In an instant, the entire earth was enveloped by a light-blue light film. Ordinary people could not perceive the existence of this light film, but people who had already left the level of ordinary people felt it, and all raised their heads and looked up.

[Void No, is removing the conceptual impact of the target on the earth, 1%, 5%, 10%, 20%, 30%... 100% removed successfully]

[Anti-energy, clearing unknown void energy, 10%, 30%, 70%, 100% removed successfully. 】

In an instant, the connection between Gabriel and the celestial aspect was cut off, the night caused by the celestial aspect on the earth gradually disappeared, Gabriel's huge concept and energy were eliminated, and the "Pacific Ocean" hanging from the sky disappeared like an illusion.

Without the influence of the celestial phase rules, the world returned to its normal state, still ten minutes at noon.

Gabriel seemed to be blocked in thinking for a moment and raised his head, the huge wings made of "water" behind him also collapsed in an instant, and reverted to what the believers thought were white wings.

[Constructing the concept of strike, anti-void, anti-energy, anti-concept, creating an absolute vacuum, creating a space blockade, creating a void blockade, defining the completion, creating a void barrier]

A square golden wall of light formed around Gabriel and imprisoned her in the center.

[Any energy flow, space wormholes, void fluctuations, and mobility in the void barrier will be blocked. 】

Ye Fei stretched out his hand and aimed at Gabriel who was imprisoned in the Void Barrier.

"I'm sorry, if you are a demon god and you still have invincible abilities after leaving the phase, I can't deal with you. If you are an energy body like an angel, I'm sorry unless it exceeds my computing power, otherwise I will be your nemesis." Ye Fei dismissed He said with a smile, [*] times the overclocking of his thinking, and the angel's movements were [*] times slower in his eyes.

[The target tries to understand the void barrier, creates a logical infinite loop, suppresses the target thinking, the concept of the void barrier is set, incomprehensible, the target tries to break through the void barrier with an unknown concept, creates a concept error cycle, the concept is rolled, the manufacturing is completed, and the carbon base is being stripped The parasitic state of life and void life. 】

A milky white figure composed of light slowly peeled off the girl, like two overlapping shadows separated from each other.

Gabriel is still in the form of a girl, which is the same as Aiwass, who once possessed the body, then the appearance is similar to the target.

[Complete the target strike, block the target form in the concept, and create a void cage, 1%, 10%, 50%, 100%, the production is completed 840, and the concept strike is over. 】

Ye Fei breathed a sigh of relief, and with a wave of his hand, the girl suspended in the air and the angel blocked by the square light prison appeared in front of him, catching the girl who fell into a coma.

It took 13 seconds. If it was replaced by Gabriel's [*]% power, it should be extended to one minute. This time is enough for an archangel-level angel to understand and break through.

Just when Ye Fei was thinking about it, everyone who witnessed all of this stared at the sky that disappeared like a dream, and stared at the protagonist who did all this, as well as the legendary angel.

"This, this is the end?" Shokuhou Misaka Mikoto said these words at the same time, staring blankly at Ye Fei.

"I'm ready to go all out..." Misaka Mikoto blinked, God knows how she's feeling now, her head is very confused, her ability to accept is still strong, and she's not directly scared.

"Oh, Ah Fei, why did you suddenly become so powerful? You've already entered the threshold of the third-order god of the order gods." Nayazi was amazed. She remembered that when he first observed him a few days ago, he only However, it is only the fourth sequence of the God of Order. If you change to God of Order, you have just touched the realm of God. If you change to this world, it is level 6. Why is it so powerful today? .

Chapter [*]: Prepare to Arrive at the Throne of God

"Is this over?" Misaka Mikoto said in a low voice, "Now I understand what the so-called level 7 is like." For the first time, a sense of powerlessness rose in her heart.

Even water like the ocean can be eliminated like a phantom. It directly makes the water real, and then there is a real elimination of water, which completely violates the conservation of energy. Is this the rule?

