Ye Fei said with a smile, by that time, Aleister will be besieged, and the existing personality will definitely be torn apart. After all, there is no help from Aiwass.

The personality is broken, then it is the turn of Ya Niang to come out.

The artificial sky has covered the entire earth, and Aleister has dropped the demons from the hidden world to the ground. In order not to destroy the only world, the demons divided the infinite power into the finite.

At this time, the artificial heaven was activated, all phases were isolated, and the authority of the demon gods to dominate the world was cut off. Although the power of the demon gods without the phase was still strong, it also gave Aleister an opportunity to kill.

In this state, the Demon God has no way of regaining his omnipotent power, so he can only stay in the material world, and then attack them one by one.

........ 0

"There's one last step to import the phase-initiating virus into the brain of the finale."

"I refuse this step, I have a better way to drive the "artificial heaven", I can open it if I want to open it, and close it if I want to close it. "

Ye Fei half-squinted his eyes and raised the corners of his mouth.

"..." Aleister didn't speak, and calmly looked at the projection screen in front of him. He couldn't see through it at all, and he couldn't even grasp the initiative.

He didn't understand the opponent's hole cards at all, and refreshed his cognition every time. Those who didn't know the hole cards at all were the most terrifying.

He knew very well that his life and death were worthless in front of this fully mature man, that the man hadn't dealt with him just because he wasn't sure about him, and there were still some so-called favors.

Academy City is no longer his Academy City, and now he only has the title of a chairman.

Thinking back slowly now, from the first time we met, this man was eroding his value. Aiwass joined the enemy, and the artificial heaven was under control. Even his plans were well known, and Academy City seemed to have missed it now.

"Don't get too angry, it will take a long time to find the positions of the demon gods." Ye Fei stretched his waist and said mockingly.

Although I know that the demon gods stay in the "hidden world", only the ghosts know where the "hidden world" is.

At the same time, on the other side, taking advantage of the cover of night, the entire dark world of Academy City and the "Overall Council" were turned upside down.Several.

Chapter [*]: "Props" to clear the top of Academy City

"Boom! Boom!..."

A black RV drives down the elevated highway in the Sixteenth School District.

The roads that used to be crowded and some streets in the [*]th school district have been blocked, and the harsh sound of the police cars is noisy. The [*]th school district should have been a downtown area at this time. The reason is probably the constant gunshots and evacuation. alarm.

"Bang bang bang..." A large number of bullets kept hitting the RV. Even the highly bulletproof RV could not become a safe haven in the face of a large number of armed personnel. The bulletproof tires were finally overwhelmed, and the RV hit a drift and stopped. down.

"What a bad situation, why are we being attacked by so many mercenaries."

Flanda pouted, looked at the situation around the RV through the monitoring device and said.

Accompanied by a large number of sparks rubbing against the "[*]" car, the footsteps approached slowly. At a glance, a fully-armed mercenary did not stop the fire for a moment. Maybe he knew how terrifying the car was. monster organization.

"Needless to say, it must be the troop of the director of Shiogishi. After all, that director is in charge of weapons manufacturing."

Takitsubo said calmly, took out a black leather box from under the seat, opened it, and took out four metal headbands and handed them to the three.

"This situation can only be used. The total number of mercenaries is at least a thousand people. Maybe we will waste a lot of time here."

Flanda's eyes lit up, an excited headband was put on her head, she clenched her fist in a naive way, and said excitedly.

"I finally use this treasure again. With this, we can solve the battle beautifully and quickly with the most mercenaries." He quickly jumped off the scrapped RV.

"Damn, it's really unpleasant, the transportation is scrapped, we can only use our ability now." Mai Ye Shenli kicked the door of the RV and got out of the car.

A large number of bullets and explosive weapons instantly surrounded the range of the RV, and ordinary people would be left without bones in an instant.

"Haha, after chasing us for so long, I'll show you how good we are. Don't run away, you bastards." Flanda took out a lot of doll bombs from the bottom of her skirt without considering the economic loss of Academy City. , turned on the headband device, and the doll bomb instantly appeared in front of the mercenaries.

The mercenaries were smashed to pieces before they could react, and the smell of saltpeter and burnt meat was in the air.

