I can't help but think, has my mouth opened? Not long ago, I complained, and it really came.

Ye Fei's face was straight, and he made a standard communication etiquette.

"I have seen His Majesty Nyarlathotep, and I wonder what His Majesty needs to do to find me, this unknown person?"

Ye Fei's thoughts turned quickly, what was the situation that caused an evil god to descend, it was the trioctahedron in the treasure house of Babylon!

But even so, as the Three Pillars of Chaos, Nyarlathotep couldn't do this kind of action! I can't imagine why an evil god sticks to him as soon as they meet him... .....

Nyarlathotep is a well-known evil god of lies, deceit and inducement, and there must be some conspiracy in it.

A strong sense of vigilance rose in his heart, but before he could react, the girl hugged his arm, and the petite body was attached to him again.

"It's not that I'm looking for you, I heard someone with a certain destiny calling me, so I hurried over here." Nayazi said, while approaching his cheek ambiguously, as if Like kissing.

"However, looking at your reaction, Ah Fei, you know my name, there are legends in this world!" Naiyako's eyes flashed with a gray divine light.

"Yes, Your Majesty Nyarlathotep, your great divine name is spread across the multiverse." Ye Fei said with a bit of sourness as he took out the trioctahedron from the treasure house of Babylon.Already know my name from some source!

"Your Majesty, you may not know that this tri-octahedron was just picked up by me by accident, not a person who is related to it, so it is returned to its original owner."

He was approached by the evil god, and he was the lie weaver Nyarlathotep. He was either weaving a lie or was on the way to weave a lie, and he absolutely could not believe his half-sentence.

Ye Fei didn't want to have any connection with the evil god, and he didn't want to be infected into a strange monster.

"This is not an accident, but an inevitable fate. Why didn't 1.7 people pick it up, but it was you, this is the token of love I gave you." Naiyazi whispered in Ye Fei's ear, It made Ye Fei's ears itchy.

Ye Fei's brows twitched wildly, this evil god who descended into the world was attached to him.

He didn't believe a single word of a lie. If it was someone else, he might believe it because of her looks and breath.

"Your Majesty Nyarlathotep, what are you in, let you, the three-pillar god, come to me." Ye Fei shook his head and said cautiously, throwing this warm and charming aura out of his head.

He really doesn't dare to act rashly now, and he can't guarantee that the release of the simulated star creation map will seal her. Even if it is sealed, it must be just an incarnation, then the result is to offend a three-pillar god.

Now it seems that she has no intention of dealing with him for the time being. .

Chapter [*]: This Evil God Is Sticking to Me

"Ah, two, let's go straight to the topic?"

Naiyako's petite body leaned against Ye Fei and blinked playfully with half-squinted eyes.

She never thought that such a simple lie could fool a future ancient god, and it was not an ordinary ancient god.

She is the only one in the entire Evil God system who has deliberately studied the ancient gods. Other compatriots will not think about this kind of problem except eating or sleeping, and they are short-sighted.

"I think this is the best way. After all, His Majesty suddenly came to me, which really made me very scared. If I don't understand the purpose, I'm afraid I will not feel at ease."

Ye Fei said firmly and calmly in his heart, and slowly pushed Nayazi away without a trace. Although she was an unimaginable beauty, it was not that he had never seen a woman before. What's more, this beautiful girl was an evil god, and her real body could The kind he scared to death.

"Well, if I don't make it clear, Ah Fei won't believe me."

Naiyako gently lifted her skirt, revealing her suet jade-like calf, and walked slowly towards the park, Ye Fei hesitated and followed.

"I did find Ah Fei because of "inevitability"~ There is absolutely nothing wrong with this point. When you step out of this world, you will know the foundation of the close connection of the multiverse. "

Nayazi stepped on the floor with a jump, and her little feet were crystal clear and jade-like without a trace of dust. This action gave Ye Fei an urge to play well, which made Ye Fei's brows jump wildly and his tongue became dry.

Inexplicable, what kind of medicine is sold in this evil god gourd, but it will not harm me depending on the situation.

