One-star cards can open high-quality items. This is the first time that it has been opened. This original canon is also a four-star item.

By the way, he took away the passing cards and walked to the place Misaka Mikoto agreed.

Shortly after Ye Fei left, a pitch-black cave appeared in the alley, and a petite silver-haired (cibh) figure jumped out, his fingers like scissors hitting, looking at Ye Fei who was walking away from the gap between his fingers.

"Oh, I actually found a very interesting world. If it weren't for a weak induction, it would not be easy to find a strange world in the endless Chaos Sea."

The silver-haired girl's eyes rolled, and she looked very playful.

"Is that little guy a human with my token? It's really weird, it's too weird."

She didn't find the rules of any other world in that human being, but her body was filled with the breath of dozens of worlds.

"Hey hey, it's great, this human, oh, my current incarnation is fabricated according to the most perfect state of a human female, which can make any human male have sexual interest, let me see, weak human, how much Interesting." The silver-haired girl pointed her finger playfully at her cheek, as if she had found an interesting creature she had never seen before, and jumped to keep up.

Passed by a girl, but did not attract any attention, as if everyone hadn't noticed her existence, even the "stagnant loop" that spread throughout the air did not capture any images, and the whole world subconsciously ignored her. the silver-haired girl.

"Hey, it's weird, it's weird, this is the "Star Creation Map" that the ancient gods use to control the multiverse, one of the ultimate powers, tsk tsk, it's actually a growing ancient god. "The silver-haired girl's slender jade-like palms blocked the sunlight to observe the human whispering.

The sapphire-like eyes shone brightly, twirling, and all kinds of thoughts quickly poured out of his heart.

This is a good opportunity for a young ancient god born outside the realm of those choppy ancient gods.

Those ancient gods took advantage of their evil gods to kill them when they were not paying attention, seized the authority of most of the multiverse, and forcibly sealed all the evil gods in their own kingdom of God, so that they could not enter the inner side of the world.

Even as a three-pillar god, He is limited by the stupid myth that "can only convey the will of "Azathos", and the rest of the outer gods are limited to the edge of the multiverse.

This made her very annoyed that her actions were blocked. What kind of false gods are those who are attached to "order"? In terms of age, when they were born, the group of false gods were still breastfeeding, so why define "chaos" as "evil" ? Sealed them, and was still propagating in the multiverse that "this is the reason for preventing chaos and destroying the stability of order, and they are sealed in the corner".

"That group of ancient gods didn't expect that I would find a young ancient god who was not in order." The silver-haired girl's beautiful eyes narrowed, not knowing what conspiracy was brewing.

The reason why those ancient gods unknowingly occupied most of the authority of the multiverse is precisely because of the "cosmology" that their evil gods have not been involved in. Every ancient god who has a "cosmology" becomes a true god. The blowout vibration of the Great Source took the opportunity to steal the authority from them step by step.

Now that more than half of their permissions have been taken away, they have no way to stop them, because in terms of cosmology, their evil gods do not understand the Tao, and the IQs of those idiots who eat or sleep can't even count the scumbags. Ancient God, this has led to the present result.

Maybe when all the permissions are taken away, their evil gods will be squeezed at the very edge of the multiverse and never have a chance to turn over.

"I finally found an opportunity to infect him with this female human body, let him become a member of our side, and then operate slowly, maybe even break into the interior of the gang of Zigu Gods." The silver-haired girl teased. She held up her gorgeous and lovely white dress, which was small and delicate, and her feet without shoes were as crystal clear as jade.

Now this incarnation is a world that gave up most of her power to come here. This is the restriction that the ancient gods have placed on her in terms of multiverse authority. To enter the world, she must give up her power, otherwise she will not be able to enter at all.

She's not bad, at least she can move freely.

"In this state, it can only be compared to the top powerhouses in this world, those ancient gods." The silver-haired girl murmured while looking at her hands, and her crystal-clear feet followed her on the road scorched by the sun. The human boy he looked at. .

Chapter [*]: Mikoto's panic, and the evil god's plan

Park in District [*].

Usually, there are not many people here. Even if there are people, elementary school students occupy the majority. Misaka Mikoto looked at the vending machine next to her, and she felt eager to try. Speaking of which, the [*] yen drink money was swallowed last time. It hasn't fully spit out yet.

"Did I come early?"

Misaka Mikoto looked at the gift bag in her hand and couldn't help complaining in her heart: "I was discovered by Tears and still amusing me like that, but I didn't want to do it. That guy insisted on me giving a thank you gift, and he was so picky and asked me to do it myself. made."

I couldn't help but remember the last time I was holding hands by that guy, and the words that seemed like a confession, my cheeks turned red with a puff, and my right hand slammed into the air frantically.

