Chapter [*]: Dolly and Shokuhou, unexpected memories

"Ah, Shokuhou is really forgetful." The police officer said with dissatisfaction when he walked over with his arms crossed: "I heard you say that the cakes in a certain store are very good, and you also want to bring Dolly to try it, so Dolly is overjoyed, now it seems Shokuhou is really unreliable~"

"Yes, that's right, I'm sorry, I forgot, I'm sorry Dolly." Shokuhou Caoqi looked at Dolly, who had a lost expression, and apologized, um!Speaking of which, that memory does have this incident.

This is also what gives Shokuhou a headache. Suddenly, there is another timeline in her head. How many commitments she made on that timeline, and her own experience in the current timeline, even she is very confused. , it needs to be sorted out.

Otherwise, it will be very troublesome in the future.

I couldn't help but feel distressed in my heart, the side effect of changing the past is still very big, if it is an ordinary person, if there is an extra memory in his head, he must have a confused memory and be sent to a mental hospital.

"It's okay, hee hee, Shokuhou, it's already a holiday, let's go to the beach together, go to Hawaii, watch dolphins, watch whales, and ride a speedboat." Taoli raised her head 28 and said happily.

"I really can't help you. There is a free tour tomorrow. Let's go together." Shokuhou Caoqi's colorful star pupils trembled slightly. Maybe she and Taoli have lived together for a year in the changed timeline, but In the current timeline, it is a year apart.

Although I really want to spend my honeymoon with Ah Fei alone, it is unlikely depending on the situation. Let's go together, but we must watch him.

"I really don't want to disturb this scene." Ye Fei leaned against the door and said comfortably, time is really a magical thing.

"Oh! Who is this gentleman? He was brought here by Shokuhou. Could it be the newly-harvested Cowherd?"

The police looked at Ye Fei, blinked some cloudy eyes, and teased Shokuhou.

"——" Shokuhou Caoqi raised a big tic tac toe on his forehead. He slowly took out his remote control from his shoulder bag, pressed the button under the shocked expression of the police officer, and put it on his shoulder. bee-colored hair.

The police officer stood there dumbfounded.

"It's a bit unaccustomed to have one more person in my clique for no reason, especially the stinger." Shokuhou Caoqi silently looked at the police, but as Dolly's first friend, let's bear it with reluctance. .

"It's better to be tolerant towards my subordinates. My subordinates often refute my boss's words, and sometimes even show their faces to me, but they are reliable guys who have no second thoughts about me." Ye Fei thought Bu Shutoxin said.

Speaking of which, Police Kanto became a member of the Shokuhou faction, which indirectly changed her fate.

"Fuck Qi, do you want to make a bad face on Xiaoqi's face again?" Taoli said unbearably, every time the police watched Tori say bad things to Xiaoqi, Xiaoqi would always paint a bad face with ink, and then Xiaoqi said Indignantly looking for Xiao Qi's theory, every time he is the one being bullied.

"Not this time, let her stay aside, let's go outside to play, go to the playground."

"Who is this gentleman?"

Taoli looked at Ye Fei and asked curiously. People who usually come here are researchers, and she rarely leaves the institute. It's not that Xiaoqi doesn't want her to go out, but she is afraid to go out. Because of her status, she may give her to her. someone to bring trouble.

"I, I'm your savior, but don't take it to heart. When we meet for the first time, my name is Ye Fei, Taoli."

Ye Fei raised his hand and rubbed Dolly's head under the wild jumping of Shokuhou Caoqi's eyes. Dolly was docile and did not resist. Children born in this institute have no sense of danger to adults.

"Mr. Ye Fei." Taoli said with an innocent smile.

With the same face as Misaka Mikoto, but with a different personality, it directly hit Ye Fei's heart.

"Okay, now is my alone time with Taoli." Shokuhou Caoqi pushed Ye Fei's back and asked him to leave the building. She was afraid that if this continued, Taoli would be poisoned. She knew very well that this dainty radish didn't have any good intentions for sister Misaka who was rescued by him.

"Okay, I won't disturb your long-lost reunion with your best friend." Ye Fei gave Shokuhou a white look. He didn't object to having other girlfriends, but he tried his best not to get too close to other girls in front of her.

"Guian, Your Majesty."

At the entrance of the "Talent Workshop", Junko Fanfeng said politely.

"Such a name is really a bit distracting." Ye Fei scratched his temples with a smile and said, "My name is Ye Fei, you should still call me by my name. Calling me like this makes me feel like a middle schooler."

"It's Lord Ye Fei."

