"This is also the earth, but it is not the earth in your memory, I am your master."

"Is this also the earth? Then here is all things that I have conceived, and all things are my children, so you are my children too." Tiamat became very happy after hearing this, and tenderness appeared on his originally expressionless cheeks. A mother's smile.

"No, I'm not." Ye Fei immediately retorted, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, he was summoning a partner of the future group of gods, not a motherfucker. .

Chapter two hundred and ninety-eight: what I want to do is to rebel

"Are you going to leave me again? Is it just a short comeback this time?"

The peach-shaped pupils have a sad look, returning to the world with reason, and will soon return to nothingness.

"This time you won't go back, you will stay, stay in this world, because I need you." Ye Fei took a deep breath and said, the emotional contagion of a powerful being is too strong, he can deeply understand her heart The sadness and helplessness of her, but from a purely "human" point of view, he would never understand, because the intuitive feeling of human beings is, "I want to tie me to her, there is no future".

"Oh! Besides, I'm really not your child. If you have to say it, I am the direct mother of creation is Nuwa."

It is true that he is a transmigrator, but he will not deny the original myths and legends. Besides, he also has a Taoism that simulates the star creation map. There are really many gods in the Huaxia group of gods. The other nine-song gods, the West Kunlun gods, and so on.

"Aren't you abandoning me?" Tiamat lowered his head, cupped his chest with both hands, and a ray of light emitted a soft glow in his chest.

28 "Thank you."

She now knows what's extra in her body, that thing keeps her sane and doesn't follow her instincts.

This is the paradox of cause and effect. For the continuation of all things in the world and human beings, she must die, and if she lives, the world and human beings will not be able to continue, but the root can solve this paradox in essence.

"You're welcome, you can be tied to me from now on, Tiamat."

Ye Fei said with a smile, and just after he said that, he hugged him in a warm embrace.

"Thank you, I will always love the life of the world, always love you, don't leave me, don't leave me, don't abandon me."

Tiamat's gentle voice rang in Ye Fei's ears, and the tone was full of joy and deep maternal love.

"Really, I was hugged by two goddesses today, although neither of them likes men and women." Ye Fei couldn't help laughing at himself, and gently hugged the miserable goddess of creation, soft and soft. The touch of her seems to melt him, and she has a hard dragon-like armor on her shoulders, and the big horns on her head are a bit in the way.

He sympathized with Tiamat, and summoned her not only because she was the incarnation of the concept of creation, the mother of all things, but also because she wanted to save her, and she had not played one of fgo's favorite characters before crossing.

"I won't abandon you this time, but I'm really not your child. Why don't you believe it? Are all human beings your children? Nuwa and God's copyright has been violated."

Quezal giggled unrestrainedly: "If it's a mother, the little master has a good chance of winning against those demon gods, provided that the mother is willing to become a god again."

"Okay, let me go, I don't think of you as my mother at all, okay? You make me feel bad."

Ye Fei patted Tiamat's back lightly and said, this kind of motherly love for no reason and the smell from the goddess, especially Tiama's chest has no cover at all, which makes it even more difficult.

The contract and Ti Ma have a heart-to-heart connection, understand Ye Fei's meaning, let go of Ye Fei, and her delicate cheeks are still full of that unimaginable maternal love.

The mother of all things, nurtures all things, nurtures all things to grow, and gives love is regarded as the meaning of existence. Of course, her breeding of all things is conceptual, and there is no actual fertility.

"By the way, don't do the behavior that breeds all things. If you toss the world, you will be in big trouble, you know? Mention your mother." Ye Fei reminded Tiamat.

If there is a sensible Tiama to use her nature, then a bunch of unknown species will likely appear subversively on this planet, seriously destroying the existing ecology of the planet, not to mention the title of the mother of beasts. Some played, and the whole world returned to the age of mythology, which made the magicians of the whole world drop their eyeballs in shock.

"I'm not pregnant anymore, the kids are fine now and I'll love forever."

Tiamat said softly, Ye Fei nodded, her IQ is very high, after all, she is the incarnation of concept, her mind is much better than ordinary life, after all, wisdom and the nature that human beings will have are from her at the beginning of her birth. inherited.

