Chapter [*]: Lola, to Chaos

"Hush—the creepy aura..."

Ye Fei shuddered as he looked at the indescribable gray gas in Naia's hand, and even in the simulated star creation map, he could feel the bitter cold feeling that made people fall into the quagmire.

You must know that in the cosmology, he is the absolute master. The simulated star creation map is the embodiment of a corner of the superfluous universe. It belongs to the "order" side. What makes order disgusting can only be chaos and disorder.

It's no wonder, after all, the two are opposed to each other, and the Cthulhu gods are sealed by the ancient gods.

Just because of this uncomfortable feeling, he also wanted to seal Nayazi. After all, people with a simulated star chart are very willful, but he is different. He is only a half-way monk, not a natural cosmology owner.

Ye Fei opened a hole in the universe view, and the gray indescribable gas disappeared in the space in an instant, ignoring the rules of space.

Index widened her glass-clear blue eyes, and gray gas appeared in front of her, turning into an octopus tentacle inserted into her chest.

"The great chaos of prowling, the god of many faces, the father of a million favored ones..."

Young people, teenagers, young children, women, girls, old people... Countless voices are chanting strange and serene prayers, crazy, unable to extricate themselves, beyond words.

A white device that looked like a combination lock was taken out of Index's body, and large and small magic spells formed a complex magic circle-.

"It's so cold, so scary..." After the octopus tentacles were pulled out, Index's delicate face was pale, and her body shivered.

"Ah la la, this is not my intention to play tricks on your pet. Even if I try my best to restrain her, her soul will feel scared." Naiako said while playing with the "automatic writing system" to explain a fact.

"It's like the lion tries to show his kindness to the little white rabbit, but the little white rabbit is still afraid of lions. This is the instinct of living things, and even a true god cannot be exempted."

"I know, Your Majesty, you don't have to explain. Thank you Your Majesty for taking action. This thing has troubled me for a long time."

Ye Fei said helplessly, holding Index, who was stunned.

Although Index looks very weak and innocent, in fact, as long as she is a devout nun, when it does not involve faith, her willpower is much stronger than that of ordinary people. She can face anything with strength. Not even the Demon God could make them succumb.

Although they will be afraid, they will never back down.

"Afei is cuter than those gods of order. Those guys directly suppressed us by force when they saw us~" Naiyako was surprised, and then said with a smile.

"I've locked the target from the soul on that little toy, and now I'll grab her and give you a rbq."

"Speaking of which, Your Majesty Naia, can you not treat me as the kind of guy who takes others as rbqs at every turn, I am a serious person."

Ye Fei shook his cheeks slightly and said that Nayazi's character must be like this because he knew everything about his past from some channel.

Although he is really unscrupulous because of the system, but I can't blame him, it's all the system's fault, although I have no discipline, no lower limit, and want to collect tens of thousands of harems, but I am still a good boy .

"Giggle..." Naiyako let out a happy laugh.

Index pursed her lips.


On the other side of the globe, London, United Kingdom of Ireland, behind St George's Cathedral in Lambeth.

Although it is the headquarters of the Puritan Church in the Kingdom of Great Britain, although it has the largest magical barrier and guards, it is not open to the public.

The interior is luxurious and luxurious. It is not so much a church as it is a commercial building with the appearance of the church. The Supreme Bishop has many opinions on this matter by the old guy and the old nun, but all of them have been rejected.

Even the British royal family praised Lola's approach.

"It's time to wash and bathe and pray to Heavenly Father again. Sure enough, it's better to wash in the public bathroom... um, um..."

The appearance can be called a peerless blonde girl. She lifted her skirt, soaked her crystal clear feet in the hot water, hummed an unknown song, raised her head and let out a sigh of relief.

"However, having said that, Academy City has not been very peaceful recently. The information I have received is not very sufficient. What is Aleister doing?"

While putting the unruly monastic uniform into the basket, he slowly submerged into the hot water and muttered softly.

Recently, there has been a major lack of information in Academy City, which caused a big deviation in the information she had collected before, and now she is a little confused about the structure of Academy City.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????????

According to Aleister, it was the governing body of Academy City that was reforming.

Although I went to ask Aleister overnight, the answer I got was completely useless.

"Ah~" He yawned naively in the warm water.

"Forget it, let Stiyl and Tsuchimikado work harder."

At this time, the large bathroom, which was enough to accommodate two hundred nuns, suddenly emitted gray gas, which was completely different from water vapor.


Lola was stunned, her clear blue eyes blinked, she looked at the gray mist floating over, reached out and touched it, an indescribable intuitive feeling hit her consciousness, which made her complexion change greatly.

"Is this the power of the Demon God?"


My heart suddenly panicked, and the corners of my mouth twitched slightly. Is this the devil coming to the door? Although the angel and the devil do not make water in the river, they are both the same person, but in terms of the essence of power, the angel is not the opponent of the devil.

One is a pagan god, the other is a servant of God.

"I don't know, which god is looking for me?" Laura quickly put on the monastic uniform, and didn't even care if she got wet with the bath water. gray mist.

The entire bathroom has been separated from the world by the gray mist, and it has become a prison.

As soon as she came into contact with the fog, there were prayers that disrupted ideology and knowledge of Ability God, but she had no idea which known Ultimate God was.

Laura bit her finger in distress, and she was imprisoned by the devil unknowingly. What should I do?

Indescribable sounds and unimaginable sights came from the void.

Beyond the realm of light and darkness, to the unstoppable void; in this disgusting cemetery hidden in the universe, from the dark room beyond time and beyond imagination came the frantic beating of giant drums. The sound, and the tinny, monotonous, profane timbre of the flute.In response to the abominable pounding and blowing, the gigantic, dark ultimate gods—the blind, dumb, foolish outer gods—are dancing slowly, clumsily, and absurdly.