"This is the end. If it takes more than half a minute, my ability may not be effective against him, and everything will go smoothly." Ye Fei said easily, putting his hands in his trouser pockets, but driving the Void Engine does not require any energy, directly subverting the conservation of energy.

"The angel was actually stripped from the girl's body. Not only that, the angel did not return to the heaven according to the rules of God, but was also given a form. This kind of thing can be allowed..."

Kanzaki Kaori twitched the corners of his mouth and rubbed his eyes vigorously, his eyes full of disbelief.

According to the angels defined by the religious world, they are the messengers of God, sacred and unstoppable, but they are also intangible energy blocks, it is impossible to have a body in the human world, and they must obtain a host body to stay in the human world. , otherwise they will be pulled back to heaven in an instant.

But now he was forcibly left behind, which is unforgivable and unforgivable for the church, enough to make the entire Crusaders pursue endless pursuit.

This kind of pursuit order was also used on the evil magician in the last century, and the magician who was close to the devil was also killed.

Ye Fei has become a demon! Only demons have the absolute power to deal with angels. This is not good news. Then there are two demons on the scientific side, which is really scary.

But fortunately, Ye Fei and Ye Fei are still acquainted, can they be regarded as friends?

"What's the principle?" Index dragged her monastic uniform to the cage where the angels were imprisoned and looked at the golden barrier cage curiously. There was no religious madman or evil magician's fanaticism in her eyes, only a strong curiosity.

"There is no fluctuation of magic power, and there is no trace of the power of angels. It's like pure illusion. How can an angel be imprisoned? Even the [*] books of magic do not have this kind of technology."

In the face of unknown technologies similar to magic, Index is too curious for knowledge. In history, there have been angels who have been summoned as familiars, but they have never been able to absolutely imprison angels.

"Then, then, isn't it, this incident is already over? It's already been dealt with by the wild monkey... No no no, the great Ye Fei senior, Director Ye has completely dealt with it?" She sneered, and said contemptuous words subconsciously. She was shocked and changed her words quickly. Now she is panicking. She used to fight against this terrifying monster. If she knew he was so powerful, how could she scold him so wanton.

It's really such a terrifying monster, but it ranks eighth. He should be the first in level 7.

If he angered this monster, would he also use such a strange method to deal with me?

"What are we going to do now? Are we going to screw up this vacation?" Shokuhou Caoqi patted his bulging chest and breathed a sigh of relief, and then said with a grunted cheek.

"Yes, why don't we go back to Academy City?" Junko Hookaze suggested that she was a little scared after recovering, and Kouhiko Early Bird nodded frantically.

"What are you afraid of, what danger will come to everyone's head with me, you are all covered by me." Ye Fei shrugged and said domineeringly, it would be really unpleasant if such an easy vacation was screwed up .

"Well, it's over, so let's continue to Hawaii, I don't want to let the hard-won trip go to waste." Misaka Mikoto said, she had been preparing for this vacation for a long time.

"I have a question, what do you plan to do with this angel?" Kanzaki Kaori shed a drop of cold sweat on the temples, and her worries expanded infinitely. It was hard for her to imagine that she was suspected of being the demon god Ye Fei and the real demon god Nyarlatothi. Find out what an angel will do to affect the world.

"This is Ah Fei's business, don't interfere at will~" Nayiko half-squinted her green eyes, the corner of her mouth smiled, and looked at Kanzaki Kaori's eyes.

Kanzaki Kaori's body froze for a moment, her expression gradually became terrified, and beads of sweat came out, and she saw an indescribable scene in those eyes, it was a horror that could not be described in words.

"Your Majesty Naia." Ye Fei frowned slightly and said softly.

Nayazi retracted her gaze with a smile, and Kanzaki Kaori came out of the indescribable horror of looking directly at her. Her short shirt was completely wet, and she quickly lowered her head, expressing her gratitude to Ye Fei in her heart.

The will of the Demon God cannot be resisted, because the end is already doomed at the moment of the decision.

"¨"Although I don't like other people restricting my thoughts, I prefer to treat my friends in a gentler way, and forget about violence. "Ye Fei said in a voice that only Kanzaki and Nayko could hear, and then looked at Kanzaki playfully.

