There is also this "electricity", which can actually convert bio-electricity, wind energy, magic, bio-energy, and intangible energy into electric current, etc. What is magic?Is that what Kanzaki said? Such an unscientific ability?

Misaka Mikoto was still frightened while complaining, her ability was growing too fast, and she couldn't stop it at all, and then she saw things that she usually couldn't see.

White unknown energy appeared on the body, and gradually wrapped her against the skin. Several white light bands appeared behind her shoulders, like deformed wings, and an angel's halo slowly appeared above her head.

From her point of view, she saw a scene outside of reality. From here, she saw Academy City halfway across the world. It was a mirage-like place. A certain girl seemed to notice her and asked her.

"Who are you? Can you come here?"

"No, I don't know how I got here, ah! It's not right, I can't go anywhere." Who is this girl? Why is she so big?

"Huh? What is this? The same brainwave network as mine?" Misaka Mikoto discovered the same connection network as her own brainwaves.

"Someone has hacked into the Misaka network, do, Misaka9652 issued a danger warning"

"The brainwaves of the person who invaded the Misaka network are the same as those of Misaka, do, I'm curious, is it an unknown Misaka who has never logged on to the network?"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????????

"Oops! Someone actually invaded Misaka Misaka's network. Who is it? Please explain it well, Misaka Misaka can handle it leniently." A young and lively voice sounded.

"That...Are you all Misaka sisters?" Misaka Mikoto couldn't help asking, she couldn't help but complain, really, I'm really bored to ask even if I already know.

"..." The voices suddenly fell silent.

"It's my elder sister, do, Misaka accuses my elder sister of not saying hello."

"Welcome elder sister, do, Misaka happy elder sister."

More and more voices sounded in Misaka Mikoto's mind. She found that she could completely handle these huge voices. She could clearly distinguish the voices of tens of thousands of people at the same time. This is definitely not a level that humans can understand. It seems to have turned into a supercomputer.


"This must be level 6, definitely level 6, I've already become level 6." Misaka Mikoto was very affirmed at this time, and she was very excited. Although she didn't care whether she could become level 6 or not, she had the opportunity to become level 6, no matter what she was in her heart. Very excited, especially after facing the feeling of powerlessness.

The body slowly returned to action, and looked down at his hands. What kind of energy is this?It can be controlled freely, and there is that magical place, it seems that it can also be controlled?

Thinking of this in my heart, the computing power will run later, the rumbling thunder sounded, and a huge lightning struck the sea.

"Wow! It's amazing, I just started it after thinking about it!" Misaka Mikoto was shocked by her current strength, she quickly controlled herself, and she was a little scared. If she couldn't control herself as before, many people would be implicated. This is absolutely not allowed by her, and she must not use her ability to hurt anyone.

"Is this level even if you become level 6?" Suzuka Yuriko frowned at Misaka Mikoto, she could clearly feel this level, not even one-tenth of her, or even only [*]% one.

I couldn't help laughing at myself, "Even in level 6, I'm definitely the strongest." Ji.

Chapter [*]: Misaka Mikoto is too shocked

"The normal state is 5 times the computing power of my level 53. Now this state is 127 times the computing power. The ability has been upgraded to level 6, and it barely crosses the threshold of level 6."

Suzuka Yuriko calculated all of Misaka Mikoto's data in an instant. Such data made her lose any interest, and she couldn't use the second trick to defeat Misaka Mikoto in such a state.

In the final analysis, there is only one fundamental difference between her being the strongest at level 6 and others being the strongest. She can pass [*]% in the exam because there are only [*]% in the exam, and others can get [*] because of others. The strength is only ninety-nine points. It seems that the gap is only a little bit, but it is actually a hundred million points.

The only people who can stabilize her head are Ye Fei, or the chairman whose way of life makes "August [*]" shudder, and the other is the white-haired "Devil". At a glance, the body involuntarily stiffened, not even able to move a step, just like the intuition of herbivores to see top predators.