"Hey, with this, I'm already invincible." Flanda stuck her waist arrogantly, letting the bomb explode in front of her without hurting her, and then ran towards the dodging mercenaries with a smile.

"Vector operations are really awesome, if only I could use them all the time."

"Frenda, don't have too much fun, we've only just brainwashed two ordinary directors, the rest of the guys are the highlight."

Mai Ye Shenli pouted and killed a mercenary with a single ray. He was very unhappy. Now level 5 is really bad, and as expected, only level 6 can be taken seriously.

Entrusting such a huge plan to the four of them made her very excited. The original responsibility of their "props" was to ensure the balance of the "overall council" and eliminate the traitors. .

In just one minute, the intense gunfire had disappeared.

On the asphalt road, a large number of mercenaries fell to the ground. The red paint made people shudder like a splash of ink. If you count them carefully, you will find at least a thousand broken human remains.

"Ouch~ a very bad situation." Silk Flag loved to cover his mouth and nose, the corners of his mouth twitched, resisting the urge to spit out the dinner he ate not long ago.

Even as the initiator of this situation, facing such a purgatory-like scene, it still makes them very uncomfortable.

"Why did you burn those corpses with fire, Flanda?" Takitsubo said with a pale face covering his mouth and nose, causing the air to be filled with the vomit-smelling smell of burnt meat.

"I just wanted to clean up the battlefield, but I didn't expect it to be completely burned." Flanda pinched her nose with embarrassment.

"I am very surprised. Our target is those directors. Even if our mission has been exposed, it is impossible to organize a mercenary team of [*] people to ambush us so quickly." The irritable Mai Ye Shiri directly destroyed a large number of human remains with the ability of the water system and atomic collapse...  

Silk flag lit a ray of flame on his favorite finger, and looked at the gray-haired guy dressed as a blond who got out of the RV.

"It's up to this guy to ask this question."

"Don't do it, don't do it meow, actually I don't know meow~"

Tuyumen Yuanchun said in a funny tone with a hippie smile, raised his hands, and looked like he was surrendering, secretly thinking that he was unlucky.

"Lovely girls, you have to trust me, I'm your boss's friend, and I'll never do anything small."

Ye Fei was scolded with blood in his heart. Originally, he was enjoying the shade on the balcony. Unexpectedly, three level 5s from Anbu suddenly came to the door and forced him to do intelligence work.

Under the threat of force, he could only agree on the surface, but after learning about their mission, the whole person was not well.

Ye Fei, you are starting to act, you are trying to subvert the order of the entire Academy City.

After weighing the pros and cons, he decided to help Ye Fei. According to the character of Ye Fei, after killing all the senior management of Academy City, he will probably start to clear the dark world, whether it is for him or for Academy City. would be wrong.

"According to the equipment of these mercenaries, it should be the mercenary team that Shiogishi raised privately a long time ago, in order to delay time." Tuyumen Yuanchun suddenly said with a serious expression.

1.7 "Shiogishi is different from other directors. This person is extremely cautious, and he is also the director of Academy City's arms and weapons development. It is definitely not easy for us to control him even if he has that headband." The corners of his mouth twitched towards the head ring above the head of the foursome, how did Ye Fei come up with such an exaggerated thing.

It turns out that none of the guys who become directors is easy. If he was not obedient before, he might be eliminated by Anbu.

"Procrastinate? Cut! Directly use the space ability to go to the second school district, just an ordinary person's director, even if it is more hot weapons, can it deal with four multi-ability people." Mai Ye Shenli said disdainfully, and then wrinkled frowning.

"If the mission fails, the billion-dollar bonus will not only be lost, but may also be punished.".

Chapter [*]: My friend, I'll see you off


Flanda blinked, exclaimed suddenly, and jumped in front of Maiye Shenli impatiently, looking at Maiye Shenli with a naive look, looking like a little money fan, very cute.

"It's not a million, it's not [*] million, it's not [*] million, it's a billion!" The voice became more and more high-pitched.

"Yeah! One billion, don't put your face together." Mai Ye Shenli said impatiently with a tic tac toe on Flanda's forehead.

"Hey, one billion, one billion, after finishing this order, the four of us can live happily for a lifetime." Flanders wiped the corners of her mouth.

"Let's go to the second school district now." Takitsubo said calmly, turned on the headband, matched the spatial ability, and the five people disappeared instantly.