In fact, he likes Kanzaki quite a bit. Whether it is character or pure thinking, the only shortcoming may not be that he is not very flexible, and he will not handle this kind of political negotiation.

If it is a mature magician, he will not ask what he wants to do with this angel, because this is already his trophy.

"Let's go, let's continue our vacation." Ye Fei said with the corners of his mouth raised, hugging Sasha Kloydzev who had fallen asleep.

"Wait a minute, Ah Fei, I think it's not right (money) for my boyfriend to clear the heat with other strange girls in front of his girlfriend, so we should send that girl to the hospital first." Shokuhou Caoqi frowned slightly and said seriously.

"You can't be sent to the hospital. She has a special physique that can be hosted by an angel, and has a special connection with Gabriel. It would be bad if she was used by others to summon the angel again."

In the end, Shokuhou Misaki reluctantly agreed to temporarily let Sasha rest in a lounge of the Fraxinus skyship.

Everything returned to normal after that, the girls all went to the beach to have fun, and Ye Fei temporarily separated from them because he wanted to study Gabriel.

"Oh, could it be that Ah Fei wants to rely on this doll to enter that celestial phase?" Naiyako said with a smile.

"Of course, didn't you say that you can't find the position of the celestial aspect? Then you can only sneak in through the channel opened by the angel to return to the celestial world.".

Chapter [*]: Simulated Star Creation Chart Reverse Genesis

"It's useless as I said. I can still find which aspect to find, provided you don't want people to spread chaos into your back garden." Nayazi pursed his lips and moved.

As a real god, nothing can stop her, but her power will more or less have some "small" effects on the world, which makes Ah Fei very jealous of her.

"The knowledge on the order side should be handed over to the professionals on the order side. Your Majesty Naia, please enjoy life gracefully." Ye Fei spread out his hand, then stretched out his hand to open a gap in his simulated star creation map, Ai Ai said. Wass finally officially came to the material world.

Aiwass looked at Naiako, and the voice of bathing in the spring breeze slowly spoke.

"Well! At present, it seems that the binding force of borrowing the divine position of the simulated star creation map to come to the material world is smaller than the calculation."

"Iwass, let's start, I've been looking forward to this day for a long time."

Ye Fei watched Aiwas take a deep breath and couldn't help but get excited. It has been a long time since he planned the celestial phase and now he is about to ascend the throne of God.

A card with a unique attribute, plus 840 thirty-two five-star cards, this is a direct wealth, he has not created a god system, his background has caught up with the establishment of a god system for hundreds of millions of years A long-established god system.

"Don't worry, leave it to me to deal with it." Aiwass came to Gabriel, and the chain of knowledge that could not be understood directly connected to Gabriel. The holy cross star appeared on the top of the two of them. The channel to the left of the Celestial God is embodied.

The name of angels is the responsibilities and rights that God has given them. It is a concept that God has separated from his own power, so it is called "God's power". above the name.

In an instant, Ye Fei's "spirit" left the material world and went to the phase where this world was first born, and it was also a fantasy place with the most perfect rules and closest to the material world.

The celestial aspect is not as beautiful as Ye Fei looks upstream along the river of life. Those are just fantasies seen from the bottom up, just the fantasies of the individual's heart are projected, and he thinks he has seen the beautiful Garden of Eden.

In fact, [Heaven] is not beautiful. On the contrary, it is quite dark. Even if there is a concept of light, there is no light. Even the concept of space is a disorderly distortion. Only the 32 that can be directly felt are left in a fixed area. The collection of huge energy blocks and huge knowledge, they have no standard form, just energy blocks with irregular motion.

"I didn't expect the real aspect to be like this." Ye Fei shook his head: "I don't know if all aspects are like this, or it's because its owner disappeared for too long without taking care of it."

"The appearance of the aspect is only prescribed by the creator, and there is no fixed appearance. Now we have come to the throne of God."

"Of course I know, because I have seen it, but unfortunately I still can't move at will. As expected, my understanding of the rules is too shallow." Ye Fei looked at the throne of God, which was close at hand but separated by inexplicable distances.

