"That's something ordinary people can't do. Aleister doesn't have to worry about it at all. So, what are you going to do now, give up the authority to oversee the council and stand on my side? Or do nothing." Ye Fei smiled. Not smiling?Knocking on the table, he doesn't like negotiating, it's not his forte, thinking this old man is best at this field.

"Whether I oppose it or stand in line, you will not leave me alone, and you will also take away the authority to oversee the council. It is meaningless. You must not be good at the educational institution I am in charge of."

"You mean to give up the authority to oversee the council, but not to give up the leadership of educational institutions." Ye Fei thought for a while, and he was really not good at this.

"Anyway, the education group of Academy City needs someone to host, and I won't resign you. I don't know who is suitable for this."

Teacher Xiaomeng? Teacher Xiaomeng is just a teacher. She is good at teaching and educating people. Managing these things will make Teacher Xiaomeng very distressed.

"Then I won't bother you, I hope you won't be stained with the blood of ordinary people." The middle of the boat stood up slowly and said calmly, then slowly got into the car and left here.

The Misaka Sisters Corps and the Anbu Organization quickly cleared the high-level personnel of the overall council. Some directors who mastered important institutions were not cleared, but they only mastered brainwashing with their hearts.

When the top management of the General Council was completely pulled out, the next plan was to purge all the existing dark research institutions and send some personnel to see the King of Hell.

Some research institutions in Academy City will find some inexplicable reasons to put some erroneous abilities in a juvenile correctional institution when they need research on superpowers, and then perform some shady operations, marking them in the library because of certain diseases. Mark of death, then these abilities can be used safely.

In addition to the props Shiryu Maino, Kenban's favorite, Rigo Takitsubo and Flanda, the information in the "Library" is dead.

There is no need for people in the dark world to leave living information in the "library".

"It's already eight o'clock, I'm almost home...but..."

Ye Fei thought of some unscrupulous evil god's eyelids twitching wildly, that guy Naiako, wouldn't he have done something to Index?

He hurried back home, but the scene in front of him did not make Ye Fei worried, but was extremely speechless.

"Come, come, my dear daughter, come and try this, I got it from the United Kingdom of Ireland, made by a royal pastry chef named Eric." Naiako used a small silver A piece of fancy pastry stuck in a fork, feeding the well-behaved nun like a mother.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????????

And nun Wen not only didn't have any disgust, but narrowed her eyes into a line, and bit the cake into her mouth with open lips.

"It's delicious. This is the best dessert I've ever eaten except the food made by A Fei, my mother."

"Really, is the food that A Fei cooks really that delicious? Dear daughter, you have to tell me carefully, the mother will try my best to match your relationship with him." Naiako rubbed Index with a smile. Si's head said softly, having noticed that a certain kid came back, a smile raised at the corner of his mouth.

"Mmmm! Mother, you can eat this too." Index looked at Naiako looking forward to the pastry.

........ 0

Ye Fei's mouth twitched, his eyelids jumped wildly, what's the situation, what kind of plane is this pair of mother and daughter filial piety, slapped on the forehead, you don't have to guess, this is what Naiyazi used to give himself. Got a legal identity in this world.

"Index, Your Majesty Nyarlathotep." Ye Fei couldn't help but speak.

Hearing the familiar voice, Index showed a happy smile, quickly stood up from the tatami, ran towards Ye Fei warmly and quickly, and said excitedly.

"Afei, Afei, let me tell you, let me tell you, my mother has come to see me. Let me introduce you. This is my mother, Naia."

"Wait a minute, Index, why do you think she's your mother?" Ye Fei frowned, and quickly covered Index's lips, pointing at Naiako who was smiling.

Although it is very impolite to point to a three-pillar god like this, but according to Nayazi's urine nature, he will not care at all, and the rude actions of human beings have no meaning to the evil god.

"What did you say, Ah Fei? It's too much." Index puffed up her cheeks when she heard the words, and said angrily.

"My mother and I both have silver hair and blue eyes, which is obviously the proof of the blood connection, and I have also used the Buddhist karma magic formula to calculate the blood relationship between my mother and my mother, and they are the real biological mother. ."Several.

Chapter [*]: You have entered chaos

"..." Ye Fei looked at Index's righteous words, and the corners of her eyes trembled slightly, and she was looking at her mother who was sitting on the tatami with the appearance of Yamato Nadeko.

