"If I am the mother of the gods who gave birth to the son of God, I am afraid that my weak body will not be able to do it."

The words of trying to bargain are full of a fluke confession, even if she has the right to resist every day, say a few words without charging, maybe there is a turning point?

"It's not up to you to decide whether you can do it or not. Dress well my Fei, otherwise~" Nayko put her hands together with a smile, said with a wicked smile, and licked her lips with her small tongue.

"Your Majesty Naia, it's not good to take the lead."

The corners of Ye Fei's mouth twitched slightly, it seems that Naiyako completely regards me as that kind of character, although it is similar, but I am definitely not that bad.

"Oh, people just reminded the devil. If she has any backing, wouldn't it be bad? Now it seems that there is no backing at all. You can play it and leave it to you."

Naiako stuck out her tongue, blinked her eyes, and compared her fingers to a V. 28

"..." Lola was still smirking, she had already scolded this vile devil to death in her heart, how could I still have the means of resistance now that I have been sealed by you so thoroughly, even if there is, it is impossible to retreat

"Archbishop Lola Stewart." Ye Fei looked at the well-behaved and sensible Lola with a happy smile on the corner of her mouth. The conversation with me was so pleasant before, but now the position has been reversed. Do you feel bad about being happy?

However, it is not very pleasant to see the appearance of the devil.

"Does Ye Fei want to play that kind of game with others now? Is the room not so good?"

Lola also gave it up, she couldn't run away anyway, so the old lady would enjoy it, stood up, and let her soaked clothes stick to her skin's figure.

Isn't it just having a baby? What a big deal.

"Cough cough, I'll talk about this later, what I'm going to talk about now is serious business." Ye Fei coughed twice, pointed to the empty sofa chair and said.

Laura pretended to be surprised, her attitude was straight, she raised her skirt, stepped out of the bathtub, and came to the sofa chair.

"What business do you want to discuss with me, Lord Ye Fei? I don't think I can participate in your affairs."

"Hehe, don't worry, it's something you can bear, Coronzon, or Styat." Ye Fei looked at this peerless blond girl with a smile, oh, no, in terms of age, she is a true young woman .

"Be my servant, I can bring you unimaginable wonders."

The current Lola, the consciousness is not Lola's, but Zacks, who ranks tenth among the thirty-three angels in the heaven, is essentially an existence that perfectly combines the laws of the world, but she does not accept "God" Those who come to the world by the decree are called illegally.

Magicians who use such illegal summons are called "Demon Warlocks", and wrong summons make angels turn into demons that are the opposite of their essence.

Zach became Coronzon, the opposite essence of Zach, representing the rank of 333, 3 is a sacred number in the Bible, the Trinity of God, Jesus preached for three years at the age of thirty, and Jesus was nailed to it. Crucifixion on the third day of the resurrection and so on.

"Facilitating the perfect union of the laws of the world" is the opposite of "preventing the perfect union of the world's laws."At first glance, it looks like the key to help mankind cross the "abyss", but it actually spreads mud and evil from contact as the starting point.

"Be your servant? Do you know what you are saying? You are provoking the heavenly Father I serve. For your rude request, I have no right to agree."

The words of the Ability God made Lola feel the deep provocation and bulging her cheeks angrily. Her existence is attached to the "heaven" and belongs to the Heavenly Father. Not to mention whether this Ability God can make her a servant, even she herself It is impossible to do it at all, because this is an innate personality, and she does not think that the devil can do it.

The aspect cannot affect the aspect, not to mention that the "celestial world" is the oldest aspect, belonging to the heavenly Father Yahweh, and it is impossible for these gods to change the rules of the heavenly world.

"Hehe, stop pretending, Coronzon, although I don't know why Yawei is in this world, but you are using the name of a god that doesn't exist as a shield.

Ye Fei couldn't help looking at her mockingly when he heard the words. He was best at using language and all kinds of props that could be used as the basis for balance, and worked hard to direct the results to the side he wanted to see.

In this regard, he is not an opponent at all, so to deal with such a guy, it is enough to deal with it directly.

"Heavenly Father doesn't exist? As a god, you are so slandered." Lola said apart like a loyal servant, but in fact there was a cold sweat on her temples and a group of panicked hearts.

The disappearance of Heavenly Father has never been known. How did He know? If Heavenly Father had not disappeared, he would have led thirty-three archangels to kill a group of Ability Gods.

"Although this is the first time to use this, but another method should work."

Ye Fei's eyes were slightly amused, causing the big devil to break into a cold sweat. God knows what will happen next.

