Golden ripples appeared in front of Ye Fei, and the golden-red diamond crystals were poured out like garbage, and in the blink of an eye, they piled up into a man-high hill.

Bu Shutuxin widened his eyes, opened his mouth, took a deep breath, looked at Ye Fei with a strange expression, and said, "I thought the crystals of aim energy stance were very precious, how much do you have?"

"Not much, as much as you want." Ye Feihao said with an inhuman chuckle. The Babylonian treasury has such a comfortable feature. As long as it is a treasure and a consumable, it is basically unlimited.

But don't underestimate the treasure house of Babylon, this evolution to the end is the "original book of human wisdom" is the only attribute.

If Ye Fei reaches a time when a human civilization was just born and spreads human wisdom, then the treasures of that world from ancient times to the present will be automatically included in the Babylonian treasury, and at that time it will evolve into "the treasure of the king".

If the myths and legends of the communicators of the wisdom of Ye Fei’s human civilization are circulating in the multiverse, then the “Treasure of the King” will become the only “Original Book of Human Wisdom”.

"It's really amazing. Does it mean that once level 5 can be mass-produced, I can't believe it." Yuriko Suzuka pouted, if she hadn't met this guy, I'm afraid she still thinks she is the strongest now, even if she faces The first person in the world who can keep a straight face.

Now that she has put down her disguise, that bad attitude and tone of speech are no longer necessary, and she is arming herself like a hedgehog, just to keep those who challenge her from approaching her.

"You're doing a good job as a hands-off shopkeeper. I heard that you already have a good girlfriend and a secretary. Let them share some of my work. I don't have time to manage your affairs."

Bu Shuduxin picked up a diamond-shaped crystal, and said in a low voice, during this time, she not only has to do scientific research, but also manage the research institute, so she really doesn't treat her like a girl.

"Don't worry, don't worry, Yu Cai Haimei is a responsible girl."

Saying that Cao Cao and Cao Cao were coming, Jiu Cai Haimei came out of the elevator and walked over with a tablet computer in her arms with a smile. As soon as she heard Ye Fei was coming, she hurried down.

"Ala~Ala~ My boss, you're finally here, I've been so busy during this time." Yu Cai Haimei hugged Ye Fei's arm and stuck her whole body up.

Ye Fei was stunned when he felt the touch of Yu Cai Haimei's career line, and immediately put his arms around her waist and joked: "Then do you want me to give you some reward?"

"Then what reward do you want to give me, Boss Ye Fei." Yu Caihai looked at him with charming eyes.

"It's the one I ate last time."

Jiu Caihai whitened Ye Fei's eyes and her cheeks were slightly red. During this time, she had lived a very fulfilling life. She didn't have to perform those dangerous tasks, and she could also use part of the director's authority, which she never dared to think about before.

As a former "negotiator", she also did a very good job as a secretary. Even this hands-off shopkeeper almost ignored the affairs of the research institute. It was really difficult to get along with him for a while.

"¨"Tsk! "

Suzuka Yuriko clicked her lips and felt unhappy in her heart. This pair of dogs and men, this idiot who played with her for so long, is now hooking up with other women in front of her, although she doesn't really care, But my heart is always stuck.

"I don't want to see you two being embarrassed, just call me if you have anything." Bu Shutuxin's expression was flat as if he didn't see it, and he turned and left, but his cheeks were still a little stiff.

"Hey, wait a minute, I have something important to do with you." Ye Fei said quickly, he didn't know where he was, and Bu Shu was unhappy in his heart (Zhao of Qian).

"What's the matter? If you solve the physical problem, can't your little secretary satisfy you!" Bu Shutuxin's expression was flat and scary, but there was a look of contempt deep in his eyes, and he couldn't help but think of the scene he saw before, cheeks A blush slowly appeared.

"Ah la~" Yu Cai Haimei wanted to let go of Ye Fei's arm and stood honestly behind Ye Fei. She was a woman who knew what to do when and what to do. This is some of the truth of living in Anbu.

Ye Fei looked at Yu Cai Haimei and secretly said in her heart, she is really a smart girl, she is interesting, smart, judges the situation, has a beautiful appearance, and is a superb little secretary.

A boss likes this.

"I want you to develop a "thinking overclocking technology", and Yuriko will cooperate with you, which is the key to level 5 reaching level 6. ".

Chapter [*]: Are you treating me as a tool?

"You really treat me as a tool person." The corner of Bu Shutuxin's mouth twitched, his whole person was not well, and he looked at Ye Fei with a faint look.

From the very beginning when this guy got a research facility, she was either researching or on the way.

