"I'm the real thing, Misaka-san definitely doesn't understand the heavy hardship I have when walking."

Naiyako straightened her body with a smile, raised Erlang's legs and looked at Ye Fei playfully, as if she was watching a good show, her eyes were quite happy.

The girls who knew they had been eavesdropping came in embarrassedly from the front door, their eyes wandering, they just wanted to see what Ye Fei and Naiyako were doing alone, but they didn't expect anything to happen.

"As I said, eavesdropping doesn't work. This washboard just can't hold it. My boyfriend's ability can even know that you are eavesdropping on the other side of the world." He folded his arms, trying to pass all the responsibilities to Misaka Mikoto.

"What, what, what? Who, who is having a headache, I'm just because the volleyball just rolled under the window, don't spit blood, you star-eyed." Misaka Mikoto's cheeks blushed and her eyes were blurry. Dare to see Ye Fei, he can only vent his embarrassment and shyness on his nemesis.

"Do I need to use 843 to eavesdrop? As long as it's within my electromagnetic range, I can hear even the voice."

"Ah le le ~ I never knew that you had such an ability to defy the sky, Misaka-san, the explanation is to cover up." Shokuhou Caoqi laughed righteously, and he breathed a sigh of relief, and finally got rid of the pot. Sure enough, Bilibili's IQ is used to generate electricity.

"Misaka Misaka will also join in interesting games, and happily hug your thighs, praying pitifully." The last work jumped over, hugging Ye Fei's thighs, lively and happy, a lively one The appearance of a bear child.

Ye Fei rubbed her chin with her fingers and looked down at Misaka Mikoto, who was shyly bowing her head and drew circles with her toes, Shokuhou Misaki who had whistled calmly, Suzuko Yuriko who looked indifferent, and sneakily hiding at the door. The Tokiwadai girls who didn't dare to come in, and finally Index, who was eating with snacks.

"You have a lot of questions to ask me, don't be so restrained, I'm still the good brother you are familiar with." Ye Fei couldn't help laughing and said, knowing that he was unimaginable, and slowly calmed down from his emotions, The whole person subconsciously became restrained in the face of him. .

Chapter [*]: Religious Catastrophe

"What the hell is going on? Although I know maybe I shouldn't ask, but after thinking about it, I still want to know."

Misaka Mikoto and others have been tangled for a long time. If they hadn't contacted her, they would never have asked, but if they had contacted her, it would be okay to ask. She was also the party involved, but Index bluntly said that if you want to know, just ask Ah Fei directly. That's alright, Ah Fei is very talkative and can definitely answer questions.

"I didn't want to ask~ It's just Misaka-san who ran over to death." Shokuhou-san glanced at Nayko without a trace, although he hadn't heard the conversation between the two just now, But I saw the whole process through the eyes of other people, my heart is blocked, the boyfriend is so good, but the equally powerful and coquettish fox is still pretending to be cute and pitiful, this is obviously my right.

Just when Shokuhou Caoqi was eating a lemon, Ye Fei had already used his ability to pass some introductions on the magic side to Misaka Mikoto, who blinked blankly.

"It turns out that there is not only science in this world, but also magic? Science has only been developed in the past [*] years, but why have I never heard of it?"

"The leaders on the science side don't want to let ordinary people know about the existence of magic, ala~ Misaka-san is so naive about flowers in the greenhouse. If you accidentally get involved in a conspiracy, I will definitely observe a minute's silence for you. "Shokuhou Misaki sneered as if he was teasing a pet, and the twinkling star eyes made people feel disgusted.

"You guy, you seem to be very mature. Compared to me, you are more like a flower in a greenhouse. Not only do you skip classes, but you also never participate in outdoor activities. You are an idiot with extremely poor motor nerves." Misaka Mikoto raised her forehead. With a big tic-tac-toe, he did not hesitate to reveal the black history of Shokuhou.

"Ha! I can't help it, the weight of a certain part of me is different from the weight of Misaka-san. Misaka-san will definitely not understand this hard work." Shokuhou Misaka's mouth froze, her cheeks flushed immediately, and her anger turned into a cover of anger. own shortcomings.

