Index gradually became serious in the eyes of the two, and sneered at Ye Fei and said softly.

"Even if Ah Fei and the mother want to cover up your illegitimate relationship, it is impossible to deceive me with such ridiculous reasons. When it comes to magic, no one can compare to me..."

Ye Fei was too lazy to talk nonsense, and took out the "Necronomicon" from the Babylonian treasury and threw it on the small table.

"This, this, twelve centimeters in length and seven centimeters in width, respectively represent the December and seven-day calendars, the rotation law of the stars in the composite universe, and the time scale of the earth. The patterns depict the patterns of Ability Gods that have never been seen before. Naturally It emits unstoppable spiritual pollution."

Index stared straight at the "Necronomicon" on the small table, slowly put her hand on it, and turned to the first page.

That eternal existence does not die,

And in a strange eternity even death dies.

"It is an ancient Hebrew script from the seventh century, a book made of the hides of unknown animals. Every word contains huge knowledge, every paragraph of text forms an angelic magic, and every page contains world-class religious sacrifices. Magic, the total number of eight hundred pages constitutes the origin of the universe, there is no doubt that this is the original magic book that has never existed in the world."

"It's too dangerous, the original magic book cannot appear here and must be sealed immediately."

With Index's righteous tone, he unceremoniously stuffed the "Necronomicon" into his monastic uniform under Ye Fei's gaze.

"Did I give you the magic book?" Ye Fei snapped his fingers indifferently, and the magic book appeared in his hand. This thing is not an ordinary magic book. Maybe it can destroy the world. Son, you can see it, but you can't take it away.

"Give it back to me, this thing is very dangerous. Ah Fei doesn't understand magic at all. Put it in Ah Fei's hands. If he loses it, he might destroy the world." Seeing this, Index panicked and rushed towards Ye Fei. In the past, she wanted to snatch the magic book, but in her opinion, the magic book was her own.

"Whenever you look at it, it will become your thing. You can have anything you want, but this is not. This is the "Necronomicon", which can attract the evil gods in Cthulhu mythology, such as the one next to him. His Majesty Nyarlathotep. Ye Fei held the book high, Index jumped on him and tried to snatch it, so they almost scuffled together.

Index was held down by Ye Fei, and then she calmed down and looked at Naiako carefully. She read two pages of the "Necronomicon" and completely memorized the content. It was indeed the magic of Cthulhu Mythos. .

Then he widened his eyes and looked at Naiako very nervously.

"It's incredible, the myth of Cthulhu is actually true, then, she is a magician who has reached the top of the myth with the name of Nyarlathotep in the myth of Cthulhu, the devil!".

Chapter [-]: Does the little angel need my sister to invite you?

"Oh, really, such a casual addition will reveal someone's identity, and suddenly a lot of fun is lost." Nayazi sighed very boringly, indifferently picked up the royal milk tea, closed his eyes, and slowly tasted it. .

"If it is a demon, it can indeed easily change reality."

Index looked vigilantly at Naiako who was teasing her, and puffed out her cheeks.

"A Fei, how did you meet the devil? Why did the devil come to the real world?"

She did not doubt the fact that Naiako was a demon, because only a demon could rewrite a person's karma, but in the law of causality, Naiako became her mother.

When the devil comes to the real world, just a thought can change the appearance of the world, and even just walking around can destroy the entire world.

"Well, it's more troublesome. It's Naiako who is entangled in me, and I'm helpless. I can't help it. People are too charming. In fact, I'm also similar to the devil, but I didn't tell you, Index. ."

Ye Fei touched his chin, looked at the smiling Naiyako, and said helplessly.

From everyone's point of view, the level of the devil can't be compared with Naiyako, or even compared with him.

The real god is ∞, infinitely large and infinitely small. The devil in this world, speaking of its essence, is actually on a magical path to the extreme, and is sublimated to the status of God through grand ceremonies.

In order to come to the material world and not affect the world, the devil divides his power from infinite to finite. In fact, this is not infinite at all. Infinite is infinite no matter how you divide it, so the devil is not infinite power, not true God.

"A Fei is similar to a demon god? How can this be possible? A Fei is clearly a superpower, and an existence similar to a demon has only reached the end of the devil path and has not performed a grand ceremony. A quasi demon god, A Fei is not a quasi demon god no matter how you look at it. "Index shook her head seriously.

Although I believe that Naiyako is a demon god, but I don't want A Fei, who has been with her for so long, to be a similar existence, otherwise she would have known it long ago.

"Would you like me to instill some truth into this child? Her constitution can accept my truth." Slowly climb up Ye Fei's arm.

