"If it's that guy, it's quite possible. After all, that guy is a director and is quite mysterious. It's not impossible that the strange and superb science of Academy City can be realized." Misaka Mikoto said in amazement, speaking, that guy is really It's very mysterious. She doesn't know that guy very well at all, and she can come up with magical things casually.

"Um, Misaka-sama, is the Ye Fei senior you mentioned the youngest director? I also know Ye Fei senior, but I don't know if it's the same person." Hoa Feng Junzi said politely.

"You also know someone named Ye Fei?" Misaka Mikoto was startled, and then she asked cautiously, "What kind of person do you know, Senior Ye Fei?"

"Senior Ye Fei is the eighth level 5, the boyfriend of Lord Shokuhou, and a very respectable adult." Fanfeng Runzi said with a smile.

"It's real, it's that guy." Misaka Mikoto clenched her fists, her eyelids twitched wildly, she was actually the boyfriend of the Shokuhou woman? How is this possible, I've never heard of that woman having a boyfriend.

I haven't heard that the guy who flew overnight has a girlfriend, it must be fake news.

"Wow wow, what a big spaceship, Misaka Misaka screamed and hid behind her elder sister." The last work was not afraid, but screamed and hid behind Misaka Mikoto, holding Misaka Mikoto's waist with both hands.

"Uh..." Misaka Mikoto's mouth twitched slightly.

"Misaka-sama, is this child your sister?" Junko Hobaze asked curiously.

"How do you say this, it should be my sister, in terms of blood, after all, they all have the same blood..."

Misaka Mikoto wants to say weakly, secretly complaining, not to mention blood, even the genes are exactly the same, but they are all the same genes, why they are such a headache, I don't remember me being like this.

"Since the elder sister thinks that it is very troublesome to take care of the younger sister, please feel free to leave the elder sister to me, Kuroko, and I will definitely take care of the elder sister properly." Heart-shaped, with saliva flowing from the corners of his mouth, with a guhehe look.

"It's disgusting, this eldest sister's appearance is so scary, Misaka Misaka hurriedly prayed for the protection of the elder sister's fear." The last work felt deep malice.

"Kuroko, give me enough time." Misaka Mikoto punched Shirai Kuroko's head directly with her fist.

"Oops!" Shirai Kuroko covered his head and squatted with tears in pain.

"Missaka-sama and Shirai-san have a really good relationship." Hookaze Junko laughed.

"Speaking of which, shouldn't we discuss the sky ship?" Saten Leiko felt embarrassed.

A beam of light fell from the skyship, and Accelerator walked towards the beam of light with his hands in his trouser pockets. If he guessed correctly, it should be an optical transmission device.

As soon as he stepped in, the whole person disappeared in place.

Everyone was shocked.

"It looks like it's really the secret base of Senior Ye Fei. Let's go in Chuchun." Satian Leiko saw this, reached out and touched the beam of light. After finding it was all right, he walked in and disappeared. Chuchun bravely walked away. went in.

Misaka Mikoto frowned slightly and walked in.

"¨"Sister, wait for me..."

Junko Hoofe and Kouhiko Hayato looked at each other, then nodded to each other, they believed that Bee Eater-sama would not harm them.


"Come here please..."

After Hubby said a word, he turned around in silence.

"Robot? It looks so realistic." Satian Leiko said in surprise, and then looked around, feeling an unprecedented excitement in his heart, this is a sky ship.

"This is the inside? It doesn't seem to be different, just the teleportation just now..." Kuroko Shirai looked around vigilantly.

Everyone nervously followed Xiobi to the empty hall.

Shokuhou Caoqi elegantly crossed Erlang's legs and sat in the commander's seat, smiling gracefully and politely: "Welcome to Fraxinus, all the ministers."

"Queen!" Fanfeng Runzi exclaimed in surprise.

"Shokuhou!" Misaka Mikoto exclaimed, "Why are you here?"

"Ah~ this (money Zhao) isn't Misaka-san? He actually sneaked up to my private base and called the thief to catch the thief. She really deserves to be a rude girl from Tokiwadai, I'm not ashamed~" Qi said with a smile on her starry eyes, she could find pleasure in teasing Misaka Mikoto whenever she wanted, which was one of her few interests.