She also got the fame and achievements she wanted, and she may become an unsurpassed scientist in human history in the future, but this feeling of using her as a tool person made her resentful.

Ye Fei smiled and looked at the resentful girl, shrugged and said.

"Only you and I will be at ease. You are one of my most trustworthy people. If I change to a scientist, I will not send out those precious cards."

He will not have any doubts about the people he recognizes. He unconditionally trusts the other party, and there is no need to use people who are suspicious. This is the charm of "Leadership A".

Although the cards he sent out were completely useless to him, there were already a lot of treasures in the Babylonian treasury, although 810% of them were [*]s below three stars.

"I'm just talking, and I'll take a holiday occasionally." Bu Shuduxin retracted his resentful eyes, said tiredly, and rubbed his temples. just passed out.

"Holiday, didn't I invite you to Hawaii tomorrow? You don't want to go?" Ye Fei wondered.

"I'm not going to disturb your party with those lovers." Bu Shutuxin said plainly, but her eyes were very contemptuous. This guy is notoriously bad in terms of life style, so she didn't want to get involved in troubles.

"Those lovers? It's a big injustice, they are really friends, and they definitely didn't touch the red line." Ye Fei shouted injustice with an expression of injustice.

"Anyway, it's a matter of time. If you accept the ten thousand Miss Misaka, you are not short of a few lovers."

"Let's not talk about this, the matter of "thinking overclocking" is left to you. "

Ye Fei couldn't help feeling overwhelmed when he saw Bushu's exhausted appearance. Although Bushu was already a cibh person, his physical fitness was worse than that of ordinary people. It seemed that in the eyes of others, she was a little too oppressive to her.

"I'm rewarding you with this. If you die suddenly, it will be troublesome. I can only change the past."

Golden ripples appeared in his hand, and a crystal clear crystal appeared in his hand and handed it over, letting the light that the living body desperately wanted to get slowly radiate.

"A dog can't spit out ivory." Bu Shudxin frowned slightly, looking at the crystal in his hand in disbelief, and the next moment the crystal melted into his body.

An unparalleled pleasure and cellular pleasure filled every inch of her body. At the same time, her superpowers and her brain became incomparably clear. She entered the level 5 in one fell swoop. At the same time, an inexplicable feeling made her feel like she was invincible. Same.

"This is?" Bu Shutu Xin was shocked.

"Cut! It's that thing, even such a precious thing can be given away." Yuriko Suzuka squinted her eyes.

"It's just a godhead, I still have a bunch of these things in my treasure trove. Now you have evolved to the limit that an individual can evolve, which is about 5% of level 6, which is still average, and you have got rid of the limitation of life limit, you have been immortalized. already."

Ye Fei's casual description shocked Bu Shuduxin. The prison color sea was beautiful and splendid, and she looked at Ye Fei with gorgeous eyes, not knowing what she was thinking.

"You even have this kind of mythical stuff..." Bu Shutuxin took a deep breath and accepted it quickly. Although her cognition was shaken a bit, when she thought about this guy, she couldn't be defined by common sense.

The four of them walked into a spacious research room. When talking about "overclocking of thinking", Bu Shutuxin, a super scientist, had a clue. She is best at the field of the brain, and she developed the "learning device".

"It is not too difficult to develop the technology to develop "thinking", but there is a problem that the limit of human "thinking" cannot exceed 100 times, otherwise the thinking will collapse. "

Thinking more than a hundred times is a four-dimensional creature. Human beings are only three-dimensional creatures, and it is impossible to achieve four-dimensionality. Only extremely special individuals can achieve four-dimensionality. The previous level 5 was only achieved by Accelerator.

Misaka Mikoto will collapse when it reaches fifty percent.

"You just need to develop it. Humans can't beat it because human physiques are not good. If you don't become human, you can."

Ye Fei said jokingly, Godhead can solve this problem, human beings with Godhead are prodigies, and the body of a saint can solve it.

In the next time, through any gate, [*] headbands were sent to the world and reached the hands of the Misaka sisters.

Now that the whole world has been covered by artificial phases, the layout has been completed, just waiting for the time to come.

Suzuka Yuriko and Bushu Toxin are doing research, and Ye Fei is also going to go back to see the last work that was left at home. It is time to wake up.

"What's your plan now, Mr. Director? I'll be happy to help~" Yu Cai Haimei smiled sweetly while holding Ye Fei's arm.

"Well, I don't have any plans right now. Speaking of plans, the "General Council" that was parasitic in Academy City should be cleaned up. I don't want my Academy City to be rolled around by disgusting bugs. "Ye Fei touched his chin, half-squinted his eyes, and at the same time issued a task to "Props" to fully control the "Overall Council".

