"Is there really no problem? You look miserable."

"It's okay, it's totally okay, don't lean over."

"Little foreign girls are really shy."

"Pfft, hahaha..." Ye Fei couldn't hold back, he burst into laughter, and the whole world suddenly became interesting.

Misaka Mikoto's face collapsed, and she grabbed Ye Fei's collar with both hands in embarrassment and roared, "Did you make a fool of yourself? What you did to me just now was too much of a joke."

"Has the world changed or I've gone crazy."

It seems that everything has become abnormal in this world, only Ye Fei and this nun are normal.

"Don't get excited, I'm just amused by the situation in front of me, I didn't laugh at you at all, meaning, I didn't do this either." Ye Fei grabbed Misaka Mikoto's hands with both hands, forcibly holding back her smile and looking at the collapsed face Misaka Mikoto explained.

"What are you doing to my elder sister! Actually, I touched my elder sister's sacred and flawless hands and killed you within three minutes."

A petite figure angrily appeared in front of Ye Fei from the beach in the distance, and kicked it towards Ye Fei's head.

Ye Fei looked at the "last work" who kicked him, raised his hand, grabbed her foot, and picked her up.


"The Last Work" fell down in a daze, and her head couldn't turn. Why was she caught by her feet and then hung up?She is [*] meters tall, and the apes are only two heads taller than her. How could it be possible to hang her directly, and this position is exactly the position of the waist.

Is she that short?

"Could it be... Kuroko..." Misaka Mikoto asked in an uncertain tone.

"Wow! How did your elder sister become so tall? Could it be that this ape has grown bigger but I have been shrunk? How is this possible!" Kuroko Shirai blinked, and then suddenly exclaimed.

"That's right, this tone is definitely Kuroko." Misaka Mikoto felt that her brain was about to burn out.

"Oh, oh, it's really interesting, it's actually a worldwide replacement inside and out. It's quite an interesting toy, and there are more interesting toys appearing."

Naiako walked slowly over with her bare feet in a conservative swimsuit, said with a smile, slightly shaking the waist of the perfect water snake that she was holding, her skin glowed with an indescribable luster, and even Misaka Mikoto felt electrocuted. .

"Eh, eh, eh... I've really gotten smaller, what's going on?" Kuroko Shirai looked at her small hands, then at the glass window of the seaside hotel, showing a miniature version of Misaka Mikoto.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????????

Then I finally found the weirdness around me, and then grabbed my head with both hands and shouted: "Wow wow wow, so many perverts, hurry up, hurry up and call the police..." Halfway through the call, the shouting attracted the people around, and they all cast the strange Looking at him, this made Kuroko feel a lot of pressure and covered his lips involuntarily.

"What are you doing? Ah Fei, you can't live up to people's trust in you, or people won't believe your words in the future."

Seeing the situation here, "Shokuhou Misaki" walked over and pointed at Misaka Mikoto, smiling.

And Misaka Mikoto couldn't help but burst into laughter when she saw Shokuhou's appearance.

"Hahaha, you look so funny, don't move, let me take a picture." Then he took out his mobile phone and took a swipe at "Shokuhou Caoqi".

........ 0

"Bee Shoku" elegantly shook his bee-colored hair and hummed: "Elegant, please save more in your photo album to admire the face of this queen, and let the rude self think deeply, Misaka classmate. ."

"Hahaha...what does that look like?" Kuroko Shirai saw a three-year-old girl speak in a Shokuhou tone, and she knew what was going on, and then she lowered her head.

"Depending on the situation, a mysterious incident of body replacement has occurred, which means that I have been replaced with my sister-chan's body. Gu hehe, it is equivalent to the body of my elder sister when she was a child. This opportunity is really..."

Misaka Mikoto rushed over and punched "Shirai Kuroko" on the head.

"Don't have any thoughts about my sister's body."

"Oh, haha, now this body is mine, whatever I want is my right."

"Shut up, and why are you not panicking at all?"

"Why do you panic when you are replaced in sister-chan's body?"

"Your perversion has surpassed common sense." Misaka Mikoto said speechlessly.

"Hey, what are you doing?" "Shokuhou Chaoqi" looked at the strange group of people strangely.

"Hey! What's going on here, what's going on in this world?" Yuriko Suzuka came over with a sullen face. As soon as she lay down to bask in the sun, she found that the whole world had changed, and the worldview was about to be overturned.Several.

Chapter [*]: Why is Senior Ye Fei okay?

