Ye Fei's hand touched Aiwass' cheek, and the illusion like a marshmallow was transmitted to the nerves, and he could perceive very terrifying energy. Aiwass did not have any hostility to him, so the energy was not dangerous.

He had no doubt that Aiwass could easily destroy the world.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting into the five-star card quest, the conditions for unlocking the card, does the angel's kiss taste good? Don't the host want to try it?"

"Aiwass, I want to kiss you, are you alright?" Ye Fei said seriously, for Angel 1.7 like Aiwass, who is not shy, affectionate, etc., this kind of behavior means nothing to her.

"For the current Ye Fei, does the image I imitate make you very happy?" Aiwass asked in a flat voice.

"Forget it, after all... Your current image is very much in line with my aesthetic."

It felt like tasting marshmallows, nothing tasted...a little disappointed.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the ultimate technological creation, the Void Engine."

The "Void Particle Black Hole Void Engine" comes from the "Super Seminary", the universe world of science and technology.

Built-in abilities: advanced concept rewriting, advanced material definition, void blockade, advanced dark energy manipulation.

Built-in operation speed: 100 frames. .

Chapter [*]: Angel-level combat power

"It's actually this thing, and now it really has the power of an angel!"

Ye Fei slowly widened his eyes. The five-star card was worth five stars, second only to the only attribute card.

The Void Engine is called the "Secondary Creature Engine", which is a bug in the super seminary. It can directly create objects in the void, change the laws of the mainstream world, and formulate the rules of an area. With this thing, it is the real god of technology.

Beings with biological signs are called "primary creatures" in the technology test and can be understood as creatures such as humans, void creatures, those unknowable and invisible creatures are called secondary creatures, and the Void Engine is to dominate the world of secondary creatures to change the mainstream device of the world.

Put down this world called "Magic Forbidden", then the sub-creature world (dark plane) is those aspects, sub-creatures, and void creatures are angels.

"Does the host install a void engine?" The system's voice sounded.

"Install!" Ye Fei said calmly. Just after he finished speaking, the pain of countless ants biting in the muscles came from the mental level, the physical level, or the level of a certain position. It's nothing to him.

From a microscopic point of view, Ye Fei saw that the gene sequence in each of his cells had changed, and the helical genes were recombining.

Science and magic are really two completely different technologies. He is still the body of a saint, but has undergone qualitative changes at the technological level.

"The installation is complete - please name it." A mechanized voice came from his mind, Ye Fei pondered for a while and said, "Spirit."

"The name is successful, the battle version of the soul is being generated, the generation is completed, start to search for the dark plane, the search is successful, the dark plane can be used in the screening, the screening is successful, and it is entering."

"Successful entry, opening the operation interface."

Ye Fei's consciousness came to an unknown place. It was colorful and boundless. Under his feet was a platform built by an unknown machine. Countless blue codes formed a protective barrier to protect him inside.

"Retrieve all the functions of the soul engine." Ye Fei said with a little excitement in his heart. This is a masterpiece of technological testing and creation of gods. It is equivalent to a device that controls the phase to rewrite reality, and it is equivalent to the demon god of scientific and technological testing.

It may not be as strong as the Demon God, but the nature is similar.


"Soul Battle Edition, with a black hole-level void engine, advanced material definition, advanced concept rewrite device, gene strike function, additional anti-void ability, void defense wall function, strike concept formation function, anti-void, anti-light energy, anti-dark energy, Reverse energy..."

"Core computing speed: 100 frames."

"Log in to the dark plane and choose, aim to spread the position." Ye Fei returned to his thoughts.

"Check, how much operation speed is one frame equal to level 6."

This frame rate is really confusing to him, but he vaguely remembers that the Void Engine of the protagonist of the Super Seminary has only 12 frames, and the strongest Void Engine has only 24 frames.

"The login dark plane is being changed. There are multiple passwords on the dark plane. Is it cracked?"


"Cracking 1%, 10%, 50%, 100% Successfully cracked, logged in successfully, reading information, reading successfully, according to the dark plane's strongest biological information "Yangtong" as a reference, one frame is equal to 0.2 Accelerator"

"That is to say, it is equivalent to 20 Level 6 Accelerator, which is not too strong." Ye Fei touched his chin, Accelerator is nearly [*] times overclocked, and the Soul Engine is equivalent to the thinking calculation of [*] ordinary people. ability.

