Ye Fei seemed to be talking about a very ordinary thing.

"Wait a while that guy will contact me. After all, he won't be indifferent when encountering such a thing."

"Ah la la, I just went back to the past, and now it involves the mysterious chairman. My little heart can't stand it." Shokuhou Caoqi narrowed his eyes and looked at his boyfriend, he became too strange Now, what has he experienced this year?

She is not a woman who asks the truth. He doesn't want to say it, and she won't ask. After all, everyone has secrets they don't want to tell. .

Chapter [*]: This is beyond imagination

"Little Bee, has your memory changed now?" Ye Fei asked while rubbing his chin.

Shokuhou Cao gathered his long messy hair and frowned slightly.

"There is a change. If I hadn't experienced it myself and went back to the past, even I, who is the strongest spiritual person, would not have noticed the problem, because this is what I have experienced."

"There are two more memories in my mind, one is of me who has not returned to the past, and the other is of me who has changed~time."

Anguished rubbing his temples: "Both memories are real, which confuses my memory-memories."

"The two memories overlap, that is to say, going back to the past, the future can be changed." Ye Fei's eyes flickered and he shook his head. This should be used with caution, and should not be used unless it is absolutely necessary. What has changed by going back to the past? , has too much influence on the present-day.

"Now I'm going to find Dolly." Shokuhou said with a smile, resuscitating Dolly when she was about to die. Now Dolly is doing well in the "talent workshop", and then there is Dolly's real friend, the police officer. Kanto also joined her faction.

"The ability to change the past is really terrifying." Shokuhou Caoqi looked at Ye Fei and said faintly, and then smiled.

If you want to kill your own enemy, as long as you go back to the past and make his parents unable to love each other, then this person will be fundamentally obliterated, which is simply a weapon of causality.

"It's not that exaggerated. My current level can go back to the limit ten years ago, and I can only stay for ten minutes. The longer I go back to the past, the more energy I consume." Ye Fei said.

"As for the matter of Chairman Aleister, I won't tell you. When Little Bee, you fully understand me? You will understand after the situation. Now I'm afraid that your three views will not be picked up."

Ye Fei said with a smirk, this kind of time has to be fermented by time before the little bee can recognize it, otherwise, who can understand the truth.

"Drip drip-"

The phone rang, Ye Fei silently took it out of his trouser pocket, and the number displayed was a string of inexplicable garbled characters.

This dumped man, every time he encounters something related to me, he has to call him to say hello. It really does not meet the identity of the biggest shady person.

[What did you do to make the fifth person return to a year ago, causing the world's timeline to be distorted. 】

Aleister's dull voice sounded, and she had no emotion in the past.

Going back to the past is a symbol of a driving miracle, but so far there has been no such miracle, and even if it exists, it cannot go back to the past, even if it is just a day ago.

In a world covered by phases, such miracles are denied, and the world has been distorted and reorganized countless times. The time line is already in a mess, even the devil can't do it to this extent.

In a world distorted by the embedded phase, the Demon God cannot go back to the world before the embedded phase.

"It's just a small experiment, don't be so nervous." Ye Fei said teasingly, Aleister was afraid that he would go back to the time period before he established Academy City to do something, so for him it was extremely bad .

【You have to make me be careful, or do you think I have to look at your face now? 】

Aleister's voice came, this incident had a great impact on him, and when he encountered this incident, he was almost at a loss.

With all the possibilities of human beings, even if he is not afraid of someone who poses a fatal threat to him, everything will be subverted now, which is definitely not what he wants to see.

"It's really embarrassing. I just made a careful experiment to make the king of science look like a bird. This doesn't fit your character." Ye Fei grinned.

Even if he didn't have the slightest idea of ​​taking a shot at Aleister, his danger was determined. Aleister would calculate countless results based on whatever he did, and then guess his thoughts.

This is almost a no-brainer, an old fox.

So under this natural advantage, Ye Fei naturally dominates.

[Facing you, I have to be careful. 】

Aleister told the truth, Aiwass, one of his trump cards, has become Ye Fei's guardian angel, and is still monitoring him. The "Artificial Heaven" has also been occupied by the other party, except for himself. , most of his trump cards were restrained, and that kind of natural "omniscient" almost gave him no chance of any choice. This was the most helpless hooligan act.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????????

