"Go away!" Accelerator forcefully closed any door.

"Oh, my temper is getting bigger and bigger." Ye Fei shrugged, and then used his space ability to come to the Fraxinus skyship.

His current ability has exceeded the scope of level 5, and he began to move towards level 6. From level 5 to level 6, he has a position of controlling the spread of aimk, controlling artificial heaven, and making himself evolve towards high-dimensional creatures. He is now about 10% of level 6. It looks like it is ten times stronger than normal level 5.

Psychodynamics can already perform electronic concept-level operations, and the range has reached about 50 kilometers. It can summarize most of the academy city. Within this range, he can make anything into a basic atomic state in an instant, but he can't be like a party. Restoration like Accelerator, after all, he doesn't have supercomputer-level computing power like Accelerator.

Accelerator's strength is not ability, but computing power. Even if she is given a level 3 ability, she can exert a power that is not weaker than level 5.

As for the space ability, the moving range is also more than 2000 kilometers, and the moving mass is more than [*] tons. He can move a building in an instant. If conditions permit, he can move a school district building in one minute only by the space ability. thrown into the sky.

There are also level5 vector operations that draw from cards.

As for the ability of time, it is completely integrated with Emperor Keke. The only disadvantage is that its own magic power is not strong. Even if it travels back to the past, it will not exceed 10 years. After all, this thing needs magic power in addition to time.

He tried to go to the future, but there are countless timelines, which means that there are countless futures, and there is no way to locate them. Going back to the past consumes extremely terrifying, at most 10 years ago, but the stay will not exceed 10 minutes. .

What can you do in ten minutes?The main reason is that the rules of this world are too powerful, and there are countless phase coverages, so even if you go back to the past, there is basically no way to change anything, and the correction power is too strong.

The bug of "Yan Ye Infinite Bullying" has been evolved and perfected by the "Simulated Star Creation Map", and those restrictions have been much smaller. In addition to the need for many people to approve large-scale words, simple words have been Can export come true.

For example, simply saying "light" will light up with his thoughts, saying "petrify", whoever he wants to petrify can be petrified, but it can only be used by people who are weaker than him. If the other party is a high-dimensional creature, it will be Useless, for example, Accelerator, a high-dimensional creature that has become level 6, can only make life a little more convenient for the time being 793.

As for other abilities, they are based on the six senses and the body. All the treasures and skills of the body of the saint and the heroic spirit Li Shuwen are actually integrated into the physical ability.

In fact, all these abilities can be divided into two parts: spiritual ability and physical ability. Whether it is superpower or spirituality, it is the spiritual part. The body and five senses of a saint are equivalent to physical ability.

Because these abilities are all integrated by the simulated star creation map, they all belong to the "simulated star creation map derived concept"

In fact, no matter how many abilities he absorbs, he has only one ability, and that is "cosmology". Any ability that enters his body will be integrated into the "cosmos", lighting up the "skill tree" of the universe.

When he filled the skill tree, he entered the "Omniscient and Almighty Realm", which was three digits, the same level as the Demon God.

Shokuhou Caoqi is buying a lot of daily necessities to move to the sky ship. She didn't like sports at first. She has the optical transmission function of the sky ship, which can be very convenient to go to various school districts without applying for a pass.

"Are you planning to move your house here?" Ye Fei said in surprise, looking at Shubi who was helping Shokuhou Caoqi move things, and Shokuhou Caoqi who was tired and blushing. .

Chapter [*]: Twelve Bullets Bee Eater Returns to the Past

"I'm going to prepare an exclusive room for rest here. Smart rabbits always have more places to live, right?" Shokuhou Misaki was colorful, and his star pupils flickered.

"Three caves of sly rabbits." Ye Fei's mouth twitched slightly: "Is this a plan to build a safe hive, and let the trusted worker bees choose to protect themselves like a tortoise shell?"

The ability and character of the bee-eater make her a natural bee queen, and she directs countless worker bees to guard her nest. If anyone provokes her, she will be surrounded by countless worker bees guarding the queen bee.

Just angering one individual will lead to hatred of all.

"What you said is too ugly, like I'm a bad woman." Shokuhou Caoqi angrily picked up the pillow on his lap and threw it towards Ye Fei's face.

"Do you need my help? Are you planning to let people from your own faction enter here?" Ye Fei took the pillow and asked suspiciously, looking at the pillow with a cartoon bee pattern to the tip of his nose and sniffing, with a look like Is it a sweet, natural body scent like honey?

Shokuhou Misaki looked at Ye Fei's wretched actions in shame, then calmed down and asked for his opinion, "Can't you let other people come?"

"No problem, the skyship has been given to you anyway." Ye Fei shrugged and said, his eyes lighted slightly, whether the members of the Shokuhou faction are first-class Yamato ladies, he is only dreaming of inviting so many girls thought about it.

"Put away your thoughts, you must never take action against them. Where do you put the face of my real girlfriend?"

