"Who are you? Why are you all at my door?" A confused voice came out of the door. .

Chapter [-]: That angel is here

Everyone looked nervously at the person standing at the door.

It was a very capable middle-aged man with short sleeves and casual clothes.

Kamijou Toya looked at the group of boys and girls blocking his door and couldn't help showing a puzzled expression, and when he looked at the girl with a long knife, he couldn't help but let him have it, did the bad boys treat his home as a protection fee. the place?

However, after a closer look, there is no feeling of any bad boy, but it seems to be facing a group of well-trained adults.

"Are you here? Do you need my help?"

Ye Fei smiled politely: "You misunderstood, Mr. Kamijou Touya, I am a classmate of Kamijou Touma, but some things require your cooperation, which is offended."

He stretched out his hand, and a source code composed of a string of blue light appeared.

[Activate the soul, detect the target, carbon-based life, human beings, are creating an infinite loop of logic, and are creating cognitive impairment of the five senses]

"To expand the range, how much can the maximum radius be expanded?" Ye ~fei said in an order.

[Really in the search, after the search is completed, the maximum interference range of the Soul Engine, 3.2 astronomical-units]

"3.2 AU? It's really a large scale, creating a five-sense cognitive barrier for life on half the earth." Ye Fei was surprised, and then calmly - operated the Void Engine.

An astronomical unit is the distance from the earth to the sun, and 3.2 astronomical units has already summed up the entire inner solar system.

【Executing, manufacturing completed】

"What did I do just now?" Kamijou Toya scratched the back of his head and said in a daze, ignoring Ye Fei and the others and walking out.

"It's done, let's go in." Ye Fei walked into Kamijou's house with his hands in his pockets.

"Wait, what did you do just now? Isn't that the criminal? He seems to have completely ignored us?" Misaka Mikoto was stunned, and then asked with a big head.

"Yeah, why is this happening, what did you mean when you said to yourself just now?" Shirai Kuroko frowned and asked, she was a little panicked now, and she encountered something she didn't understand at all.

"I just rewrote the cognition of everyone around me and made them ignore us automatically. Then we are air in their eyes. Didn't I say it before? It seems that you still don't understand, this world is not simple at all, Misaka Mikoto is level 5 who can easily destroy a fully armed army, Accelerator of level 6 can easily destroy a city and even stop the rotation of the earth, and I am level 7 and can rewrite the rules at will."

Ye Fei looked at a group of confused girls and said, "The devil on the magic side corresponds to level 7, and the angel corresponds to level 6. That's right, I am an existence like level 7 that doesn't even exist in theory."

Misaka Mikoto's mouth twitched, it wasn't that she didn't believe it, it was just that it was too exaggerated and her imagination couldn't reach that level.

"Level 7 really exists? Don't scare me." Shirai Kuroko looked at Ye Fei suspiciously.

"You'll find out in a while." Ye Fei shrugged and said, "Come into the house and wait for the rabbit."

"Lord Yefei, is it not good for us to enter other people's homes, and this is the place of that dangerous great secret ceremony." The two girls from Tokiwadai asked hesitantly.

"This family seems to be just ordinary people, and there is no fluctuation in magical power." Kanzaki Kaori loosened his long knife and said calmly, and then carefully observed his surroundings.

At this time, Kamijou Shina also left the house, and they won't be coming back for the time being. Seeing this, Kanzaki Kaori hurriedly set up a "idler escape" magic around, preparing to drive everyone in the area away. .

"It's still a new home here, and it's just like the taste of the moon. Well, I don't understand it very well." Ye Fei leaned on the sofa chair and glanced at the souvenirs placed everywhere.

The young girls were very cautious, for fear of dirtying other people's houses, their cheeks were slightly red, this was caused by shyness, and they entered other people's homes without permission, which was no different from thieves.

The only ones who are not ashamed are Index and Naiako.

Index stood at the entrance and walked along the wall, her expression gradually serious.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????????

"The golden beetle blessed by Egyptian priests, the pillar of the sea used by the Semites, the Islamic scriptures for praying to gods in Mass, the relics left by Buddhist monks after the death, and the paintings by Caucasian painters. The angel portrait, and the layout of this room, seem to be placed at random without any traces of intention... Could it be that this is just the Kabbalah Temple in the "Idol Theory" by mistake?"

This layout is really a bit weird. There is no flow of magic power. It only relies on pure "idol theory" to constitute angel-level magic. .

Kanzaki Kaori frowned, it's really too simple here, it's really too simple, it's so simple that it won't cause any suspicion.


"You don't have to guess. In fact, this is the random arrangement of the souvenirs purchased by this family, which inadvertently constituted this big ceremony. It can be said that the probability is smaller than the probability of one in a billion." Ye Fei looked at the Kanzaki and Index, who checked the entire room's ritual layout, laughed.

