"I don't know, last time that guy left a flyer and left." Misaka Mikoto took out a Hawaiian flyer from her handbag and said, she was also curious about this.

"Hey, I have some gossip, someone the senior might invite." Satian Leiko smiled mysteriously and said in a low voice.

"Who will you invite?"

The three of them involuntarily looked at Satian Leiko and came over.

"According to the friends the senior knows, I have analyzed three people." Saten Leiko raised three fingers mysteriously.

"Come on, don't hang your appetite." Shirai Kuroko said impatiently.

"The first one is the level 6 that is currently ranked first in Academy City, Accelerator, the relationship between the senior and her is a very good friend, by the way, she is a cold-hearted, arrogant and arrogant. Jiao."

Misaka Mikoto frowned slightly. She would never forget this name no matter what. Although the core of that crazy plan was shut down by Senior Ye Fei, that person could not be forgiven.

However, she is also a victim, because this experiment must have caused her to suffer unimaginable pains for ordinary people. With the crazy progress of the experiment, she is afraid that she will be attacked by the group of children all the time, even if she sleeps, she will not be quiet.

"Who was the first level 6 with the mind of a god? That wild monkey is so popular?" Kuroko Shirai couldn't help but exclaimed. During that time, the whole Academy City was reporting on the level 6 incident.

According to the simulation tests conducted by the researchers, level 6 can easily destroy a city, even if all the capable people go together, it is impossible to defeat level 6. This is already a legendary god.

"Listening to Satian, it is indeed possible. The relationship between Ye Fei and Yuriko is very good, and Yuriko is not as unfriendly as the rumors say. The rumors are really unreliable." Nod of approval.

The last time I went to the holographic studio with Yuriko, I had a lot of fun, but she was very shy, and she pretended to be fierce in order to hide her shyness...  

Saten Leiko saw everyone's surprised expression and raised her second finger with a smile.

"Second place, I guess it's Senior Sister Bu Shuduxin."

"Buffed letter? Who is it?"

"It's the senior sister who got on the plane longer, and a scientist at the Ye Fei Senior Institute."

"Cloth bundle letter, cloth bundle, cloth bundle!" Shirai Kuroko couldn't help frowning slightly when he read the name, and then his eyes widened instantly and exclaimed in surprise.

"Isn't Bu Shutuxin the initiator of the largest academic conference in Academy City the day before yesterday? Who is known as a great scientist comparable to Einstein and Newton who realizes space theory and technology."

"That's right, she is the researcher who developed superpowers for me and Saten. Ms. Bushu-senpai is really amazing, and she has already become famous all over the world while she was in high school." Uiharu Shiri's eyes were shining with admiration.

"Oh, Chuchun, you don't have to worship others so much, your computer skills are quite good." Saten Leiko smiled, and then showed a bad smile.

"It's still the true form of the "Guardian of Academy City" in the top ten urban legends. "

"How can this be the same, I just understand computers better."

"Who is the third one?" Misaka Mikoto asked curiously.

"The third one is a bit more coughing... She is Yu Cai Haimei. It is said that she is a famous negotiator and courtesan. When I met her, she was dating Senior Ye Fei for 1.7..." Zuotian Leiko said. At the time, his voice was a little low, and then he sighed, quietly observing Misaka Mikoto's expression.

Misaka Mikoto frowned slightly, a big tic-tac-toe appeared on her forehead, and her hands clasped together in an instant.

Sure enough... Misaka-senpai likes Ye Fei-senpai, there are so many competitors, and everyone is so good.

"So, Ye Fei-senpai is a scumbag man who walks around and pedals a few boats, hohoho~" Shirai Kuroko showed a mocking expression, covering his lips excitedly and looking at Misaka Mikoto sneeringly.

"Uh..." The atmosphere instantly calmed down.

At this time, a rough voice broke the silence.

"It's so noisy, you stinky brat, please be quiet for me, I've had enough, I'm not your nanny, so it's right to send you to Misaka Mikoto."

Chapter [*]: Accelerator is very irritable

"I was hungry and wanted to eat ice cream. Misaka Misaka pitifully looked at Accelerator who was furious and asked for something to eat."

Wearing a blue striped dress, the petite little loli with a cute face said pitifully, holding the corner of Accelerator.

"Shut up, you want me to run errands just after breakfast, and I'll send you out when I see Misaka Mikoto."

Accelerator's mouth was full of rude words, and his eyes without much pigment looked helplessly at this annoying little devil.

She had had enough these two days, really had enough.

Obviously she is the commander of the Misaka Network, but she has no common sense in line with this identity at all, and even common sense of life is incomplete. Her heart age is younger than her appearance age, I don't know how many years old, she is simply a three-year-old child.

As if she really became a married mother ten years earlier, she was completely fed up, and she would give it back to Misaka Mikoto no matter what.

"Misaka Mikoto? But my elder sister lives in a public dormitory, and Misaka can't live there. Misaka makes a pitiful plea."

"Why do you remember it so clearly at this time? Even if you pretend to be pitiful, I will send you out."

"Uuu~ Accelerator is making trouble without reason, and Yu28saka Misaka protests."

"It's noisy."

Accelerator looked at the destination, put his eyes on Misaka Mikoto, grabbed the shoulder of the last work with an embarrassed expression, and walked over.

Misaka Mikoto and the others all looked towards Accelerator and Misaka.

"Hi! Yuriko, we've been waiting for you for a long time." Saten Leiko waved her hand cheerfully.

"Who is this?" Kuroko Shirai looked at Accelerator for the first time, then at Misaka, and then stared at him, feeling very familiar, and asked strangely.