Even such a small movement was caught by the careful Shokuhou Cao Qi, who stared at Ye Fei with sharp eyes.

"Am I so obvious?" Ye Fei scratched his cheek in astonishment.

"Your thoughts are written all over your face."

"Your room has been taken care of." Hubby's cowardly voice broke the atmosphere of the development of the hatchet.

"It's been hard work." Shokuhou Cao Qi said elegantly and politely, although Huobi is a robot, but as the strongest mental ability, no matter how you look at it, Huobi has a human mind, which is simply incredible, so She didn't think of Hubby as a cold machine.

"Hubby, if you want to analyze the "heart", I suggest you go to Academy City and have a good time. "Ye Fei suggested in a very serious tone that emotions can't be analyzed here, and emotions don't need to be analyzed at all.

"Play? Hubby doesn't understand the meaning of this word. In the observation, it is the behavior of the living body to relax the burden of the body and spirit, but Hubby is not a living body." Hubby looked down at the conduit behind him and said suspiciously. .

"Emotions are innate to intelligent life. If you don't regard yourself as life, it is incomprehensible." Ye Fei gently rubbed her head and said.

"Think of yourself as life? Life?"

"Idiot, it's okay to practice it yourself. It's okay for others to know that you are a robot. Make friends and understand their troubles." Ye Fei said: "Female friends and male friends are unnecessary existences, just remember That's enough..."

Just after he finished speaking, a delicate fist hit his head, and Shokuhou Caoqi looked at him angrily.

"I said, you shouldn't be jealous of Huobi. Besides, Huobi is my thing, so as not to be abducted by others, it is very reasonable to say such a thing." Ye Fei looked at Shokuhou and said depressedly. .

"Your thoughts make me very angry, huaxin big radish."

She can reluctantly accept that Ye Fei has several girlfriends. After all, there is nothing she can do about the "ex" girlfriend she met during the time when she didn't have her memory. She wouldn't be like a savage and jealous woman who insisted that Ye Fei get rid of it. That way Ye Fei must be the first to give up.

So to the greatest extent, she won't be disturbed by those "ex" girlfriends when she and Ye Fei are alone.

Ye Fei shrugged, then thought of something, and touched his chin slightly.

Speaking of which, Shokuhou has a lot of regrets about Misaka No. 0 that he has not made up for, and now he also wants to experiment to see if he can go back to the past and tamper with history.

As for the butterfly effect, as long as it is not a particularly influential event, it will not cause too many changes in the future.

"What nasty things are you thinking about?" Shokuhou Caoqi looked at Ye Fei's expression of thinking, frowning slightly, feeling a little uneasy, holding her knees with both hands, is she going too far?

"Little Bee, do you want to see Taoli and go back to the past to change her ending?" Ye Fei suddenly said seriously.

"What did you say?" Shokuhou Caoqi was surprised, Ye Fei knew about Taoli, she was not surprised, after all, being a director can investigate a lot of things, and he also interrupted that crazy plan.

But going back in time, how could such a thing be possible.

"¨"I have time ability, and I'm still level 6, so it's easy to go back to a year ago. "

The color of Ye Fei's left eye began to change, the golden clock wheel replaced the pupil, and the minute and hour hands slowly turned, which did not look like human eyes at all.

A huge clock that was more than two meters tall appeared behind him, and an illusion that time began to distort appeared in the space of the Flexinas cab. Shokuhou Kauki watched this scene in shock.

"Is this your real ability?" Shokuhou Caoqi looked at Ye Fei with the expression of an alien, and the huge clock gave her a strong visual impact.

"Almost, how about it, why don't you try going back to the past to change your regrets, I have regret medicine here." Ye Fei pointed to his clock-shaped eyes and teased.

"However, it is possible that the correction power of the world will correct the history and be a waste of time."

Shokuhou Caoqi took a deep breath, his expression changed from dumbfounded to calm, and finally to firmness.

"You show me (Zhao Nuohao) that I have something that breaks my three views. If I can really do it, I will go a lot. No matter how difficult it is, the most desperate thing is that there is no possibility at all."

"Well, this is my favorite Shokuhou. I want to see if changes in history will affect the world here, so you can only go alone."

An ancient-style pistol appeared in Ye Fei's hand, raised it high, and a gray energy flowed out of the twelve scale, filling the pistol into bullets.

"By the way, take this, gene repair fluid, which can restore life to its best state, even if it is a clone." A golden ripple appeared on Ye Fei's palm, and a bottle of gene repair was taken from the treasure house of Babylon. Throw it at Shokuhou to play.

"Stay no more than an hour a year ago, so hurry up."

Under Shokuhou Misaki's astonished expression, he fired a shot at her.

"Twelve Bullets, sent to the past.".

Chapter [*]: The Dark Curtain of the World

"Now I just have to wait for the result." Ye Fei's thoughts flew around, he crossed Erlang's legs to wait for the result he wanted, looked at the milk tea on the coffee table, picked it up and tasted it slowly, showing an expression of enjoyment.