This almost impossible probability is so dignified, it is really lucky to break through the position of the devil.

"Although I can't understand Ye Fei-sama and Kanzaki, what the nun said, it must be a very powerful thing." Junko Fanfeng said, and Koukoko Zaotori nodded.

"Really, a good vacation has become like this, and it really was a mistake to let Bilibili follow." Shokuhou Cao Qi said complaining.

"What does this have to do with me? You just want to find fault with me. I know you don't want me, but you don't need to say that about me." Misaka Mikoto said dissatisfied.

"This is one of my few pleasures. Could it be that Misaka-san wants to ruin other people's hobbies, he's really a villain." Shokuhou Cao Qi sweetly smiled.

"You are really bad."

At this moment, along with the sound of chains and footsteps, a petite figure appeared at the door.

"Question [-]: This is the location of the spell, which one of you is the caster of the spell." Ji.

Chapter [-]: Science vs Magic

It was a petite girl, wearing a black leather straitjacket that only dangerous criminals could enjoy. The cape wraps around the rest of the body, while blond hair and bangs cover half of his face.

Her eyes glowed empty and frightening, bulging under the wide cloak, it was a hidden murder weapon, and at the same time the murder saw in her hand was held steadily.

"Uh, uh, uh, this guy's dress is really making people complain, is it fashionable to wear restraint recently?" Shirai Kuroko was stunned, and then looked at the other party's attire with hot eyes.

Shokuhou Caoqi and the others were stunned, it was unimaginable that they would never be able to wear this kind of attire on the street.

Kanzaki Kaori calmed down for a while, and then his face "[-]" was instantly solemn, and he quickly appeared in front of everyone, pressing his hand on the long knife.

"Be careful, this person has an unusually large amount of magic power on his body. No, it is not accurate to say that it is magic power. It should be said that it is the energy of the earth and the sky, the power of angels."

Kanzaki Kaori's body was tense, and her palms were sweating. Before this person spoke, she didn't feel anything, which meant that if the other party could approach her and stab her in the back, she was one of less than twenty saints in the world.

Coupled with the power of an angel that even she had never heard of, there was only one possibility - an angel who was forced to descend to the realm.

Angels are just energy blocks of phases and complex manifestations of beliefs, magic, rules, knowledge, etc. It is impossible to appear in the world without the order of "God", and even the lower world only descends into human bodies with special constitutions.

"Personal opinion, with returning to the heavens as the first goal."

Everyone was still in shock, and under the indifferent voice, a huge amount of energy instantly condensed in her body.

Everyone who was instantly suppressed by the invisible heavy pressure could not breathe, and Shokuhou, who was weak, would fall to his knees the next moment his legs were weak.

At this moment, the sound of breaking the shell of a chick sounded, and the white wings appeared behind the girl, like a chick waving an unfamiliar wing, and in an instant, the wings became huge condensed by water. wing.

"Well, what's going on? I can't breathe, it's so uncomfortable."

Except for Ye Fei, Naiako and Kanzaki Kaori, everyone else was short of breath, clutching their necks with their hands, shouting with difficulty breathing, and looking in horror at the girl in bold costume whose feet slowly lifted off the ground .

"Wings? Could it be she, she is the angel who was pulled down?" Misaka Mikoto looked at the girl who spread the wings of water in shock. She didn't feel deeply about those verbal descriptions, and felt that even those angels, gods, etc. , and it is not invincible, but now the angel has done nothing to make her stand up, and there is even a danger of suffocation.

"Ah le le, I don't really like other people talking on top of my head. Although it's not the same thing as Yahweh's angels, I don't like you guys." Nayazi narrowed her green eyes and stretched out her fingers. , the tip of the tongue licked twice.

"Hey, Naiyazi, this time I have to do it myself. In addition to simulating the star creation map, I have to try my best." Ye Fei stretched out his hand and stopped in front of Naiyazi, and a blue star appeared in the palm of his hand. Ball of light, countless source codes flicker.

He wanted to try, could the Void Engine successfully capture the angel whose strength was weakened tenfold, the Void Engine had been integrated into his genetic sequence and became part of the inseparable power.

If the world is a computer, then the Void Engine is the processor, but the processor is integrated with him.

"Okay, okay, it's up to you to show off your power, giggle." Nayazi said with a smile, and a camera appeared in his hand: "I will take good care of your heroic appearance and treasure it."

"This is still unnecessary." Ye Fei couldn't help but complain, he couldn't understand what Naiyako wanted to do.

The conversation between Ye Fei and Naiako caught Gabriel's attention, and she was about to fly high into the sky, but she stopped, bowed her head, and stared at it with empty eyes that were completely devoid of biological emotion.