In my heart, I didn't believe Nayiko's appearance at all. As the so-called Xia Zong does not speak ice, the evil gods are just imitating humans, who knows what they are thinking.

"Can you please clarify, I don't understand very well." Ye Fei thought for a second, has he raised the topic to a multi-level? I'm not even a broken star now, what's the use of talking about it.

"Do you know your identity?"

Nayazi jumped onto the bench and looked at Ye Fei with Erlang's legs crossed with bright eyes. From this position, Ye Fei could see the indescribable parts, but she didn't wear Pangci.

Don't look at it, don't look at it...

"What do you mean by Your Majesty? The identity of a superpower or a magician." Ye Fei said jokingly. He hates speculating on other people's thoughts, which is his weakness.

"I don't explain much about the "simulated star creation map" or "cosmology". Although there are many in the entire multiverse, there are not many. As long as there is this, then no one or God can decide you. s future. "

Naiyako's figure disappeared and appeared in front of Ye Fei, her eyes rolled around, and her slender fingers pointed at the position of Ye Fei's heart.

"I know this, and I will become the center of a group of gods in the future."

Ye Fei frowned slightly, but he didn't think that this would make a Three-Pillar God throw his arms around, and this Three-Pillar God was also a super powerhouse in the multiverse.

"But what you don't know yet, when you, the one with the "Star Creation Map", become a true god, it will cause a shock to the authority of the multiverse, and at that time you will have the opportunity to snatch the authority of the multiverse. "

"And this permission is the merit of your experience in many worlds before you become a true god. If you have experienced enough worlds, you will have more permissions to snatch."

Naiyako leaned against Ye Fei, hooking his hands around his neck and muttering playfully in his ear.

"So that's it..." Ye Fei looked at the beautiful cheeks and lips that were getting closer and closer to him, Ye Fei swallowed, and at the same time the puzzle in his heart was solved.

No wonder, so many worlds have myths and legends of various gods. It turns out that this is the case, to snatch the authority of the multiverse.

He reached level 6, and if he brought down the little garden, it would be between five digits and four digits, that is, during the period of opening the skill tree, when he was able to wash the surface ~ when the star exploded, he would be able to travel through dimensions.

This is the most basic ability of "Simulated Star Creation Chart".

"Then Ah Fei, although you are about to touch this level, it is very difficult to find the coordinates of a world in the Chaos Sea. It may take tens of thousands of years to find a world, and it is possible that that world is still a subordinate world of other gods. It's a waste of time, you don't want to spend so much time."

Naiyako's green pupils are full of anticipation, and her lips are only a finger away from Ye Fei's lips. Ye Fei can kiss him if he wants, this kind of unstoppable breath.

"Would you like to consider changing the future to become the goal of the true God and replace it with the "Old Ones Ruler", then my gods will do their best to cultivate you, and the endless world will become a paradise for you to spread the name of God. "

Hearing this, Ye Fei looked at his waist, Naiyazi was hanging on him, Ye Fei felt a stomachache, this evil god, I can't stand it anymore.

I really don't want to let him do anything to the Heretic God, so I can't feel it.

He now almost understands Naiyako's purpose.

"In addition, all the evil gods can let you have fun, including me, how about it, think about it."

Ye Fei twitched the corners of his mouth silently.

A good empty-handed 803 sets of white wolves, join the Cthulhu pantheon, and use this petty help and benefit in exchange for his entire pantheon.

If he really agrees, let’s not say whether he will become that kind of freakish monster, just say that no matter what his achievements are in the future, the benefits are all from the Cthulhu gods, and the authority of the multiverse is also the Cthulhu gods. .

When I'm a fool, I can't find other worlds, I'll look for it slowly.

"Sorry, Your Majesty Nyarlathotep, I have no plans to join your pantheon."

Ye Fei wanted to take the girl off his body, but it seemed that he had grown on him, but he couldn't get it off, which made him feel hot.

"It's a great honor for you to recruit me in person. I still have very important things to do, so can you get off me?"

"Don't be in such a hurry, there is still a lot of time, you can talk slowly, if you can't help it, I can let you eat it~" Naiyako's dazzling eyes looked at Ye Fei's eyes.

