Although at level 6, you can use the simulated star creation chart to travel through the dimensional space-time dimension wall, but the card has opened a portal to other worlds, which is different, he can go through the portal to see.

And there are no restrictions on the world crossing door, it is just a door, the inside of the door is the magic forbidden world door and the outside is a different world, you can come and go at will.

So he was also going to go to the other side of the door to take a look when he returned to Academy City. He was also very curious about what kind of world was on the other side of the door, but he didn't expect that Naiako could easily see what he got before. Things, and sure enough, the dimensions are different, and the things you see are also different.

Naiako gave him a wake-up call. Different dimensions have different perceptions. The only thing that can break this barrier is the super-conceptual thing like the "simulated star map".

"Then you must bring me. I care about your experience very much." part of him, and to a certain extent there is a chance that he will gain a part of the multiverse authority when he becomes the true god.

This is equivalent to the welfare of the guardian.

"Can I still stop you?" Ye Fei shrugged and said, there is no lower limit to Naiyako's lack of integrity, he is far inferior.

The world-class Angel Fall that just passed, and the shock that the impact of the Angel Fall disappeared in a short period of time, made the entire magic side cast their eyes, the unknown power covering the whole world, and the return of the Angel is too hesitant.

Almost immediately, the church world sent monks to the place where the angel fell, but after arriving, they found nothing except the destroyed ceremony site.

But the place where the angel fell was in an island country, close to Academy City. Although the angel had disappeared, it did not prove that it had nothing to do with Academy City, nor did it prove that the angel was not captured by the science side.

After all, both the magic side and the science side possess technologies that neither side can understand.

Academy City, a windowless building, Aleister closed his eyes, but his thoughts were running fast. Any thoughts and flashes of his mind were the pinnacle of his power.

"Even if I look at you very highly, but I still underestimate it, is the pure imaginary number concept the power of science? Without the concept of magic, the concept manipulation covering this planet can be activated, and even the imaginary number area is completely dominated. , without any omissions, how did you do it, is it really incomprehensible with that kind of thing?"

At that moment, all the worlds except for his self-contained world-cycle protection mechanism were covered with the concept of imaginary phase. Even Gabriel was quickly subdued, and he couldn't do it to such an extent.

And the spirit has gone to the "celestial" phase, and the displacement of the celestial elements can only be felt by a magician who has reached that level. There is no mistake, he has obtained some kind of authority.

This should be impossible. Different rules and different myths make it impossible to obtain the authority of the aspect, especially the aspect of the heavens, which is only a monotheistic aspect, even the devil cannot spy on it, the nature of the myth is different , the rules are different, the roads are different, even touch can't do it.

"The religious world can't bear it anymore, hehe." Aleister raised the corner of his mouth, as if everything was under his control.

He is not afraid of failure, he has always been in failure, constantly struggling, constantly struggling, failing to stand up again, failing to start a new plan, he always believes that there will always be a successful case among countless failures.

Roman Orthodox Church, behind St. Peter's Basilica, Matthew Lis, who was already full of white hair, was half-kneeling in front of the statue of the Father and praying in a low voice. His lofty emphasis originally representing the white color of the Pope has been replaced by a black monasticism Clothes.

The white color in the Roman Orthodox Church represents the sublime and solemn, and now it has been replaced by the ordinary black monastic uniform, which means that he has resigned from the position of the pope, although this is not his voluntary resignation.

This prayer has been going on for decades, from the initial ignorant childhood to the twilight years, and it has accompanied him for most of his life.

The heavy church door creaked behind him, who was now being supervised, and Matthew paused and continued to pray, only at a faster pace.

"¨" Long time no see, Pope Matthew, to be honest, I don't understand very well. Even if you leave your post, you should enjoy the three meals that the bishop should enjoy. Why should you pray in front of this remote statue, don't say anything about yourself? Innocent and honest nonsense. "

A frivolous voice (Qian Li's) resounded in the church. It should have been forbidden to make noise in front of the statue of Heavenly Father, but she still said loudly in her own way.

Matthew did not care about the disrespect of the people who came to him, and accelerated the speed of prayer, silently holding the cross in his hand.

A little time passed, and when the visitor was about to get impatient, Matthew finally finished his prayer, stood up silently, folded his hands, and hung the cross around his neck again.

"Respect for Heavenly Father is a necessary etiquette in a prayer church."

"Heh, this kind of hypocritical idea is as expected of you saying it! It's no wonder that so many bishops co-named this stubbornness to kick you out of the position of pope." A harsh sarcasm sounded.

Although the sarcastic sound was unusually harsh, Matthew didn't have any anger but simply turned around to look at the person who came.

"What's the matter with the old man who is not the Pope who came to me at this time? The wind ahead.".

Chapter [*]: The wind ahead, hands-on

The Pope looked at the visitor calmly.

It was a young girl who could not tell her specific age. She was thin and thin with a beige robe and dress, and a yellow cloth on her head that completely concealed her hair, or a hat that was an alternative monastic uniform. The style was very retro and old. old.