The attributes of Tima's body are a bit tongue-in-cheek. If Quezal is the attribute of the main god, then this is the attribute of creation.

Heroic Spirit (Tiamat)

Energy: EX, Durability: EX, Agility: A, Magic: EX, Luck: EX, Noble Phantasm: EX

inherent skills

The power of the beast: EX (humans, heroic spirits, gods, plants, animals, all beings born from the "mother's womb" can exert absolute attack)

Appearing alone: ​​A (can appear independently in the world and any space, and can exist in any time and space, any attack such as the paradox of time travel is invalid for her, and the immediate death effect is also denied)

Self-transformation: EX (Use the black sea of ​​life to replace her spiritual base, and grow from the usual spiritual base to the body of a 60-meter dragon mother. Transformed into a dragon body, she can nullify any attack under the rules, and the maximum It is comparable to the size of a planet.)

Sea of ​​Life: EX (Evolves an ocean that breeds 853 lives. Through the Genesis of the Genesis cycle of the planet, this ocean can provide infinite magic power, additional self-transformation at will, ecological evolution, ecological integration, individual value-added, tree of life evolution Wait.)

Anti-Genesis: A+++ (can subvert the existing evolutionary theory, earth creation prophecy and other conceptual enchantments, and deny the existing ecology.)

Strange Power: EX, the incarnation dragon body will have unpredictable power.

Self-sealing: C++++ (I have no choice but to accept the fact that all things don’t need you anymore. As a mother, I finally wanted to protect human beings and sealed my own power, falling into a powerless sleep, giving the world the weakness to kill her.)

Unique Noble Phantasm

My son, must follow the principle of creation: EX (Any life born from the "mother's womb" cannot resist this return to the original principle of law.)

"It's too powerful, except for agility, it's all EX-level."

Ye Fei looked at Ti Ma's data and sighed, knowing that A-level skills are equivalent to the power of an ordinary level 5, and EX has no upper limit, so it is impossible to measure.

This data is already a real level 6. If you return to the body of the gods, you will directly approach the devil.

"Next, the last one is summoned. Who should be summoned? It's so tangled.".

Chapter [*]: The Goddess of Twin Opposites

"Next, the last one is summoned. Who should I summon? It's so confusing." Ye Fei looked at the cards in his hand and fell into contemplation. Although there are not many deities who have been degraded by concept avatars, there are indeed many.

Those degraded gods may indeed have a big gap in strength, but the essence is the embodiment of the concept, but it is locked by the framework of the heroic spirit. As long as it is a concept, there is no waste.

Who is calling now?Ye Fei thought carefully in his heart.

"Yeah! Don't summon the leopard man, Xiao Yu mainly. That guy is the god of battle and death, and he has also been downgraded to a heroic spirit. He is also a very important pillar in South America, although that guy's mouth is very long-winded. Annoying." Quezal felt his little Master's mind and offered his opinion.

"Leopard man..." The corner of Ye Fei's mouth twitched slightly, and there were enough abnormal people around him, so Mr. Dahe should forget it.

"I know that this is the only one who can be summoned, little master, think about it slowly, big sister, I will take a look from a distance, come to a completely different parallel world, and I don't know if there are any extreme sports venues nearby, It's been a long time since I wrestled seriously."

Regarding Ye Fei's decline in the senses of the Leopard Man, Quezal said regretfully, and immediately looked into the distance with his hands on his hips enthusiastically, crossed his fingers, stretched his waist, and made a crackling sound all over his body, his body looked slender. There are such powerful athletic muscles.

"Hey, is the little master an inherent barrier here? It's actually suitable for isolation from the outside world. Now we can only go out after the little master's summoning is over."

"Alright, it's over in one fell swoop, and I don't have selective difficulty."

Ye Fei answered while thinking about it, and Tima next to him opened his lips and said in a gentle voice: "There are many gods in Mesopotamia who have descended. If the little master wants to summon, Ishtar, Egypt Reshkigal, Enkidu, etc. "."