"Yuriko is actually not affected by angel-level magic?" Index circled around Lily of the Ring Branch in disbelief: "Could it be some special physique? But I have never heard of such an insulating physique. If It's an exorcism outfit from the last century, the words of a fantasy killer."

"No, it's not, because the life level of Yuriko Suzuka is no longer the "mortal" level, but level 6. According to the division of magic, it is the angel level, which is equivalent to the angel of the human world, so I am immune to this kind of magic that exists and replaces. . "Ye Fei figured out the relationship in an instant. After all, magic aimed at angels in the heavens is useless for angels on the science side.

"She, she is the angel of the science side? Angel is synonymous with the magic side. How can the science side be an angel, and besides, she doesn't have the power of "Eight-Three-Three" on her body."

"So it's a level 6 absolutely capable person."

"A Fei, what are you talking about? Why I don't understand, don't play dumb riddles." Shokuhou Caoqi said with a frown.

Everyone looked at Ye Fei with sharp eyes.

"Okay, I'm not playing anymore." Ye Fei shrugged, and then used "Void Engine" to replace their characters.

[Retrieving the target, starting the anti-void, eliminating the interference of the target's void energy, and replacing the concept of dispelling]

The girls who followed him on vacation all returned to normal, and then they suddenly realized that the world had changed.

"What's going on!" Shokuhou Caoqi looked around in horror, as if they were the only normal people.

"Yeah! Let's talk to the coffee shop over there." Ye Fei pointed to the seaside coffee shop in front.

In the coffee shop, a group of people finished their work one by one, all watching Ye Fei.

Since a table can only seat four people, a group of people occupied three tables, but the atmosphere was very delicate at this time. Junko Hoofe and Koujiroko Early Bird, Kuroko Shirai, Saten, and early spring came into contact with this place for the first time. This kind of mysterious event on a global scale makes everyone very uneasy, as if the world has come to an end, and the only answer they want is waiting for Ye Fei to answer.

"I can't explain this for a while, so leave it to a professional commentator." Ye Fei pushed the refreshment in front of Index, and Index wiped the refreshment in one bite.

"I ate it in one bite..." Fanfeng Junko looked at Index in shock, Index licked her lips and looked at the other people's refreshments, Fanfeng Junzi sneered, politely "Actually, I'm not hungry, so I'll give it to you."

"Thank you, you are such a good person." Index showed a happy smile, and wiped out the second refreshment in an instant.

"Let's eat it for you."

"I'm not hungry……"

Everyone was ashamed, and pushed the refreshment in front of Index, and the tea cup was empty in an instant.

"So fast!" × 5.

"Since everyone has given me food, it is also the duty of a nun to resolve the doubts of the Lamb of the Lord." Index folded her hands together in satisfaction, with a defiant expression of devotion.

"To be honest, if Yawei was still alive, he would definitely kill you, a nun who cheated food and drink in his name." Ye Fei complained.

"Heavenly Father just disappeared, so he didn't fall." Index suddenly became unhappy and said with a puffed cheek, obviously unhappy about Ye Fei saying that Heavenly Father had died.

"Who knows." Ye Fei shrugged: "Start your work, nun."

"Cough! It's like this, now there are evil magicians who are performing unknown angel-level secret rituals around the world. As for the effect, from the perspective of the dislocation of the four elements, it should be to pull the angel down and replace it by himself. The effect of the angel's position."

Index coughed lightly, pinched her throat, and said solemnly.

"Although I don't understand it very well, why did the world become like this? Everyone seems to have had their bodies replaced. If it wasn't for the help of Lord Ye Fei, we would still use other people's bodies for activities, which is really terrible. "Fanfeng Junzi clasped her chest with both hands, and said with great fear, her worldview has collapsed.

"Yeah, now I understand that this world is so scary and there are so many terrorists." Kouziko Early Bird said shivering.

"By the way, this is no longer the category of terrorists, this is already a supernatural event." Misaka Mikoto couldn't help but complain...  

"I find it very interesting to be able to use someone else's body, although it's actually really scary." Saten Leiko said excitedly and scared.

"It's not interesting at all." Uiharu said timidly.

Index continued.

"Actually, the principle is very simple. It is initially determined that this technique is performed according to the concept of the "Kabbalah Tree of Life". "

"The Kabbalah Tree of Life? Is it the Kabbalah Tree of Life taught by the Jewish occultist?"