"Huh? Your secret base? What nonsense are you talking about, as a student, where did you come from, the sky ship? Could it be that you brainwashed everyone, and then robbed them like a robber." Misaka Mikoto looked at Shokuhou Kaichi His face was righteous, and then he said speechlessly.

"If it's you, it's really possible."

"Misaka-san's IQ can only be at this level. It's really pleasant. This is an engagement token given to me by my boyfriend~ Misaka-san, who is not popular, doesn't understand." said.

"?" Misaka Mikoto's cheeks trembled. .

Chapter [-]: Angel Fall in Advance

"Your boyfriend? Who is it?" Misaka Mikoto asked with trembling cheeks.

"Of course it's Ye Feiqing, I've always heard that Misaka-san and my boyfriend have an unclear relationship~" Shokuhou Misaka pretended to look at Misaka Mikoto and raised the corner of her mouth.

The corners of Misaka Mikoto's mouth pulled out a crackling arc, and she resisted the urge not to discharge electricity to this hateful woman. If she played tricks, she would definitely fail.

"Hmph, I didn't know you had a boyfriend. You can deceive others, but you can't deceive me. Your abilities are useless to me." Misaka Mikoto said with twitching cheeks, her cheeks flushed, this vile woman actually used This joke is getting me in trouble.

Misaka Mikoto looked at Saten Ruiko and Shirai Kuroko, frowned, their eyes were all marked with stars, they were all turned into wood and couldn't understand, she gritted her teeth, this hateful guy, again with despicable abilities this kind of thing.

Accelerator completely ignored the jealousy between the two women and found a place to sit down at will. She felt pretty good about her current life, and how many lovers that guy had had no effect on her.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Ye Fei came to the control room and looked at the two people who were battling each other and the controlled tears slightly frowned. With a casual move, a few cups of coffee and sundaes floated over.

"Ah, it's just a joke between 827 and Bilibili, don't mind." Shokuhou Cao Qi said with a smug smile when Ye Fei stuck out his tongue, and then pressed the remote control to release everyone's control.

"Uh? Senior Ye Fei, why did he suddenly appear and startle me."

Zuotian Leizi was startled when Ye Fei appeared in front of her, and then said embarrassingly.

"Welcome everyone here, I've prepared some desserts and coffee for you, let's talk slowly."

Everyone came to the rest area, and after introducing each other, they let go and chatted.

"It turned out that it wasn't a trip organized by Academy City, but Shokuhou-sama invited us here. Thank you very much, Shokuhou-sama." Junko Hookaze said gratefully.

"Thank you bee-sama and Yefei-sama very much, it's my first time to Hawaii."

"Well, you don't seem to have brought the necessities?" Saten Leiko asked.

"Oops, we don't have visas either, we haven't exchanged foreign currency yet."

Ye Fei looked at a group of girls and said with a smile: "You don't need to worry about these, just relax and play, and I will take care of the rest."

"Extremely ashamed..."

Half an hour later, everyone came to the Hawaiian Islands in the center of the Pacific Ocean. This is the territory of the beautiful country. On this dog-free day, sunny beaches are the best way to vacation.

After changing into a conservative swimsuit at the resort hotel, Misaka Mikoto looked at Ye Fei who was only wearing a pair of beach shorts and a short shirt, her cheeks were hot, her eyes were erratic, and she asked in a low voice.

"Hey, that Shokuhou Misaki claims to be your girlfriend."

"Oh! Yes, she is indeed my girlfriend..." Ye Fei's mouth twitched slightly, and then said, looking at a group of girls who were running towards the beach, their heads were a little big, this is really difficult, if you can't handle it a little bit , Don't talk about the harem, it's good not to be a hatchet.

"Is that so..." After receiving the answer, Misaka Mikoto's expression became stiff, then she lowered her head in despair, and said, for some unknown reason, she felt very uncomfortable, and she couldn't breathe.Then she cheered up in an instant, she was not someone who was easily hit.

"Actually, people like us are no longer in the category of ordinary people." Ye Fei took a deep breath and said, secretly thinking in his heart, God, do you want to help me?How about some big event to match this thing?

While thinking about this, Misaka Mikoto's appearance changed instantly, turning into a cute girl he didn't know.