"Cough cough... I don't mean this at all, Your Majesty, please restrain yourself." Ye Fei said politely after trying to get Naiako off his body.

The corners of his mouth twitched, he could be sure that he was targeted by Naiyako, the kind that couldn't be chased away. .

Chapter two hundred and forty-one: and the lily of the bell family achieved a positive result

"Time is the least valuable thing to me, I can wait for you all the time~" Nayazi looked at Ye Fei strangely.

"But as a master, can you let me live in your house? I'm just an unaccompanied girl now, no matter what the price is."

Ye Fei's hand was held by a silky and delicate hand.

"Even if you let me have children for you, it's okay~"

"Cough, cough, I have no idea of ​​having a child yet, Your Majesty Nyarlathotep, I have prepared a luxury villa for you, I wish you a happy time in this world, but I implore you not to destroy my future Garden." Ye Fei coughed lightly.

Did this evil god eat aphrodisiac?

"Okay, don't worry, I will cherish the cradle where Ah Fei was born." Naiyako's brilliant green eyes rolled around and said playfully.

Ye Fei's numb eyelids jumped wildly: "Your Majesty, you should come to my house."

Sure enough, are you going to settle down here? Prepare to make a hard bubble so that I can achieve her goal, tsk.

"Your Majesty, please visit this city first. I have something important to deal with, so I'm sorry for the time being." Ye Fei made a polite gesture and disappeared instantly.

At this time, Ye Fei's head was very headache, and the existence that was countless times more terrifying than the devil was relying on him. If she wanted to do things in this world, I am afraid that the devil would be kicked as a ball.

Trouble, the Demon God has not yet recovered, and a time bomb has come.

"Oops, so cunning, throwing people here." Nayiko complained resentfully like a poor girl abandoned by a scumbag, her eyes glowing with gray chaotic light flashed, and her sexy lips were slightly raised. .

Purpose achieved.

After saying so much, it's actually true. The good little guy knows it's true, but her purpose is indeed the same, but the process, of course, is to assimilate his existence through his own chaos.

If the protection of "cosmology" is not voluntary, she can't do anything. Violent assimilation will not work. It can only offend him and kill him. Of course, she can't kill him. The "simulated star map" is a multiverse The realization of the corner of the concept cannot be erased at all.

Only by winning him with sincerity can she truly become the help of the gods. As a person who is good at playing tricks and tricks, she knows how to do it, lest this kind of guy's hypocrisy will become self-defeating.

Stepping on small steps, the figure slowly disappeared into the air.

"Damn, it's really uncomfortable."."

Ye Fei teleported to the door of Yuriko Suzuka's apartment, which was really sultry, especially the breath of beauty that was suffocating and addictive at the same time.

"Want to eat dessert, Misaka Misaka pitifully begged Accelerator, and sent a request to go downstairs to buy something."

"You're noisy, you stinky brat, go by yourself, damn, why don't you want to go to that guy Misaka Mikoto? It's better for you to follow that guy, hey! Don't drag me, stinky brat."

A voice full of irritability came out of Yuriko Suzuka's mouth, and her red eyes, whose pigment was reduced due to her ability, was irritably staring at her last work as a three-year-old child.

At this time, she was very helpless, and there was a kind of irritability in her heart that the parents didn't know anything about the kid.

In just half a day, she had had enough. Since the last time she woke up, her ears hadn't stopped. She knew that there was no problem with her intelligence, but her behavior was like that of a three-year-old child who had just learned to speak.

Just when Yuriko Suzuka wanted to throw the last work on the bed, a shadow appeared in front of her, she was stunned for a moment, raised her head, and after seeing clearly what it was, the suppressed irritability in her heart finally broke out.

"You bastard, you came just in time, this kid, hurry up..."

Before Suzuka Yuriko finished speaking, her lips were covered, Ye Fei looked at the last work and said, "Deep sleep!"

The exit came true, the last work fell asleep in an instant, and then appeared on the sofa, Ye Fei looked at Yuriko Suzuka, raised the corner of his mouth, and said dryly.

"I need your help now to help me solve some problems."

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