A golden card slowly suspended in place, telling its special and uniqueness.

"Iwass took me to that position, maybe as long as I get to that position, I can dominate this aspect."

After Aiwass brought Ye Fei to the Seat of God, Ye Fei obtained the second special card. The golden radiance directly illuminated the entire celestial phase, and even the rules of the celestial phase were obedient and active.

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the card with the unique attribute, whether to open it." The system's voice sounded in his mind.

"There are no special conditions?" Ye Fei wondered in his heart.

"The boarder of the card has left this world, and the system defaults to a passwordless card."

(cibh) "That's really easy to pick up a bargain." Ye Fei was surprised, then raised his lips, and couldn't wait to open the card.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for unlocking the special card and obtaining the "Simulated Star Creation Map Reverse Genesis""

"Simulation of the Creation of the Stars: Reverse Genesis": From "Problem Children Are From Another World", it can subvert creation theory, evolution theory, phylogenetic tree, and gradually regress and return to the cosmology of all development and evolution, even if it is not in Genesis, In the theory of evolution, everything in the phylogenetic tree has no effect, but as long as in Genesis, even the great universe can return to the beginning of the singularity of creation, in the theory of evolution, it will return to the beginning of the birth of life, and above the phylogenetic tree, it will return. to the origin of power.

"Hey... It's actually a cosmology that is contrary to Yahweh's creation, which is too foul... What world or legend has no concept of creation? No concept of evolution? No concept of phylogenetic tree? As long as it does not encounter the same A guy with a simulated star creation map is invincible, right?" Ye Fei took a deep breath, of course he was dealing with someone who also had a simulated star creation map, and his star creation map was very disadvantageous.

But in the multiverse, is there a world of Genesis, evolution, and phylogenetic tree, which does not work for the existence of the star creation map in those worlds, but is it necessary to simulate the star creation map at that time? It was directly violently crushed.

Don't get too excited, everything has two sides.

Simulate the Star Creation Chart and Inverse Genesis, and instantly control the entire [Heavenly] phase, and a three-dimensional figure connecting the Kabbalah Tree of Life and Kabbalah's Evil Tree appeared in front of him.

This is the “Simulated Star Creation Chart Reverse Genesis” which belongs to the monotheistic simulated star creation chart.

"What is this?" Aiwass's dull expression was broken, watching this scene in shock, her thoughts were completely attracted, and she knew what it was in an instant after having carefully understood the cosmology.

"This is the cosmology! The monotheistic cosmology that contains the Kabbalah Tree of Life and Kabbalah's Tree of Evil is incredible, really incredible. I thought that having a cosmology was an unrepeatable miracle, but you turned out to be a dual cosmology. owner, which is the exact opposite of my observations."

"Iwass, I didn't expect to see you shocked for the third time, hahaha, be a little more shocked, this will give me a great sense of accomplishment." Ye Fei couldn't help laughing, the two simulated star creation maps, this It can be said that there is no one before or after.

"Now I have a personality that matches your angel for you."

In this world, he has no fear, even if it is a demon, he can follow as many as he wants, because the myths they create all have the existence of Genesis, which has established an absolute advantage of invincibility. .

Chapter 32: Phase manipulation and [*] super artifacts

"Simulated Star Chart · Inverse Genesis" merged with "Heavenly Aspect" in an instant, and gained full control over the entire aspect. As a "monotheistic" cosmology, whether it is the law itself or the path of Kabbalah, it is the same. There is no conflict in the celestial world. Only then can you directly control the aspect and sit on the throne of "God" without a doubt.

At the same time, he also learned "phase manipulation" without a teacher. He can transform the material world at will within a certain range, and this interference with the material world will not cause distortion of the world, because the law of the heavens is most suitable for the material world.

"Can only mobilize %1?" Ye Fei sank for a moment. There were not as many angels in the lower realm as this level, and he didn't struggle with this problem. After all, he was just on the road to level 6, and he hadn't fully become level 6 yet.

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