And their souls wandered slowly, that was the deity who imprisoned her.

"Who is it?" Laura's delicate cheeks broke out in cold sweat for the first time ever.Several.

Chapter [*]: Of course, let you give birth to children for Ah Fei

Laura can't remember which goddess she has offended. From her arrival to now, she has been careful not to touch any taboos, so as not to let those gods discover her traces.

Even if she finds her trace, she will not be attracted to her because of arrogance.

Lola's face was ugly, and she took a deep breath and looked at the mist that had isolated the small bathroom. The world she saw through the mist was chaotic. She was sure that she had left the material world.

"I don't know which goddess came to me? If I touched any of your taboos, I'm here to apologize to you."

Laura said in distress to the existence in the shadows, her current state, she can't exert her original strength at all.

She was summoned by mistake with the characters of "Great Demon" and "August [*]", and could not borrow the power source of "Heavenly" normally, and was weaker than the "Archangel" of the same character.

She was thinking about how to explain all kinds of problems to the god-sama who came to the door.

Those arrogant ultimate gods, but they think that as long as you are guilty and feel that you have offended them, they will kill you directly without giving you any chance to excuse their arrogance.

And from the information she got, she didn't have any impression of the god who came to her door, that is to say, it was a very ancient god, so ancient that it existed before she was born.

Thinking of all the possibilities, Lola's face turned ashen. She seemed to have no possibility of defending herself, and she would be killed, just like she was attacking her now without any warning.

Standing up, she was about to make a desperate attempt to kill the old lady, and Lola, who was going to take a bite of your idea, froze.

The surrounding chaotic fog dissipated, surrounded by chaotic scenery, a blood-colored star was located in the center of the universe, and countless magic books revolved around the blood-colored star like truth.

Lola quickly came to her senses, what's going on?Could it be that the world has been reset by the gods and is preparing to reshape the world!

The corners of her mouth were pulled out immediately, her face was embarrassed, and the world was reset, which meant that her plan was completely ruined.

Finally, the clue that "that man" might be in Academy City is broken again, so what should I do for her now?

These things will be discussed later, but the most important thing right now is the devil who brought her here.

She turned her first line of sight to the god who brought her over, a stunning silver girl with little feet without shoes, with a happy and arrogant expression.

Before he had time to admit his cowardice, the disgusting words that were so disgusting came out of the god's mouth.

"Aiya~ This small appearance is okay, Fei, compared to this rbq, you are quite satisfied. Whether it is the mother body that breeds the son of God, and the fun is excellent."

"Your Highness, Your Highness, are you kidding me?" Laura's mouth twitched and she forced a smile.

But the devil god or something is really the biggest heresy, willful and reckless, and she was arrested as a great devil for this kind of thing.

Well, this is indeed in line with the style of those willful and arrogant gods, and it is really normal to arrest her just to do this kind of thing.

In some eras, or in some myths and legends, gods always have some super friendship with some beautiful girls, and some gods even take this as a kind of glory, such as the god king of Greek mythology.

And as a servant of a god, let alone a servant of a great devil, it is one of the gods' favorite hunting targets.

This is treating her as a great demon as a toy worth playing with, which is too bad.

The big devil, who was about to make a symbolic resistance, found in a panic that his personality and power were completely sealed, and his state was no different from that of ordinary people.

"Your Majesty Naia, don't say such misunderstandings, I'm really a serious person." Ye Fei gave a symbolic defense, snapped his fingers and appeared behind the crowd.

In the cosmology, it is still very simple to create a few chairs at random, but it cannot bring out the reality.

"Ah, if you're a serious person, Ah Fei, that [*]-odd harem..." Naiyako's eyes rolled, and then she smirked at the big demon who was caught by her...  ..

"..." Lola suddenly felt unable to breathe. With more than [*] harems, she was really treated as a toy, and she didn't even have a chance to resist. When she raised her head and looked at the male voice who spoke, she was stunned, and then sneered, uncertain. said.

"You're... that Ye Fei director of Academy City?"

When she saw Index, she was completely sure, the corners of her mouth twitched wildly, and she roared in her heart.

Heavenly Father, are you kidding me? Although I have long suspected that Academy City might have a big secret, the price of knowing this secret is too heavy.

It's actually a Demon God, not one, but two, two, ten, I can't do it together now.

"Archbishop Lola, last time I didn't say that I would pack a surprise for you. How about it? Are you satisfied with my surprise? If you are not satisfied, we can do it again."

Ye Fei leaned on the sofa chair with Erlang's legs crossed, admiring the demon who was lying in the bathtub with his clothes stuck to the squall to show his body perfectly.

"Hehe, Lord God, your gift really makes me terrified." Laura said as she knelt down in the bathtub and shivered.

Surprise, surprise your sister, I am satisfied with your 1.7 big watermelons.

"Archbishop Lola? Kanzaki told me something about Puritanism, but Ah Fei actually invited the archbishop over." Index looked at Lola tenderly, blinked happily and said.

"Please? Obviously I was caught." Lola's face turned dark, and she always felt that her heart had been stabbed, she quickly corrected her attitude, and said respectfully: "I don't know if the two gods invited me over, what is the need for me? Am I working?"

"Giggle, little toy, the purpose is so obvious, are you pretending to be stupid? Of course, it is for you to act as a mother for A Fei to nurture the son of God. The figure of the big devil is barely qualified." Talk about it. .

Chapter [*]: Miss Devil is helpless

"Hehe, hehehe..." Laura smirked and sat on her knees in the bathtub.

It's too bad that she's now being picked as a little toy by a vile god, and does she still have the right to resist?

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