"Yes, in the tree of life, the positions of gods, angels, and human beings are fixed. Gods cannot become humans, and humans cannot become gods. Similarly, angels cannot reach other positions. However, the technique of smashed this iron law and pulled an "angel" from its original position. Let's call this technique "Angel Fall". "

"????..." A group of people were at a loss, and countless greetings appeared above everyone's heads.

Index didn't care whether they understood or not, and continued.

"Because the angel was pulled into the human world and changed positions with someone, but at this time, someone has not come to the angel's position, so he was squeezed to another position, which caused a domino effect, and everyone's positions were Disrupted, only when someone's position is gradually exchanged to that of an angel will this great mystery end, and the world will return to normal."

Indy 1.7x's expression became particularly serious, as if she was facing the catastrophe of the destruction of the world.

"If someone comes to the position of an angel, then he will become an angel, and he will be an angel with the idea of ​​a magician, and he will also be a destroyer who does not obey the rules of the heavenly Father. No one knows what impact it will have on the world."

"This is too exaggerated. If it weren't for so many people out there who changed their appearances, who would believe that this would be true? Angels, gods, etc. have appeared. What the hell is going on in this world?" Misaka Mikoto's eyes were completely dizzy. , as if the world was spinning.

"If it's such a serious matter, why can Senior Ye Fei let us return to normal?" Junko Fanfeng seemed to have found a very unusual place and asked Ye Fei strangely. .

Chapter [*]: She is the devil who reigns in modern times

"Of course, I have to ask the person involved to explain this issue." Shokuhou Cao Qi thought that he had become a child and didn't feel it at all, and he didn't even notice that the people around him had changed, which was really annoying.

"Hmm!" A group of girls nodded firmly.

"Generally speaking, the condition for causing "Angel Fall" is that the caster itself is not replaced, that is to say, only the caster himself will not be affected. "Index blinked and said to Ye Fei, her eyes as clear as blue glass full of scrutiny.

"Huh? In other words, this wild monkey is a terrorist who wants to destroy the world." Kuroko Shirai stood up exclaimed, pointing at Ye Fei to deliberately make exaggerated movements.

"So we have to subdue this wild monkey first, and then... oops!" Shirai Kuroko screamed while covering his fingers, bowed his head, his fingers were already red, they were pinched red.

"Don't put any blame on me, I have no interest in doing this kind of thing, and why don't you guys doubt Naiya, she has not been replaced." Ye Fei glanced at it with a half-smile. The silver-haired Pippi that he joked about was fucking 28 girls.

"Ala~ A big pot appeared out of thin air on our head. We haven't been replaced because my personality is higher than that of an angel." Naiako showed an innocent expression, and she was very fit to pretend to be pitiful.

"Strong? Is Nayiko very strong?" Misaka Mikoto blinked, looking at this weak girl with only pretty hair, no matter how she looked, she couldn't tell she was strong.

Accelerator has not been replaced, that is she is level 6, very powerful, but Naiako has also reached level 6?

"Hmm, she is a demon, and she can indeed avoid angel-level spells." Index nodded and said, but her lips were pouting. She didn't like this demon goddess who had tricked her very much.

"Demon god? What does the nun mean, is Naia a certain god in the demon world?" Hookaze Junko looked at Naiako in surprise, and asked the nun, what happened today made her reshape the world view, It turns out that the world is still so terrifying.

"No, no, the so-called "devil" refers to magicians who step into the "realm of gods" with magic, rewrite reality with unimaginable reserves of knowledge, almost omnipotent existence, and the devil alone occupies a myth all knowledge. ' Index's soft voice reached everyone's ears.

"Huh?" ×6

Except for Shokuhou Kaoshiki, who knew Naiyako's identity before, everyone looked at the elegant girl with Erlang's legs crossed, their heads are unimaginable, this beautiful girl who is so beautiful that the girl's heart is so exaggerated identity.

"Rewriting reality, omnipotent, stepping into the realm of the gods is just an exaggeration..." Zuotian Leizi's mouth twitched slightly, then his head flashed, and he looked at Ye Fei and said in disbelief: " Could it be that senior Ye Fei is also such an exaggerated existence? No wonder Yuriko, who is already level 6, feels afraid of senior."

Suzuka Yuriko's cheeks stiffened, the corners of her mouth twitched, and then she clicked her tongue out of the little girl, and turned her head away unhappily.

"It's so easy to be thought of by tears, hey, I originally wanted to keep a low profile, but now I can't." Ye Fei said with a helpless sigh.

"Yes, I'm sorry..." Zuotian Leiko apologized in a hurry.

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