"Accelerator...and, Miss Misaka! She's so small, exactly like when I was a kid."

Misaka Mikoto looked at Accelerator and frowned, her face sullen, and then she looked at the little sister Misaka, the corner of her mouth twitched slightly, looking at Kuroko's expression, she must have recognized it.

"Number three, it's really not easy to find you, and you have a really big face." Accelerator said, looking at Misaka Mikoto savagely.

"Accelerator..." Misaka Mikoto took a deep breath and was about to speak, but Accelerator grabbed the collar of the last work and threw it at her, and caught it in a panic.

"Wow!" The last work was startled.

"Why are you like this, how can you treat such a small child like this." Misaka Mikoto looked at Accelerator angrily, she wanted to apologize to Accelerator.

"Don't talk nonsense in front of me, take this stinky brat back quickly." Accelerator said very irritably.

"Huh?" Misaka Mikoto was stunned, then looked at the pitiful final work.

"What do you mean?"

"Humph! Of course you are taking her away, aren't you her sister? Isn't it your duty to take care of her?"

Misaka Mikoto understood Accelerator's meaning and hurriedly refuted.

"Although I also want to be responsible, I have the conditions to take care of them now. If I bring her back to the dormitory, I will definitely be kicked out of the dormitory, and maybe ordered to drop out."

How terrifying that old single housekeeper is. How could you possibly understand that bringing in a child would be a felony.

"Sister elder sister's younger sister!" Shirai Kuroko's eyes suddenly lit up, like two big lightbulbs sparkling, and I said how she was exactly the same as elder elder sister when she was a child, and thought it was elder elder sister's child.

The elder sister is only fourteen years old, and it is definitely impossible to give birth to a ten-year-old child, which is a false alarm.

But then again, the twin sister of the elder sister didn't hear the elder sister mention it. Is it a bad relationship?

"Then, give her to your parents."

"Even if you say so..." Misaka Mikoto just wanted to get angry, realized that this was a secret that could never be told, and immediately stopped, then walked to Accelerator and said in a low voice.

"Can't talk about this later, my friends are still here."

"Hmph, don't be rude, it's not you who changed the sheets for this kid these days." Accelerator said through gritted teeth.

"Please, please." Misaka Mikoto pleaded awkwardly.

"Humph!" Accelerator snorted coldly and glanced at the others, she knew that these things must not be known to others.

"Thank you." Misaka Mikoto said softly.

"?" Zuotian Leiko and the others looked at the two who didn't know what they were talking about with a confused look, and then Zuotian Leiko touched his chin.

"I seem to have discovered something more than usual."

"What secret?" Kuroko Shirai looked at Saten Leiko.

"Can't say, can't say." Satian Leiko said mysteriously.

"Cut." Shirai Kuroko pouted.

At this time, two girls in Tokiwadai school uniforms came and looked at Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko in surprise.

"Misaka-sama, Shirai-san."

"Fanfeng Runzi, Kouhiko Early Bird, why are you two here?" Kuroko Shirai's face instantly became expressionless, and he secretly asked, why did the bee-eater faction come here?

She didn't like the 827 series of Shokuhoupa, who had a large number of people and bullied the market in Tokiwatai. She could even say that she hated it. That star eye was always looking for trouble with her elder sister and wanted to see jokes.

"Lord Shokuhou, we came here and said that we were invited to go to Hawaii for vacation. The school has already got the visas, so we are here, Misaka-sama and Shirai-san, too?" Junko Hoafeng politely asked.

"Almost..." Shirai Kuroko raised his brows.

"Eh?" Saten Leiko and Uiharu Shiri looked at each other.

"Could it be that Academy City draws lucky viewers for a group trip?"

"What's going on?" Misaka Mikoto's mouth twitched slightly, how could she be related to that despicable guy Shokuhou Misaki again?

"However, the time has come, but Senior Ye Fei hasn't arrived yet." Chuchun Shili said suspiciously.

"That guy has already arrived." Accelerator raised his head and said, "It's really high-profile. I've noticed something in the sky for a long time. I didn't expect it to be such an exaggerated thing."

"What?" Everyone raised their heads to look at the sky, but there was nothing, and then their expressions slowly changed to surprise, and finally to shock.

A huge sky ship of an aircraft carrier slowly appeared overhead, covering the entire sports plaza.

"What is that!" Shirai Kuroko exclaimed. .

Chapter [*]: Shokuhou Misaka Mikoto

"It's so big, what is that? An aircraft carrier that can fly?" Kou Luzi Zaoniao said in a panic.


"It's too exaggerated, what do you get? Academy City has such an exaggeration?"

A body larger than an aircraft carrier is suspended in parallel above the stadium, covering the entire space, and the sci-fi pictures from the future impact the vision.

"It's amazing, I remembered it, this is the real body of a mysterious sky object." Satian Leiko exclaimed excitedly pointing at the sky ship.

"What? Satian, do you know what that is?" Everyone looked at Satian Leiko and asked.

"Humph, there is a new legend in urban legends. It is said that the senior sister of the astronomy enthusiast accidentally observed the distortion of the rules of the clouds in the sky. Through the moonlight, you can vaguely see the outline of the UFO. Later, many fans observed it and said that they saw UFOs, so this sky ship must be the real one." Saten Ruiko pointed at the sky ship and said like a child who found the real image.

"Then, why did the sky ship appear here? Could something happen? Will we be detained by the guards?" Junko Fanfeng said with a little worry, she didn't think about the excellent master at all. Same.

"Probably not, if I'm not mistaken, the Skyship is the secret base of Senior Ye Fei!" Satian Leiko said with almost certain excitement.


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