At this time, only the blood-colored star that resembled the Kabbalah Tree of Life and a celestial globe was emitting an ominous starlight.

The cosmology of "Xu Xing·Tai Sui" comes from the Jupiter-centered method of recording the year of the year. The ancients observed the celestial phenomenon and believed that the zodiac was divided into 820 equal parts, and the Tai Sui star was in the middle. In order to lead the gods, unify the position, and the emperor of the Han Dynasty.

And the twelve equal parts are divided into the twelve "earthly branches" of the heavenly stems and the earthly branches, that is, the twelve zodiac signs, or the gods of the twelve palaces, the gods of Xuanqi, the gods of Xingji, and the gods of wood...

These twelve persons are the persons of the first sequence of "Xu Xing Tai Sui".

Although these persons are not yet mature, they can serve as a subordinate contract, making any being his subordinate.

The character representing Xuan Yang in Tai Sui Xing turned into a ball of light and flew into Ye Fei's hands, looking at the sweaty blonde girl with a smirk.

"Be good, be obedient, stuff this into your body, it will make you shine." Ye Fei smiled badly and stood up.

"Oh, oh~, Ah Fei, I'm here to cheer you on and make the atmosphere more enthusiastic." Naiyako said with a smile, fearing that the world would not be chaotic.

Tick ​​marks appeared on Index's forehead, her teeth were grinding finely, and her hands were clenched into fists, as if Ye Fei would bite down if she made any wrong move.

"Yeah! No, come in, what is this, wow wow wow..."

The poor demon was big, screaming in horror for help.

"Ah Fei! You unrepentant guy, wow, kacha!"


Chapter [*]: I am greater than Yahweh

After Ye Fei removed Index, who was clinging to his body and biting his head, he blankly wiped the saliva that had flowed down his forehead, while a certain big demon and a big evil god, one laughed and the other laughed. A puffed face and an uncomfortable smile.

Lola now has the illusion that this Demon God seems to be a good talker. She was sent to her personally. It seems that Index of Academy City has become a toy of the Demon God. From this point of view, this Demon God is very indulgent. female companion.

Thoughts flashed, and a chain reaction like lightning came from the depths of her soul. Lola's body trembled, her hands were covering her head, her face was pale, and the white thing that looked like a kabbalah just now was definitely not a good thing...

A large number of new personal information strengths crowded the demon's soul.

"Ah, la la, is it really okay to give such an important position to this little toy? That is the first-order personality of the god, the main god?" Naiyako looked at Ye Fei with a curious expression, and did not understand Ye Fei. The reason why Fei did it.

"I didn't hand over such an important position casually. Besides, at my current level of life, my personality is still a seed. If my personality is to be fully mature, I have to light up the skill tree. I just use it as a contract now. ."

Ye Fei said casually, and raised his brows. Could it be that Nayazi doesn't know the exact thing about the "simulated star creation map", but only roughly?

Then it was relieved. People who have never owned an analog star creation map will never know the power of analog star creation maps, and each analog star creation map is completely different.

He wouldn't be surprised if a scientifically simulated star creation map appeared in the future.

"Xuanyang's personality has infinite creativity and infinite power. It belongs to the personality of the archangel. I didn't expect you to use the personality like this. This is indeed the highest contract method." Aiwas's light and shadow appeared in the night Fei said with a surprised expression, and looked calmly at Coronzon, whose thinking was limited to this time period by his personality.

Coronzon's personality is the same as her, both belong to the archangel, and they are all "mysterious leaders" who spread knowledge from the source.

"During this time, Aiwass, what have you researched?" Ye Fei looked curiously at Aiwass, a mysterious leader who stayed in his cosmology all the time. Such a receipt may have broken through She has reached the limit of her knowledge.

"According to my opinion on personalities, the personalities in Ye Fei's cosmology are all real personalities, and the personalities given by the heavens are just virtual personalities."

"From the very beginning of observing your cosmology, I have come to an accurate conclusion that aspects and cosmology have similarities, and the difference is the difference between true and false."

As Aiwass said, he felt Ye Fei's incomprehension. He was about to explain, but was broken by a refreshing voice.

"Such a simple question has to be made so responsible by you little angel, isn't it the difference between a real car and a toy car? Paradoxical, if you have any questions in the future, just ask us directly, we have a lot of diversity in our stomachs. A lot of knowledge of the universe." Nayazi said with a smile, holding Ye Fei's arm and sticking it up.