This is just an angel-level combat power that may be higher than that of an angel, but it is still not up to the archangel, Gabriel and Aiwass.

In addition, the use of the Void Engine is relatively mechanical, a device cannot be stronger than the angel, it depends on the user, and he can exert the strength of the Void Engine only if he is strong.

"This time, I really have the power to control the artificial heaven. I don't know how advanced the method of Vialesta's huge flaws is."

After exiting the Soul Battle interface, I couldn't help but think that Aleister has completely lost control of the artificial heaven now. If he has the absolute means to subdue me, he will definitely do it now.

It's a pity, now Aleister, most of your methods have failed for me, no, there is one more trick you can't use, that is the golden dog that often hangs in front of my house, the relay station that carries your power, to deal with the devil powerful weapon.

But do you dare to use it? You are not absolutely sure, not even half sure.

Ye Fei retracted his thoughts and slowly closed his eyes with his arms resting on his back.

The next morning.

Index got up early and prayed sincerely on the balcony with her hands folded on her chest. Ye Fei was used to her getting up early to pray.

Naiyako didn't know if it was intentional or not, the sleeping appearance was not good, and Ye Fei even felt that she was deliberately tempting him.

"A Fei, come and help others buckle it." Nayazi pretended to face Ye Fei with his smooth back, and buckled the belt awkwardly.

"Your Majesty Naia, do you think that an existence like you can't even fasten the straps of your bra? Will I believe it?" Ye Fei 823 said expressionlessly, then turned to the kitchen relentlessly, and agreed to Index To cook and feed her with the legendary kitchen utensils, he could not lose faith.

After making breakfast, Index opened her mouth in satisfaction.

"Woooooo! Ah Fei, five, that..."

Ye Fei couldn't help crying and laughing at Index, who was saying something while stuffing something in her mouth: "Put what's in your mouth and talk about it."

"That Fei, are we really going to that resort in Hawaii today?" Index looked at Ye Fei with expectant eyes, and the corners of her mouth were covered with sauce.

"Well, yes, it is estimated that Kanzaki has arrived." Ye Fei nodded and said, speaking of this, Little Bee, Misaka, and Leizi, they are probably going to rub sparks. Originally, they invited Teacher Xiaomeng to neutralize But the teacher Xiaomeng resolutely refused, the reason is, because it is going to be summer training for poor students.

What a ruthless teacher...

"I heard that there will be a lot of girls, and Fei's harem group will meet completely. I'm really looking forward to it. What position does Fei think I will be." Fei said with the corners of his mouth raised.

"Cough cough..." Ye Fei coughed violently and almost didn't choke. It was too disrespectful to say that. .

Chapter [*]: The Queen Who Overturned the Vinegar Jar

Fraxinus Skyship.

Shokuhou Caoqi was wearing a white dress, white lace stockings wrapped around her pencil-like legs, and a peach heart-shaped sunglasses on her forehead. At this time, she was very unhappy, and she felt jealous. Turning over the jar, half-squinting Xingxing eyes, although his face is smiling, but his body is full of Rakshasa-like aura.

It was obvious that she was especially wary of the two beautiful girls appearing at her secret base.

This is a gift from Ah Fei, but now Ah Fei has brought two extremely beautiful girls here, like the silver hair in the comics, one of the girls is too beautiful, even if she thinks she is beautiful The bees are excited.

This feeling is very uncomfortable.

"Can these two introduce themselves? They were brought by Ah Fei."

"Ah Fei, it looks like your maiden in the palace has overturned the vinegar jar now~ Would you like to comfort me?" Naiyako came to the sofa chair where Shokuhou often sat with a smile, and said with interest with Erlang's legs crossed.

"Ms. Zhenggong?" Index blinked, then looked at Shokuhou and slowly puffed out her cheeks: "Who are you from Ah Fei? It's the first time I saw your shining eyes. What's the matter? Magical girl?"

The tone was like that of a pissed off child, and Index was also very unhappy. What did this woman's sinister smile and aura mean?It seems that Fei is a very important person, is it really Fei's real girlfriend?

"Ms. Zhenggong..." Shokuhou Caoqi's cheeks flushed, but before she could react, the silver-haired nun made Shokuhou narrow her eyes.

"My name is Shokuhou Caoqi. I'm the hostess here. Ah Fei is my boyfriend. I don't know what is the relationship between the nun and Ah Fei."

