Aiwass's voice is very nice, like the sweet rain in the mountains, but there is no emotion that life should have in his tone.

The reason why Aiwass helped Aleister and dictated the "Book of the Law" to him was entirely because of his delusional act of bringing down the ultimate gods to attract her interest, which was equivalent to a group of ants The numbers lined up on the ground caught the human's attention, and they dropped a loaf of bread to see what else the group of ants could do.

Aleister did not answer, and there was no reason to answer.


"What plans does he have."

Aleister knew Ye Fei's purpose, but he didn't know what plan he had. From the beginning to the end, he didn't see what Ye Fei wanted to do. It seemed that there was no purposeful behavior.

"Protect Academy City, cast a net, and capture the ultimate god."

Aiwass answered plainly, the figure slowly disappeared, and in the end, only Aleister, who was standing upside down, was waiting calmly.

Ye Fei came to the Seventh Pharmacy Research Center, and the entire research center had unknowingly become the most secure research institution in Academy City.

The wall looks no different from an ordinary wall. In fact, it is a wall that has been replaced with "unnatural matter". It has the functions of rebound current, gravitational force, psychic force, magnetic force, impact force, etc., as well as the memory function of automatic recovery. .

It was a waste to put "Neiyuan Substance" on Emperor Kakine's body, and now is the time to exert its function.

He is going to match the "Void Engine" with "Void Matter" to form a higher-level ability. The interaction between "Void" and "Anti-Void" can create voids, but it can only be the existing matter, plus the Void Matter has been broken At the same time, his genes can be upgraded again, and every cell becomes a sacred atom.

Even if it is beaten to ash, each sacred atom can be positioned and restored to each other. In addition, when the limiter is turned on, the body is getting stronger all the time. Even now, it is more than twice as strong as a day ago. You must know that he is a saint now. body.Several.

Chapter [*]: Eleventh dimension, different universes spanning

"Eleventh dimension spanning is also the spanning of different universes, traveling through the multiverse, and the eleventh dimension is already the dimension of the multiverse. It's incredible."

Ye Fei was amazed at the sight he saw in front of him, and he could see a regular sense of hierarchy from three dimensions.

The distance between each dimension is extremely far, but it is extremely close. The fourth dimension is the dimension of thinking. As for the fifth dimension to the eighth dimension, it is the dimension that contains the laws and phases, which is the four worlds described in the Bible. , the prototype world, the creation world, the formation world, the material world, and the energy law descends from top to bottom, from nothingness to manifestation.

The Demon God itself is a life form that has reached the level of life to the prototype world. It is an eight-dimensional existence. When you light up the skill tree, you will reach the eight-dimensional. Archangel like Aihuas is also at this level, and most of the rest of the angels are in the creation world. Or the formation world, and Hughes Wind Slash is in the formation world, and the material world is the real world. 28

"Tsk tsk, it is reasonable to say that four-dimensional creatures cannot defeat or even understand eight-dimensional creatures, but the simulated star creation map ignores this obstacle, and finally can understand the simulated star creation map, and can exert its true power."

Ye Fei squeezed his hands. His mind was controlling the three-dimensional body in four dimensions. The body couldn't keep up with the speed of the mind. It was like a computer with a very high system but no hardware.

Thinking beyond [*] times, and the body breaks through the speed of sound, at least the speed of light can match the speed of thinking.

In addition, the ability to control the artificial sky is completely complete, and the artificial sky can be activated at will, without the "Void Engine" to start, but the Void Engine can achieve better results.

"That...are you free to come here?"

A cowardly and timid voice sounded in his ears, a girl with a weak temperament, wearing glasses, and wearing the school uniform of the Misty Hills Women's Academy appeared in front of Ye Fei from phantom to reality. There was joy in her cowardly eyes, but she was also a little scared, afraid of suddenly appearing. hated by him.

"Feng Zhan Binghua!" Ye Fei was stunned for a moment, then smiled, with a hint of apology in his tone: "I'm really sorry, because I didn't have much time before, so I didn't fulfill my promise to see you."

