However, it seems that there is no information about the demon gods passed on, and among those demon gods, the magician and god-king Tezkapolika who is enshrined in the Aztec mythology has a grudge. He is almost a mortal enemy, the kind that will never die. , that is the evil god, the feathered snake god is the good god, there is a kind of concept of opposites between good and evil.

If this happens, Quetzal will think that the opponent is the mortal enemy, and the magician will come to snipe because Quetzal wants to become a demon in the name of Feathered Serpent.

Quezal is definitely not an opponent. After all, he is only a heroic spirit. Even if his power is full, he will not be able to burst into a star, but he has indeed reached the realm of the gods, and his firepower is barely able to reach level 6.

But after all, it is a heroic spirit that has been reduced to the embodiment of concepts such as "sun", "harvest", "culture", "wind and rain" and "morning star". Knowledge of books makes it easy to become a devil.

Among the demon gods, Nephthys and the Aztec god king are both demon gods born by a group of magicians who sacrificed their knowledge and life to shake the rules.

But there is a premise that he has no way to get Quezal out of the frame of the heroic spirit. This depends on Quezal himself. After all, he has two views of the universe. There is always a way.

"What do you need to do to summon eldest sister out? If you get married, this should be considered~"

Quetzal smiled kindly, his arm wrapped around Ye Fei's neck freely and enthusiastically, and the index finger of the other hand poked Ye Fei's cheek and turned.She doesn't care whether this world is a parallel world or not, which is no different to her, because no matter it is that world, as long as there are humans, she loves it.

She is like a kind-hearted god in legend. Whether it is a person who believes in herself or a person who fights against her, basically, in her opinion, human beings should protect future objects, be kind to human beings, and guide them towards prosperity. She regards them as the greatest interest of.

"I've always been here to care and tease others, but I didn't expect that I'd end up here." Ye Fei wasn't angry at all, but rather amused, and he wasn't stingy enough to be unhappy about this, rather he was happy instead.

"Oh? Are you angry? Is the big sister too enthusiastic for the little brother to take it? But there is no way to do it~ I am me, and the smile and enthusiasm of my firm belief show the sun, smile and enthusiasm in the heart of the enthusiast. To be able to open up a happy era, no matter how hard it is, you cannot lose this cheerfulness.”

Quetzal let go of Ye Fei, put his hands in it, smiled cheerfully, and wanted to use his enthusiasm and unrestrainedness to infect Ye Fei.

"¨" I understand the reasoning, but the information that Quetzal received is incomplete. I will pass it on to you with my spiritual power, so don't resist~" Ye Fei took a deep breath, feeling like a passionate and unrestrained mood. She is enlightened like the sun.

Humans are such creatures, who can be infected by the emotions of others.

Quezal blinked at the shocking information, looking a little surprised.

"The devil? There is actually such a god like the creator of the world? Or the world of creation as a human being, it really makes the big sister's head unable to turn around. (Qian Lihao)"

Immediately distressed.

"Oops! Do you want big sister to deal with this guy? Although big sister is the main god of South America, but now she is only a heroic spirit, even if it is the real god of the predecessor, it is not a match."

"Big sister, you're thinking too much." Ye Fei rolled his eyes: "You can't even beat me, but you still want to deal with the devil. I only wanted a wife to summon you, so Quezal, let's get married now."

"Oops~ Even if you want to marry the big sister before we meet, this step is a bit too hasty. In addition, the younger brother said that the big sister can't even beat you, the big sister, I am..."

Quezal put his hands on his cheeks, and opened his fingers to look at Ye Fei. He was not shy, but she didn't agree that Ye Fei was stronger than her, but the next moment he choked before saying this sentence, because a group of similar The light source of the source of the vortex was thrown in front of her.Jay.

Chapter [*]: Summoning the Heroic Spirit of the Creation Myth

"This is! Something from the Vortex of Roots?" Quezalton was in high spirits, and his pronunciation became blurred, as if mixed with foreign languages.