"I know that Ah Fei is not proficient in magic, so I don't blame Ah Fei for being short-sighted. You must know that I know [*] ways to test kinship." Index squatted and said proudly and softly.

"Then Index, it's so powerful, how come I haven't tested it before, and I have relatives?" Ye Fei couldn't help laughing, and nodded her forehead. The knowledge of those demons, what magic is there that I can't know?

The [*] books in the simulated star creation map, plus the "Necronomicon", are [*] magic books. Although he can't use it freely, it is not easy for "August [*]" to check knowledge.

"Cuckoo~ Really, Ah Fei really hates it. I know that people don't have any memories of the past, so I can't think of anything strange about having relatives." Index puffed up her cheeks unhappily.

"Ah ah ah, mother's good daughter, mother wants to say sorry to you, mother only knew that her daughter is still alive because she sensed your breath in Ah Fei. It's too fateful." Naiyazi came When she came to Index, she rubbed Index's head like a mother, and rubbed the corners of her eyes with her slender fingers, but there were no tears at all.

Index naively believed it, enjoying Naiako's stroking like a kitten, and asked suspiciously, "Mother and Fei know each other?"

"Yes, it's an old friend I've known for a long time. Do you think our family is very fateful with A Fei?" Naiyako half-squinted her eyes and raised the corner of her mouth.

"Yeah, it's the same as Buddhism's law of cause and effect, because my mother and A Fei know each other, so I can meet A Fei, and when I meet A Fei, my mother can find me." Index blinked innocently and said warmly.

Index was as confident in the correctness of magic as science was in the DNA paternity test.

"It's too ridiculous, it's too ridiculous." Ye Fei had a black line, but it seemed that it was not Nayiko who brainwashed Index and coughed twice.

"Then, Your Majesty Nyarlathotep, how long are you going to stay here?"

Hearing this, the smile on Index's face disappeared, and she looked at Naia hopefully and said, "Mother, I want to be with Ah Fei, and I don't want to leave Ah Fei."

Although she has been found by her mother, she has the deepest memories. Only Ah Fei gave her rich feelings, so she did not want to be separated from him.

"Don't worry, don't worry, good boy, your mother will live with you here in Ah Fei." Nayazi looked at Ye Fei and said with a smile.

"Sir Nayazi, you're really not polite at all. Do you want to tell me directly that you want to stay by my side until I agree to your request." Ye Fei raised his brows, not at all. He smiled politely.

"A Fei, are you the roundworm in my stomach? I even know what I'm thinking, and I'm really happy." Naiyako was stunned, then looked at Ye Fei in surprise, clapping her hands together, a happy expression

"I believe what you say is a ghost..." Ye Fei looked at Nayazi calmly and secretly said in his heart.

Index tilted her head and looked at her "mother" and Ye Fei, blinking her eyes, always feeling that there was something she didn't know.

"However, there is a serious problem to be solved?" Naiyako frowned slightly, pointed her slender fingers to her lips, and looked at the only bed in Ye Fei's small apartment.

"This apartment is the temporary residence of His Majesty Naiako. Academy City has many residences. Well, you can live wherever you want." Ye Fei looked at Naiako, who was pretending to be troubled, with a sunny smile.

Although I don't know why Nayko wants to stick to him so much, I still don't want to get too close to her so far. If something happens that I don't know when I fall asleep, it will be troublesome.

"Okay, I'll live wherever Ah Fei lives." Naiyako's beautiful eyes swept Ye Fei's mouth and raised slightly.

"Okay, you can do whatever you want." Ye Fei shrugged and said, then froze, looking at the top of Naiyako's head, a shiny card was refreshed.

Five star card!

Ye Fei's heartbeat accelerated significantly. So far, he has never gotten a five-star card, only a four-star card...  

What is the concept of a five-star card? It is second only to the unique attribute card. The five-star card cannot be said to be inferior to the unique attribute card. It can only be said that the five-star card is not unique in the entire multiverse. Maybe two, maybe more.

"Would you like to get it?" Ye Fei's heart turned quickly, and the character cards all had the conditions for unlocking them, which was very troublesome.

"Ah Fei, come and taste the dishes of this world that I have prepared for you personally, this is my heart~" Naiyako was stunned when Ye Fei looked at her, and a bright light flashed in her eyes. He quickly took his hand and walked towards the tatami.

A perfect female body really means that no male creature can block the original impulse. This is the reproduction rule that has been born since the birth of the multiverse.