Although Shokuhou Caoqi knew that this abominable silver-haired nun was staying in Ah Fei's dormitory, her tone was still tit-for-tat, even a bit biting. Ye Fei's dormitory, even I have not been to.

"My name is Index, and I live in Ah Fei's house now. I'm Ah Fei's friend." Index said with puffed cheeks.

"Oh~ it turns out to be just a friend." Shokuhou Caoqi stretched his voice with a yin and yang peculiarity, and he despised the nun's costume of this sneaky little thief cat. What kind of innocent appearance is it? I already know that I am Fei's girlfriend. It's too good to pretend to find fault so casually.

Thinking in my heart, I quietly pressed a button on the remote control in my hand, ready to see what the hell this pretentious guy has to do with A Fei, and at the same time, he glanced at the too beautiful girl sitting on the sofa chair casually. .


No effect, Shokuhou Caoqi was stunned. He pressed the remote control again and found that there was still no effect. How could it be that there was no effect? ​​The ability failed! This feeling is the same as Ah Fei.

"Yoyo, don't use this ability to drill into my head, if you see something, maybe you will become a fool~"

Nayiko took the hot tea that Shubi handed over and smiled kindly.

"What's going on, why doesn't my ability work on you, and this stinky cat too!" Shokuhou Misaki pointed to Naiako and Index.

"Humph, do you want to use some weird superpower to deal with me? Humph, my monastic uniform is a church-level monastic uniform, which is the secret treasure of the church. The patterns and textures on it are made of imitation of holy corpse cloth. Every line And the sutures all constitute an enchantment, and it is impossible for any magic and superpower to hurt me."

Index proudly raised her little head with her hands on her hips proudly, looking complacent. It seemed that this made her feel that she had defeated the opponent.

"Secret treasure, holy corpse cloth? What is that?" Shokuhou Cao Qi blinked, looking at Ye Fei in a cloudy and foggy manner, and at the same time his lips pursed slightly.

Ah Fei, the big pig's hoof, promised not to let his other girlfriends be present when he was with her.

"Xiao Qi, I thought you would point at my nose and scold me for being a big radish, but I didn't expect to take care of my face like this." Ye Fei looked at Shokuhou Cao Qi unexpectedly and said.

"Hmph! I'm not a jealous woman." Shokuhou Caoqi snorted unhappily with his arms crossed, then walked to Ye Fei, poked his fingers on his chest and said.

"It's not too much to allow me to view your memory as I did not abide by the agreement between us."

"What do you want to do with my memory? Catch a rape?" Ye Fei frowned. There are many things in his memory that can't be seen, especially the system, which can never be known, even Shokuhou. Tell.

There is also the fact that he has many female companions.

Seemingly knowing what Ye Fei was thinking, the system's long-lost reminder sounded in Ye Fei's mind.

"¨" The host does not have to worry about the system being detected, any information about the system will not be known by external forces, even if the host wants to say it, it will be replaced by other vague information by rules, any items obtained from the system There will be reasonable cause and effect. "

"In the eyes of outsiders, the host's luck value is beyond common sense."

"It's not, it's just that I want to know the current situation of my boyfriend. You have suddenly become so powerful, and the environment has become very unfamiliar, which makes me feel very insecure."

Shokuhou Cao gave Yefei a white look and said, and then there was a little twist, her cheeks were slightly flushed, the current Academy City has really become very strange, which made her panic. (good money)

"...Aren't you very busy?" Ye Fei twitched slightly recently. With his understanding of Shokuhou Caoqi, he must understand everything around him. He is a member of the Queen's faction who knows people's hearts well. All the memories of her must be checked before she can use it with confidence. Once there is something unknown, she will feel very insecure, and she must be clarified to be stable.

"That's not it, these two people..." Shokuhou blushed, her thoughts were completely known, she just didn't know the memories of these two people, so it was unknown, dangerous, and she was such a beautiful girl. Too dangerous.

Ye Fei transmits certain galaxies in his mind about this world into Shokuhou's brain.

"Okay, do you feel safe now?" Ye Fei said with a shrug.

Shokuhou Caoqi's expression stiffened, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

"is that a lie.".

Chapter [*]: Does the Queen want to catch rape?

Shokuhou Caoqi looked left and right at Index and Naiako, with a dubious expression on his face. The information from Ah Fei was so terrifying, it shattered her worldview for fourteen years.

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