I had promised to go to the artificial heaven to see her before, but I didn't expect that it was the upper floors of the Academy City that were purged and Nayazi who came to the door, so I didn't see her for so long.

"No, it's fine. It's not your fault. It's obviously my fault that I made you promise. It's great that I didn't cause you trouble."

It seems that he didn't expect that the other party's first sentence would be an apology, which made Feng Zhan Binghua overwhelmed, and said quickly and cowardly as if he was scared to send a little white rabbit.

"You are really gentle. Your current situation should be able to come to reality. Why don't you plan to go out?" Ye Fei was a little puzzled when he saw Feng Zhan Binghua was already in a mature form. Feng Zhan was looking forward to material things. The world is right, all the scenery in the artificial heaven is just a projection of the real world, and there is no sense of reality, like a holographic image.

"This, that..." Feng Zhanbinghua clasped his hands together nervously and twisted uncomfortably: "Because, because three strangers are messing with aim's spreading position recently, it makes me very uncomfortable and a little afraid to go out..." Saying this, he bowed his head timidly.

"Two strangers!" Ye Fei raised his brows, because there were two more Level 6 Shokuhou and half a Level 6 Shokuhou, which disrupted the aim's diffusion position. This threat made Feng Zhan very scared.

After all, Feng Zhan Binghua itself is an aggregate of aim diffusion, and level 6 uses its own aim diffusion position to control the degree to which the artificial heaven can be affected to achieve absolute ability, which can make Feng Zhan Binghua very uncomfortable.

"Don't worry, they are not bad people. If you communicate well with them, they will pay attention." Ye Fei said with a smile, wanting to reach out and rub her head, but Feng Zhanbinghua lowered his head subconsciously, Ye Fei saw He was dumbfounded and then withdrew his hand.

"This should make you feel more comfortable, and I hope it will be useful to you."

Ye Fei thought that he had just become level 6 and could use the simulated star creation map to condense a virtual personality. Aiwass had already condensed an imaginary personality in "Reverse Genesis", and Feng Zhan was also an imaginary angel. This personality was just right.

A virtual person is not a real person. There are only so many original personalities in a simulated star chart. Each person has infinite potential and may reach omniscience in the future. The virtual person is not, it is just a simple status symbol. Even the status symbol can make Feng Zhan Binghua reach the fourth sequence, the four-digit Hakoba.

"What is this? It's so kind." Feng Zhan Binghua held the light source composed of imaginary numbers, his cheeks flushed slightly.

"Things that can make you a full angel, you will be mine in the future, no, my angel."

Ye Fei happily announced that he would pull Feng Zhan Binghua into his group of gods.

This world is really a treasure for Ye Fei. There are a bunch of three-digit gods who have lit up the skill tree and a bunch of angels with four dimensions above 870. When the world is completely recaptured, the background of the gods will suddenly rise. to the height of a veteran group of gods.

"That, please, please don't say such ambiguous words, I, I..." Feng Zhanbinghua's cheeks flushed shyly, and he stammered timidly.

"Hahaha, stop teasing you, I'm afraid to scare you away, I'm leaving here, come to me if you're lonely and afraid, I'll never refuse you, whether it's chatting or asking for help, I won't refuse ."

Ye Fei laughed haha, then looked at the big breasted girl seriously and said, but Feng Zhan Binghua, who is a complete body, can become a real person or an illusory spirit, which is completely different from other angels The place.

"That, thank you, thank you, I, can I call you, Ah, Ah Fei?" Feng Zhanbinghua bowed his head like a little white rabbit, and even a little bit of trouble could start her away, and asked timidly. question.

"That, no, don't get me wrong, because I saw that they were called that, so, I, that..." Feng Zhanbinghua looked shyly at other places and didn't dare to raise his head, he couldn't say anything after that. . .