She has completely recovered her senses and knows what state she is in now. She has broken away from the constraints of mythology and has been empowered by the spiritual foundation of the root. No, it is the root. She is now only a brand new individual. Yamat, just the nature of dependency has changed.

"Well..." Ye Fei touched his chin, Ishtar's words are easy to get along with because of Aile's part of personality, Jigalle is also very good, Enkidu's words are the lock of the sky, but there are also Yuu The goddess Rui Aili, and Xuanzang Sanzang of the future Buddha is also very good, and they are also very easy to get along with, tangled~

No more, it's you.Ye Fei made up his mind and crushed the cards in his hand. There is also a possibility that, as a goddess of opposites, if one is summoned, the other will theoretically follow.

The complex summoning array lit up on the ground, and the dazzling brilliance appeared again, connecting the world to the world.

If Inhibition Gaia and Alaya were anthropomorphic, they would have been so mad that they wanted to run down the network cable and hit me.

However, the restraining power of a mere planet is only limited to an infinite parallel universe the size of the solar system, and it can't even get out of the universe where one is. There is a certain possibility that it will come along the network cable.

Two figures appeared in the center of the summoning array, and the multiple brilliance slowly dissipated, and the summoned heroic spirits revealed their faces, with the same appearance, but with different hair colors, one was brass-like gloomy, the other It is the long hair that is as black as ink, and it is the appearance of a stunning girl.

The eyes of the two goddesses slowly opened at the same time, the brows of the black-haired girl twitched, the corners of her mouth twitched, and the golden brilliance of her extended fingers appeared on her fingertips. The coconut tree shot off, and a very proud and angry voice came out of her mouth.

"Is it you? You don't even say hello at all, and you have the cheek to summon this goddess, but you are still forced to summon me. Are you underestimating me?"

As she spoke, she turned her head and looked at the person who called her with arrogance and contempt, but she was stunned the next moment, and then she held her head in her hands in disbelief, and she didn't know where to put her bewildered and panicked hands: "Mother? How is this possible."

"Huh? It's actually the two of them!" Quezal touched his chin and nodded thoughtfully, and immediately showed his white teeth as he eagerly watched the show: "Now there's some fun, Mesopotamia. An ethical drama between the mythical goddess of creation and her own daughter, giggles, if other gods saw it, I would probably roll in shock."

"Ishtar, Ereshkigal." Tiamat stepped forward, hugged the two goddesses who were still in shock, and said tenderly with maternal love.

"¨"Mother? Is this an illusion?" Ereshkigal was stunned, she knew that she was forcibly summoned, it was nothing, she wanted to be summoned to see the outside world, but this was not Impossible, she is the mistress of the underworld, and it is impossible for her to appear on the ground. When she came back to her senses, the gentle sunlight, the waves of the sea, and the green palm trees came into her eyes, and she slowly widened her eyes.

"It's impossible, what the hell is going on? Am I really dreaming, how could my mother be here? What the hell is going on?"

Ishtar raised his head with some collapse, grabbed the hair in his ears with both hands and shouted loudly, and was immediately stunned. The common sense he was given when he was summoned appeared in his brain.

"Huh! The 21st century, a parallel world? I didn't feel any restraint, forced the contract to summon, so it's like this..."

After digesting this common sense, Ishtar's eyelids twitched wildly, he looked at the summoner who was watching the play while touching his chin, and gritted his teeth.

"(Qian Li Zhao) That's how it turns out. My mother was forcibly summoned like this, right? As a goddess, I was also forcibly summoned, and even Ereshkigal was summoned. What an unreasonable and arrogant guy."

Tiamat released Ishtar and Ereshkigal, and looked at them tenderly: "Now I can love you all the time."

"No, now is not the time to talk about this, now is the time to deal with that guy." Ishtar stepped back in horror, and then angrily pointed to Ye Ye in order to hide the ugly appearance of goosebumps because of his mother. fly.

"Oh! It's true that I can change the target. Since I dare to summon you, of course there is an absolute way to deal with you." Ye Fei grinned, showing a smile of victory, and stretched out his hand, golden ripples appeared in the palm of his hand, a Small crystal clear stones came out and fell on the beach.or.