"In short, the person in this world is just a simulated person." Ye Fei rubbed his chin and raised the corners of his mouth as she watched Lola with her eyes closed, I believe she knew very well what opportunity this was.

After Coronzon's soul was forcibly contracted by the personality, he slowly opened his eyes and couldn't contain the horror in his heart.

There is so much information in my mind that I don't know where to insert it for a while.

"You're my servant now, don't you have any opinions, the devil is big, if you do well in the future, you can give your status to you~" Ye Fei said with a smile and a sunny look at Coronzon.

With Lola's character simulated by Lola's body, she must be able to make the right choice. He prefers pleasant conquest to slavery.

Angels do not have any biological emotions. They are just conscious energy collections. Their spirits cannot exist in the material world, so they need to attach themselves to living beings and occupy the mortal personality to deceive the world to stay.

The possessed human will not die, the angel will imitate everything of the original body, behavior habits, way of thinking, even small movements are impeccable.

The original body can only sleep silently, and even if the consciousness is awakened, it can't do anything. After a long time, perhaps the consciousness will be crushed by the meaning of the angel, and the personality will disappear completely.

"It turns out that you are the same great god as Heavenly Father. Since such a tempting thing is in front of me, then I can only betray Heavenly Father."

Lola didn't have any dissatisfaction at all, but accepted it like a normal person, and said with a smile.

In fact, at that moment, she thought about countless results.

Everyone is an adult, not a youthful age controlled by emotions. Interest is the eternal theme of this world.

If there is a chance to gain a higher personality than the current one, I will naturally have to try to fight for it. What is the Heavenly Father? The Heavenly Father is no longer there, and I am a devil, and I was set up by the Heavenly Father to oppose him.

Betrayal is normal, right?

And you don't even look at who your opponent is. You are a super god who can leave this world and go to unknown worlds. How much higher than Heavenly Father is.

Even if this great god seems to be a little weaker now, his future is very bright, so weak can control her to the death, and there is no chance of winning.

"¨" To be corrected, I am a god countless times greater than Yahweh in this world. I like people who are knowledgeable, although I expect you to resist. Ye Fei nodded with satisfaction, then touched his chin and looked at the young (money) woman jokingly.

"You're joking. People can't resist if they want to. Although they are big demons, their power is limited by the original contract. They can only be used on the right people at the right time." Laura pretended to be pitiful and hugged. He said with a cold look on his shoulders.

"The right person, Edward Alexander? This is the summoning contract that Westcott gave you. This kind of gold magic is really confusing."

"Yeah, I have no freedom until the contract is completed." Coronzon's delicate face had a faint sense of regret.

"Would you like me to separate you? Although I don't understand this contractual relationship very well, it's very easy to get your spirit out." Naiako stretched out her hand with a smile, and gray gas emerged from her fingertips, and the gas became Solid octopus tentacles.

"Wait, wait..." Coronzon suddenly sweated profusely. .

Chapter [*]: Lola's Resentment

"Okay, you can go back, I hope you don't disappoint me~"

After the new owner finished saying this, her eyes returned to the original place, the large bathroom full of mist.

"Huh! The world hasn't been reset?"

Lola blinked and touched the tip of her nose with her fingers, and her mood suddenly improved.

She doesn't want to leave this world and return to the boring heaven, she wants to live in this world in a human way.

She has the same behavior and thinking as Lola, and also has something called "ambition", and she is no longer an angel or a demon with no desires.

Although due to her personality, her consciousness and Lola's consciousness evenly divided the dominance of her body, causing her to lose [*]% of her body's dominance.

This makes it inconvenient for her to move at some time. With a personality, she can exist in this world, but because of Westcott's contract, she has no way to leave.

"The world didn't reset my plan and it wasn't in vain, Edward Alexander, in which other world are you hiding?"

Edward Alexander is not dead, she is very sure, but she has searched the whole world and can't find him, and there is only one possibility, and that is to avoid the interference of the fate of the demons in the natural phase of the other world.

After all, he was the guy who was sniped by the demon gods, and he was also cut off by all the opportunities and the way forward by the demon gods.

He was one step away from becoming a demon god with the golden system, but the demon gods would not allow new demon gods to be born, so he was cut off by the common will of the demon gods.

Edward Alexander was not the first to be cut off.

All the magicians who can become demon gods under the probability called "accidental" have suffered such bad luck.

After Edward, Orells did the same. When he arrived at the "realm of the gods", he was cut off by a wounded kitten, and he could only stagnate in the awkward position of a quasi-demon god.

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