Chapter [*]: Accelerator, the possibility of platinum wings

"Of course you can call me that. I don't have any requirements for the title, although sometimes my mind gets hot haha." Ye Fei said with a smile, he was the first person to come to Feng Zhan Binghua's side, and also the first The person she talks to, no matter what life, is always affectionate to the person she sees for the first time, like a broken-shell chick taking the animal it sees for the first time as a parent.

"Thank you, thank you." Feng Zhanbinghua said wryly, her cheeks flushed, but her hands were still pinched together and she didn't know where to put them. She was too timid and too cowardly.

"Hey, I hope you can come to the real world, see you next time, Binghua."

After saying these words with satisfaction, Ye Fei's thinking speed decreased rapidly, from the four-dimensional state to the three-dimensional state.

He has a better understanding of the dimension. If the dimension has not risen to three levels, then the dimension of its own existence cannot be freely adjusted.

Three-dimensional creatures cannot become two-dimensional creatures on the canvas, and eight-dimensional creatures cannot become six-dimensional creatures. Before, I thought that it was the reason why the demons would explode the world when they entered the world, except for the energy level or because their dimensions were too high, it was impossible to lower them. The dimension has come to the four-dimensional material world, and the archangel of the heaven is only seven-dimensional, and can barely be accommodated by the world, and eight-dimensional will not work.

The world is a canvas for eight-dimensional creatures, and it is impossible for the owner of the painting to enter his own painting, so he needs to adjust his own dimension infinitely.

After thinking back to [*]D, I took a deep breath. It was a pity to see that there was a lack of a brain lobe in the culture tank. There were only three raw materials. Although I really wanted to put it in the Babylonian treasury, it was a pity that it was useless. The Babylonian treasury did not accept life. body.

"Next, the layout is to protect the earth, and use the simulated star map to cooperate with this to achieve the effect of protecting the earth."

A golden card appeared in Ye Fei's hand. This was a four-star card, which had been in the treasure house of Babylon for a long time.

"Inherent Barrier, Mirror World"

Grade: EX

Introduction: Create a world that is mirror-reversed with the real world, mirroring is reality, reality is mirroring, and mirroring and reality can be reversed.

There is no upper limit to the power, but it is good that the level6 drive inherent enchantment can cover the Tokyo area. It needs to simulate the infinite energy source of the star map plus the Aiwass drive inherent enchantment to cover the entire earth, which can be attacked and defended perfectly.

"Next is Accelerator."."

Ye Fei came to Accelerator's apartment. In fact, he didn't understand it. It was obviously not a happy place for Yuriko Suzuka, but she lived here. Is it to remember how miserable she had been in the past and do something about it? Are you more comfortable with your current self?

"Cheating, cheating, Yuriko cheating, and if you agreed that you are not allowed to use your abilities, Misaka Misaka accuses Yuriko of cheating."

"Shut up, stinky brat, I'm useless, it's just that you are slow to react."

"But Misaka Misaka hasn't won a game yet. If it wasn't for Yuriko who cheated, why was Misaka Misaka... Wow! I know, Yuriko has improved her thinking, so her reaction was so slow, and the result was still cheating, like Misaka Misaka... …”

"You just said you can't use abilities, I didn't use vector operations, it's not cheating."

"It doesn't count, Misaka Misaka cried and begged Yuriko to come for the last time without her ability and thinking. The last time, Misaka Misaka tried her best to make a smile in an attempt to impress Yuriko."

"You are so annoying."

Suzuka Yuriko said irritably, but she didn't look impatient when she looked at the last work. Maybe she was used to it, or she liked the last work from the bottom of her heart.

"Okay, okay, Misaka Misaka is ready." The last work held the game console and stared intently at the screen.

"It's started, it's started."

"Hello, don't mind adding another person." Ye Fei's voice appeared in the ear of the last work, and screamed the last work, and then found that it was Ye Fei who stared at Ye Fei with his bulging cheeks: "It turned out to be Mr. Ye Fei. Misaka Misaka angrily accused Ye Fei of scaring Misaka Misaka in reality. If he is scared, he will go back to the research institute."

