"I'm just joking, I don't look scary, right?" Ye Fei smiled awkwardly when he saw Leizi who seemed to be frightened, Leizi was really sentimental.

"What are we going to do now?" Shokuhou asked.

"Of course, find the location of the spell, and then wait for the rabbit to catch the descending angel." Ye Fei said casually, but he had been waiting for Gabriel for a long time. As long as he caught Gabriel, he could do it along her return passage. As a drawback, you can go directly to the "Seat of God" without understanding the Bible.

"The Seat of God" he really wanted to go, where is there a card with a unique attribute, that kind of thing, he only has "Void Star Tai Sui".

And there are 32 five-star cards.

The present person directly controls the "Heavenly Realm", the phase that originally covered this world. The meaning of this phase has an extraordinary status for this world, far from being comparable to the later phases. Otherwise, it is impossible to give birth to 33 people. An archangel that can mobilize "Phase Power".

Playing with the "power of phase" is the exclusive power of the devil, but the angel can only use the part that represents his own identity, otherwise he can be at odds with the devil.

"Catch the angel? It really feels like the world is going crazy." Misaka Mikoto's cheeks trembled.

"Speaking of catching angels, Ah Fei has really caught them. He directly used the power of phase to catch the angels to another world. Angels who went to another world are just energy blocks without personality shaping." Index thought of yesterday What happened, she frowned slightly and said, the fact that the servant of the heavenly father was caught made it impossible for her, and she was forced to change her identity and became Ah Fei's servant. Ah Fei must be trying to catch the angel again. servant.

"Don't worry, I will help you catch that little guy well this time." Naiyako said with a smile.

And just when the girls felt that the world view was fragmented, the crisp girl's voice suddenly sounded.

"You are indeed here, but your conversation makes people have to care."

"Although I suspect that you are 833 and not the caster, the possibility that so many people have not been affected has been reduced a lot. I hope to understand the inside story of this world-class angelic technique."

So the person turned his head, and what caught his eye was a tall and cold girl dressed in seductive clothes and holding a long knife looking at them from the glass window. She was full of heroic spirit and looked like a glamorous Valkyrie.


"It turned out to be Kanzaki. I thought you didn't arrive, but you came very quickly at the critical moment. It's really reliable." Ye Fei said with a smile, and then waved his hand.

After that, Index explained what happened to Kanzaki, and Kanzaki heaved a sigh of relief. When she said Nayiko, her expression froze. She had a special smile in front of her, her eyes were erratic, and she didn't want to look at it. People are uncomfortable, like herbivores noticed by some predators, and the hands holding the long knife are sweating.

"Oh, don't be afraid of saints, but don't think of me badly, they are kind-hearted people." Naiko appeared beside Kanzaki with a smile, and patted the already stiff Kanzaki, the corners of his mouth raised. Said happily.

"Ming, I understand, I understand..." Kanzaki Kaori replied with sweat profusely, that there is still a Demon God in modern times. This is a very terrifying danger signal, and it is enough to subvert the order of the entire world in an instant. .

Chapter [-]: Redefine space

Thinking about why the Demon God came to reality is not something she can start with. This needs to be brought back to the church as soon as possible, and let the higher-ups decide.

A demon god is really terrifying, they are the real gods, the creators of the myths that have been passed down from ancient times to the present, and they are definitely not the existence that any magician can face, because they cannot become enemies that can be confronted. Can obey, because the end has been decided at the moment of absolute enemy.

"Can you listen to the name of the gods under the crown of Xiao?" Kanzaki Kaori asked with sweat on his forehead. It may be taboo for a true god to ask their names directly, but she still decided to ask.

"Nyarlathotep, just call me Naiako." Naiako said with a smile, his eyes twitched and moved around, not knowing what bad idea was in his heart.

Nyarlathotep is a little dazed about this god Kazakh, she doesn't seem to have heard this name in today's mainstream mythology system.

Not a mainstream myth... Then, some knowledge flashed in my mind, it seems that this name has indeed been heard? Wait a minute, it seems that I have indeed heard it.

By the way, it is the name of a certain fictional god in a certain modern fictional myth of the United States. Could it be that this modern fictional myth is not fictional?

"Is this girl who dresses really boldly so afraid of Naiyako? Although her identity is indeed exaggerated, there is no need to be so afraid." Kuroko Shirai ignored the nervousness of the other party with a slightly exaggerated cautious attitude.

"This is common sense on the magic side, okay? Demon gods are located at the apex of magic, and are the end of all magicians' worship and wishes. The superpowers in your Academy City don't believe in the existence of gods at all. They are atheists. Of course they can't. Understand common sense on the magic side." Index's soft voice reached everyone's ears.

"Yeah, I really didn't understand, probably means, is it equivalent to the difference between the average person in Academy City and level 5?" Komiko Hayato asked with a frown.