With the "aim diffusion stance central connection terminal" developed by Bushutoxin, it is very simple for four level 5 multi-ability people to brainwash a group of ordinary people with the psychological control of Shokuhou.

"Understood, then I will do the follow-up work for you. Do you need a little girl to taste it for you today?" Yu Caihaimei smiled calmly, her cheeks a little red.

"Let's go to the office and put on my LO suit. Do you want to try it?" Ye Fei said with a smirk.

"You can do what you say, people can't resist." Yu Caihai whitened Ye Fei and said. .

Chapter [*]: Complete control of Academy City

Yu Cai Haimei swallowed the milk with a blushing face, took out a tissue from the desk and wiped her lips.

"I thought you were going to eat me here." Yu Cai Haimei was a little puzzled that she had not eaten her yet.

"Don't think too much, if I remember correctly, you are only fourteen years old. Although you are ready to eat, I will let you go before you are sixteen." Ye Fei was very happy, but he still had a problem with principles. The more observant, of course, maybe he will break some of the rules of the world at some point in the future, but he has not yet broken away from the world.

"You really are an excellent boss." Yu Cai Haimei was stunned for a while, then smiled and said, facing this man who abides by certain rules, she is more and more inseparable.

The closer you get to him, the more you will be convinced by some of his charms. Of course, his shamelessness is also quite bad.

"Wake up tomorrow morning, maybe Academy City will be completely reshuffled, and it's all up to you."

Ye Fei took out a crystal clear godhead from the treasure trove of Babylon and gave it to Yu Cai Haimei. He would not hesitate to give this kind of thing that could basically be said to be a bad street to those close to him.

But although it is worthless, it cannot be given casually. He can clearly distinguish between himself and outsiders.

Yu Cai Haimei was so happy that she gave such a precious thing to her. She thought that at least she had to work diligently for a long time to get Ye Fei's approval-.

Her ability has also reached level 5, and she can control other people's emotions, hatred, favor, and other emotions at will.

Although this ability has no offensive power, it can easily cause turmoil, and even make the entire academy city turbulent. Just imagine how terrifying everyone is being inflicted with hatred value, and it is not a spiritual ability, so there is no way to stop it.

As long as the ability to reach level 5 is not easy, it can match a fully armed army.

After leaving the research institute, Ye Fei walked on the street at night with his hands in his trouser pockets. Since it was a holiday, the life at night was richer than that during the day. The temperature in July was quite high, and it cooled down at night.

"It's been a long time since no one wandered around at night, a little bit out of the rhythm of daily life."

It took me three months to grow from an ordinary person to behind the scenes of Academy City, which is really embarrassing.

Ye Fei rubbed his temples, feeling a little melancholy, but he said that Nayazi was staying in his house, and the apartment was only that big, so it was barely enough for two people to live in, but three people, and they were still evil gods with negative morals.

"I might not be able to bear it."

"However, Aleister, you don't mind letting me master Academy City completely, right? Well, I'm not asking for your opinion, I'm just giving you a sigh."

Ye Fei smiled and whispered to himself, with an earplug communicator on his ear, anyway, as long as the machine Aleister can receive electromagnetic signals, he can talk.

"Do you think I am capable of making any objections now? You have developed so many methods for direct use in the artificial heaven."

Aleister's dull voice came, and seemed to not care about all this, but Ye Fei knew that his heart was not at peace, but he couldn't do anything.

Up to now, he and Ye Fei have been tied to the same boat, and all his cards have been controlled. If there is a fight at this time, the demon god elimination plan will be dead.

"Aim spreads the sky ship as fuel, mass-produced artificial angel crystals, mass-produced level 5 has been achieved by you, and now even level 6 is ready for mass production, there is nothing you can't do."

Aleister's dull voice came, and he was really not calm about the mass production of Level 6.

Even if level 6 has little impact on his plan, once the quantity is mass-produced, it is a completely different concept, and it can already be separated from the material world. Even if the devil reshapes the universe, as long as it is not aimed at level 6, there is a chance to leave the material world and become an angel-like creature. .

"Oh, I'm a little embarrassed for your praise." Ye Fei said jokingly.

"I'm not complimenting you." Aleister said calmly.

Emotional is just a weak manifestation. He is absolutely rational in the face of everything, but sometimes there is something that cannot be overcome no matter what. For him, that thing is the guy who talks to him.

"Your layout has been completed, and the next step is to engage in a phase conflict, make the rules of the world chaotic, find the place where the devils are hiding, and everything can be over."

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