"Besides, Academy City has no information at all except for the sixth, and all Level 5s have something to do with me. I'm already the strongest director of Academy City."

Ye Fei seems to be talking about a trivial matter. Aleister doesn't care about anything other than his own plans. That is to say, he can really dominate Academy City with a single word, even if he kills the other directors of Academy City. Yes, but he has yet to find someone who can take their place. Anyway, they are all grasshoppers in the autumn, and they won't be able to jump for a few days.

"This is probably what happened this year. I basically went to school like you before..." Ye Fei shrugged.

"Now that my boyfriend is so powerful, he will no longer worry about those people with ulterior motives bullying me." Shokuhou Caoqi said sweetly, hugging Ye Fei's arm.

"Who dares to touch the people around me now?"

"You are now the hostess of Fraxinus, come and visit our warm room." Ye Fei took Shokuhou Misaki's hand and walked into the room. .

Chapter [*]: It's time to let Accelerator be a mother

"You're serious, don't think about it until I'm an adult."

Shokuhou Caoqi thought that Ye Feise was trying his best to attack her, so he patted his hand away and said vigilantly.

Ye Fei rubbed his chin and looked at the angry Shokuhou Caoqi with a half-smile, his eyes moved down twenty centimeters and teased.

"Although Little Bee looks like a mature girl, don't worry. Although I indulge myself, I still respect others and will never do anything to you until you are an adult."

I'm a little helpless, do I seem to be so anxious to do that kind of thing? I'm really wronged, although I'm very unscrupulous and self-willed, but I also respect others very much, even the princess in the palace Underestimate him so much.

"Your words are completely unconvincing. When you say these words again, you should first look away." Shokuhou Caoqi glared at the boyfriend who was so rude to him as soon as he met him. He threw the remote control panel over, expressing his strong dissatisfaction with the impatient look in his eyes.

"I'm also angry when I look at it, it's hard for me to be a boyfriend~" Ye Fei shrugged and expressed his regret, although Shokuhou behaved like that, in fact, he was just a daughter-in-law arrogant.

"What the hell is going on here?" Shokuhou Cao Qi curiously looked at the environment that looked like a cab in a sci-fi picture.

Academy City has a variety of environments that can only be found in various movies, and it is not surprising that the world's first space elevator is being built in the 22nd school district.

It is said that the space elevator "Endymion" also has the most fashionable aquarium, fashionista mall, concert stage, etc. According to the propaganda, it will be completed and opened in September.

"Here, this is my personal base, called the Fraxinus Skyship. We are now at an altitude of [*] meters in Academy City. No one can come here without my approval."

Ye Fei stepped on the floor, looked at Xiubi and smiled: "Hube, turn off the filter."

"Yeah!" Hubby nodded and walked to the second driver's seat.

"Fraxinas? Skyship? Three thousand meters in the sky!" Shokuhou Cao Qi blinked, the surrounding light began to brighten, and the floor under her feet began to disappear, startling her.

The surrounding walls and all the instruments became transparent together, the toy-sized buildings were underfoot, and the pedestrians on the road were as small as ants.

"This place is really over Academy City, isn't it a hologram?" Shokuhou Caoqi said in shock, she felt that her thinking was a little bit out of step, like an illusion that she couldn't get in touch with technology after a hundred years.

"That's right, this is the sky ship. You are the hostess here. How about this meeting ceremony? As your boyfriend, I'm generous enough." Ye Fei said boldly with his arms crossed, the sky ship He's going to send one, little bee.

"Really? Are you going to give this to me?" Shokuhou Caoqi looked at Ye Fei in disbelief. This is a sky ship, not a car. I don't know how many countries and even Academy City itself want it.

"Yes, this is a gift for you. I remember that Little Bee's fifteenth birthday will be two months later, so I will give you a birthday present in advance." Ye Fei said with one eye closed.

The sky ship sent a little bee, and the little bee is his, which means that the sky ship is still his. Although the sky ship is very precious, it is only worth three-star cards in terms of value.

Shokuhou Caoqi's colorful star pupils looked at Ye Fei, and she was moved, except for Ye Fei, she didn't trust anyone's assistance and trust, unless she was allowed to spy on his thoughts, Ye Fei was the first time she couldn't see his thoughts unconditional trust.

"Don't, don't think that if you give me a gift, I will be moved."

"After all, there's nothing wrong with loving my girlfriend." Ye Fei said with a smile.

Huobi looked at this scene with a faint light in his pupils. Ah Fei presented the Shokuhou Caoqi Sky Ship, and he acted without any conditions. It did not conform to the core calculation formula. Unable to compute result".

The receiver on the head is running frantically, and there is an omen of jamming.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????????

"Fraxinas, now change the commander mode, enter the information, Shokuhou prays, first commander." Ye Fei said.

"Instruction received, start entering new commander information"

A ray of light enveloped her under Shokuhou Misaki's curious eyes.