"Damn it, damn it, what does he mean by that? Is it a confession? Is it because I think too much? Maybe he just treats me as a school girl. If it's a confession, what do you want me to do? Really."

Misaka Mikoto blushed, lowered her head shyly, and sat down on the bench with a sigh.

"But then again, that guy's reputation isn't very good, and he did a lot of things to his sisters, even if he saved them... Speaking of which, I'm not qualified to ask them for anything..."

Hmm... But after thinking about it carefully, did that guy think of his sisters as me, and when he thought of this, his head popped up, and he kicked the ground with his little leather boots.

Other than that, that guy is pretty awesome, and he became a high-ranking person even as a high school student.

oops!What am I thinking, what am I going to say to him?Misaka Mikoto looked at the sweets bag in her hand in confusion.

"Ah ah ah ah... so annoying." Misaka Mikoto growled irritably holding her head.

At this time, a familiar voice that made Misaka Mikoto feel at a loss and embarrassment rang out.

"What's so annoying? Have you encountered any trouble you can't solve?"

Ye Fei said with a smile, looking at the girl who was holding her head and roaring.

"Uh! You, why did you arrive?" Misaka Mikoto blushed at the young Sunshine who was walking slowly and was shocked, then she became restrained, her legs together and her hands on her knees.

"I thought I came early, it looks like it's still half an hour before the time you agreed to, Mikoto."

Misaka Mikoto's restrained appearance made Ye Fei very enjoy. She walked beside her and sat down slowly. You could see that the girl's muscles were tense, especially tense.

"Yes, is that so? No, it's not that I came early, it's just that I just want to enjoy the shade here. Usually, I'm always here, that..."

Misaka Mikoto will use the corner of her vision to look at the young man who is close at hand, her heart speeding up, really, what am I doing so nervously, as if I am doing something bad.

"It turns out that I really came early, so I didn't bother you." Ye Fei asked with a smile, and couldn't help but complain, Misaka, your mental activity is too active.

"No, no..." Misaka Mikoto lowered her head and whispered, roaring in her heart, idiot... and then shy again, although I came early, how can I say it, I can't wait to see you , really, idiot.

"That, I have always been taken care of by you, so... thank you, thank you." Misaka Mikoto blushed and did not dare to raise her head, her voice was like the sound of mosquitoes and flies, and her fingers gently touched the dessert bag beside her. Push it over, cautiously, as if Ye Fei would withdraw his hand as soon as he made a sound.

"It was just a joke last time. I didn't expect that you really did it. It's hard work for you." Ye Fei couldn't help but warm his heart and picked up the dessert bag.

"I'll eat it all."

"I, I'm not very good at making snacks. It's not delicious. It doesn't matter if you throw it away or throw it away." Misaka Mikoto whispered when her heart fell from her throat.

"For me, this is not a simple dessert, but Mikoto's heart. Even if I use the cooking skills of a world-class chef, I won't change it." Ye Fei said with the corners of his mouth raised.

"Whatever you want, but, anyway, you, you are also the kind of careless person." Misaka Mikoto said with Duck, and calling others Mikoto such a disgusting title, and, not really my boyfriend.

"That, Mikoto, this is for you."

The arrogant girl really makes people feel very comfortable, Ye Fei took out a travel poster from his pocket and handed it over.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????????

"What is this?" Misaka Mikoto took it curiously, looking at the pattern of the beach on the coast and wondering: "Seaside resort? Hawaii?"

"Tomorrow I decided to take a vacation for those hard-working employees. I went to Hawaii for a three-day vacation and invited a lot of friends, so... Chuchun and Leizi will also go, so it doesn't matter if you bring your friends~"

"All consumption is paid by Academy City."

"Summer, Hawaii vacation!" Misaka Mikoto took a deep breath as she watched the promotion, her cheeks were flushed, and she couldn't help but come to her mind, golden beach coconut trees, blue water, free-flying seagulls, and dolphins playing in the sea.

Play beach volleyball with friends - enjoy.

........ 0 ...

Saying goodbye to Misaka Mikoto, she is going home to cook for the hungry nun. Although she can usually eat any food, but eating too many "legendary kitchen utensils" made the nun's stomach sullen. She eats ordinary food. Although it will not be wasted, the resentment is still visible to the naked eye.

She wanted to eat more, the food that I, the owner, made.

"As I get stronger and stronger, I'm getting more and more out of touch with ordinary life." Ye Fei slowly opened Misaka Mikoto's dessert bag, took out the biscuits and put them in his mouth, the taste was not bad, maybe there was too much sugar. .

"What a unique soul structure."