"You can rest assured, Aleister, your plan will be successful, and mine will also be successful, don't be sentimental and want more." Ye Fei said with a pouted lip.

In terms of ingenuity, he was almost completely defeated, and only achieved the current effect under the conditions of the prophet.

【So best】

Aleister said flatly.

[Hope, next time you go back to the past and say hello to me. 】

Ye Fei hung up the phone and looked at Shokuhou, who had a wonderful expression, as if he was still shocked by the conversation between him and Aleister.


"I'm back to my senses, now let's go to the "talent workshop" to see."

He took Shokuhou Misaki's hand and left Fraxinus, and came to the mobile 23rd-floor building in the second school district.

Originally, the "Talent Workshop" was partially damaged due to the battle to clear Emperor Kakigen, but now there is no trace of the battle. Of course, it was not repaired in such a short time, but the time line was changed.

But the strange thing is that Emperor Kakine did fight and die here.

The overlapping coverage of the timeline can only be explained by this inference.

"I thought that after it was destroyed, it would disappear from my life, but I didn't expect it to be restored now. It's amazing."

Shokuhou Misaki sighed while standing at the gate of the "Talent Workshop".

Thinking of how long ago, this place has become a part of her life, whether it is her childhood, most of the members of her faction, or her friends who have come back from the dead are inseparable from this place.

"Don't sigh, go see your friend who has been resurrected, I hope you will cry." Ye Fei let go of her hand, hugged her waist with a smile on her face, and a fleshy voice came from her fingertips. touch.

"I don't have this feeling at all in my memory now." Shokuhou Caoqi gave him a resentful look, feeling helpless in her heart, she would definitely be very excited to see her friends, but another memory, she lived with her friends all the time. together.Several.

Chapter [*]: This is a capable girl

"The future has changed. Now I'm about to see my best friend but I don't have that feeling anymore. Would you like me to help you?" Ye Fei gently rubbed the soft flesh on Shokuhou's waist with his fingers, not the one with a very slim line. Because Shokuhou has a fat physique, it is soft and fluffy.

"Oh! I've gained a little weight. In the future, I need to reduce the intake of sweets. If it grows into a thousand pounds, it will be too unpleasant."

Shokuhou Caoqi frowned and endured with a blushing face. Hearing such comments, his elbows slammed into Ye Fei's ribs in a fit of rage.

"Sure enough, my expectation that you will become graceful as the council is completely wrong. You are still as unscrupulous as you were."

Shokuhou Caoqi has a deep understanding of this. People who don't know him think he is a very sunny and polite high school student. After getting to know him, he will gradually find out that he is actually a very unscrupulous person, and willful "Seven-Nine" Seven", with just as many flaws and strengths, just a strange mixture of strengths and weaknesses that shine equally.

"Let me be elegant, you should spare me, do you think I have such a temperament from a commoner background?" Ye Fei shrugged and said, Shokuhou complained about his lack of taste a year ago and threw him into the crowd No bright spots will be found.

At that time, in order to make life a little better, what else should I pay attention to? I only do idle things after I have eaten and drunk enough.

"Yeah, ah, I need to prepare a shiny costume for you to highlight your shining point." Shokuhou Caoqi's colorful star pupils looked at Ye Fei's very ordinary shirt, raised his lips, and gently pointed his fingers. He nodded playfully.

It may have been mediocre in the past, but now just looking at him will make his mentality quicken, and every move shows a convincing temperament that wants to follow his footsteps. It is obviously very ordinary, but it is this inexplicable feeling.

"Hey! This is the first time I entered here from the main entrance. In addition to the researcher, there are also members of your faction, members." Ye Fei noticed that Shokuhou was sorting out his appearance.

The door to the research building opens automatically.

"Yes, it is generally used for some activities that use abilities. The use of abilities is not allowed in schools. Even if you need to practice, you have to go to the venues of other research institutes. I don't trust those research institutes, so I usually do them here. But they won't come here except for the holidays." Shokuhou Caoqi said softly.

As soon as they entered the front hall, two Tokiwatai girls with excellent temperament greeted them and said respectfully, "Guian~ Queen, you are half an hour late today."