"The fingerprint was successfully entered, the voice line was successfully entered, the pupil information was successfully entered, and the bioelectric wave was successfully entered..."

"Welcome back, Commander, Ms. Shokuhou Misaki." Fraxinus' AI machine made a voice.

Then, Fraxinus used holographic images to call out the spatial arrangement, shape, and various functions of Fraxinus.


Shokuhou Caoqi was absorbing fresh information with great interest. For her, having a skyship the size of an aircraft carrier was simply unbelievable.

"By the way, Shokuhou has a holiday tomorrow, are you ready to go out and play?"

Ye Fei looked at Shokuhou Caoqi's figure, and thought in his mind of the hot temperature, cool sea breeze and sea water, a group of girls on the beach playing volleyball on the beach, and couldn't help swallowing.

However, aside from the fact that the group of four of Sister Pao and the girls in their organization all know each other, Shokuhou hasn't met them yet, so I'm afraid they'll have to start the hatchet mode by then.

"Outside Academy City?" Shokuhou Misao asked, "Okay, I have a lot of time." It's been a long time since I didn't have a date with Fei, and the study meeting agreed with Junko and the others was cancelled.

"Then let's go to the beach to play, just to give the employees a day off." Ye Fei's eyes flickered, and he said with determination, anyway, sooner or later, this day will come, and should be interrupted constantly.

When Shokuhou was studying the sky ship, the final work had already come out of the training cabin, Ye Fei left the sky ship, and was going to find Accelerator to help bring the baby.

After all, he doesn't have time to take a baby with so many things. Index is all stocked. On the other hand, Accelerator has one hand in his trouser pocket and coffee in the other. It is time to let her be a mother. .Several.

Chapter Two Hundred and Twenty Nine: The Last Piece of Misaka

At about four o'clock in the afternoon, Ye Fei came to Accelerator's old apartment. Although he tried his best to find a high-end apartment for Accelerator, this guy didn't appreciate it at all. It might be the old apartment where she lived for three years. I have deep feelings and I am reluctant to move.

Accelerator was not surprised by Ye Fei's arrival, she knew when Ye Fei walked downstairs.

"What are you doing here again? Come to me again and want to experiment with the role of the absolute ability person? Well, you can do whatever you want with this body, and then don't bother me during this time."

Accelerator was lying on the sofa very casually and said as a bachelor, but his red eyes were staring at the newly bought large screen, and he was playing games idle with the gamepad in his hand.

"Isn't your body already vacated by me? I'm not here to study your abilities, it's something very important." Ye Fei looked at the decadent Fangtong's mouth twitching, What happened in the past two days, why did the murderous Yuriko Suzuka start playing games?

"Speaking of which, are you so busy? Haven't there been any gangsters looking for trouble lately? Or prying open your door and smashing your furniture?" Ye Fei went to Accelerator's side and sat cross-legged on the sofa. Accelerator with bare feet.

Accelerator easily passed the game, looked at Ye Fei boredly and said, "In the beginning, there were really bad guys trying to provoke me, but after finding that I couldn't even use my abilities in front of me, I shivered and ran away. No one bothered me after a few times."

"After all, it is an absolute ability person. No matter how many ability people are in front of absolute ability people, they can't use their abilities. They are absolutely suppressed. Otherwise, how can they be called absolute ability people." Ye Fei said as a matter of course.

The so-called absolute ability person is not only a hundred times stronger than level 5, but also because he can absolutely control his own aim diffusion position, replace the surrounding aim position with his own, so that other ability people in this space cannot use the ability. , it can also control the spread of other people's aim to a small extent, and it can also control the artificial heaven to a certain extent.

That's why it is called "absolutely capable", and is absolutely invincible among capable ones.

This is also the secret that he only knew after studying her body after Accelerator became Level 6. It's a little different from Academy City's. After all, it's Level 6 pushed by Godhead.

"Then how did you play the game? It's all level 6, and this thing can help you pass the time?" Ye Fei raised her eyebrows, looked at Yuriko Suzuka who was preparing for the next level of the game, and reached out her hand into her shirt.

Suzuka Yuriko frowned, and she didn't have time to deal with this situation by playing games with both hands, so she would definitely use her ability to fight it before.

"Since those idiots knew that I was invincible, no one came in the way, the world became quiet, and then they wanted to find something to do, but found that they had nothing to do, that black long straight guy said he was playing games Maybe it will let me pass the time, so I'll give it a try." Accelerator's brows got deeper and deeper, he glared at Ye Fei with his silver teeth and said, "Have you touched enough?"

"Hei Changzhi, tears, it looks like you have taught a friend." Ye Fei regretfully stretched out his hand from under Yuriko Suzuka's shirt. This size is really touching, similar to sister Misaka.

"Tsk! It's that guy who insisted on pestering me, hum, don't confuse right and wrong, bastard." Accelerator said coldly.

