"Then, how are you going to negotiate? You must know that the cost of forcibly summoning this goddess is very, very expensive." Ishtar took a deep breath and stabilized his strengths, but gradually looked at the gems piled on the ground to his knees. It is really unsteady, but for the dignity of the goddess, she still holds back her strengths.

"Cough cough! Then let's meet first, after all, it's really a bit unfortunate to force you to come." Ye Fei smiled slightly, all this was in his calculations, Ishtar had already followed his routine and left, Already in the set, I still want to run and dream.

A standard octahedral sapphire with a diameter of ten meters slowly appeared in front of Ishtar. Ishtar exclaimed and burst out in an instant, and the saliva was about to stay. Like heart failure, his eyes glowed with horror.

"Well, well, also, I'm not too angry. I even gave you a gift. Ben, this goddess will forgive you."

He hurriedly embraced the ten-meter-large gem with both hands, and his small body lifted such a large gem, and his eyes were shaped like peach hearts.

"It's so big, I, how long will it take me to use it up, hahaha."

"However, but, to get the friendship of this goddess by relying only on treasure, this is too, too superficial, if..."

"Hey! I thought I could become friends with this. I have already prepared [-]% of the treasure house of Babylon, which is equivalent to [-]% of the total assets of human beings. Hey, I'm too self-righteous, thinking that I can do this. Befriend the goddess."

Ye Fei heard Ishtar's arrogant talk of being greedy for money but wanting the dignity of the goddess, and immediately shook his head, taking back all but the gem he gave away, with a regretful expression.

Recommend a friend's book [Comprehensive: I and Yukino Yukino are twins].

Chapter [-]: I have to be your partner

"What! Twenty percent!"

Before Ishtar could finish speaking, a shocking wealth figure hit her on the head, instantly making her dizzy, [-]%, [-]% of the total wealth of all mankind, how much is this! Breathing suddenly became rapid , almost didn't catch her breath, but the next sentence instantly broke her fantasy, and she was so frightened that she hugged the huge gem in her arms and shouted quickly.

"Ah, ah, stop, please don't do this kind of thing, I will be too sad and die."

"Relax, the gift I gave will not be taken back, but since the goddess doesn't want to be friends with me, the [-] percent of the gems have to be..." Ye Fei sighed and said with a very disappointed expression.

"It's not impossible to be friends." Ishtar said quickly.


Ishtar suddenly let out a sigh of relief, "[-]" experienced a lot of ups and downs, so she finally took a breath, her expression immersed, she pondered for two seconds, and then took the initiative to laugh.

"It really made this goddess embarrassed. You won. The first time I saw Ishtar can push me to this point. Seeing that you are so sincere (such a local tyrant), I will be your companion. All right."

"It's an honor." Ye Fei said with a triumphant smile: "I thought Ishtar would make a bid with me, but I didn't expect it to be easy to talk."

"Bidding?" Ishtar wondered.

"Originally, the price in my heart was [-]% of the treasure of the world, but I didn't expect Ishtar to only need [-]%."

"Uh!" Ishtar's expression froze, one hand was covering his heart, his heart was so painful, I didn't think of this, this guy has the treasure house of King Uruk, and there are countless treasures, it doesn't hurt at all. Yes, [-]%, [-]%, only [-]%, woohoo.

"Dang, of course, this goddess is quite generous, how could she argue with mere humans over this matter, hahaha, hahaha."

"Ah? So that's the case, but your expression looks very painful."

"This is just a normal expression, that [-]% of the treasure..." Ishtar said with a tic tac toe on his forehead, and turned his head with his arms crossed.

"I want to give it to you immediately, but [-]% of the mineral treasure can be thrown into the sea to fill an island, can you take it?"

"Then I'll put it here for the time being, and put it on what you don't dare owe this goddess."

"It's natural, I won't break my promise when I send it out."

Ye Fei won't go back on his promises for the ore that has nothing at all. For him, these ores are basically useless except to look good. Although many magics use these ores, he doesn't use magic at all, even if he has already eaten it all. One hundred and three thousand magic books.

"You are really unusual. I haven't encountered such a situation yet. Usually, even if someone summons me, it is a trace of my consciousness that summons me. This time, I actually summoned my body. You must know that my body has been trapped in the seat of the Heroic Spirit. If you don't come, you will directly cut off the connection between me and the inhibition. Not only that, but also the mother, the sun god of South America, and Ereshkigal, what are you doing? Let's talk about it now, call Ye Fei? wrong."

Although Ishtar obtained an unimaginable amount of property, he did not lose his head and said solemnly with his arms crossed.

"Oh! Although I know the reason, it's up to the little master to explain it, but it feels really good to be able to get rid of the restraint, and I'm free again." Quezal put his hands on his hips, showing a free and unrestrained whiteness. Tooth laughed.

Ye Fei didn't talk nonsense, and directly passed the information of this world to the three of them. Ishtar and Ereshkigal were stunned for a while, and then Ishtar asked some incredible questions. Ereshkigal There are not too many problems, it seems that he doesn't care too much about the devil.