After observing human beings for billions of years, no one knows the essence and emotions of human beings better than her. From the infinite information, he picks out various personalities and small actions that can make Ah Fei like, infinitely close to the perfect image in his heart.

"You, don't mess around, just, even if you are a demon, you can't do anything to Ah Fei." Index said nervously.

"Don't make trouble, Your Majesty Naia, please don't do anything to the people in this world, especially the people around me." Ye Fei gently took his slender hand off his shoulder, and said flatly with his cheeks shaking.

"Where do people have brains~ Ah Fei is what he says." Naiyako pursed her lips and chuckled.

"Index, according to your knowledge storage, you should be very clear about this thing."

Ye Fei spread out his hands, and his own cosmology unfolded instantly, sending the room completely into another universe.

A blood-colored star appeared in the center of the universe, and [-] magic books revolved around the blood-colored star.

A long time ago, he wanted to remove the control spiritual equipment from Index's body, but he didn't have the strength to deal with the power of the great demon Coronzon before.

Now I can give it a try. In addition, there is Naiako, the real god. Intuitively, although Naiako has ulterior motives, at least there is no malice towards him, so she can help .

After all, to the true god, the methods of the mere big devil are just children's tricks.

There was a trace of unnaturalness on Naiyazi's smiling cheeks, but she returned to normal after sensing that Ye Fei was not hostile to her, and said naively, "Dear Ah Fei, why did you suddenly release your view of the universe? You almost scare people."

Although she is [-]% sure to walk out of this cosmology, but if she is dealt with suddenly, it will hinder her staying by Ye Fei's side, which proves that Ye Fei is not good to her. impression.

This is a huge minus for humans.

Before Index could react, she looked around warmly, and cried out in astonishment.

"This is, where is it? It's an exaggeration, what is it composed of? It seems to be a large number of magic books, and there is a blood-colored star that resembles the concept of Kabbalah's tree of life, the inverse Kabbalah tree of evil? The tree of people? Or what? thing?."

Index suddenly reacted to something and took a deep breath.

"There is absolutely no air with the combination of the four elements, and there is absolutely no element that can be breathed, but I can breathe. Is this a rule that has been changed with magic?"

"¨"It is definitely something that only a demon can do, Ah Fei, are you really a demon?" Index jumped in front of Ye Fei tenderly, her sapphire-like crystal clear eyes flickering at Ye Fei.

"more or less."

Ye Fei smiled when he saw Index's eyes. This is the cosmology, and the breathing conditions are naturally different. This is a Taoist simulated star creation map. Immortals have their own inner world to breathe, and they do not need external gas here. supply the body.

"Hey, that little thing here, aren't you going to show up to meet my sister? Afraid that my sister will do something to you?"

Naiyako looked at somewhere in this illusory universe, laughed and teased, stretched out her finger, and a little light on her fingertips.

"I have received your threat, Your Honorable True God."

White light and shadow slowly appeared in front of the three of them, waist-length silver hair braided by light, delicate and impeccable appearance (good money), wearing a simple white robe, his eyes were calm, but full of to seek knowledge.

"God, angel!" Index widened her eyes, clasped her hands together, and looked at the inverted figure with a pious expression.

"Are you asking the truth for us? This little angel is really daring." Nayazi looked at Aiwass with a smile, which reminded her of the army of angels created by the true god named Yawei.

She has already figured out the composition of this world. It is a world covered by various phase myths, rules overlapped, and various myths of the multiverse, but the magic is that these myths are all original, and they have nothing to do with the gods of the multiverse. relation.

Aiwass looked at the nun who was praying to him, his voice was ethereal, but more like the voice of an old radio.

"For the first time a believer in heaven prayed to me, I am not one of the thirty-three angels in the Bible.".

Chapter [-]: Catch Lola

"I can feel, Lord Angel, there are only thirty-three angels recorded in the Heavenly Father's Bible, but there are three thousand three hundred and thirty-three angels that are not recorded in the Bible, so... uuu..."

Index showed an innocent smile and looked at the angel who was less than ten meters away from her, but Ye Fei covered her mouth before she could finish speaking.

"Don't talk nonsense, as long as magic is involved, your mouth will chatter endlessly."

Like a cat with fried fur, Index blushed angrily, holding Ye Fei's arm with both hands, her sharp canine teeth flashed a sharp light and bit down.


Not only did she not feel like she could bite down normally, but instead, it seemed like she was biting on hard rubber. With her teeth trembling, Index suddenly looked at Ye Fei with tears in her eyes, with nameless fire in her pupils.