"It seems that there is some kind of unknown power, but that's all there is to it." Yuriko Lingke put her hands in her trouser pockets and didn't pay any attention to the thunder and lightning astronomical phenomenon behind her, and walked back to the inn calmly. It is also necessary to eat. Although it can directly decompose food into nutrients and supply it to the body, such a way of life is not suitable for human beings.

Misaka Mikoto closed her eyes and slowly withdrew her powerful power, and her superlative thinking gradually returned to its normal state. The unknown white energy slowly disappeared, and she stretched out her hands and looked at her palms.

"It's amazing, this is level 6, the mind of the gods, even the strongest supercomputer in Academy City can't compare to one-tenth, it's too powerful."

After that, my mood became complicated. I secretly glanced at the hotel behind me with small eyes, my cheeks flushed, really, this made me a level 6, how can I repay this favor? ...I want to be level 6.

"Sister! Huchi, Huchi, Huchi..." Kuroko Shirai appeared in front of Misaka Mikoto in an instant, as if panting after running for a few kilometers, her eyes were shining brightly, and she could not speak with excitement.

"level, level 6, my elder sister has become level 6, right?"

"Uh! That's right, but Kuroko, you don't need to be so excited." Misaka Mikoto was stunned, raised her brows and took a small step back, causing goose bumps on her back.

"Level 6, that's level 6, how can you not be excited, the second level 6 in Academy City, my elder sister is worthy of being an elder sister, what does it feel like to be a level 6? What does the mind of God feel like?" Kuroko Shirai looked at Misaka Mikoto with admiration. , the fingers of both hands are twisted irregularly, spewing white air like a bull, and I puffed out my chest like I was proud of my elder sister.

"It's amazing, Misaka-senpai, what's level 6 like? Isn't it amazing?" Saten Leiko ran over excitedly, looking like she was seeking knowledge and gossip.

"Although Ye Fei-senpai said that level 6 is related to the stance of thinking aim diffusion, it can perfectly control the stance of aim diffusion and turn off the ability of the ability person at will. Although it is probably understandable, but I haven't really seen it, and Yuriko doesn't like to talk about it." Uiharu Shiri blinked, raised a finger curiously and said, looking at Misaka Mikoto expectantly.

"Yes, yes, what does Misaka-senpai feel like at level 6?" Saten Ruiko nodded frantically. She wanted to know this kind of secret so much, it was as if she had found an interesting hidden passage in a labyrinth game.

"I also want to know, this may be a secret that can't be said. Misaka-sama, please ignore this question if it is inconvenient." Junko Hookaze looked at Misaka Mikoto expectantly.

"It's not a secret either." The four expectant eyes made Misaka Mikoto shed a drop of sweat on her forehead. She laughed dryly and looked at the empty surroundings, but everyone left because of me. To one minute, otherwise the situation just now may cause panic or trouble to others. …  

"How about the feeling of level 6, it's like seeing the world from the perspective of God, it's really amazing, the thinking becomes very fast, it looks like a hundred times, and then you can enter a certain level and see the world through that level, It seems that the current can be controlled at will, the range can be expanded infinitely, and it can even cause thunderclouds covering half of the earth, or electricity, and even on the other side of the earth can control the electricity of Academy City, in general, this is the case. "

Misaka Mikoto pondered for a while, and told them what she had just felt, which made them stunned. They knew that level 6 was very strong, and now they finally understood.

"Hey hey, it's actually so powerful, it's too, too ecstasy, can you defeat Director Ye Fei?" Shirai Kuroko's eyes were shining.

"Although I feel that Level 6 is very strong, but Senior Ye Fei can make me a Level 6, which is definitely much stronger than Level 6, there is no comparison." Misaka Mikoto frowned and calculated the possibility, then shook her head.

Shirai Kuroko was instantly discouraged and looked like he was in a state of despair. That's what he said. After all, he can get a level 6 at will.