Before Ye Fei could go far, he heard a group of girls whispering behind him. When he reached his realm, he could hear what he wanted to hear from a kilometer away. Don't treat the body of a saint as a decoration.

"Lord Ye Fei has a good temperament, I don't know where the senior is."

"Ye Fei! Ah... I remember, the psychic control that ranks eighth among the ten current level 5s in Academy City."

"Really! The queen's boyfriend is also a level 5, and only a level 5 with temperament, connotation, and elegance can become the husband of the female 797 king."

"Zhang, zhang, husband! Has it all reached this point? It's amazing."

"I just saw his abs. Although there are clothes, the lines are so obvious."

"Wow, Kako, hello H"

"No, it's not like that, you misunderstood, uuuu..."

Ye Fei put his hands in his trouser pockets, and his expression was a bit exciting. In places where there were only girls, they were always so unscrupulous when they talked about boys, just like when boys were discussing girls.

"Speaking of which, I didn't even notice that I'm in such a good shape now that I'm more than enough to be a model." Ye Fei touched his abdominal muscles secretly.

Being able to have such a body is not the reason for the body of a saint. The simulated star creation map will subtly optimize the body and achieve a near-perfect state, not to say that it is perfect in appearance, but only in terms of physical perfection. In terms of terms, it is something like the innate Dao body.

"DiDiDi..." Ye Fei looked at the incoming text messages on the phone.

"Misaka Mikoto, it's rare, it's rare, I didn't expect it was her who sent me a message." Ye Fei scrubbed her chin, and she could already imagine in her mind that the girl tossed and turned, blushed, hesitated for a long time before pressing down tremblingly Send button. .

Chapter [*]: Tears "Who is that guy"?

two hours ago.

Satian Leiko's student apartment, although it is just an ordinary student apartment, is well-organized and decorated, and there are still unsold summer shirts stacked in the corner of the room.

There was an unpleasant conversation in the kitchen, because Ye Fei casually said that she wanted to taste the cakes and desserts she made, so Misaka Mikoto could only be cheeky and begged to borrow Saten Leiko's kitchen.

Although the communal kitchen in the dormitory is more complete, this is to be given to Ye Fei, the guy who asked for trouble. He must not let the guy from Heizi find out. If he knew that this was a gift, he would definitely ask the truth.

After all, I never gave that person a dessert that I made by myself, not even Kuroko.

Knowing that this was for Ye Fei-senpai, Misaka Mikoto shuddered at the thought of the troublesome junior girl's actions.

Absolutely not, absolutely not...

"Well, um, if it's making biscuits, that's about it." Tears in an apron prepared the raw materials for making biscuits, and took out the mold and said.

"Yesterday, I'm sorry, I have to borrow your kitchen, I'm very sorry." Misaka Mikoto said very cautiously. Although there are desserts and things in the school curriculum, her cooking skills are completely unqualified. Compared with herself, Zuo Tian's cooking skills are much better than his own, obviously he just borrowed the kitchen and bothered others.

"No, I don't mind this kind of thing. For making cookies and cakes, Misaka-senpai's dormitory is more convenient than my incomplete facilities." Saten Leiko asked curiously, blinking her eyes.

"Uh, ah! This ah, um..." Misaka Mikoto was asked a key question, she didn't know how to answer, and she sped up the speed of the egg beater to answer falteringly.

"Even so, but cooking in the dormitory's kitchen will attract attention, which is a bit not good."

Satian Leiko suddenly smelled the smell of gossip, her eyes lit up, she touched her chin involuntarily, and said in a tone of digging the case, imitating the expression of detective Charlotte.

"Oh, so that's the case, because these desserts are going to be given to people who are inconvenient for others to ask, so it's inconvenient to tell others, um, so that's the case."

Misaka Mikoto was immediately asked about her Achilles' heel, her body was stiff, the egg beater fell from her hand and fell into the basin instantly, her face was instantly embarrassed, and she said in shock.

"No, it's just that I owe the other party a lot of favor, and I'm not used to owing favors to others all the time. That guy insists on eating desserts I made with my own hands. It's abominable..." Realizing that he was too nervous, he quickly took out the pot. The eggbeater inside said quickly with a blushing face, and halfway through, he realized that he had said something he shouldn't have said, and hurriedly looked at Saten Leiko's red-cheeked explanation.

"No, no, I didn't do it according to his request, it's just that I owe, owe, anyway, this, this is what I should do, after all, that guy, although it may not be clear to do so, but that guy , and also, I won't say anything."

Saten Leiko looked suspiciously at Misaka Mikoto, who had repeatedly explained, with a smile on her chin, like a soldier.