"That's probably what it means, but the gap will be widened countless times." Index nodded and said.

"So, what should we do now? We can't wait for that magician to finish the terrible thing and we haven't acted yet." Misaka Mikoto looked at the people playing outside, very nauseated, this is no longer the category of funny .

Can you imagine an [-]-year-old grandfather sitting in a stroller and being pushed by a pupil of a few years old, with a motherly expression on his face? It's too chilling.

"Indeed, we first need to find the location of the spell, but this step requires a special search for the spiritual equipment that flows with huge spiritual power. Not many people even have such spiritual equipment and spells in the church, so we also need this honorable person. Your majesty, please help." Kanzaki Kaori bowed respectfully to Naiako.

Facing the demon gods, even bowing down directly would seem blasphemous to them, but she is a saint of the Cross religion, she only bows to her faith, but not to other gods, so the maximum limit is to bow.

"Such a simple question can already be crossed."

Naiyako was just about to agree, but was interrupted by Ye Fei, which caused a pair of resentful eyes to come over. For her, this is a game that can be fun, and her character was forcibly robbed of her lines. .

"You already have a solution?" Kanzaki Kaori asked seriously.

"Of course, who do you think I am." Ye Fei shrugged, then turned on the "Void Engine".

【Entering the dark plane】

【Open the operation interface】

[Analyzing the environment to create the awareness of five senses disorders of the living body]

Ye Fei stretched out his hand, a golden ball of light appeared in his hand, countless source codes flickered in the ball of light, and the golden brilliance spread out in a spherical shape at an extremely fast speed.

The five senses of the unrelated people around have been created cognitive barriers, no matter what happens, everyone will not notice.

"This is?" Kanzaki Kaori felt an incomparably terrifying feeling, and looked at Ye Fei in shock and the incomprehensible light ball. It was not magic at all, it had no magic power, but it caused a conceptual magic effect. .

"Redefine space!" Ye Fei said in a flat voice.

[Retrieving the existing spatial data, the retrieval is completed, the spatial parameters are being redefined, and an abnormal dark plane is found to be interfering, shielding, shielding completed...]

[The definition of the space is completed, the existing space is appearing independently, and the space is jumping]

The small space where everyone was located was instantly stripped away and connected to a space in the island country on the other side of the earth.


A person's vision changes in an instant, which makes the human brain unable to adapt to the changed environment in an instant, resulting in a feeling of discomfort.

"¨" How is this possible, I returned to the island country from Hawaii in an instant, this is Kanagawa Prefecture?" Misaka Mikoto looked at the signboard with the island country characters standing on the side, her mouth grew up, and she was full of deep inconceivable directly expressed in Seedlings on the face.

"Is it an angel-level spell just now? It directly changed the definition of space." Kanzaki Kaori looked at Ye Fei, and the Demon God appeared. Now this saint like her has such incredible abilities.

The sentence "redefining space" just now is not wrong.

It is almost impossible to complete the angelic spell in an instant, but now (Qian Haozhao) has done it, is this a superpower?

"I returned to the island country in an instant. Although I can't believe it, this is indeed an island country, and it is still very close to the sea." Kuroko Shirai was shocked.

As a space capable person, the sensitivity to space is clearer than anyone else. One centimeter of moving distance increases the computing power several times, and the space moves half the distance of the earth in an instant, which is really unimaginable.

It turns out that this wild monkey is such an exaggerated existence.

"I only know that the location of the operation is near Kanagawa Prefecture. If you look at it confidently, you should be able to feel the huge flow of leylines." Ye Fei said confidently.

"Yeah! It is indeed in this area. I have already felt that abnormal flow, in that direction." Kanzaki Kaori nodded cautiously and said. .

Chapter [-]: The Law of Doing What You Want

Kanzaki Kaori closed his eyes and sensed the flow of geomantic feng shui.

As saints, they are inherently sensitive to magic power and celestial phenomena. Any magic feng shui can be learned quickly and perfectly mastered. For them, magic is as simple as addition and subtraction.

Although Kanzaki focused his energy on sword-drawing, magic did not fall, and although his theoretical knowledge was not as good as that of the genius magician Stiles, he could still hold the degree of Doctor of Magic.

"In that direction, the entire ley lines and the wind direction are converging there. A huge amount of energy has been condensed, and even a tide of energy flow has been formed and then dissipated toward the sky." Kanzaki opened his eyes, raised his hand and pointed at a The direction said coldly and cautiously.

"The flow of energy? How do you see this? Why don't I feel anything." Misaka Mikoto said nervously, looking in Kanzaki's direction.

"I found it so quickly? This is magic? I can't figure it out at all." Shirai Kuroko was stunned for a moment. The world she saw had nothing but those hot-eyed pictures, and she couldn't help but suspect.

"Magic is a technology that is completely opposite to science. Although technology and magic are combined in some worlds, they do not exist in this world."