Chapter [*]: For so many sakes

clap clap clap...

The crisp glass crashed together to form a wonderful music. Under the sun, the colorful colors were reflected in the eyes of the goddess. The smell of gunpowder in the eyes of the goddess was instantly filled with these colorful small stones, and the heart was shocked.

"What! What is that? Gems, so many gems! If there were so many gems, I wouldn't have to worry about running out of mana reserves when using magic."

"How about it, Goddess Venus, how about my friendship with so many gems."

Ye Fei laughed and stopped throwing gems. He was short of everything, but he was not short of money. He didn't know how much wealth he had gained since he started picking up cards. High hills, among which there is a sapphire with a diameter of ten meters.

In addition, after he became the god of this world, the treasure house of Babylon has also undergone some evolution, and began to collect some treasures in this world based on the treasures he stored in this world. Although these treasures are not of high level, they are indeed called treasures. And the common objects in this world that humans call 857 treasures have also begun to appear, that is, gold coins, cultural relics, gems and the like. Of course, in this world these cultural relics are either damaged or lost, so this is the treasure of the king from history. collected.

"Hehe, just based on these, I want to make Ben, the goddess of friendship, do you think it is possible? The goddess is the real goddess, the Venus of Mesopotamia..." Ishtar moved with difficulty. Opening his eyes, he said arrogantly and disdainfully, subconsciously swallowing his saliva. If he wants to use this tribute, he wants to have the friendship of a goddess. He underestimates this goddess... The crisp sound of the landing came again in his ears, and his eyes looked over instantly.

"Ha! Then, what is that? There are many, many fist-sized gems, and, also, there are seven-color gem scepters, this, these... are still emerging, how many gems do you have, is that golden thing saying It is the treasure house of King Uruk."

Ishtar frowned wildly, holding his head in his hands, and his eyes were almost blinded by the gems that kept popping up.

Wait, wait, what's up with this guy?Although it was very unpleasant to be forcibly summoned, but if I could get it all at once, it would not be a loss if there were so many gems.

No, no, no, Ishtar, how could you, a great goddess, be bought for such a small profit, how could a mere despicable magician have such a good thing, calm down, it's just a mere treasure .

"Well, as long as you can become my partner and join my group of gods, everything is easy to talk about. Sit down and talk slowly. What I have is treasure. This is indeed the treasure house of Babylon in your memory."

Ye Fei looked at Ishtar holding his head and his eyes were stunned by treasure Akira with a meaningful smile. He snapped his fingers, and two chairs made of gold and inlaid with colorful gems slowly emerged from the golden ripples.

Ishtar and Ai Lei, that is, Rin's previous life, especially loved gems, but they lack the golden rule, so they are stronger than ordinary people, so if they lose people's enshrined property, they are a little more than ordinary people, because of their strength It was decided that she consumed a lot of gems, so she was called the god of poverty.

"Wow! A golden chair inlaid with gems! No, it really is the Babylonian treasure house of King Uruk!"

Ishtar's breathing suddenly became disordered, and a shocked cold sweat appeared on his cheeks. His expression suddenly changed. There was no angry look on his face, and he just thought about how to negotiate.

What the hell is going on with this human being!! There is actually the treasure house of King Uruk, this breath is the breath of countless gems (cibh), really the treasure house did not lie to me, calm down, you have to calm down Ishtar.

The treasure house of Babylon, I heard that it was a treasure house built by King Uruk to face the future of mankind. The treasures are inexhaustible, and I heard that when something is completed, it is equivalent to the total assets of mankind.

"Hehehe..." Quetzal looked at the free and unrestrained appearance with his hands on his waist, but in fact he was about to roll with laughter. The little master really has a trick, and he actually made the Venus goddess bluff. of.

"Eh? Are these gems really that attractive?" Ereshkigal turned back to the quiet secret passage, and looked at Ye Fei with shining eyes. She came to the ground, from the underworld to the ground. Now, she came without abandoning the underworld. Here is the ground, such a comfortable sunshine and such a beautiful sky.

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