"If you're quarreling and thirsty, you can drink some drinks before arguing." Ye Fei sighed helplessly while propping his cheeks. Shokuhou Caoqi wouldn't let him help no matter how much he quarreled. This is part of her arrogance. Of course, if The troubles she can't settle will definitely find him.

"I can't help it, who said that Shokuhou has a big heart and doesn't quarrel with you, and who makes Misaka-san still a primary school student." Shokuhou Caoqi resisted the urge to continue arguing and winning, and said with a helpless expression, and then elegantly He walked to Ye Fei's side and sat down with his hands on his knees.

Misaka Mikoto burst into flames for such Shokuhou exercise, and looking at Shokuhou who was leaning so close to Ye Fei, her fist clenched in an instant.

"Hmph, I'm not arguing with you either, anyway, you can't waste such precious vacation time." Misaka Mikoto snorted coldly, then walked to Ye Fei and sat down, her cheeks twisted to one side, gradually getting hot, just now There is a feeling of needle felt when you sit down.

...The voice in my heart is completely different from her performance, ahhhh~ Am I crazy? The atmosphere is so shy, and the guy Ye Fei, why is he so popular, and there are female friends everywhere.

"Suck—" "Crench!" Naiako's voice drinking coffee and Index's snacking voice were amplified infinitely in the quiet living room, and the atmosphere became warm.

"Abominable, abominable, abominable..." Shirai Kuroko, who was hiding outside the door, spewed white gas from his nose with red eyes, like an angry bull.

"Shirai-san, calm down." Honoka Junko and Kouhiko Zaotori held her tightly, for fear that she would do something unthinkable, and they felt ashamed in their hearts. The fact that Shirai-san is a fanatical follower of Misaka-sama is a common occurrence. Pantai are more or less aware of it.

Because Misaka-sama likes Yafei-sama and runs to make trouble, this will make Yafei-sama angry. If he is angry, although he may not beat Shirai-san, it must be very uncomfortable.

However, Tokiwadai does not allow students to fall in love. If they find out, they will be criticized. If it is serious, they may drop out of school. Is it really okay for Shokuhou-sama and Misaka-sama?

"Why did it suddenly become quiet?" Index asked suspiciously.

At this time, Kanzaki Kaori walked in, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and there was some sadness on his face.

"Ye Fei..." She doesn't know whether to call Ye Fei Junior or Ye Fei Lord. In fact, she is also very contradictory. When she met Ye Fei a month ago, he was really a saint and a superpower. Having become a demon, she didn't know what attitude to use, so she was very nervous now.

"¨" Just call me Ye Fei. Before, you could call me Ye Fei Juvenile. I don't have any airs, and I don't have any normal arrogance. Ye Fei said with a gentle smile, of course he has arrogance, bullying the weak is sometimes a cowardly act, and sometimes it is out of pleasure, such as teasing a little girl, etc. Kanzaki, an honest person, just makes her happy.

Kanzaki was an honest man in his eyes.

"I have already found out the identity of that girl." Kanzaki said hesitantly.

"Oh~" Ye Fei nodded. Does he still need to check Sasha's identity? But finding out Sasha's identity so quickly is very powerful.

"Is the identity of the girl found? Anyone who can accommodate the arrival of angels will have a special physique and must be a religious member." Hearing Kanzaki Kaori's words, Index became interested and stopped putting snacks in her mouth seriously. said: "There is magic in her body, and she must also be a powerful magician." (Is money okay)

"Have you found out the identity of that girl so quickly? I'm still in a coma, those angels are really not a good thing." Misaka Mikoto said what she thought about the unconscious girl.

"She is a member of the Russian Orthodox Church "Destroy the White Book", specializing in chasing and dealing with non-human supernatural events, such as zombies, vampires, sirens, ghouls, etc. Because each action caused huge economic losses, she was arrested. Many countries restrict entry. "

"Because the number of people is small, it is valued by the "adultism". At the same time, they also know that she was chosen by the angel as a medium, so if she is left, the fuse will be ignited..." Kanzaki Kaori said here in a low voice Come down, the two demon gods here, even if they don't return the people, there is no way for the adult religion to do anything. If they send someone without knowing it, they will definitely be wiped out, and even lead to the disaster of the adult religion.