"Is this for big sister?"

The tone was full of shock and excitement.

"Well, Xing Ji, the personality brilliance from the twelve equatorial equator, it is not wrong to say that it is from the vortex of the root. I handed it over to you Quezal. If you can return to the identity of a god, it should be easy to arrive. The position of the devil in this world." Ye Fei raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

The vortex of the root of the moon world is the "cause" of everything, the origin of all phenomena.Since as long as there is "cause", "effect" can be produced, so in terms of existence, this is "ultimate knowledge". If it is a corner of the multiverse, if it is obtained by others, it will become a simulation of "causal theory" Create a star map.

Having already owned two simulated star charts, no one knows the nature of the simulated star charts better than him.

"Wow, really? Really? Big sister accepted it rudely." Quezal held the personality into his body in high spirits, and then hugged Ye Fei enthusiastically.

"Little Master is too embarrassed for the big sister, so she gave the big sister such an expensive gift when they met, but the big sister has absolutely nothing to return the gift, this big sister owes a lot of favor."

Although she doesn't hate being a heroic spirit, it would be great to be able to return to the incarnation of a god. She really can't refuse something from the vortex of the root, but she owes such a big favor~ It also makes her distressed.

"Well, you don't need to return the favor, just use Quezal as a token of love." Ye Fei touched his chin and smiled mockingly. Although the personality was said to be sent out, he wanted to take back the minute-by-minute things and use It is also very cost-effective to receive a sun goddess who can become a true god in the future.

You must know that the incarnation of the concept of rules itself is the reserve of the true God, and it is much more likely than the living body to become the true God. You must know that the true God is considered rare in the entire multiverse.

To become a true god requires omniscience and infinity. "Omniscient" has already stumped countless strong people, not to mention "infinite", omniscient is omnipotence, reaching this stage has become the strongest three-digit number in the world of Hakoniwa .

Speaking of the three-digit division of the Hakoniwa world, it is too complicated. Lighting up your own skill tree can also become a three-digit number, but it is only a relatively weak three-digit number. Gain near-infinite knowledge and the power to shake all the rules and combine them at will.

And getting "infinity" can become a veritable true god. This level corresponds to the two-digit number in the world of small gardens. Infinity is the truth, and infinite ouroboros.

With this thing of personality, I believe that the gods with Quezal as the main god will soon open the framework called Heroic Spirit, and I am looking forward to the time when the two Aztec gods and kings will face each other.

"Oh, little Master, don't look at her with this kind of eyes, it will make the big sister feel embarrassed, it's too foul."

When Quezal heard Ye Fei's words, he let go of his arms and said with an unrestrained smile. The sunshine's smile made people shine with her.

"Now big sister believes that you are stronger than big sister. When you merge this root thing, you can feel the power from the root in you. The little master will not be integrated with the root after reaching the root, right? Listen? It is said that the ultimate goal of those magicians who study the root is this, is the little master the root magician?"

"It's too troublesome to explain, and you're right." Ye Fei shrugged, simulating a star chart is his second most important thing, and it's also very troublesome to explain.

As long as the people around you are happy, sometimes misunderstandings become understanding.

"Now the big sister is confident that she can defeat the devil and bring victory to the little master, and... to interfere with the fate of human beings with such a phase thing, it is like treating humans as pets, big sister will never allow this. something happened.”

Quetzal laughed, but the smile was cold and grim, and his white teeth sharpened.

Destiny written by others will not have a future, and prosperity planned by others is only the emptiness of human history. Human beings do not need anyone to make a choice.

Although human beings are not yet capable, in the distant future, through self-discipline and competition, they can make spiritual and material prosperous, spread all over the world, and rich races, their growth is particularly exciting.

"Quizar, you're a little scary right now~"

Ye Fei couldn't help laughing when he saw Quezal's icy expression. He really loves humans. Although most gods only use humans as tools, there are still gods who love humans.