"As long as it doesn't cause the world's machine to make a strong mistake, those demon gods shouldn't pay too much attention."

However, after the opening of the simulated star chart for the first time, they should be taken care of, after all, something beyond their understanding appeared in their back garden.

It is basically impossible for them to find themselves and him, unless their level is higher than the level of the "simulated star chart", or they come into contact with the rules of the star chart.

"This world is really chaotic and unbelievable." Ye Fei couldn't help ironing when he thought of the world line he spied on the basis of Emperor Keke.

Basically starting from two hundred years ago, the previous timeline was completely destroyed and reorganized like plasticine, and it was kneaded arbitrarily. Although it was perfectly connected, the traces of time could not be erased. That is to say, only this Two hundred years of time is normal. The time two hundred years ago was covered by an unknown number of distortions, and the initial traces can no longer be found.

Those time lines kneaded like plasticine are the world line 797 covered by the phase of the devil embedded in the world.

Demons are able to destroy the world, reorganize the world, and rebuild the world, such an omnipotent and almost almighty force, relying on the "phase" embedded in the world.

They govern the aspects, from which they are drawn and inserted, and the only material world ever found is kneaded like plasticine.

Creating an aspect under specific conditions and embedding it in the world, but this is not without flaws, nor is it "all-knowing and omnipotent" in the true sense, it is just a mighty force created under the coverage of one's own aspect, and the aspect cannot affect other aspects.

After becoming a Demon God, create a phase embedded in the world to become the source of your own power, the world will be dyed with your own color by the phase, and the world will restart at the moment when the phase is embedded.

Even though the world is still the same shape as before, there are still subtle differences, which the demon gods can perceive in subtle ways.

Therefore, the demon gods all have one thing in common. They have no relatives, no friends, and they have lost their hometown.

The world is still similar. Those who look like friends, have the same habits, acquaintances, and similar hometowns, but false is false. Even if you deceive yourself, there is a natural barrier that cannot be drawn.

This is the price of becoming a "Demon God" in this world, completely alone, but even so, as the only material world that exists, the Demon Gods still do not want it to be arbitrarily changed into a strange shape and withdraw from the material world.

Because they are so powerful, the complete them just coming to this world will lead to the distortion and destruction of the world, and even just a little thought can change the world. To come, they need to divide their own power infinitely, from "infinite" " into a "finite" state.

Because of this, Ye Fei doesn't care if the Demon God will come, because the arrival just happened to hit Aleister's plan. The "Infinite" Demon God is immortal, but the "Limited" Demon God, Aleister is desperate. It is still possible to fight several at a time, Aleister, the old fox, has a lot of backhands.

Not to mention the male dog used to fight demons that occasionally walked past the door of his dormitory, the possibility that it was Aleister himself was enough to make the "limited" demon look change.

Thinking that he killed Aleister, he was actually stabbed in the back by Aleister.

Ye Fei squinted his eyes and thought, and when Aleister knew that his plan had a variable that could destroy everything, he absolutely wanted to get rid of him, but he couldn't, he could only compromise to a certain extent.

Now that Aleister's layout has been completed [*]%, what is still missing is the place where the cibh Dao Demon God is, then Aleister is about to start.

"There is still a lot of time, but my development time is not urgent, but it is not too much." Ye Fei touched his chin.

Changing the past time is actually to test whether the devil will notice it. After all, changing the time line is the easiest thing for the devil to notice.

Before he thought about it for more than ten seconds, the magic power in his body was almost bottomed out. Ten seconds with him, Shokuhou might have passed an hour.

The correction force of the world forced Shokuhou Caoqi back, and just after it appeared, Shokuhou Caoqi sat on the ground in the action of chasing the cliff.

"Haha, haha! I was almost caught." Shokuhou Caoqi raised his arms in shock to wipe the cold sweat from his temples, and stood up trembling with his legs wrapped in white silk.

"What's wrong with you? Could it be that you were approached by Anbu not long after crossing the past?" Ye Fei lifted her up and threw her onto the sofa with telekinesis. Although it looked rough, it was actually very light.

"Yeah!" Shokuhou Cao Qi looked at Ye Fei angrily, patted his chest and said, "You're right, I went back a year ago and happened to be in the "Talent Workshop". In order to seize the time, I quickly controlled After taking all the researchers, and then controlling Taoli to drink the medicine, within a minute, the armed forces came to the door. "

Although meeting my self a year ago was very magical.

"It was the guy from Aleister who came to the door. After all, people who have returned to the past from the future can provide too much information."

"Aleister!" Shokuhou Cao Qi's pupils shrank, the name is too mysterious, the mysterious chairman of the Academy City organization that can fight against the country without seeing anyone.

"Well! It's this guy. His power is quite terrifying. It's too easy to know that you are from the future. He is a monster that is a million times stronger than level 6."

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