Originally, Accelerator and Ah Fei became level 6 enough to refresh her cognition, but now it makes her feel that the world is full of malice.

"Ah Fei, are you sure you didn't lie to me, this little thief cat has such terrifying knowledge in his head? And this is the god who can destroy the world?" Shokuhou Caoqi pointed at Nayazi in disbelief and said, A look like waiting for Ye Fei to explain.

To be honest, her world view was smashed to the ground and she stepped on it with her feet. How could this world be so scary, Demon God? Destroy the world and reshape the world casually? It's like telling a fairy tale. , Although I know a lot of things that are secretly unknown in Academy City, but I didn't expect that the purpose of Academy City is this, and the chairman Aleister is still such a terrifying existence.

And Ah Fei's opponents are actually those demon gods? Are these really not the bloody scripts planned by a screenwriter with a big brain?

"I didn't lie to you~ Xiao Qi, I didn't plan to tell you, but you will know sooner or later, so I will tell you everything and give you a pre-823 shot, so that you won't complain that I won't give you anything in the future. Say."

Ye Fei sighed and looked at Shokuhou, who had a stiff expression, with one eye closed. Although he was not a relationship expert, he could tell from Index that the girl was very concerned about her boyfriend hiding from her. Lost, the subconscious will have the idea of ​​not paying attention to her.

"This is too exaggerated. It turns out that I live in such a terrifying world, and I only know now that this is what you are hiding from me? It really shocked me." Shokuhou Caoqi got a definite answer and inserted Yao Yao said in a tone of "this bit of information can't hit me": "Indeed, I know now that these are not good, doesn't it mean that I can't help Ah Fei at all?"

"There's nothing more disappointing than this." Shokuhou said in a disappointed tone, puffing out his cheeks slightly.

"Little girl, you don't have to worry about being too weak. Your boyfriend has a way to make you a god~" Nayazi said with an elder's voice, raising his mouth, crossed Erlang's legs, and slowly drank tea with a smile in his eyes. Yingying looked at the lost blonde girl. (cibh)

For her, it doesn't matter whether it is a palace or not, anyway, in front of the eternal life of a true god, time is the least valuable thing, and emotional color is just the process of achieving the goal.

"Ah? Ah Fei, he has a way to make me stronger too!"

Shokuhou Caoqi looked at Naiako, and at this time has become cautious. As the strongest spiritual superpower, he naturally has the ability to understand the authenticity of the knowledge in his mind. There is no doubt that all of them are Ah Fei really tried her best, but this alone made her unable to complain.

Over the past year, what A Fei has experienced is too unimaginable.

"Yeah! I do have this ability. So far, I have mature technology that can make you a level 6." Ye Fei spread his hands, and now he has the background, he can indeed produce level 6 in batches, and now the cloth bundle has unlimited The growth potential of the time travel machine, even if the cloth bundle researched the two-way foil, he would not be surprised.

"After all, Xiao Qi, the essence of your ability is the ability to control the water balance in the human brain to achieve psychological control. If you can control the water in the human body, it will be the peak level 5. If you upgrade this condition to the natural world, you will enter the level 6. If In the category of upgrading to energy, it is no different from those demon gods."


Shokuhou Caoqi put his hands in an X-shape in front of his chest, puffed out his cheeks slightly, and said with some complaints.

"Have you gone too far? Besides, your words are too convincing. I thought I could become that kind of existence."

"The topic is really far off. I'm not sure about becoming level 7, but there is still an 6% chance of believing in level 80." Ye Fei retracted his thoughts and scratched his cheek.

"Can I really become level 6?" Shokuhou Cao Qi looked at Ye Fei in surprise. Now she really understands her boyfriend completely. He can have a relationship with a god like Nayiko, at least in a similar position. .

There is an infinite sense of pride in my heart. Her boyfriend is such a strong and secure guy, and he truly loves her. There is nothing happier in the world than this. The only bad thing is that this guy is a big-hearted person. radish.

"Of course, how could I lie."

"Drum~" Index looked at the two people who were looking at each other, bulging their cheeks and biting the root. Although there was anger in her heart, she was very reasonable and didn't make trouble. Instead, she came to the sofa chair next to Naiako, sulking. Sitting down, with an "I'm not happy" expression, like a child's anger.

"When can you let me experience this technique?" Shokuhou Caoqi's mouth twitched a little. She felt that she only knew her boyfriend now. The ordinary high school student in the past has become so knowledgeable, but she, an honor student, seems to have become a primary school student. .

The sense of difference is really too great, as if I am really useless.

"It can be anytime, but now is not the time. I'm going back from vacation."

Speaking of vacation, Shokuhou Caoqi frowned slightly at Ye Fei, and slowly puffed out his cheeks.