"Stop drinking coffee, drink more milk, and eat papaya." Ye Fei suggested earnestly.

"..." Accelerator's face darkened, and he stared at Ye Fei with gnashing teeth, as if he wanted to kill him with his eyes.

"Oh, those little eyes are quite sexy." Ye Fei said with a shrug, raising the corners of his mouth: "I really have something important to do this time, aren't you very free, how about I make you a mother. "

Accelerator was stunned, then his face became gloomy visibly to the naked eye, and then he said solemnly: "Go away!"

"Hey! You don't think I'm going to do something to you, do you?" Ye Fei was stunned, then looked at Accelerator with a black face, rubbed his chin and chuckled: "Your current amount, even if You're a mother, and you can't live without milk......"

"Do you know that your mouth is cheap and stinky?" Accelerator clenched his hands into fists, clenched his silver teeth viciously, wishing to punch him in the face.

"Really, then I must let you taste it." Ye Fei looked surprised, then pretended to attack her.

"Don't regret it!" Accelerator's face changed, and he calmly said, anyway, this bastard didn't play with her body once, but this time it went a step further, and it was treated as being bitten by a dog.

Ye Fei shrugged playfully. Even though the relationship between the two of them was already like this, she still had a wall in her heart. It was really embarrassing and she clapped her hands.

"Okay, this kind of thing should be done at night. I will come to your house tonight. Now, you can take me to the research institute."

Ye Fei said, stood up, stretched and walked out the door, Accelerator hesitated for a while, and followed with a cold face.

Then she came to the canteen next to her apartment. The owner of the canteen nodded to Ye Fei, opened a door inside the canteen with a frown on Accelerator's expression and walked in.

"?" Accelerator's expression was astonished, what's the situation?A commissary the size of a football field? What a joke.

"Don't look at it, that space door, the latest technology developed in 1.7, is connected to the underground research institute. So far, there are thirty such doors in Academy City. I will give you a map later."

Accelerator followed silently.

I took the elevator to the last floor of the basement and pushed open the door of the research room, revealing an experimental bench covered with a glass cover. This is an experimental subject that has been transformed into a bed. A little girl with tea hair about ten years old is closing her eyes. , breathe evenly and sleep soundly.

"Yeah! It's quite cute, you are blessed, this is your daughter." Ye Fei patted the stunned Accelerator on the shoulder and said teasingly.

"What a joke, such a small one." Accelerator was stunned, looking at the little girl with stunned expression, although she was a juvenile, she would not admit that she was wrong. .

Chapter [*]: Accelerator's helplessness and Ye Fei's true ability

"From now on, you are the guardian of this lovely child. Before you and I will forever be your own baby, you should be well versed in this operation." Ye Fei patted Yuriko Lingke calmly on the shoulder, as if It's a matter of course.

"What are you joking with me, let me, the murderer, take care of this kid, you have a sick mind, right?" Accelerator slapped Ye Fei's hand, pointed to the last work, and said angrily, asking her to take care of the murdered all the time. How to face the little devil who has been through [*] times.

"You know Aleister's plan anyway. You are also one of the cornerstones of that plan. It's not wrong for the two cornerstones to stay together." Ye Fei calmly looked at the furious Yuriko Suzuka and shrugged.

"Plan? Oh, this kind of thing has nothing to do with me, why should I be the guardian of this kid, obviously you are the most suitable person, and that Misaka Mikoto, since she is her own clone, she should take 28 responsibilities. ." Accelerator said with a grin.

"As the director of Academy City, a lot of work is placed in my office. If you come to help me deal with these problems, I can take care of Misaka. As for Misaka Mikoto, you think her family knows [*] people. Will the clones go crazy?" Ye Fei spread his hands and said very calmly.

"You have so many researchers under your command, you can just throw them away. Why do I have to undertake such an obligation." Accelerator said very dissatisfied.

"Do you think a researcher can take care of a kid?" Ye Fei said, looking at her with an idiot look, then opened the glass cover, put his hands through the shoulders and legs of the last work, and shoved her into Accelerator's forcibly. arms.

Accelerator's face turned black, and he stared at Ye Fei with gnashing teeth, as if he was about to breathe fire.

"For a guy like me, do you think you can take care of the kid? Hmph, don't look for me when I keep this kid dead."

"Don't worry, I trust you very much." Ye Fei looked at Accelerator with some pity, Daozizuidouxin said that it might be Accelerator, you will soon become a nurse.

"Damn bastard." Accelerator's red eyes seemed to be spitting out fire, and then he turned angrily and walked into the space door with his last act. She didn't want to see this bastard for a moment, and looked at the sleeping man in her arms. Misaka's expression slowly calmed down.

"Let's go, let's go, do you want me to pay you a milk powder money?" Ye Fei looked at Accelerator who was venting his anger and asked with concern.

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