And her outfit is more eye-catching, not a stunning look, but a disgusting look. Her face, nose, lips and eyelids are covered with iron rings, and her tongue is connected with an anti-cross decoration at the front, hanging down to her waist. between the chains.

If you put aside these deliberately disgusting dresses, her appearance will be very gorgeous, but Ma Tai knows that destroying her appearance is not meaningless, but as a part of a spell that ordinary magicians cannot touch.

Even as the Pope, the information he knows is only that.

One of the four members of the Right Seat of God, the wind ahead.

The Right Seat of God, the Roman Orthodox Church, and even the Anbu organization, which is the darkest side of the entire religious world, is regarded as the existence of the ultimate weapon, independent of all institutions, even institutions that cannot be interfered by the Inquisition.

The original intention was to set up an institution for the Pope, the spokesperson of God, to have an equal object of consultation. The Pope is the spokesperson of God, but there are too many things that religion needs to judge. The Pope, who is the incarnation of God in the world, has no People can negotiate with him, so the right seat of God, which corresponds to the four angels, has the power to negotiate with the Pope.

But after a thousand years, the power of this organization has surpassed the Pope. Although Matthew does not want to admit it, he has to admit that even if they kill the Pope, no one can convict them.

"Academic City has an unrecorded saint, you should already know it very well, after all, you took the lead in hiding it, and there was news that a certain archangel came and disappeared not long ago, and The location is also arranged to be the country in the far east."

The wind in front stuck out her tongue, grinned, and habitually flicked the chains on her tongue to make trivial noises. She deliberately made such disgusting actions, exuding malice all the time.

"I don't know much about this matter. After all, I'm no longer the Pope. After next month's votes come out, I will leave this church completely." Matthew frowned slightly, looked at the wind ahead calmly and shook his head , not going to say too much.

"Hehe, it will be after next month, and now you are still His Majesty the Pope, and now I can only find you for these matters. The Russian Orthodox Church has confirmed that one of their members is suspected of being possessed by an angel, and may be detained by Academy City. ."

The wind in front of the smile gradually became presumptuous, took out a few documents from the inside of the coat, shook them, and handed them arrogantly.

"This file?"

Matthew's eyes are solemn, don't think too much, this must be to use him, or even directly interfere with various institutions of the church, the right seat of God has never taken him as a pope seriously, let alone now that he has been dismissed. Case.

Matthew was silent. As the Pope, he was overstepped or even ignored by an organization of the same status or subordinate. To this extent, he may be the first, not to mention that he will not be the Pope soon.

"Look carefully, and then sign on it. I don't want to wait until the next pope takes office to sign." The wind in front showed an insolent smile, showing no respect for the pope at all.

"To be forced to conduct an investigation into Academy City, the results of the investigation are indeed honorable to the church, and the actual damage will be wiped out!"

Matthew's expression gradually became solemn as he watched the clerk.

Although there is a saint in Academy City, and he still talks to him, although he does not know why the nuclear weapon on the magic side is in Academy City and becomes a director, this is not something that can be explained by living in Academy City for a long time, it is true Already (cibh) to the point where it sucks.

According to the unknown technology of science, it is very likely that the means to deal with the saints have been developed. In addition, the archangel appeared not long ago and disappeared mysteriously in the area where Academy City is located. This may really be controlled.

"As the Pope, even if you are old and confused, you understand the seriousness of the matter, so hurry up and sign it." The wind ahead threw the document to Matthew, who picked up the document silently, his face gloomy.

This situation is no less than the incident caused by the evil magician in the [*]th century. That incident is only a matter of magic, but this time it is a matter of two worlds. If a crusade is carried out, it will inevitably lead to a world-class war. .

After pondering for a moment, Matthew sighed and looked at the wind ahead with a solemn and dignified expression: "I am no longer the Pope, and I have no right to sign. You should wait for the new Pope to sign."


The wind in front was surprised. He was a little unbelievable to hear such words. He flicked the chain on his tongue, made a ping ping pong sound, and sneered.

"Have you heard what I said clearly, but you didn't mean to listen to your defense. You only need to sign."

"Do you want to use this signature to find a reason to start a war? I don't agree with this document that started the war, so I refuse, even if I still have this right now." Pope Matthew's voice echoed in a moment. In church, there is an unwavering will in the tone.

"Didn't you look carefully? It is only through investigation that you can decide whether to crusade. Since you refused to sign the document, can I think that you, Pope, concealed the fact that there are saints and archangels in Academy City from everyone."

"I wouldn't sign even if everyone thought so."

"Oh, then there's no way."

The wind in front of her shook her head sympathetically, as if giving up the negotiation. The atmosphere in the church became heavier, and an icy aura emanated from her. This was something called killing intent.

"The organization of religious groups is so troublesome. The copywriting of this kind of collective action must be approved by the head. If the current Pope is still alive, the election time will not be able to advance. If the current Pope dies suddenly, then the election has to be accelerated. ."

The wind in front looked at the Pope arrogantly and said, the cross at the end of the chain on his tongue made a clinking sound, and Void took out a huge cross-shaped awl blunt weapon that was one person high.

"You actually want to do something to me." Matthew was silent. .