The distance of three meters behind Ye Fei is a girl wearing a white Gothic Lolita dress, with long silver hair that reaches waist-high, and her jewel-like eyes scrutinize every inch of the boy in front of him.

While the young ancient god was still in his infancy, he slowly used strength and various benefits to degenerate his mind and soul, making every part of his body smeared with her scent, completely becoming a part of the evil god camp.

Unlike the Heretic God, who decides how powerful his power is from the moment he is born, most ancient gods only evolved from ordinary creatures at first, and their bodies are far less than the Heretic Gods, and their souls began to fall from their bodies.

Humans are the best creatures to infect, such as the exchange of bodily fluids in kissing.

Ye Fei didn't feel the trail behind him at all, but the high-dimensional angel in Ye Fei's simulated star creation picture noticed it.

"Ye Fei, there is an incredible existence behind you." Ji.

Chapter [*]: All this is inevitable destiny

Aiwas's intermittent sound like an old-fashioned radio sounded in Ye Fei's mind, making Ye Fei stunned for a moment, and then his brows were slightly wrinkled. He didn't feel anything behind him, and he had reached his level, even if it was a demon. If you get close to him, you will be noticed.

But if Aiwass says there is, then there must be.

Ye Fei turned around quickly, fixed his eyes, and was stunned.

That is a petite and cute girl who cannot be described in words. She feels that her three views have been subverted at this moment, and the concepts of the words "cute" and "beauty" need to be redefined.

The face is exquisite to the extreme, the elf's quirky and playful expression, the silver hair seems to be shining down to the buttocks, the white Gothic Lolita skirt sets off the body unevenly, and there is some kind of indescribable magic. white silk legs.

Ye Fei's heart beat faster, showing a shocked expression, he swears "[*]", this is definitely the most beautiful woman he has ever seen.

"Yohoo~ I was actually discovered. This is a damn fateful encounter." The silver-haired girl elf jumped strangely beside him, grabbed his hand, and stuck to him. An incredibly captivating aroma hits the nostrils.

"You, who are you!" Ye Fei's ears seemed to have thunderstorms in summer, and his whole soul was shaking.

An unbelievably beautiful girl followed behind him, and ran over to stick with him playfully and cutely.

Although Ye Fei didn't think he was unattractive, it was absolutely impossible for such a suffocating girl to embrace her.

"Be careful, Ye Fei, she is not an ordinary creature, her existence exceeds the upper limit of the world, the devil! He may be the devil, but there is no such person in my records, and he is the real body, which is even more incredible , actually did not distort the world in any way.”

Aiwass in Ye Fei's "Cosmic View" looked at the silver-haired girl with Ye Fei's senses, and an incredible tone sounded.

"Devil!" Ye Fei's pupils shrank, the corners of his mouth twitched, and a drop of cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

"He may not be a demon god. The demon gods all have a unique phase aura, but he has no such aura at all. On the contrary, the world is not only not distorted, but automatically ignores her, as if she is not in this world."

Aiwass's voice became more and more harsh and hoarse, as if the radio was about to be cut off, enough to see Aiwass's emotions, how excited it was.

That's right, excited, to Aiwass, the world doesn't mean anything to her, only the unknown can make her act like that.

"This state is not that she is weak, but a sign of strength, a real ∞ (infinity)."

There is an essential difference between the ∞ that Iwass said and the ∞ of this world. In this world, it cannot be measured, and the power carried by the world cannot be regarded as infinite. However, after analyzing the "cosmology", ∞ is redefined. Infinite is not. It cannot be carried by the world. On the contrary, infinity is both infinitely large and infinitely small. The world will not be affected. The infinity of the devil just cannot be carried by the material world.

"His..." Ye Fei sucked in a breath of cold air, and his scalp was a little numb. He knew that there was no such thing in this world, so there was only one possibility.

"He came from outside the world," Aiwass said in an unprecedented tone.

After less than a second of communication between the two, Ye Fei came back to his senses, forcibly suppressed the reaction of the figure, hesitated for a moment, gently pushed the girl away from him, and said calmly.

"Who are you, I don't remember knowing an existence like you." A drop of cold sweat dripped from Ye Fei's temples. According to Aiwass' description, this girl is a real god, "infinity", this is the truth of the universe, according to Hakoba The level of that is the existence of two digits.

The silver-haired girl suddenly raised her skirt politely and bowed slightly towards Ye Fei.

"Ah~ that's right, it bothers you to suddenly appear by your side, so let me introduce myself. Our name is Nyarlathotep. When we meet for the first time, just call me Nyarko."

Ye Fei heard the incredible name, alarm bells in his heart, his eyelids twitched wildly, he swallowed involuntarily, Nyarlathotep, the three-pillar god of Cthulhu mythology.

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