"Oh, you actually said that to me, is this the tone of speech to the reborn parents, Misaka, it seems that Mr. Ye Fei doesn't need to be kind today." Ye Fei said fiercely, holding the cheek of the last work in both hands, soft The touch is extremely comfortable.

"Help, wow, Yuriko hurry up and save me Misaka Misaka calling for help." In the end, she ran behind Yuriko in surprise, and seemed to regard it as her safe haven, and made a face to Ye Fei by the way.

"What are you doing here again? Aren't you very busy? Tsk." Yuriko Suzuka said, putting down the game console in her hand.

"It's not bad to have a baby." Ye Fei said with a meaningful smile, looking at Yuriko and the last work of her mother's kindness and filial piety.

"¨"Are you guys just looking to see if I'm making a fool of yourself?" Yuriko Suzuka gritted her teeth and said in a very unhappy manner, although this unpleasantness was only superficially dissatisfied with him.

"You can't come to me without any problems."

"It's so boring, Yuriko, you have too little fun, that's why you stay at home and play games all day with a baby."

Suzuka Yuriko didn't speak, she felt self-defeating. It was still difficult for her to integrate into the life of ordinary people. Although her life was good now, she couldn't do it like ordinary people, and there was nothing she could do.

"Well, the world is going to be in chaos soon, I'm just here to ask your opinion, do you want to become stronger." Ye Fei's mouth slightly raised a mysterious smile.

"The world is going to be chaotic? Are those guys called Demon Gods?" Yuriko Suzuka's face became solemn. Sure enough, this guy would not come to her for no reason. Those magic gods called Demon Gods are exaggerated to the limit according to their descriptions, even if At the top level 6, she seems to have no chance of winning (Qian Zhao's).

As for whether those exaggerated descriptions are exaggerated, she has never thought about this issue. When she was at level 5, she thought that level 6 was not even better than her, but after becoming level 6, she realized that her thoughts were ridiculous. Level 6 can really destroy this game. All living creatures on the planet.

"It's almost, but it's not that fast, but it's fast. The magic side is going to attack Academy City. After that, those guys will take action. It will only take three months at most." Ye Fei predicted and said.

"Then can you have a way for me to reach that exaggerated level in three months?" Yuriko Suzuka didn't believe that Ye Fei could do it, and didn't even think that he could reach this level of excitement.

"There is a way, but you have to look at yourself. You may be able to cut the hair of the demon god." Ye Fei smiled mysteriously. .

Chapter [*]: The third tree of life, the tree of man

"Huh? Look at myself? I seem to have reached the peak of level 6. Just like when I was level 5, I can hardly feel any improvement, although those bastards in Academy City predicted that I could become level 6 in two hundred years. Growing up naturally, I could have reached it originally.”

Suzuka Yuriko frowned slightly, looked down at her palm and pinched it.

"But this time is different, I can feel I've reached the end."

"Although you have reached level 6, it is only strength and brains. You are still too weak in terms of knowledge, so you have no way forward. You must know that knowledge is the foundation of power."

Ye Fei smiled slightly after hearing Yuriko's sigh.

"What do you mean? To say that the knowledge stored in my head is half the amount of knowledge stored in the library of Academy City." Suzuka Yuriko said.

"Do you know about the Kabbalah Tree of Life? Or the Kabbalah Tree of Evil." Ye Fei smiled at the dissatisfied Yuriko Suzuka.

"Magic? I really haven't touched magic. Didn't you say that it is impossible for superpowers to use magic, and even memorizing magic knowledge can damage the brain."

Suzuka Yuriko was stunned for a moment, then fell into deep thought and said in a low voice.

"I'm talking about ordinary people. If it's you, you might be able to use magic. You also know that superpowers are just a by-product of that guy's plan in Aleister. Being able to reach level 6 is already the limit of his potential. Go up." Ye Fei shrugged and said, a golden card appeared in his hand.

"This is the next."

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