"Huh?" Ye Fei looked at the girl in astonishment, what happened?

"Not in the category of ordinary people (cibh), what do you mean?" A crisp voice came out of the girl's mouth, looking at him in surprise.

"What's your expression?" The girl looked dissatisfied when she saw him.

"Misaka Mikoto?"

Ye Fei raised his brows, then looked around and saw an unusually strange scene.

Muscular men in women's swimsuits, old men, and women wearing only beach shorts, he didn't want to see the upper body, but he was too surprised.

"Why do you suddenly become so strange?" Misaka Mikoto, who had changed into someone else's appearance, looked suspiciously at Ye Fei, whose eyes and expressions had become strange, and then looked in the direction he was looking, but there was nothing surprising.

"Huh? What happened? Why is everyone so strange?" Index walked out of the hotel with an ice-cold drink, blinked her eyes, said softly, and then cried out in panic.

"This kind of weird illusion, and the magic that exchanges between the inside and the outside, is this a big magic that someone is doing to blaspheme the angels? The angels have fallen?"

"Why are you suddenly so strange?" Misaka Mikoto looked at the two of them strangely, her cheeks trembling a little. Why did the two of them say something they couldn't understand when they were fine just now.

"The angel has fallen, I didn't expect it to happen at this time, am I really a crow's mouth..." Ye Fei slapped his cheeks and covered his cheeks with a big bum, no... The words I shouted in my heart just now seemed to touch something thing?Wait, that feeling, could it be that the ability of "exports come true" was activated?

Looking at the tic-tac-toe that appeared on Misaka Mikoto's forehead, Ye Fei turned on the "Void Engine".

【Enter the dark plane】

【Start Soul Battle Edition】

【Open the operation interface】

[Analysis target, Misaka Mikoto, the target belongs to the life of the Kamigawa body, there is a powerful lightning operation ability in the body, and is suffering from external void energy interference and concept replacement. 】

Ye Fei scanned Misaka Mikoto's body data, and then calculated the corresponding plan.

[Activate the anti-void, create a void defense wall]

A blue protective mask shrouded Misaka Mikoto, and Misaka Mikoto showed a shocked expression.

[Negative void, remove Misaka Mikoto's negative state, and remove void interference state. 】

Misaka Mikoto's external and internal replacement was lifted, she blinked, and everything that was introduced into her eyes made Misaka Mikoto's eyes slowly widen. .

Chapter [-]: The world has changed

The scene on the beach caused Misaka Mikoto's eyes to widen and she looked sluggish, as if the whole world was turned upside down.

The fat little fat man with heavy makeup is playing beach volleyball with the baby with a pacifier, and the old grandpa with a hanging bottle is leaning happily in the arms of the underworld elder brother with a tattoo on his face, and the underworld elder brother kisses the grandfather's cheek affectionately .

What is even more frightening is that there are a lot of people who are not wearing shirts.

"Hey! The two little girls over there, do you want the speciality of our store, ~ free ice cream."

However, at this moment, a rough voice came from her ears and called Misaka Mikoto back to God.

What caught my eye was a rugged seven-foot man wearing a lady's swimsuit, pushing a small ice cream trailer and beckoning at her, the chest hair on his chest exploded directly from the swimsuit, and the large muscles all over his body almost burst the swimsuit.

Misaka Mikoto still needs to look up at that terrifying height, the corners of her mouth are twitching wildly, and she is sweating coldly.

It emerged from his forehead, his expression a little broken.

"What is this about? This is not the American boxing champion, what is it called, the boxing champion is wearing a lady's swimsuit and pushing an ice cream truck...Is this a new type of funny show?"

"Little girl, are you all right? Seeing your ugly face and sweating so much, is it heat stroke? Do you want to take a break?"

The burly man with the back and the waist lowered his head with a concerned face, wanting to support Misaka Mikoto, whose arms were not as thick as his, and his movements were full of oppression.

"No, no, I'm fine, I'm fine at all." Misaka Mikoto's mouth twitched wildly, she took a few steps back, her face gradually collapsed, and she covered her lips with one hand to resist the urge to get sick.

You can imagine the feeling of a super muscular guy in a swimsuit talking with an "angel" look.

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