with a serious face.

Ye Fei nodded with satisfaction, and after looking at Flanda and Mai Ye Shenli playfully, the figure disappeared.

Mai Ye Shenli was like falling into an ice cellar. The original unhappiness in his heart was replaced by a faint fear. What does that smile mean? I was not afraid at first, but now I am afraid.

"The second Emperor Kagene, just like this (Zhao Nuohao), Takita, Takitsubo, silk silk flag, I, my hands are shaking with fear, what should I do if I can't hold that jar." Fran Da said without tears.

"Slow, take your time, instead, we have a lot of time anyway." The corner of Silk Flag's favorite mouth twitched a few times: "Frenda, take out your incendiary bomb and cremate this corpse, it looks very scary. ."

"Okay, good fun."

Flanda hurriedly took out an incendiary bomb and threw it at the body of Emperor Kakine, the second master of the first generation, Mr. Unicorn completely narrowed his path.

"We, now send this brain to the research institute, don't break the bottle." Mai Ye said fiercely.

After putting the jar on the black Honda, Kenban Favorite and Takitsubo Rihou, who couldn't help it, ran out of the car and vomited, their stomach acid made their tears come out. .

Chapter [*]: The little bee is jealous

The Fraxinus Skyship is the most important base for Ye Fei as a director, and now only his closest people or core researchers are qualified to know about it.

Aleister, who was monitoring the entire Academy City, was not counted, but Shokuhou Misaki, who was teleported to the cab, was stunned.

She is also considered to be in contact with a large number of secret people in Academy City, and suddenly appeared here, if it wasn't for Ah Fei's ability.

"Space Technology?"

A timid and cowardly intermittent voice came.

"You, who is, no, the person who recorded."

Shokuhou Kauki turned around, and a petite figure hid in the corner and looked at her.

Appearance is about ten years old, with long black hair contrasting with snow-white skin, and ruby-like eyes, an impeccably beautiful girl, wearing a very trendy hooded robe.

So cute, at the same time Shokuhou Caoqi's shining eyes have been squinted with a smile on his face, which makes people have a terrible momentum when they encounter a boyfriend cheating.

"It's the first time Ah Fei has invited me here. Can you introduce yourself, this lovely little sister."

Obviously, Shokuhou has already sounded the alarm. Although this little girl is still very young and looks like she is only in elementary school, her appearance and cowardly temperament are so lethal that even as a girl, she feels that Cute, if Fei can hold back?

And still in this place, it must be the flower-hearted radish 793 "Jinwu Zangjiao".

Especially when he thought that Huaxin Dahuai had completely lost his memory and did not meet him for a year, thinking of all kinds of fox spirits entangled by his side made him feel particularly uncomfortable.

Although A Fei was not very outstanding a year ago, after becoming level 5, a series of actions have made him particularly dazzling. Maybe when she was not around, the vixen stole A Fei away.

"My name is Huobi." Huobi pulled his hood timidly, speaking intermittently, the whole person looked taciturn.

Shokuhou Caoqi couldn't help frowning at the other's cowardice and fear of her. If this small appearance was changed to Ah Fei, he couldn't stand it.

"My name is Shokuhou Caoqi, Hubby, what is the relationship between you and Fei? Wait a while, my sister will buy you a lollipop." Shokuhou Caoqi said with a sweet smile like a big sister, dealing with the child. She thinks she is still very experienced, plus a little hint in her heart, hinting...

Huh! I was just about to use the ability to do a "mind hint", but I found that the ability could not be activated on this little girl at all.

How come this situation is like a month with Ah Fei, as if his head is a stone.

(cibh) Hubby pulled the hood with both hands, covering half of his face, looking like he was very troublesome and unwilling to answer, not like talking too much.

Shokuhou Caoqi's mouth twitched slightly, this little girl is very difficult to deal with.

"What are you doing?"

Ye Fei, who came to Fraxinas, looked at the two machines squatting in the exchange, and said in surprise, this sense of sight is like Shokuhou bullying children.

"Nothing! Just talking to this child, but she looks scared of me and me." Shokuhou Caoqi stood up and said quickly, she didn't want Ye Fei to misunderstand that she was the kind of jealous woman who likes to bully others extremely look.

"Who is this child, and why does he keep shrinking in the corner."

"A Fei, welcome back." Huobi stood up, blinked his eyes and walked over.

"Yeah, thank you." Ye Fei smiled and nodded to Shubi, then looked at Shokuhou Caoqi, who frowned slightly, and said, "This is Shubi, the pilot of Fraxinus, don't be jealous~, Hubby isn't human, she's a robot."

Ye Fei rubbed Shubby's head, and looked at Shokuhou with a half-smile, how could he not sense Shokuhou's mood, obviously he came here to see the lovely Hubby and suspected him of being a treasure in a golden house. knocked over.

Although he is indeed hidden in a golden house, he is not Shubi.

Shokuhou Caoqi blushed when he was in the mood, and shyly put down Ye Fei's waist and twisted it fiercely.

"I don't know your information for this year at all, you have to tell me well."

"You also have to tell me about this year. After all, there is a one-year gap." Ye Fei scratched his head in distress. During this year, he did not understand the situation of Shokuhou at all.

The blush on Shokuhou Caoqi's cheeks gradually faded, and she finally changed the subject. She didn't want to continue on the topic of jealousy.

"Since the incident at the playground, I cut off your news because I didn't want you, an ordinary person, to be involved in this dark world. If someone with ulterior motives threatens me with you, I don't know. What should I do, it's really not that I don't want to see you." Shokuhou Caoqi explained with his hands behind his back, and then compared his hands to the V-shaped corners of his eyes, and said sweetly and happily: "Now that Ah Fei has become a director, then we can Bright and aboveboard together, Ou Ye."

"As for during this period of time, in addition to going to school, I also established a little network, although I can't compare with you." The faction he established stuck his tongue out.

Some of the factions of Tokiwadai Academy are seminars for people with abilities from the same line, and some are gatherings to expand their contacts. Among them, the particularly huge factions are not only famous in the school, but also exert a certain influence in the entire Academy City.

Her faction is the largest one in the school, and there are many powerful people in the faction.

"I have been very colorful during this time. I awakened my ability about two months ago, and then I became a multi-ability person, and I was about to advance to the second level 6, and then I controlled Academy City with my ability. Eighty percent of the research institutes and two directors, that is to say, there are two directors of Academy City who are my people." Ye Fei raised his mouth and said a little proudly, he now basically masters one-sixth One Academy City.

"No wonder I can't invade your brain, so your ability is so terrible." Shokuhou Cao Qi was stunned, thinking that when he first met Ah Fei a year ago, he tried to control his brain, but it was useless at all. It turned out that he ability has not yet awakened.

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