"Oh, big sister wants to exercise when she is excited. It would be better if there is someone who can wrestle. Xiao Yu should not come and play. This is a very meaningful exercise."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????????

Quezal was in high spirits and raised his hands freely.

"Let's wait for this, I have to summon two goddesses to come over." A drop of cold sweat dripped down Ye Fei's forehead, although his body had turned on the limiter, inheriting the martial arts of Mr. Li Shuwen, he could be regarded as the god of martial arts, But a fight with Quezal is fine.

Quezal became obsessed with professional wrestling because of a certain appearance, so he acquired the concept of the god of wrestling.

As the master of Quezal, he can directly see the status of Quezal, and the data of the heroic spirit body is simple.

Heroic Spirit (Quizal Coyatl)

Energy: A++, Durability: A, Dexterity A, Magic: EX, Luck: EX, Noble Phantasm: EX

........ ......

Against magic power: EX (any magic that does not involve rules has no effect on itself).

Riding: EX (Able to ride any driving tool freely, as a dragon god, dragon species can also ride freely.)

Goddess's Divine Core: EX (the innate perfect goddess represents skills, immeasurable divinity)

inherent skills

Leadership temperament: A++ (innate ability to command legions, sometimes as a god who watches over civilization, sometimes as a king of the country, which itself has surpassed the level of leaders and reached the concept of watching over human beings)

Wisdom of Good God: A+++ (Shows the wisdom and ability to give many teachings to human beings, not only human beings but also servants can give teachings and wisdom.)

The struggle for freedom: EX (the god of wrestling, the god of fighting, has reached an unmeasurable height)

Unique Noble Phantasm

Blazing flames also burn up the gods: EX (Noble Phantasm for human beings, turning into meteors outside the sky to kill the earth.)

Winged Serpent: A+++ (An anti-military Noble Phantasm, summons a Cretaceous pterosaur, a mythical beast that will be named after himself.)

Sun Calendar Stone: EX (An anti-army, anti-city Noble Phantasm, a giant stone that records the Aztec calendar, guides the power of the sun god itself, blows a raging solar wind in a wide area, and reflects the power itself.)

God's power: EX (As the main god, it has the power of invalid good attribute, and the enemy of good attribute cannot cause damage to her.).

"Do you still want to summon your companions? Great, it's good to be lively."

"Well! Next, we have to summon the heroic spirit of the creation myth." Ji.

Chapter [*]: Summoned a mother

"Yeah! Next, the heroic spirit of the creation myth will be summoned."

Ye Fei lowered his head and looked at the two Heroic Spirit Summoning Cards in his hand. With such a powerful designated summon, the Heroic Spirits of the Creation Myth can also be summoned.

Although not all gods are downgraded to heroic spirits, but at least two of them have the first ancestor, the existence of the name of creation was downgraded to heroic spirits, the incarnation of the first Buddha Sakyamuni, the "Awakened One", and the other one is The goddess of creation in Mesopotamian mythology, Tiamat, was a very tragic god who became Beastll at the same time.

One of the creation gods of Mesopotamia, who gave birth to the main god and all things, but was abandoned after the creation of the world, and killed her as the soil for nurturing life. The environment of the world was determined, and the ecology was determined as useless. Being exiled to the imaginary space where "eight-five-three" has nothing, prohibits her from returning to the world.

After she returns to the world, her own characteristics will become the evil of human beings, Beastll, and she will lose her reason and follow her instinct to carry out the journey of creation, reshape the environment and life of the world, and then everything will be destroyed.

Being human can destroy human beings rather than being human beings evil because it can destroy human beings. Human evil is not the cause of destroying human beings, but a test that human beings must overcome.

Human evil is human love. It is because of love that hates. This is the ultimate love that becomes the ultimate hate. It is separated from the love that human beings can understand, and the distorted love. Because of the distorted love, it leads to becoming Beastll.