After dozens of times, I came to the second school district. The props have come here many times. Most of the industrial institutions in Academy City are here, and most of the dark institutions are also here.

Although it is an area with a strong industrial color, there are also many high-rise buildings for residential use. The four props and the spy Tsuchimikado Yuanchun appeared in a narrow alley.

"Chaogan's base is here. That old man is really afraid of death. He always protects himself like a tortoise shell." Tu Yumen leaned back against the wall and pointed carefully not far away.

The direction pointed to is a hemispherical building like a turtle shell. The outer shell of the entire building is made of super alloys, which can effectively block the continuous bombing of intercontinental missiles, even small-yield nuclear bombs. Built at the scale.

The entire building is patrolled by heavily armed mobile armored personnel, and a large number of people are mobilized here.

"This kind of place is super strict, and it's very unlikely for us to break through in a short period of time. There should be other countermeasures that we don't know much about." Silk Flag frowned and looked at the mobile armored troops with more than [*] people and whispered. road.

"What are you afraid of, we directly turned on the vector operation reflection and used various abilities to forcibly break through." Flanda turned on the head ring, and excitedly wanted to jump out and fight directly, but was pulled by Takitsubo Rikome.

"Wait a minute, it might be a scam," Takitsubo said cautiously.

"Indeed, according to Shiogishi's character and the information I have obtained, we may receive the precise strikes they have prepared in advance as soon as we appear." Tsuchimikado Yuanchun calmly and solemnly looked at the top of the hemispherical building.

"Have you seen the device at the top? It's the distraction device of aim's diffusion stand. I'm not an ability person. I don't know what's going on now. You can feel your ability state."

Takitsubo Rikou said calmly as always: "I found out early in the morning, the ability has been slightly disturbed, they are ready to completely plan to deal with us, as soon as we appear, that device will be activated, then we will be affected by All-round attack."

"It's so dangerous, so dangerous, but luckily I didn't jump out right away." Flanda patted her chest and stuck out her tongue happily.

"Then what are we going to do now?" Silk flag loves to say cautiously, but his expression doesn't matter.

"Hehe, there's no need to say more, just forcibly break through, directly use the headband, this thing does not use our ability, it has no effect on us." Mai Ye Shenli smiled cruelly, and walked with an open and honest step. out.

"That, haha, I don't have anything to do here, so I'll withdraw first." Tuyumen Yuanchun said a funny tone, turned his head and ran away.

What is going to happen here is a war-level operation, and if he is accidentally involved, no one will collect his body.

"Who are you?" The patrolling mobile armored armed personnel noticed the four and shouted at them in a cold and stern voice.

"The target is about [*] people." Takitsubo Rikou said.

"Quick fight, we still have several goals. If we can't finish it tonight and let those guys escape, it will be regarded as a mission failure. I will open a door on that turtle shell, and you will solve those trash fish first. "

Mai Ye Shenli raised his eyebrows, raised his slender fingers, and a gleaming green light gradually emitted a strong brilliance.

call out!--

A gleaming green light passed directly through the two mobile armored armed personnel, and was instantly cut into two halves, and the mobile armored armed personnel reacted instantly.

But Atomic Collapse had opened a huge portal in the hemispherical structure, the walls of the superalloy had been cut away, and the air had scorched the stench.

"Enemy attack—"

The alarm sounded instantly.

In the empty and luxurious hall, the decoration was resplendent. As Academy City's most capable and powerful director, Shiokishi, who was wearing a mobile armor, sat on the only chair in the hall, shaking his legs.A holographic projection screen in front of him is monitoring the situation outside.

"Props! It suddenly launched an organized attack on the "Overall Council", I heard that the props have been dispatched by Aleister to the new kid, which means that the kid wants to dictator Academy City against The entire Overarching Council is attacking?"

"Hmph, greed is not enough to swallow an elephant, do you think Aleister will allow such a thing to happen?"

"If that's the case, then dispatch all the armed forces to defeat the Anbu 810 props in one fell swoop."

Chao An looked at the surveillance, and the more he looked at it, the more uneasy he felt. The helper beside him said, "Do you need to mobilize that regulation?"

"It's not affected by the aim diffusion stand interference device. What's going on? You can still use a variety of abilities, which is obviously not something that a director can relate to."

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