Even if he has become a true god, this primitive instinct cannot disappear.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for contacting the five-star card character, the conditions for unlocking the card: you in the chaos, you have entered the chaos, I am watching you in the chaos, and you are also watching me in the chaos."

"???" Ye Fei was stunned when he saw the card that popped out, and then a series of greetings appeared on his head, what is the condition for unlocking the card, what does it mean, this is the first time I have encountered such a situation.

Could it be that five-star cards are the same as solving puzzles?

Ye Fei sat on the tatami and looked at the peaceful appearance of the 1.7 family, a little bit of liver pain, thought for a moment and asked Naiako.

"Your Majesty Nyarlathotep, I have a question for you."

"Ah Fei, you're serious, just call me Naiyako. It's really outrageous, as if we just met."

Naiyako said complaining next to Ye Fei.

Didn't we just meet.

"Nayazi, I have a puzzle here, I don't know if you can reach it." Ye Fei asked after thinking for a while.

"You in the chaos, you entered the chaos, I looked at you in the chaos, and you looked at me in the chaos, what do you mean?"

When Nayazi heard the words, she immediately pulled Ye Fei's waist cheerfully.

"What are you talking about, you said earlier that you want to enter someone's body, which made them hold back for so long."

Chapter [*]: Is she a demon in the name of Naia?

Ye Fei's eyelids twitched, and he suddenly realized.

I thought the system thing had become serious, but that's what it meant, so I'll just say, how could it become a puzzle-solver.

"Your Majesty Naia, this is a misunderstanding, please don't come over for the sake of your lovely daughter."

Ye Fei covered Naiako's perfect cheeks, and said speechlessly while looking at the little nun whose cheeks were flushed with anger.

Of course, if such a perfect woman treated him like this, it would be rude to stage an animal world reproduction drama, but Naiako... a truly infinite god, and her purpose is not simple.

"What the hell is going on with you, Mother, although I don't know how you and Ah Fei met and what their relationship is, how can you stick together like this? It's too shameless." Furious, he looked at Ye Fei like a prisoner, grinding his teeth finely, as if Ye Fei was not satisfied with the answer and was about to bite it.

Although I just met my mother, I don't know what the relationship between my mother and A Fei is. Now this closeness must be a very dangerous signal.

"My dear boy, Ah Fei is your father~" Nayazi didn't care about Ye Fei's attitude at all, she sighed, as if she had said the answer that had been buried in her heart for a long time.

Index was stunned, then widened her eyes like a cat with fried fur, screaming in surprise.

"How is it possible, A Fei is obviously Asian, his mother is European, and I am a pure-blooded Anglo-Saxon..."

"Pfft..." Ye Fei was suddenly choked up by this wave of operations.

"Your Majesty Naia, please talk nonsense, otherwise I can only drive you out of my house."

"Index, don't call me Mother Naia. She's not your mother at all. She's a god. She just used special magic to give herself a reasonable identity in this world."

If you don't make this too clear today, I'm afraid Naiako will make a mess in the future.

Although Naiyako's approach just now really suits his appetite, after all, he is also a person who does whatever he wants, but it is best not to get Xiaoqing on his own.

"What?" Index was confused, blinked, and looked at Fei with a serious expression strangely.

A Fei only shows this expression when he is serious. He is usually sunny and has no morals, and he is very cheerful.

Looking at his "Mother", his happy expression slowly turned into a pitiful one.

"Since Ah Fei has said so, then the concubine can only obey." Naiyako looked like a bullied little wife who made a mistake and faced her stern husband.

"Hey, you are a dignified Three-Pillar God anyway, don't make such a confusing expression. Hey, it's too foul." Ye Fei covered his abdomen with an uncomfortable expression, his liver was shaking.

"What's the matter with you, Ah Fei? Do you need to lash out at others to calm you down?" Nayazi's mouth curved slightly, tears flashed in his eyes, and deep joy was revealed in the depths of his eyes.

"Your Majesty, you have no such thoughts at all, please, Your Majesty Naia, don't make fun of me..."

Then Ye Fei told Index of Naiako's identity. It's no big deal to expose Naiako's identity. Index is one of the most important people with him, and Index's life only him.

"The evil god Nyarlathotep in "The Myth of Cthulhu" is impossible. The Myth of Cthulhu is just a false myth made up by modern novelists and writers, and there is no knowledge of the magic way to become a demon god."

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