"I see, that's why you want us to deal with those demon gods! Do you look down on us too much? Although we are goddesses, that kind of thing is not an ordinary god at all! I have never heard of such a terrible guy. , and it's not one, there are so many, even if it is [-], I can't win." Ishtar complained with a despairing look of life.

"Yes, even if Ye Fei calls us, we can't win, but I still want to thank you for calling me." Ereshkigal's cheeks were slightly red, and his fingers scratched his cheeks and said shyly.

"Well, it's actually you who I summoned, Ereshkigal, the underworld where you can't see the sun is very lonely. You don't have to go back to the underworld in the future. Welcome to be my partner."

Ye Fei stretched out his hand and said that what he summoned was Ereshkigal, and Ishtar followed suit. The two of them were goddesses who were born opposite and mutually reborn. Ishtar was the mistress of the sky, and Ellie Shikigal is the mistress of the underworld, the goddess of the earth, heaven and earth are in opposition to each other, one person is called and the other is bound to be called...  

"I have no experience with living human beings, please take care of me." Ereshkigal was a little passive, and timidly stretched out his hand to hold Ye Fei together.

Compared with Ishtar, who is outgoing and active, Ereshkigal has an introverted and passive character, but he also has the same thing as Ishtar, that is, his character is straightforward, he will say something intuitively, and he will be directly angry when he is angry. show.

"As for your help, you need my help. To be honest, you are no match for me."

Saying that, three bright light sources appeared in Ye Fei's hands, and immediately flew towards the three of them.

"Maybe it won't be long before you can become a god again." Ye Fei checked the data of the twin goddesses through the contract.

Heroic Spirit (Ishtar)

Energy: A, Durability: A, Agility: A, Magic: EX, Luck: A, Noble Phantasm: A++

To magic power: A+++ (invalidate the spells below the level of great magic, and even nullify the effects of most great magic spells.)

Acting alone: ​​A (The source of magic power that has lost the relationship with the master can still exist, and it can even absorb 1.7 magic power in the atmosphere to replenish itself.)

Goddess's Divine Core: A (The innate perfect goddess, the inborn divinity, was originally unmeasurable, but the divine personality merged with the human personality to become impure.)

inherent skills

Appearance of beauty: EX~B (As the goddess of beauty, she possesses the qualities of a terrorist leader, that is, the ability to attract others, beyond the realm of human cognition.)

Shining Great Crown A+++ (appears as one of the many powers of the goddess, granting itself the effects of ignoring attacks, exempting from restraints, high probability of invincible penetration, etc.)

Magic release: A+ (Release a powerful beam attack with the additional magic power of the gem.)

Inherent Noble Phantasm: Mountain Shocking Star Salary (A++~EX: Open the door to the universe of Gods, grab the concept of Venus as an arrow to blast the ground, the power can theoretically be unlimited.).

Chapter [-]: Are these goddesses going to fuck me?

The data of Ereshkigal is not much different from that of Ishtar. They are all heroic spirits at the same level, but Ereshkigal's power Ye Fei is more optimistic, because Ereshkigal is the underworld. The hostess, her own existence is the underworld, and she can turn the earth she is in into the underworld to protect the soul.

Although he is involved in consciousness and spirit, the realm of the soul after the death of the body is his blind spot. Even if there are magic books such as the Book of the Undead in the [-] magic books, he did not study them at all. This magic book is not meant to be understood after reading it. So far, he has not fully understood the Bible. After memorizing the magic book, the knowledge can't help but be used. First of all, it must be understood.

Ereshkigal is very suitable as the god of the underworld in the future group of gods.

Heroic Spirit (Ereshkigal)

Strength: A, Durability: A, Agility: A, Magic: A, Luck: B, Noble Phantasm: A.

inherent skills

Hidden Great Crown: A+++ (The crown of the goddess 28 made from the treasures confiscated from Ishtar, as the goddess of heaven and earth, the surface and the inside are one, the various powers possessed by Ishtar are turned into For their own things, the rendering effect is skewed to the dark side.)

Release of magic power: A (The passive but diligent goddess will store magic power in the gun sill that preserves the soul whenever she has time, and use it in battle.)

Underworld Blessing: EX (The power of the goddess who is the pillar and ruler of the underworld will rule until the end of the underworld is the underworld itself.)

For magic D (can cancel the effect of ordinary spells, because death is saturated with the death energy of the underworld, death is a daily thing, and the resistance to magic decreases.)

Position construction A+++ (enough to build a magic temple by herself, call out the seven gates of the underworld freely, and the place where she stands is the underworld that leads to death.)

Goddess's Divine Core: A (The divinity that can only be produced by a goddess who is born and completed contains the innate divinity itself. Because the mimicry integrates the human personality, the divinity becomes impure.)

Inherent treasure.

Lingfeng embracing the scorpion of the underworld: A (For the mountain treasure, the power from the ground will cause huge earthquakes, the crust of the earth will change, and the terrain will be turned into the underworld.)