"Tell me honestly, how many vixen did you invite this time?"

Ye Fei's expression was slightly stiff, and his eyes were slightly erratic, but he said calmly.

"Actually, there aren't that many people. The Misaka Mikoto you know will certainly carry Shirai's little tail, a friend from the Disciplinary Committee branch, a sensible junior, a classmate, and a secretary, plus This employee of Accelerator above..."

"Misaka Mikoto, I know you have a different relationship with you. I can barely accept it, but my friends from the discipline committee, sensible juniors, classmates, secretaries, and employees." Shokuhou Caoqi's expression slowly became expressionless, and then snorted coldly. With a sound, Ye Fei left a back.

"Big radish, I knew something like this would happen, so I also invited the girls from my clique to go on vacation together. It's not good if a little wild cat takes you away~"

"You're just afraid, because I'm going to flirt with other girls because you're there to make you feel uncomfortable." Ye Fei secretly complained.

"However, they are almost at the agreed place at this time.".

Chapter [*]: He must have ulterior motives

On the streets of the seventh school district, Misaka Mikoto was carrying a small suitcase, humming an unknown tune, and looked down at the specially selected sandals.

Although it is strange that the school requires students to wear school uniforms during the holidays, Tokiwadai does have a school uniform that must be worn both on and off school during holidays, and the school rules of maintaining good looks and aristocratic upbringing. Misaka Mikoto is also a "good student" Just so.

But today was different. She was going on vacation to a seaside resort outside Academy City, so she was wearing a cool dress, which she chose carefully.

"Squeak, squeak..." Misaka Mikoto, who was in a good mood, frowned at the sound of teeth gnashing in her ears.

"Speaking of which, it's annoying if you can stop making such a noise. If you don't want to go, you can go back to the dormitory now."

"No, my elder sister has been inexplicably excited since yesterday, and said it was a secret. In the morning, I dressed up and tidied up my suitcase. It turned out to be a vacation in Hawaii with the apes." of death.

"There is a conspiracy, there must be a conspiracy."

"You've read a lot of detective novels, it's just purely going on vacation." Misaka Mikoto drew a black line on her forehead from the corner of her mouth, sighing in her heart, Kuroko is really troublesome, when will her perverted problems be corrected.

"Since it's a vacation, why don't my elder sister and your best friend go on vacation with me? I can do this job too, but it's that wild monkey." Kuroko Shirai said resentfully like a deep boudoir ~ a grudge.

"Sure enough, the wild monkey is still superior, and he hooked up the simple elder sister. He must only take advantage of this vacation to make the elder sister's stomach, and then logically realize his disgusting ambition-".

Speaking of this, he roared in indignation, and his throat made a whining sound like a ghost.

Misaka Mikoto's cheeks immediately turned red and then black. A hand knife hit Shirai Kuroko on the head, and Shirai Kuroko squatted down with her head covered, tears streaming from the corners of her eyes.

"What nonsense are you talking about? You are the one who wants to realize your perverted ambition. Do you want me to pull out your notebook and read it, Kuroko." Misaka Mikoto slapped Shirai Kuroko's head fiercely, with a sense of justice. said.

Beads of sweat the size of Shirai Kuroko bean bubbled out, and the smile gradually stiffened.

Misaka Mikoto looked at Shirai Kuroko's expression and sneered: "Hehe, there really is an ulterior plan."

"Despicable, my elder sister actually cheated on me."

"It's just a subconscious test. Anyway, you haven't done this once, and I'm not a fool." Misaka Mikoto said contemptuously.

"Sister sis or we won't go, that wild monkey must have an ulterior plan, sire can see through even Kuroko's plan, that guy must be bad enough to leak ink, that wild monkey learns The director of Park City will definitely use his power to coerce and lure you..." Kuroko Shirai smeared Ye Fei with all his vigour, and put any bad guy template on his head.

"What kind of wild monkey, I know that guy better than you." Misaka Mikoto rolled her eyes angrily and sighed speechlessly: "I haven't been to the beach for a long time, and it's still in Hawaii. Senior Ye Fei has opened it for free. The green light of Academy City has eliminated a lot of visas, which is a rare opportunity."

"Damn wild monkey, what's so amazing, isn't it the director." Shirai Kuroko said through gritted teeth, feeling sour in his heart, resentful and angry, and had no strength to fight against that guy at all, feeling so powerless.

Could it be that my elder sister is about to be deceived?Since yesterday, my elder sister has been wrong, and the spring-hearted appearance of sleeping must have the mentality of treating wild monkeys as boyfriends.


at the same time.

"Isn't there any problem in wearing this suit?"

