It was only after Orels reacted that he noticed the breath of Othinus, who belonged to the Nordic system with him, so hatred was born here, and Othinus was regarded as an old enemy.

In fact, at that time, she felt no less than the joint action of the three demon gods. Othinus was not among them. Of course, the arrogant demon god would not explain to a magician who was not a demon god.

She can be sure that Ye Fei does not want to become a demon, but to become a being above the demon, surpassing the heavenly father and saying that it is greater than the heavenly father.

"However, because of Ye Fei's appearance, those demon gods should go crazy. I'm really looking forward to it." Lola shook her head, quickly changed her clothes, removed the hairpin, and her blonde hair revealed a demon face composed of cosmic stars. This face is showing Pleasant smile.

This is an unprecedented war, because the birth of demon gods is not allowed, let alone beyond their existence.

Since the disappearance of the Heavenly Father, he has appeared successively, the Celestial Dynasty, India, Greece, Northern Europe, Egypt, Aztec, Voodoo, Buddhism, Celtic mythology, and successively consecrated nine magicians.

They have fulfilled their magical name and fulfilled their wish to stay.

The result of fulfilling all desires and wishes is the endless void. Although there are still emotions and desires, it is already thin to the limit.

If there is any desire, it is to detach from this world.

Staying in this world will cause all kinds of troubles to the world, and thoughts will distort the fate of countless people.

After all, human beings are such a species with rich emotions. Knowing that their destiny is arbitrarily affected, it will inevitably lead to hostility to the demon gods, and countless godslayers will emerge.

It's not that the demon gods are afraid of humans, but they are already bored with everything, and they are already tired of playing games, so in order not to affect the world they have become unfamiliar with, they collectively went to the hidden world.

After the demon gods disappeared, some insiders, under various considerations, chose to cover up all the secrets, but only vaguely regarded them as gods. These vague information were evolved into various myths and legends, making people believe in fear of them .

Therefore, the high gods know the existence of Ye Fei, and they will definitely cut off all opportunities for those who violate their rules.

The cake of the world has been divided, there is no need to add another demon, and it is even more unacceptable to exist above them.

From the observation point of view, Ye Fei's little master is still quite weak, and his current strength is only a cosmology.

"So, let's play a game with the little brat master."

Laura put on her clothes with a smile and walked out of the big bathroom.

A nun who was cleaning looked at the Supreme Bishop who was passing by quickly in surprise, and found that the usually calm bishop became very hurried.

A faint murmur was heard faintly.

"This time, the plan needs to be changed. Although I know that Academy City has Ye Fei and a demon called Naia, from the information, it cannot be denied that the man did not leave a message in Academy City." Lola Carrying the skirt, he walked out of St. George's Cathedral and stepped into the summoned carriage.

"Go to Buckingham Palace."

Some plans have to be discussed with the Queen, hey, what a pity, Britain is not in the hands of the Puritans, otherwise it would not have been so troublesome.

"Speaking of which, it was because I sent the forbidden book catalog to Academy City that the two demon gods noticed my existence." Lola muttered, her mouth twitching. Is this a model of self-inflicted sin? Although the result It was good, but it also made her very tired.

The rise of Academy City is too abnormal. In just a few decades, the world is divided into two parts in one fell swoop. In the past, the Roman Orthodox Church suspected that there might be demons intervening in Academy City. Ye Fei, who did not grow up, was a real devil.

On the face of it, she has already lost the "Forbidden Book List". If the royal family wants her to send it back, she will suffer. She has no right to ask the little master to do anything, so it is better to be honest. After all, this is force majeure, and the royal family is also Unable to resist the power of the devil.

After a while, she will definitely suffer from the chivalry and the beatings of the royal family, as well as a lot of plan changes. Thinking of these makes her stomach hurt.

"Really, with so many problems weighing on me, I should be considered unlucky or lucky." Laura bit the sleeve of the monk's robe with her lips, and her resentment continued to rise. .

Chapter [*]: I'm angry because A Fei hides it from me

"Why don't you want me to get the little angel's soul out, isn't it more convenient?" Naiyako asked curiously while holding Ye Fei's arm.

"It's not necessary. A person who is not yet fully mature can only be used as a contract. It is completely impossible to replace her person. Get her out, and she will be sent back to the heaven without her boarding body." Ye Fei shrugged slightly. Helplessly said, the key is that his own strength is too weak, so the cosmology can only be exerted to this extent.

"But it's worth scrutinizing that after restraining her with her personality, she actually woke up Laura's consciousness, and it also caused half of her body control. It really makes people feel a little hopeful." Ye Fei scrubbed his chin, There was a twinkle in his eyes.

He doesn't intend to let Lola go. Just imagine that there are two souls in one body, and they control the body at different times. The body feels the same, isn't it ~ equivalent to empathy?