"Did Ye Fei-senpai make Misaka-sama become level 6..." 1.7 Fanfeng Junzi blinked, not knowing what she was thinking, her ability could become level 5, but she stopped because of the human body protection mechanism In the process from level 4 to level 5, she didn't really expect to become level 5, but if she had the opportunity to become level 5 or level 6, she still fought for it for some reason.

"Wow wow, my elder sister has entered the Misaka network, it's great, Misaka Misaka happily said." The last work sat in Ye Fei's arms and moved dishonestly, and then pouted his lips: "Speaking of which, sister Will the adults take the control of Misaka Misaka? Misaka Misaka frowning worriedly, then Misaka Misaka's survival meaning will be one less.".

Chapter [*]: Portal to Another World

"Level 6 doesn't need the blessing of Misaka Network, but adding the computing power of Misaka Network can increase a lot of thinking speed, but it doesn't have much effect."

Ye Fei rubbed his chin and thought about it, and the last one pursed his lips, as if he was very dissatisfied that Ye Fei's devaluation of Misaka Network was useless.

"Misaka Misaka's network is also very powerful. For example, the computing power is comparable to that of the tree map designer, Misaka Misaka said in a proud tone."

"Why are you sticking to me instead of sticking to Yuriko now? Don't you like Yuriko the most?" Ye Fei squeezed the cheeks of the last work with both hands and gently pulled, like the touch of an egg transmitted to the brain, a little joy in his heart .

"Because I didn't stick to Yuriko, Misaka Misaka accused Mr. Ye Fei of throwing Misaka Misaka to Yuriko before he could enjoy the benefits that other Misakas have."

"Other Misaka's welfare?" Shokuhou Caoqi half-squinted his eyes and asked "gently" with a smile, his body gradually rising with suffocation.

Although I have known for a long time that my boyfriend has an unclear relationship with many Misaka sisters, 28 but due to the lack of information, I do not know the specifics.

"The vinegar smell is a bit strong, little bee, do you need to eat the vinegar of Misaka? Well, although I have no right to say that you won't be jealous, after all, this is the instinct of a girl."

Ye Fei took off Misaka from his body and showed a mocking expression to Shokuhou Misaka.

"Where did you read the content of the magazine? Don't be stupid~ You actually gave Bilibili a level 6 gift in front of my current girlfriend, and I don't even have the treatment of a real girlfriend, huh huh~ Shokuhou Caoqi looked at Ye Fei with dissatisfaction, his shining star eyes were full of grievance and jealousy, and his hands covered his cheeks when he saw it.

"Actually, it's just jealous, that only Misaka Mikoto can exert its power, and I don't have anything here that can directly improve your ability..."

Ye Fei originally wanted to say that there is no item that can directly improve the ability of the spiritual system, but after a meal, it seems that he really has the omnipotent thing that can improve the ability. The bee reaches level 6.

"Speaking of it, there is indeed a gift for you. This can directly improve your ability, and you can live forever, stay young forever, and always maintain the youngest state."

Shokuhou Cao Qi was stunned for a while, she just wanted to complain, she already had the only sky ship in Academy City, she didn't know how much she paid, she was not greedy, but when she heard that she could stay young forever, her eyes became brighter and brighter. up.

"You can stay young forever, what is it? Is it the legendary elixir of life, the spring water of youth, or the operation to achieve immortality according to the rumors of Academy City?" Shokuhou's attitude was completely different from the previous vinegar smell.

"Is the power of eternal youth so great? Even immortality and the ability to improve are ignored." Ye Fei couldn't help but complain about Bee Eater's cognition, but the power of girls in eternal youth is really great, and a circle of golden ripples appeared in the In his hand, a multicolored diamond-shaped crystal appeared in his hand and handed it over.

"What is this? Is it really an elixir?"