The hatred, hatred, and sadness of being ruthlessly abandoned are also to re-change the environment of the world and indulge in the joy of returning to the mother of all things, so it is called the "Beast of Return" Beastll.

"The heroic spirit of the creation myth? Isn't that the god of creation? Will that kind of guy really be degraded to become a heroic spirit?" Quezal said curiously.

"Of course, it should be able to be summoned, Tiamat, the goddess of creation in Mesopotamia."

Ye Fei crushed a golden card as he spoke, and a dazzling light appeared under his feet. It was a complex summoning formation, passing through the concept of "world" and heading to the unknown void.

The huge force was gradually pulled over, and the space that was separated from the "world" was crumbling. Quetzal's expression gradually became solemn, and he kept Ye Fei behind him invisibly, and then laughed, his little master was more than her. Strong, why is she nervous?

A silver figure appeared in the center of the summoning formation, holding her chest with both hands, with tiny chains on her wrists, and a pair of huge green dragon horns in the shape of 3 on both sides of her head. The gray tight clothes could not completely cover her skin. Neither the chest nor the abdomen can be covered, only the important parts are covered.

His long silver hair fell to the ground, his eyes were closed and his head was lowered.

"Tiamat, mother of beasts, mother!" Quezal froze, involuntarily nervous. Although she lacked knowledge in some aspects, she also knew the meaning of the appearance of this goddess of creation, because she absolutely could not Appears in the world, otherwise her instinct after losing her mind is to reshape everything in the world.

"Don't worry, don't worry, this is not that world, such rules will not exist, and her personality can keep her sane."

The contract with Quezal can communicate spiritually. He shook his head and said, as the creator goddess of Beastll's return beast, she also knows the meaning of her existence, so the hands and feet that bind her are self-sealed, even if she returns, it will not be because of lack of reason. Destroying everything by herself, leaving everything with the opportunity to kill her, because she loves everything, the evil of human beings is the ultimate love, although human beings cannot understand her.

That's why Ye Fei decided to summon her. If a rational Tiamat would not follow her instincts, then in this world, she would have lost the characteristics of Beastll, and she was just a pure goddess of creation.

You must know how shocking the concepts of "creation" and "mother of all things" are. To become a god again, basically, except that there is no power of the creation phase of the devil to dominate the world, the body is no different from the devil.

"If it's that strange root thing, it can really stay sane and break the seal of Tiamat, because it should be able to wake her up." Quezal breathed a sigh of relief, revealing his white teeth and said... .....

"What a great little master. This kind of abnormal summoning has made the big sister get rid of the restraint, so Tiamat is also freed from the restraint. The big sister is now living on the contract, and it really feels like getting married~"

"That's why I said this is the Wife Summoning Array, Quezal." Ye Fei couldn't help but smile, and then looked at the chains on his wrists and feet with his arms folded, sealed himself, and let himself fall into a deep sleep forever. with lock.

An equal contract between the two parties can break this seal, which is equivalent to using a Command Spell, and this contract has an infinite Command Spell, although this Command Spell cannot force Heroic Spirits.

"To be on the safe side, let's just stuff the personality into your body." The personality of "Xu Xing Tai Sui" appeared in Ye Fei's hand and threw it to her. Her clothes were so cool that half of her chest was not covered. A test of concentration, and her appearance is too perfect.

The light entered her body, the chains on her wrists and feet slowly turned into light and disappeared, her seal was completely lifted, she slowly raised her head, and her perfect cheeks appeared in Ye Fei's eyes, she slowly opened her eyes, plum blossoms. The shape of the pupil seems to project all the brilliance of the world.

Tiamat looked at Ye Fei calmly, slowly raised his head to look at the sky, opened his lips, and exposed his tiny sharp canine teeth, as if he wanted to sing, but 1.7 didn't sing, and again. Looking towards Ye Fei.

"Am I back? Isn't this world the same? Did you call me? Are you my child?"

Ye Fei smiled calmly when she heard her first sentence.

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