It is very clear that everyone's heads are in a mess now, and Ye Fei didn't bother to explain and just said a few words casually.

Who is the mastermind behind the creation of the science side is Aleister, this guy has completely eliminated the compatibility of magic and science.

It is also the embodiment of that guy's thoughts, and the magic book "Book of Law" written for this is reflected here "what you want is your law", translated into the vernacular, it means "do what you want to do, is the law. of all".

Aleister... Hehe, trampling magic and blaspheming demons.

"Then let's hurry up and stop it. Thinking about such an exaggerated thing makes me crazy." Misaka Mikoto had a serious expression, and took out two game coins from her skirt, looking impatient and even eager to try.

"Then how to stop it?" Ye Fei laughed jokingly. At this time, Sister Pao is always on the power.

"Of course it's to destroy that big secret ceremony, and then catch the criminals." Misaka Mikoto said without hesitation (cibh).

"Then how to destroy the big secret ritual, and how to catch criminals, it can cause a worldwide catastrophe. Maybe criminals play level 5 just like children." Ye Fei teased with a half-smile.

"makes sense……"

Misaka Mikoto smiled awkwardly, and silently put the game coins back into her skirt. She really didn't think about how to destroy the big secret ritual. She hadn't even seen a character who could cause a worldwide disaster. It must be terrifying.

"So Misaka-san is just a single-celled creature with a simple mind and well-developed limbs, thinking that as long as the discharge of Bilibili can solve the problem, I am really worried that I, who is also a level 5, will also be regarded as the same by the outside school staff. I got goosebumps." Shokuhou Caoqi rubbed her arms with disgusting hands, as if she had goosebumps, and she was not tired of finding Misaka Mikoto's fault.

Misaka Mikoto ticked up on her forehead, and said with her arms crossed, "Then tell me, what can you do?"

"Of course I have to rely on my boyfriend at this time~" Shokuhou Caoqi lightly hugged Ye Fei's arm and smiled as a matter of course. At this time, he did not forget to sprinkle dog food on Misaka Mikoto.

An electric arc appeared on Misaka Mikoto's forehead.

"Ah, there's an electric shock again, Misaka-san is really scary."

"Humph! I think you just want to trouble me."

"Actually, if you want to remove this level of magic, you only need to remove the connection between the caster and the magic, and the caster must be at the ceremony now, because the ceremony is destroyed, so the magic will also be interrupted." Kanzaki Kaori He frowned slightly, and coldly gave some popular science to the bewildered crowd, although they might not understand.

"So, let's hurry over now. So far, the ceremony has only passed half an hour. I guess the little angel I'm looking for has arrived soon." Ye Fei squinted his eyes halfway, and then strode toward Go where the ley lines flow.

"Hey, Ah Fei, wait for me." Naiako, who had gone to the canteen to buy a few lollipops, shouted.

Ye Fei has been completely immune to Naiyazi's various indiscipline, changeable character or learned actions, because he is so beautiful, he can be partially immune, even if Naiyazi learns to call him a dog Not surprising.

The girls kept up with Ye Fei's speed without hesitation. Although they felt very dangerous, such an unreasonable incident was full of curiosity, and Ye Fei's strength gave them a sense of security.

Besides, there is the exaggerated description of Nayiko.

It didn't take long before I came to a two-story, one-family building very close to the sea.

"It's really Kamijou's house, but well, that guy from Kamijou should still have this part of his memory. After all, I blocked the two misfortunes that made that guy lose his memory this year. You guys are lucky." Ye Fei looked at the resident's sign and touched the tip of his nose secretly.

"Sure enough, it's here. It's really a common architectural style. It seems that the caster has considered hiding himself. As a hiding spot, I am afraid that the entire building has been stolen and turned into a defensive project such as a magic workshop."

Looking at this building, Kanzaki Kaori frowned and said solemnly, his slender hand slowly answering to the handle of the knife.

From her point of view, as the caster of this kind of magic, it is normal to have unknown means.

"The huge magic power gathers here, and then guides it to the sky. This place has been set up as a temple. This is a great mystery based on the "idol theory". It only needs to destroy the foundation pillar of the temple to destroy the spell. "Index looked at the house softly and said carefully.

"Yo Xi! In other words, the criminals must be here." Misaka Mikoto said with a game coin in her palm, and then approached the doorbell cautiously.

"Sister, it's not good for me to do this kind of thing. It's not good if I touch the organ." Shirai Kuroko said in a panic.

"Let, let me do it, I'm a body-enhancing type, so I'm not that easy to get hurt." Funfeng Junko said.

"It's a very serious time now, there will be great danger to you..." Kanzaki Kaori's deserted cheeks trembled, and just after half a sentence, the door opened, and she instantly entered a state of battle, except for Ye Fei, everyone was startled.

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