Chapter 6: Misaka Mikoto evolves to level [*]

"Don't worry, any fuse will not cause trouble for Ah Fei, and maybe it will make Ah Fei excited, right Ah Fei." Nayazi squinted his eyes, and said briskly with a smile and malicious speech.

"Cough, it's quite interesting to say that." Ye Fei coughed lightly, Nayazi's words really hit his mind, he really wanted to take this opportunity to recover the religious world, only a short An opportunity, and then exposed his identity, the lambs may wish to lick his feet.

Believers in the religious world have an unbelievable belief in their Heavenly Father, which is unmatched by believers in other churches.

However, he can use Yahweh's name to send information to the church world, but he can't even use [*]% of the authority of the heavens. It is the crusade that the whole church world has gone crazy with.

Although he is not vain to teach the world's crusade at all, it is still very troublesome. He has not yet become the stage of level 6, and he has alarmed the devil. Facing this situation, he will be a little restrained, and it is almost time for him. Entering level 6, it initially involves the realm of the gods, and then you can finish it all in one go.

"Is it because of the girl's important status that it will cause disputes in the 847 category?" Misaka Mikoto listened to the conversation and couldn't help but increased her voice.

"Disputes...this is probably the case." Kanzaki Kaori was stunned for a moment, then nodded tangled, and sighed in his heart. Changshu on the science side didn't understand the weight of the devil in this world, but it was so simple. Get along with the two demon gods at will.

"Her status can't let her leave easily, well, but she'll just wake up and let her stay here for a while. If the adult people come, I'll just treat them well."

Kanzaki Kaori felt nervous in his heart, hospitality? I'm afraid it's a direct use of force to violently crush it.

At this moment, Shirai Kuroko walked in with a stiff face and a devilish face, looked at Misaka Mikoto and said softly, "Sister Hookaze and Koujiroko said that there is still one person who wants to play beach volleyball~ "

"Uh! What's your expression? But it seems to have been agreed." Misaka Mikoto trembled when she saw the visible aura of Kuroko Shirai, but she frowned when she heard the words and thought, "Okay, (cibh) Since it's okay, let's go."

Misaka Mikoto hurriedly walked out of the place that made her feel very embarrassed. Although she really wanted to hear what they had to say, it seemed that it had nothing to do with her, and she couldn't do anything.

"Hey! Wait for Misaka, I forgot, this is for you." Ye Fei took out two cards from the Babylonian treasure house and moved them to Misaka Mikoto.

"Ah? It was given to me?" Misaka Mikoto caught the two cards blankly, blinked her eyes, and her cheeks flushed instantly.

"Say, say something misleading, idiot." After speaking, he took two steps and walked out of the lounge.

What, this idiot, what are you talking about as a gift for me, where did you give me two cards, really, he said it so ambiguous in front of so many people, and it doesn't matter, idiot.

Shirai Kuroko's eyes were wide, bloodshot in his eyeballs, and he looked like he was about to explode on the spot, then he turned around stiffly, walked out mechanically, and closed the door politely by the way.

"Are you alright... Misaka-san..." Hookaze Junko asked the lost Shirai Kuroko with concern. Today's Shirai-san seems to have been severely hit.

"I'm fine..." Shirai Kuroko walked forward step by step like a zombie who lost his ability to think. It's over, it's over, it's over, my elder sister has completely fallen, and I have no chance of defeating him at all.

"Wow wow~" Hiding his face and crying, he ran into the distance.


"Hey! Shirai-san must have experienced too much today and couldn't accept it. The mental pressure is too great." Fanfeng Junzi sighed.

"Really!" Misaka Mikoto breathed a sigh of relief when she came to a beach with few people. She looked at the two cards in her hand with a puzzled expression, and a message was transmitted to her brain.

"Huh? Noble Phantasm? Human mythology? Thunder and lightning? Electricity? What is this?"

Misaka Mikoto looked at the card in her hand strangely. The information in her mind made her a little confused. She subconsciously squeezed it with a little force. The card turned into golden shavings. Shrinking, an electric arc flashed across his forehead.

Misaka Mikoto obtained an inherent skill of the heroic Tesla Tesla and a Noble Phantasm that cannot detect the upper limit of its power, and manifested the divine power of the god-king Zeus on the ground, creating the power of the myth of modern civilization, the divine power manifested on the ground, and the myth of human beings.