"So that's how it is~ So Ah Fei, you didn't say you wanted to enter Chaos..." Nayazi's green eyes rolled around, as if she knew what Ye Fei was thinking, and the corners of her mouth raised an arc.

"Your Majesty Naia, reserved, reserved, I prefer His Majesty Naia, who is reserved for a lady."

Ye Fei looked at the silver-haired nun who was clenching her teeth and wanted to bite him to death, and pulled her hand out of Nayko's arms without a trace.

Although I don't know Nayiko's exact purpose, it seems to be in a good state now...

"Humph!" Index snorted in dissatisfaction, pouted her lips, blinked her eyes, and said warmly: "Afei is really distressing, what are Afei and Lord Naia going to do when they come to the world?"

The influence of the god of magic on the world is too great, maybe a small impulse can shake the world.

"Don't ask kid, you just need to know that I have no ill will towards the world. I won't do anything like destroying the world."

He cherishes the people around him and his current life very much, and he doesn't want to destroy the lives of his friends. He doesn't think of himself as a god. In his opinion, he's just a powerful being.

Weakness and ignorance are not obstacles to survival, arrogance is.

"Uuuuu~" Index puffed her cheeks, then calmed down and said seriously: "So, in order for Ah Fei not to destroy the world casually, I will watch Ah Fei closely in the future."

"It seems that I have been taking care of you all the time. However, the bad diners have been biting me at every turn. Although there is no pain in the bite, it made me drool all over." Ye Fei said with a disappointed sigh. .

"I, how can I be as bad as you said, Ah Fei, I also do housework, I also take care of the Sphinx...and, that..." When Index was told this, she immediately quit, angry He wanted to refute, but it seemed that he really didn't help Ah Fei. Instead, he always caused him trouble. Then he turned his face and walked to the balcony angrily, with a "I'm angry" expression.

Naiyako looked at this scene with half-squinted eyes, and said with the corners of her mouth raised: "Even if the girl is really not useful, her heart to help you is sincere, and you will be angry when you say that~ Ah Fei , Emotionally, you are not too concerned~"

"Of course I know. To tell the truth about feelings, I only vaguely understand it, but I still know very well what I can do. I just blurted it out just now, and I regret it a little when I think about it."

Ye Fei scratched her cheek and said, of course she knew Index's intentions, she was unhappy because she couldn't help me a lot of times, and she seemed to be becoming more and more unscrupulous recently.

Has the so-called nature been awakened?

Ye Fei walked to the balcony, watching Index teasing Sphinx, Index snorted and turned her head to give him a back.

"Don't be angry, it's my fault, okay? The former Index was strong when faced with such desperate things. Forgive me, okay?" Ye Fei said while holding Index's shoulders.

"I'm not angry, just because I feel like I'm useless at all, and I need Ah Fei to help me with everything." Index's expression changed instantly, and then she said softly, with a little depression.

"A Fei has been trying to find a way to get the automatic secretary out! The automatic secretary is controlled by the big devil, right?"

"Almost, I thought you were angry with me." Ye Fei wrapped his arms around Index's neck, making Index's cheeks red, opened his mouth, and wanted to bite Ye Fei's hand. But thinking that his hand not only can't bite, but his teeth are bruised, so he didn't bite down.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????????

"I'm angry because Ah Fei didn't tell me, didn't tell me anything, and then did so much for me by himself. Ah Fei is not a demon, I know. Although Ah Fei behaved very well just now, he left that strange place. Ah Fei has become very weak, and he must have done a lot for me." Index said angrily.

"I'm... very weak." Ye Fei's mouth twitched slightly, well, I really can't beat the first and second steps of the pyramid without the simulated star map, but I'm still a strong man.

"Don't be angry, I will personally use the legendary kitchen utensils to cook delicious food for you in the future, okay, nun." Ye Fei couldn't help but smile and said softly.

........ 0

Index will indeed be very angry because the other party has done a lot of things for her, and she doesn't know it at all, or because of her cheating on her, she will be very angry, such as Kanzaki, Index and Kanzaki are still in a cold war Among them, Kanzaki is also looking for opportunities to ease, so the summer vacation is a good opportunity.

"Don't think that Fei will forgive you immediately." Index pouted her lips, and then said seriously: "Tell me Fei, what you are doing now, even if I can't help you, I can't help you. You also need to know, at least it won't make me too scared when Ah Fei won't come back."

"Well, I'll tell you, I really can't do anything about you."

Ye Fei sighed, now that Index can refine magic power, maybe Index will have the opportunity to become a demon god in the future, after all, it can hold a physique of [*] magic books.

Sitting cross-legged on the floor, let Index sit in his arms and ponder.

"It's probably like this..."