"This is a conditioned reflex. As long as there is a sense of danger, the body will enter this state, as if ordinary magic is ineffective on my body." Ye Fei shrugged and rubbed Index's head.

"Hmph, it's not like Ah Fei 813 interrupts everyone's speech every time, as if he's impatient." Index said angrily.

"Being angry will make your face ugly. Besides, I know all the explanations you said. Of course, I will feel very long-winded. There is no way to do it."

Ye Fei rubbed Index's face and said with a smile. Seeing that she wanted to bite him but couldn't open her mouth, she could only grind her teeth to tease her.

"Also, Aiwass is not Yahweh's servant, but mine."

Ye Fei looked at Aiwass and raised the corners of his mouth. Aiwass is the most powerful subordinate he currently has. The three-digit number represents "a clue to human beings' escape from destiny". number.

"Calculating from the future attribution, I can indeed call Ye Fei your servant." Aiwass did not have any emotional factors, but only explained it from a factual point of view.

The pursuit of truth and the thirst for knowledge, if she wants to leave this world, she must be attached to the ark of Ye Fei. After getting on this ark, her destiny will belong to Ye Fei (cibh ).

"Although it is unbelievable, if A Fei is a god, there is no doubt about it... What is this place?"

Index blinked and looked around warmly. Could this be the phase? But the mythical laws of phase cannot allow material life to exist, but she really came here? Not even in the [-] magic books. Document this level of knowledge.

"This is my view of the universe. Of course, you won't understand it, but you are here to eliminate the spiritual outfit that controls your body."

Ye Fei looked at Index sternly. In his cosmology, everything was controlled by him. When he was about to enter level 6, he could initially use "Void Star Tai Sui" and simulate the power of the star chart. Also the initial manifestation.

Here Index is transparent, and the "controlling spirit" in her body is clearly visible, entwined with a strong angelic power and a very high-quality soul.

"A Fei is talking about the "automatic writing system", why do you want to clear the "automatic writing system"? This is a device used to manage [-] magic books. "Index frowned upon hearing this and asked inexplicably.

"There's something wrong with that thing, it's used to control you... In other words, why should I explain it to you, you just need to be obedient, and I won't hurt you anyway."

When Index wanted to resist, Ye Fei pressed Index's shoulder and looked at Naiako.

"I don't know, can His Majesty Naia do a little favor and consider it as the accommodation fee at my house, how about that?"

"A Fei has said so, people have to obey, release the universe view, just to catch the little angel who has a shackle on your pet, do you want to catch her?"

Naiako's delicate green eyes like gems twirled round and round, and then jumped playfully in front of Index.

"Woooo-you're the pet." Index bared her teeth and glared at Naiako with a puppy-like whine. Even if it was a demon, she wasn't afraid.

"Whoops, does this little look even bite the mother?" Nayiko said with a smile as she scratched Index's chin with her slender index finger, fearing that the world would not be in chaos.

"Humph! You are not my mother."

"Hey! Can you catch it?" Ye Fei looked at Naiako in surprise. He originally just wanted to get rid of Index's spiritual outfit and free Index from Stiat's control. , Naiako actually grabbed people on the other side of the earth as soon as she opened her mouth.

Hiss - it seems, this is very good, Ye Fei's eyes flickered, and his mind moved quickly.

This is his cosmology, as long as it is a god or a divinely created life that enters here, it will be [-]% sealed, and it can only be an ordinary person here.

If Laura Stewart was caught and forced to make a contract with that angel, then the Puritan Church in the Kingdom of British Ireland would be his, and Aleister's second daughter would be picked up for nothing.

If I tell this perverted pet lover Aleister the identity of Laura Stewart, I really can't wait to see what her expression will be, she/he won't jump out of the jar and hit me.

"This is very simple for me, that is, Ah Fei, if you want those so-called demon gods to kneel down and become rbqs, I can help you~ But..." Nayazi said with a smile, the corners of his mouth were vague. There were some pleasant arcs, but before she finished speaking, a sentence made her look at Ye Fei resentfully.

"Just get the angel on the opposite side, Naia's majesty's "but" gave me goosebumps, so that's fine. "

"Okay, okay, people know that you are jealous of others, really, when you get along with me for a long time in the future, you will know that I am really good to you." Nayazi looked wronged and rubbed his fingers. Try the corners of your eyes.

"I know, time will prove everything." Ye Fei's eyes twitched. It's not that I don't believe it, but that you, the evil god who uses lies and deception as spiritual food, can hardly convince me that your words are true.

"Afei, you open an opening in the cosmology first, and I'll grab that little angel." Nayazi rubbed her hands together, and the chilling gray gas enveloped her hands. .

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