"This is a godhead, and Yuriko Lingke relies on this to reach level 6. It can reach the end of racial potential. If you use it, you can touch the threshold of level 6."

The potential of Shokuhou Caoqi is only about 10% of the potential of level 6, and he has just touched the threshold of level 6.

"Just eat it directly, it melts in your mouth." Ye Fei said with a wicked taste.

Shokuhou Cao Qi was suspicious, opened his lips and put the fist-sized diamond crystal to his mouth, a tic tac toe appeared on his forehead, how could such a large crystal be stuffed into his mouth, but the next moment it turned into a light and entered body.


"Why do I have so much dirt on me?"

"Of course it's because the Godhead is optimizing your physique to reach the final state, and this process will remove impurities from your body."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"This situation did not happen to Yuriko before. I thought it was just a wrong introduction. It seems that Yuriko used her ability to adjust her body."

"Are you me and I'm dirty? Asshole."

"you misunderstood……"

Seeing Shokuhou, who was terrified, sprinted into the bathroom, Ye Fei shrugged, women couldn't reason with them at any time, because they didn't make sense at all.

"It's really strange~" Nayko squinted her eyes and looked at Ye Fei thoughtfully.

"What's strange, haven't you seen enough of the simulated star creation map? Speaking of which, why do you always feel that Shokuhou will ignore you subconsciously, as if you don't exist?"

Ye Fei looked at Naiyako and asked indifferently, could this state reduce his sense of existence and make everyone subconsciously ignore it.

"I think I am, that little girl subconsciously wants me not to appear in front of her, so I will temporarily disappear in her world." Nayazi said calmly, and then 850 said his doubts.

"In addition to simulating a corner of the multiverse, such as the Star Creation Map, you have a lot of high-level aura on your body? Is there a feeling of another world channel?"

"Are you a dog's nose? Smell so carefully?" Ye Fei's mouth twitched wildly, then silently took a sip of coffee.

"It's really ugly to say, but it's not that I want to know, it's that you didn't hide it at all, just tell me so openly, look, I have so many things on me, I'm a local tyrant, come to rob me, probably like this What a meaning." Naiyako said it very vividly.

"Isn't it?" Ye Fei suddenly felt a little terrified, and he thought he had taken care of it well.

"This is seen in high dimensions, just like you are looking at three dimensions in four dimensions. Of course you can't see anything in the eyes of not true gods, but what you see in dimensions above true gods is jewels." Naiyazi is bright. A smile hangs on his face.

"You can wash off this breath with the Star Creation Chart, then I can't feel it."

"Also, I'm curious, how did you get the portal to another world? It's a bit similar to some of the essence of bubbles.".

Chapter [*]: The religious world can't help it

"What are you talking about? Misaka Misaka asked curiously." The young little Misaka jumped onto the sofa, lying on Ye Fei's lap.

"Half enjoyment, half headache, now I feel a little like Yuriko." Disturbed, Ye Fei sighed, then snapped his fingers, and the final work was sent to Lingke Yuriko by Space Mobility, which made Lingke Yuriko's expression froze, and she finally got a little quiet time and was screwed up again.

"Wow, Misaka Misaka complained that Mr. Ye Fei suddenly threw Misaka back." The last work called out very dissatisfied, and then saw Yuriko Suzuka drinking a cold drink to enjoy the cool, and ran up quickly.

"Misaka Misaka also wants to drink."

"It looks like you need to use the Star Creation Chart to wash it all the time, or else the whole person will have no secrets in front of you." Ye Fei covered his body with the simulated Star Creation Chart, raised his brows, and looked at Nayazi.

"As for how I got the door to the other world, it's my secret, but I'm really going to go and take a look, and I'm also curious about what the world over there is like."

As the owner of the simulated star creation map, the center of a group of gods, as Nayazi said, if he wants to create a group of gods in the future, if he wants to become a true god, he must go through worlds and spread his god's name. Seize the power of the universe when you become the true God.

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