The night is gradually coming, and the night ban time of Academy City is up. It seems that many things happen every day.

After the explanation, Index returned to the room with satisfaction, and found that Naiako had occupied her usual position early, and the whole person became very depressed.

"Sleep with Naia, she won't bully you, I'll sleep on the tatami." Ye Fei shrugged and said, he was afraid that he would not be able to bear it when he slept with Naia.

Tomorrow will be the real start of summer vacation, but get ready for a vacation in Hawaii.Several.

Chapter [*]: Technological Creation, Void Engine

Index reluctantly slept with Naiako. Because she was very dissatisfied, there was a lot of space in the middle. This space was just right for Ye Fei. Naiako opened one eye and turned around. Raise a slight arc.

Even if he is already powerful and powerful, and has the capital to overturn the world, is he still abiding by the rules in some aspects? It is really a human being who is very affectionate and orderly.

When you know that only chaos and disorder can be free, you will understand something. Most of the order side is intrigue~

Ye Fei rested his head on his arm and looked out the window. At this time, the downtown area of ​​Academy City was still very lively, but other places had calmed down.

I turned on the phone and looked at the board dedicated to the director. The "[*]" task he gave to Anbu has been completed. The corner of his mouth is slightly raised, and Academy City is completely in my hands, whether it is the inside or the outside. On the side, they are really capable, and I really need to reward them well.

Ye Fei's eyes flickered slightly, then slowly closed, his consciousness entered the simulated star creation map.

There is still no change here, the only thing that has changed is Aiwass.

A simple white robe without any decorations. Her skin is fair and shimmering, like a polymer composed of light. Her facial features are already very clear. If it used to be a mosaic, it is now an ultra-clear image quality. Beautiful temperament foiled vividly.

"Are you serious? You can already rely on the seeds of my personality to come to the material world?" Ye Fei asked in surprise, just as he was about to sleep and rest, he didn't expect Aiwass to send him this message. Incredible information.

"Well, it's just that the normal state may not be successful, but I have parsed a part of the rules and added them to my soul. Strictly speaking, my essence can no longer be positioned with the pure physical angel of the number 93. I have already been infected. With that person's breath, Ye Fei."

"Is that so, that is to say, you have two identities." Ye Fei retracted his surprised expression. Given the existence of Aiwass, this is not surprising. After all, this is only equivalent to an angel from the West and a fairy from the East at the same time. Such a complex identity.

"Can you fully utilize your power as an archangel? That's second only to the power of the Demon God."

"This will disappoint you. Even if the real me comes, because Ye Fei is too weak, the scope I can use is only one tenth, or one percent."

"That's already incredible." Ye Fei nodded, this is already equivalent, the next Archangel Gabriel is almost summoned, Gabriel was pulled down by "Angel Fall", and his strength is only ten one percent or even less.

When he becomes level 6, he will be able to directly attack the demon gods, but if those demon gods are not sealed by the simulated star creation map at the same time, he will be very passive.

After all, the cosmology has sealed the Demon God, and it cannot be used for the second time in the first time, otherwise the sealed Demon God will run out again, so help is needed.

Ye Fei waved at Tai Sui Xing, and a group of light sources full of root aura appeared in his hands, and Aihuas caught the light source with a slightly happy expression.

This is completely different from the personality of the heavenly realm. It is the root of dependence without any restrictions. After accepting the personality, she can go anywhere, whether it is the material world or the phase, or the dimensional void outside the world.

She will also not be bound by the rules of this world.

The dazzling golden light illuminated the whole world, Ye Fei closed his eyes halfway, and could clearly feel that a certain huge energy was entering his view of the universe. Come over like.

Of course, this is just his intuitive feeling, and this description is not accurate.

The golden light converged, and Aiwass became the second light source of the whole world. The body originally composed of light seemed to have become the substance, with the illusion of the flesh.

"As expected, without the aspect, the original rules have become difficult to use because they come to a world that does not belong to me, but the personality given by the virtual star Taisui can be used at will, equivalent to a hundred level 6? "

Aiwass raised his hand and moved lightly. His voice was full of ethereal beauty, making people seem to be wandering in the fields of Taoyuan Mountain...  

"Are you ready to go back to imaginary phase?"

Ye Fei looked at the beautiful Aiwass and asked, Aiwass's current appearance is [*]% similar to Lola's, the only difference is that she feels as familiar as a young woman.

A golden card was suspended above Aiwass's head, without any accident, it was a five-star card.

Reaching out to touch Aiwass's beautiful cheek, curiosity made him want to touch the skin that looked like light and flesh.

Aiwass didn't dodge because of Ye Fei's actions, maybe she also wanted to take a look at her feeling of being touched by ordinary life.

"I came here, and I don't plan to go back, it doesn't make sense."

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