"Question [-]: If you are similar to the Son of God, you are suspected to be the caster. Supplement [-]: Why do you carry out blasphemy rituals?"

"Gabriel, this pot can't be slapped randomly, I'm not a magician, I just came here following this ceremony, the purpose is naturally to catch you..." Ye The corners of Fei's eyes trembled, then he grinned, looked at him and said, "I hope you don't disappoint me."

"Similar to the Son of God? What do you mean, what kind of status is this?" Kuroko Shirai breathed in the air with difficulty, and spat out in amazement.

"Let Index explain this, she's the best at explaining it." Ye Fei glanced at Shirai Kuroko and said casually, who would ignore her with such a thorn in his side.

"Those who are similar to the Son of God, that is, based on the "Idol Theory", billions of people around the world will always give birth to people whose physique and body structure are similar to the Son of God Jesus, because of the similarity, they will gain part of the power of the Son of God. This is the saint, Ah Fei Kazaki is a saint. "Index said softly, then froze, thinking of the conversation just now.

"What? Gabriel? The angel who was pulled down to heaven is the archangel on the left side of the Father, second only to the angel on the right!"

As if responding to Index, the weather that was originally at noon instantly turned the sky into night, and a bright full moon hung high in the center of the sky, showing the earth bright and bright, sacred and great.

"How is it possible, how is it possible, it turns into night in an instant, how is this done, speeding up the time of the whole world? Then why are we okay? Or turn the front and back of the earth upside down in an instant, but This completely violates the conservation of energy 1.7 and astrophysics." Misaka Mikoto grabbed her head with both hands and shouted in shock, as if she had seen something horrible and incomprehensible.

"This, how could this be?" Fanfeng Runzi was swallowed by Kouziko Zaotiao's hands together.

"Sure enough, it's Gabriel!" Index held her breath steadily, her expression extremely serious.

"The water of the four elements, the symbol of water, the ruler of cyan, the guardian of the moon, the guardian of the rear, located to the left of the heavenly Father, the archangel who once swept away the entire civilization of the world."

As if to demonstrate Index's explanation, the magic circle occupying the entire night was scattered around the full moon, Gabriel picked up the hand holding the killing saw, and the "water" in units of [-] million tons instantly condensed under the sky, It's like putting the entire Pacific Ocean above the sky. .

Chapter [-]: Crushing like a natural enemy

The full moon at night became brighter and brighter, and the moonlight projected on the Wang Yanghai system suspended in the sky to form waves.

"This level of water concept operation, even if it is weakened ten times, still has the ability to control all the "water" on the earth at will, at least level 6 can't do it. "

Ye Fei raised his head and grinned secretly, saying that such a small scene has calmed down in his heart, at least he won't be surprised until Mother Earth is destroyed.

The next moment is like a crash in the Pacific Ocean hanging in the night, to destroy this area with pure mass violence, so as to completely destroy the caster and the ceremony site.

Falling with such a mass of [-] million tons is not only to destroy this area, but also to completely smash the continental plates, causing a series of chain reactions such as the extinction of global civilization, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis and so on.

At first, the entire island would be completely submerged by a tsunami of more than 28 meters, and then all the coastal areas of all continents to the plains below the altitude of [-] meters would be destroyed, and the subsequent meteorological disasters would last for hundreds of years.

Kanzaki Kaori's face changed wildly, and the final power "Stigmata" as a "Saint" was instantly activated, and part of the power obtained from the Son of God exploded, transforming into a "God Splitter".

"To actually use the catastrophe that destroyed civilization in order to return to the heavens, Gabriel, as the messenger of God, have you forgotten that you can't harm human beings without God's order?"

But in the face of Kanzaki's angry questioning, Gabriel still mechanized to execute his first purpose.

The others were completely frightened, and they didn't know what to do in the face of this level of disaster. Whether it was fighting back or evading, it was hopeless.

Ye Fei activated all countermeasures in less than 0.0001 seconds, and the blue source code light ball in his hand spread out in an instant, covering the entire planet at a speed exceeding the speed of light.

[Analyze the target, the target belongs to carbon-based life, human beings, and the body contains low-level biological energy, secondary analysis, the target is in the state of being parasitized by void creatures]

[Three times of analysis, unknown void energy-type life, analyzing the concept composition, 1%, 10%, 30%, 60%, 100% analysis completed. 】

[The target is driving planetary void energy and unknown concepts, analyzing 1%, 50%, 100%, and the analysis is complete]

[The target relies on the concept of "water" attribute to drive void energy]

Analyze and complete the angel's life form and power form within 0.001 seconds.

"Eliminate the target's influence on the concept of the earth, and constitute the concept of strike." Ye Fei quickly gave the order.

[The target's void influence on Earth is being expelled. 】

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