"Really? I'm sorry Runko, because I suddenly remembered that I have something very important to do." Shokuhou Caoqi was not embarrassed, frowned slightly, and raised a finger.

"Who is this gentleman?" Fanfeng Runzi looked curiously at Ye Fei beside the Queen. There was actually a boy who was one meter away from the Queen. What was the relationship with the Queen?

Although this gentleman looks very ordinary, he can only be regarded as a handsome man, but looking at it seriously makes people blush and heartbeat, and has a temperament that ordinary people do not have.

Ye Fei Scrub's chin looked at the girl.

With a gorgeous lilac princess curly hairstyle, her appearance is delicate and beautiful, her figure is not like a middle school student, but more like a college student. She has a temperament and appearance that is not inferior to Shokuhou.

She is the second-in-command of the Shokuhou clique. Basically Shokuhou, who implements a free-range policy for her clan, has left all the burdens to her. She is also well-organized and a capable girl.

"He, he is... um, my friend." Shokuhou Caoqi explained calmly with flushed cheeks.

Ye Fei rolled his eyes.

"I said, Little Bee, aren't you afraid that I'll get angry when you introduce me like this? Hello, I'm Xiao Qi's boyfriend." Ye Fei said with a smile.

"It's embarrassing for you to be relieved by me at all." Shokuhou said in a soft and sweet voice, and Xingtong looked at Ye Fei resentfully and said.

In the school's character design, she never let any male creatures get close to her within three meters. Suddenly a boyfriend appeared, and the members would definitely think that she fell in love at first sight and then got along with Ye Fei.

"Boyfriend!" Hoo Feng Junzi covered her lips with her fingers in disbelief.

"The Queen's Boyfriend." Another girl looked at the Queen who did not refute, and the gentleman who was brought here by the Queen in surprise.

"Okay, there's nothing surprising at all, just keep busy with your own business." Shokuhou said with a sigh, this is about to be spread out completely. Although their memories can be erased, this kind of thing Sooner or later you'll know, it doesn't make sense.

"Then we'll step back, we won't disturb your date with the Prince............" Junko Fanfeng said gracefully.

Although the two were far away, Shokuhou and Ye Fei's abilities were still heard.

"Wow! Shokuhou-sama actually has a boyfriend. We didn't know that. His temperament is so good, and the queen's eyes are so good."

"Yes, yes, that temperament is like an ancient king or a general. If you play a role, it must be great."

"Now it will be known by the members of the faction. You promised in advance that you are not allowed to attack any girls in the faction." Shokuhou Caoqi said with arms crossed.

"Tsk! Am I so undisciplined in your eyes? Little Bee, you have disappointed me." Ye Fei sighed.

"The way you look at Runzi is wrong. This makes me feel dangerous for Runzi. Every time you see someone or something that you like or are interested in, you will subconsciously touch your chin." The expression just now touched his chin and said.

Ye Fei's temples shed a drop of cold sweat. This is a habit, and a habit is not easy to change.

As he said that, he took the elevator to the seventh floor and walked out of the elevator. It didn't feel as cold as a research institute, it was more like an indoor kindergarten, surrounded by murals with frog patterns and building blocks.

"Oh, oh, Taoli, you are amazing, I lost again." The girl's cheerful voice came with regret.

It was a man in a nurse-style coat with a broken-hearted symbol on the nurse's cap, clapping his hands 1.7, and noticed that someone came in to look over: "Oh! Queen Bee-eater, Gui'an."

"Wow! Xiao Qi, you are here."

The tea-haired girl who was playing flying chess looked at the person who came and blinked her eyes, showing a happy expression, put down the chess piece in her hand, happily rushed towards Shokuhou Caoqi, hugged her neck and said affectionately: "Where's the cake, Where's the cake?"

Shokuhou Caoqi panicked, a little unaccustomed to others hugging her like this all of a sudden. Although there are memories of getting along for a long time in his mind, the extra memories are still not as real as the original ones.

Taoli, truly resurrected, has created a beautiful memory for a year from the peaceful survival of a year ago to the present.

Yet she knew that it was only half an hour ago that she went back in time and changed all that.

Holding Dolly's doubts, he said, "Cake?".

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