Zuotian Leiko, who was at the entrance of the bedroom, looked at herself in the mirror, bent down slightly, turned around from time to time, and frowned slightly, entangled in her outfit.

With a ladylike style, Ji-style black is long and straight, with a slender and slender figure, wearing a white dress full of preppy style.

Although the skirt is only cheap, but with her hairstyle and exquisite figure, she has the vision of a little princess.

"No, I should wear a seaside holiday style... But I didn't think about going to the seaside for a summer vacation before, I didn't prepare, and it's too late to prepare now."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????????

"Satian, are you ready?" A sweet shout came from outside the window, and Zuotian shouted in a panic: "It's ready, Chuchun, I'll be right here."

It's useless to worry about this now, let's go to the beach and rent a swimsuit.

He hurriedly ran downstairs with a bag of supplies, saw his friend's outfit, and commented in surprise: "Wow! Chuchun, you are so cunning, you actually bought this mature style of clothes without telling me."

"No, no, I bought it before. The clothes of Academy City looked very naive, so I tried the mature style. I didn't expect this clothes to be useful." Chuchun said shyly.


The cool shoulder-strap flower-patterned dress and the translucent sandals give the impression that elementary school students are deliberately pretending to be mature, but they don't violate harmony at all, but are rather cute.

"I don't have the mature clothes like Chuchun, and I haven't even prepared suitable clothes. Will Senior Ye Fei think that I don't pay attention to his invitation?"

"No, senior Ye Fei is a kind person."

"But, in the early spring wearing a dress today, what style of fat did you wear? Hee hee!"

In the dazed expression of Chuchun, Saten smirked and lifted Chuchun's skirt suddenly, and then sent a comment: "It's actually a bear pattern, it's a bit out of line with today's mature style~"

"Woo~ Satian, you are here, what if someone sees you." Chuchun shook his hands in shock, blushing and exclaiming angrily.

"Don't worry, I will never let others see Chuchun's fat times, I will only show it to Senior Ye Fei." Zuotian Leizi said proudly with a smirk on his waist.

"Please don't do this, absolutely can't do it, or I'll be angry." Chuchun said in a flustered voice.

"Really, Chuchun, you are too shy~ It's hard to argue with me like this~"

"That's right, Saten always does this kind of weird behavior."

While fighting, they came to the agreed stadium, but there was no one here, so the two blinked their eyes and said:

"The appointed place is here?" A few.

Chapter [*]: Assemble, is this the Shura Field?

The agreed location is actually the Sports Plaza in the seventh school district. Although the Sports Plaza is usually empty, shouldn't the agreed location be in a commercial plaza or a park?

"It should be here. After all, the senior said that there are a lot of people invited. We should not have time yet." Chuchun looked at the time on his mobile phone and said uncertainly: "We came ten minutes early."

"Senior shouldn't let our pigeons go, right?" Zuotian Leizi raised his brows, scratching his head and smirking.

"No, the senior is not so bad to use this kind of thing to make fun of us, Satian, you have too many ideas, and you always think about inexplicable things."

"Sorry, sorry, I just blurted out, I didn't mean to doubt anyone at all." Saten Leiko stuck out her tongue and said indifferently, as if she would never get angry at any time, she kept a good "[*]" "vitality.

At this moment, a familiar voice came from behind.

"Really, Heizi, how many smear words you have said in my ear to slander others, I'm about to get tired of listening. Besides, where can there be so many dangers, so many possibilities, if everything goes in a bad direction I think it's better to stay in the dormitory and sleep."

"I'm not trying to smear anyone, just in case, in case, if the elder sister thinks that I am only at this level, then look down on me completely, hum."

Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko stopped and looked forward, Saten Ruiko and Uiharu Shiri were smiling and beckoning to them.

"Misaka-senpai, Shirai-san."

"Saten, Uiharu, I thought I was the first to arrive, but I didn't expect you to come so early." Misaka Mikoto waved her hand.

"We've only just arrived."

"Senior Ye Fei hasn't arrived yet?" Misaka Mikoto asked suspiciously.


"Huh, that's what he said, that guy is very punctual for things like the appointment, and he will never come early or be late." Misaka Mikoto couldn't help complaining, and the last time he delivered cookies, he came on time.

Thinking of what he said last time, his cheeks couldn't help but turn red. If he said anything, he would definitely eat it up. It was really concerning. I wonder if that guy thought it was delicious. It was the first time to make that kind of thing.

"Cut!" Kuroko Shirai cut to see Misaka Mikoto's expression.

"Misaka-senpai, do you know who the senior invited her? I am very concerned about the friends who are going to go on vacation together. Maybe I will meet many friends again." Saten Leiko asked curiously, blinking her eyes.

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