The sky gradually darkened, thick dark clouds piled up, and it looked like a storm was about to come. The rumble of thunder made people on the beach complain, and there was a thunderstorm during the vacation. Complain to the Bureau of Meteorology.

"Are you going to enter level 6? What did that guy give you?"

Suzuka Yuriko looked at the culprit who made the lively beach quiet, frowned slightly, this power is so strong, it seems that it is not the level 6 entered by computing power, but the level of directly using something to improve the ability.

"Huh, huh! How could this be? It was just fine, but it's going to rain suddenly?" Misaka Mikoto, who was stunned on the beach of Shirai Kuroko, was in a low mood.

"Is Misaka-sama trying to attract thunder and lightning from the sky?"

"I advise you not to rely on the past, that guy is evolving." Yuriko Suzuka put her hands in her trouser pockets and said plainly, looking at Misaka Mikoto and frowning slightly, it's so strong, this is not biased towards the micro level, it is more like a form of , or concept.

Well, regardless of my business, I silently prepare to go back to the lounge.

"Evolution? What do you mean?" Shirai Kuroko got nervous when he heard this, and asked quickly.

"It's just evolved to level 6." Yuriko Suzuka then replied.




Chapter 6: Even at level [*], I am the strongest

"Big sister is going to become level 6? So suddenly promoted?"

Shirai Kuroko looked at Misaka Mikoto, who stood still like a puppet in shock. Isn't it possible to achieve level 6 only with Accelerator?

Wait a minute! When the elder sister came out just now, the wild monkey gave the elder sister something! Although I don't know what it is, it looks like something as thin as two cards, which means...

Although this guess is arbitrary, it is the only result so far that is consistent.

Thinking of what happened an hour ago, I couldn't help shivering. He was a level 7 that didn't even exist in theory. The kind of exaggeration that made a floating sea disappear out of thin air and caught the legendary angel. Monster, I definitely made my elder sister a level 6. Even Accelerator said she became a level 6 because that guy did it.

"It's amazing, Misaka-sama is going to become a level 6, which means that we have a level 6 in Tokiwadai, the second level 6 in Academy City."

"One level higher than Shokuhou-sama, if Misaka-sama establishes a faction..."

The two girls from the bee-eater faction were amazed and worried about their own queen. The queen and Misaka-sama had a very bad relationship, and the queen would definitely be very depressed by then.

"Big sister will not establish a faction, but that Xingxingyan will not dare to go against big sister in the future, hum!" Shirai Kuroko is very proud ~ proudly snorted.

Fanfeng Junzi and Kouhiko Early Bird glanced at each other.

"Ehhhh! What's wrong with Misaka-senpai?" Saten Ruiko and Uiharu Shiri, who rented beach supplies, came back and looked at Misaka Mikoto, who was emitting electricity everywhere in shock.

After Shirai Kuroko told the two of them what had happened, they were both surprised, and then looked at each other and understood each other's meaning from the other's eyes. It was because of Senior Ye Fei.

After what happened before, they already have a clear understanding of Ye Fei's power, that is, Ye Fei-senpai can't be explained by level 5 or level 6. Basically, it is similar to the legendary gods, making Misaka-senpai a level 6. This kind of thing is very easy to do, even there are technical seniors who mass-produce level 5, and both of them can almost become level 5.

"So that's how it is, the Noble Phantasm and the skill mean that I am in this state of fusion with that Noble Phantasm?"

Misaka Mikoto has digested all the information about the Noble Phantasm and her skills, and her mind works. Although she can't move now, her mind can run, and it runs very fast. Her computing power has increased many times. I don't know how many times. There should be ten times, right?

With such an exaggeration, is it about to reach level 6?

The human mythology, the arrival of thunder and lightning, manifested the divine power of the god king Zeus on the ground, and the conceptual power that allowed human civilization to enter the electrical age can dominate and generate all electricity, and even the thunder and lightning in the sky can be spawned.

Although she could originally stimulate the clouds to create thunder, but this is to directly create and control thunder and lightning, the concept is different, the scope of this control can still be expanded infinitely, which is too exaggerated, this is level 6?

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