"I really don't know what to say. There are not only perverted gods like demons in this world, but also monsters like you. Then again, what is going on in this world?"

After digesting the personal information of the simulated star chart, a group of goddesses gathered around Ye Fei to discuss their future plans.

"Anyway, it's not the first time I've been called a monster. As you can see, this is a different world. For you, it's a different world. Although it's very similar to your world, its essence is different, isn't it? Parallel world, of course, you may not understand it, just treat it as a special parallel world." Ye Fei pondered for a while and said, not intending to explain, it is too troublesome to explain, after a long time, they will naturally understand.

"Our situation is almost understandable. With the root thing you gave me, I can indeed return to the age of the gods, but I can't guarantee the time. After all, my understanding of this thing..." Ishtar took the initiative. Said, and then stunned and quickly covered up: "It's not that my ability to understand is poor, but it's the first time I encounter this kind of fixed thing. You see, it's strange that you can understand what you see for the first time."

"It's really hard to understand this thing, but I will understand it as soon as possible. It's still difficult to immediately become the original state." Ereshkigal nodded and said.

"I think it's very simple. It only takes a month to return to the state of the gods. Sure enough, I'm smarter, but I don't have any extra time to wrestle." Quezal nodded.

"There is time, don't worry. Besides, Mom, can you change your appearance? The big horns on your head and the dragon's tail are hidden. It will be a little troublesome for ordinary people to see."

Ye Fei began to drive the Void Engine to remove the blockade of this area. Tim's big horn is really attractive. This is Hawaii, and there are quite a few tourists. Although it may be used as a role-playing, there are still more suspicious people. .

"Tima! What era is this called! Could it be that people in this era are called mothers this way? I really got goosebumps." Ishtar couldn't help rubbing the goosebumps on his arms.

"It's okay to change the form." Tiamat smiled softly, the big horns and dragon tail on his head, as well as the features that didn't belong to human beings on his body slowly retracted into his body.

As long as she can stay in the world, the children have been with her, she has always loved the children, and she will never be driven into the boundless nothingness again.

"Okay, let's go, see my friends later, you are my friends." 860 Yefei said.

"Understood, the big sister will not cause trouble to the little master, hehe." Quezal said with a smile: "However, friends are too unfamiliar, and the contract of life is connected, as the big sister, it should be polite. "

"Quizar, you don't look like my sister no matter how you look at it, will others believe it?" Ye Fei said with a slight twitch at the corner of his mouth.

"Yes, it's easy to change the color of your hair and eyes a little."

"I'll go, that's fine too? Are you trying to fuck me!"

Ye Fei looked at Quezal whose hair and pupil color changed, and Tiamat's cheeks trembling. Quizar is fine, but Tiamat thinks he's a goddamn fuck, do you really want to be a fuck? ? Little Bee and Misaka Mikoto must change their attitude?

"It's really boring." Ishtar said, this is not to change the appearance at all, it is just the use of pure divinity. The gods are perfect, have no form, and can be changed according to the external image, but the true appearance cannot be changed, yes For humans, it's almost like wearing makeup.

But it would be nice to be able to take advantage of this local tyrant. .

Chapter [-]: I am Ah Fei's mother

Ye Fei looked at the four people who had changed their clothes, and some throbbing minds calmed down. Although the four goddesses felt that there was nothing strange about their clothes, for Ye Fei, it was just hanging a few pieces of cloth. The film, he saw almost the same, especially Ti Ma, whose chest was not covered by clothes at all.

"Yes, I can feel that the little master's body contains a very powerful force. You will fall in love with this sport after a wrestling with the big sister. It can relax the muscles to the maximum without breaking things."

Quetzal raised his arms like a strong man and said freely.

"It's possible, but not now. It's better to get a professional venue. This place is a resort, and there is no such venue." Ye Fei readily agreed, although Quezal appeared to have changed his hair color and pupils. However, if you cover your eyes with magic power, you will find that this is just an illusion. It’s okay to deceive ordinary people, but those who are capable can’t see through this illusion without magic power. After all, this illusion does not act on cognition, but on itself. , there is no problem with sight.

"Yes, big sister remembered it."

"But this era seems to be very interesting. Humans have developed like this, which is much better than the era with the guidance of gods. However, no matter how material development is, there is still no spiritual transformation, and it is still so stupid." Ishtar Novelty looked at new things, folded his arms, and recognized in his tone that human beings have a better life after being separated from gods, but still criticized some points that have not changed.

"Humans are such easily shaken creatures, they can see any quality, and they are the only creatures that haven't learned a lesson from history."

Ye Fei undeniably said that Ishtar replaced the cloth suit with an ordinary gold and white dress.

Fraxinas, everyone is going to enjoy it at this time. There are no people in Hawaii at night, and Nayazi doesn't know where to go. I hope it won't be a good time.

Hubby likes to stay alone because of her mimetic personality. Maybe she has already read her heart. Her expression is a little richer now.

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