Chapter [*]: The power of two billion believers against the fire of God

"You actually want to do something to me." Matthew was silent, put the document aside, and took off the cross on his neck with his right hand. Following his movements, the cross lit up with a gleaming white light.

"Damn, do you think I'll let you behave? Don't treat the Pope as an ordinary person with no power."

He knows the power of the right seat of God, which is absolutely capable of subverting any organization and rules. The real power of angels is second only to angels, and even more terrifying than angels at certain times. It is the ultimate weapon of two billion believers in the world. .

Until now, he has only been clear about the gap between him and the right seat of God, and it is difficult to resist just showing killing intent to him, but this is definitely not the reason for him to be soft.

Even if he also thinks that the science side is a superfluous force and an unnecessary group of unbelievers to the world, even if it facilitates the life of the ordinary world, it is also full of violence and destruction. This is not what he approves. Even if the science side is to be eliminated, The premise is also considered for the two billion believers worldwide.

Once a war between the two worlds is caused, then the whole world will be swept away. Think of the tragic situation of World War II, which has almost brought the whole world to the brink of despair. If a war is caused, various weapons of destruction on the scientific side, magic The collision of the powerful spells on the side was several times more terrifying than the Second World War.

War is absolutely intolerable, not just to protect believers but to protect the entire world.

"This can't be done, Pope, do you want to fight with me? Fight with me at the right seat of God? If you show malice to me, you will die in an instant!" The wind in front of him sarcastically sticks out his tongue and makes a disgusting expression , slowly raised the hammer wrapped around the wire, and waved it towards the Pope without hesitation.

The white airflow formed convection and fell towards Matthew, and the church floor, which had a history of hundreds of years, shattered in an instant, and a golden barrier appeared in front of Matthew to block the attack instantly.

"Don't underestimate me. As the Pope, the faith of [*] billion believers in the world is gathered here, and I represent the wishes of [*] billion believers."

Matthew held the cross tightly and said in a deep voice that he was ready to die. The opponent was the right seat of God representing the archangel, and the power of the magician could not resist the power of the angel. He wanted to use the The faith of these two billion believers seals the wind ahead, even for a short time, which has already made people discover what happened here.

"The faith of two billion believers is against me who corresponds to Uriel, the "fire of God"? No amount of ordinary people can resist the power of angels, poor fellow." The wind in front of him said with a cold face and a frenzied smile. Holding the mallet, he charged towards the Pope and shattered the barrier formed by the power of faith with a single blow. Matthew was knocked to the ground, but he still held the cross and quickly recited the prayer.

"Tell the first and second apostles that we believe in the same Lord, that you are overflowing with power, and we are the ones who know its true meaning. We entreat, may you use your strength to defeat the enemy."

Multiple rays of light danced in the air, and the wind in front of him became dignified, and his body movements became dull for a moment. Those rays of light formed planes around her, closing her body like a football pattern.

Things didn't go as the Pope thought. While casting the spell, the wind in front attacked faster than him. The spell launched by the power of two billion faith collapsed like a bubble, and the wind in front looked halfway with a sneer. The Pope, kneeling on the ground, gasping for breath.

"Hehe, as long as you fight with me, whether it's your mind or your body, if you show a little bit of malice, I've already won. This is the "Divine Retribution Technique", the power beyond the realm of ordinary believers, it only binds your body. Without being deprived of consciousness, you are not as rubbish as rumored. "

The wind in front stood in front of Matthew with a sneer, raised his hand, and smashed the hammer against Matthew's head.

"Goodbye, those believers will choose a coffin that matches your identity."

Just as the mallet reached the top of Matthew's head, a thick hand grabbed the wrist of the wind ahead.

"Huh?" The wind in front was stunned, turned his head with a cold face, and saw a burly middle-aged man with short brown hair grabbing her wrist behind him.

"Feng, this is St. Peter's Basilica. The use of spells is forbidden. The Pope is the leader of the church. The evil deeds of killing the leader are not allowed by the doctrine." A thick, thoughtful voice said from his mouth.

"Water! I didn't expect you to arrive so timely. Are you in the Vatican recently!" The wind in front of him sneered, with a cold face, withdrew his magic-style spiritual costume, glanced at the embarrassed Pope in disdain, and turned to leave.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????????

"If you save your life, no matter how much you delay, as long as you make sure that what is said in the document is true, war is an inevitable result, hehe, just watch it, the science side will soon be destroyed by the Crusaders, those orders The science of people's disgusting is completely crushed underfoot."

As the wind in front left, Matthew climbed up from the ground in embarrassment, his originally straight figure also became hunched, and the blood dripping from his forehead didn't have time to deal with. He took a deep breath and looked towards the rescuer with some respect. The man who killed him.

"Good thing you've been back in the Vatican recently, water."

The burly middle-aged man bowed slightly and said, "Sorry, I'm a step late, you're all right."

........ ...... 0

Perhaps because the power of the Pope was scattered and weak in the past, Pope Matthew is an old man who yearns for peace and treats the world with love, so the water in the back also maintains equal respect for Matthew.

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