"So, Misaka-senpai is in a good mood right now. From the previous point of view, Misaka-senpai has changed a bit, and has become more, um, how to say this word, it should be called, mature..."

Misaka Mikoto blushed and bowed embarrassedly, "I'm sorry, I may have caused everyone trouble before."

"Misaka-senpai didn't cause us trouble, but we have been bothering senpai, um, um." Saten Leiko closed her right eye and said with a smile.

"So, who is the "that guy" in the mouth of senpai?"

"Uh! Ah! That guy, uh, this, also, it's not an important person, that guy is just, just..." Misaka Mikoto's expression suddenly froze, and she stammered and wanted to explain in a panic, but Satian burst into tears. The child's next sentence made her in a hurry.

"Sure enough, it's still the legendary boyfriend."

This sentence directly shattered Misaka Mikoto's inner defense, and the eggbeater fell directly to the ground.

"Uh! That guy, it's not like that anymore, it's just..."

There was the sound of something shattering in the kitchen... Half an hour later, Misaka Mikoto said goodbye to tears as she held a bag of cookies and cakes like a baby.

Satian Leiko chatted with Uiharu Shiri on her mobile phone, and said a little unwillingly, but she did not feel lost or inferior at all, only a feeling of confidence and sunshine.

"¨"Hmm~ The person Misaka-senpai likes is really Ye Fei-senpai, um, I feel a little unwilling. "

"So, isn't it very disadvantageous for Zuotian, so many people like Senior Ye Fei." Chuchun Shili said regretfully.

Since I met Senior Ye Fei, there have been many girls who have a good relationship with Senior Ye Fei, and the little nun also lives with Senior Ye Fei, thinking of this early spring Shili's cheeks are flushed, living together, two people live together, I don't know What would happen, she couldn't even think about it now.

"Anyway, I won't back down, even if it's Misaka-senpai." Saten Leiko said brightly. Sister Bushu's test said that she has reached the zero point of level 4, maybe tomorrow or the day after. will become level 5.

When I entered the world of the capable, I realized that this is a big gap from the life of ordinary people. The incompetent really has no way to enter the circle of the capable, and the capable such as seniors can’t be like ordinary people. So be it.

Moreover, he likes Senior Ye Fei and wants to be by his side all the time, even if he doesn't get married, it doesn't matter. Anyway, he has never heard of the law of bigamy in Academy City.

"Chuchun, if you don't express your position to Senior Ye Fei, I may be the first to take action. Don't cry."

"I, I didn't like it, I like Senior Ye Fei, you, Zuotian, don't talk nonsense, I, I..." The sweet and flustered voice made Zuotian Leiko laugh out loud.

"That, Saten, have you received an invitation from the senior, that is, an invitation letter to go to Hawaii for vacation."

"Well, I also received it. It seems to be a group vacation trip organized by Senior Ye Fei, and all the expenses are paid by Academy City.".

Chapter [*]: Silver-haired girl, Naia

"Speaking of which, isn't my luck too bad?"

Ye Fei walked out of the alley and looked strangely at a strange book in his hand.

This is a book made from the skin of an unknown animal. It is warm to the touch like the skin of a human girl. It is like a living animal. You can even see the blood vessels and pulses through the book cover.

"Tsk tsk, what's the matter with this system recently? Items from the Moon World have been appearing some time ago, and now things of the evil gods have begun to appear again. It won't be Nyarlathotep next time." Ye Fei was not afraid. This book comes from the evil gods.

The name "Book of Azathoth" may not be mentioned by people, but when it comes to "Necronomicon", it is more familiar.

"Necronomicon" is the most perfect book of mythology, and it is also the ultimate witch book that runs through the Cthulhu mythology system, recording the true history of the earth and the universe.

The book speaks of various alien gods such as the Great Old Ones and the Elder Gods, as well as their sects and secret rituals that worship them.

This evil book, which is no thicker than two palms together, records [*] pages of spells.

Ye Fei stared at the cult book 800 with a frosted chin.

As far as he knows, this world is also a short film of "The Myth of Cthulhu" written by a writer named Lovecraft.The inspired magician also included the Cthulhu mythology in the magic system, and the magic association "Darkness to Awaken" tried to summon the sunken city "Laleye" in the Cthulhu mythology in the Pacific Ocean for inspiration. And it drove the hundreds of crew members of the exploration ship that happened to be traveling in that sea area crazy.

"The magic book in the Cthulhu mythology in this world is just a fictional story and does not exist, and this "Necronomicon" in my hand is the original magic book."

Ye Fei shook his head and put the book of magic that he just obtained from the one-star card into the Babylonian treasury. Now he is not ready to read the knowledge that can decipher the universe.

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