"This is! Is it that kind of card again?" Suzuka Yuriko reached out and caught it with a slightly complicated expression. She became level 6 because of this guy, and Misaka Mikoto became level 6 because of two such cards, although not I know what Misaka Mikoto got, but it really reached level 6.

"There is an Alaya power inside, which is a little power of the collective human pan-consciousness."

This thing is obtained by picking up cards everywhere every day, and the level is only three stars, and there are not only one, but dozens of them. Now I don’t know how many things are in the treasure house of Babylon.

"Alaya! This kind of imaginary thing really exists?" Yuriko Suzuka was shocked. Alaya, a collection of human pan-consciousness, she had heard of this statement, but it was very incredible when it really appeared in front of her eyes. .

"Naturally, there is no Alaya in this world, and there is no so-called Gaia consciousness. Planet consciousness or something, if it existed, it would have been caught by the devil and studied."

"With the last work for you, you should learn to make good use of "Misaka Network", which is very important for you to light up the skill tree, you know the skill tree, I should have told you. "Ye Fei raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said.

"Are you talking about Misaka Misaka? Is there any fun?" The little head of the last work appeared from behind Accelerator.

"Naturally, I remember very clearly. Whether it's the Demon God or Aleister, it's a terrifying monster that lights up the skill tree. It was all planned by you to send this stinky brat here before." Yuriko's face darkened, thinking about it like this, it seemed that everything was calculated by this guy.

"Don't get me wrong, I don't have that much thought to calculate anything, this is just a normal development."

Ye Fei said that she was innocent, and she gave her the last work because she simply didn't want to take care of the little loli who didn't even understand common sense all the time.

"This is a piece of knowledge about the Kabbalah tree of life and common sense of magic, keep it."

Ye Fei copied a copy from his own common sense and stuffed it into the head of the bell (cibh) Koliko.

"The common sense of the universe comes from the material world, but the world is not only the material world. In addition to the phase, there are four worlds of Kabbalah. The tree of Kabbalah's righteousness and inverseness represents all the knowledge of the world. Knowledge on the tree ascends to the gods."

Suzuka Yuriko knew that Ye Fei was explaining her true thoughts about the world to her, so she listened calmly and carefully. Although this guy usually talks a lot, he has never said it so carefully.

"However, the tree of life does not only have two positive and negative ones. If you can use your common sense of magic and the power of Alaya, you can definitely add a third tree of life to this world, and maybe it will be stronger than the devil. And you can freely travel to and from the world at all levels, the Lord of the Third Tree of Life."

Ye Fei squinted his eyes and said something incredible. There are only two trees of life in this world, the Kabbalah tree of life and the Kabbalah tree of evil, so where is the knowledge, the devil also stole the knowledge of the two trees of life and arrived the realm of the gods.

In the original timeline, Coronzon made the "Reverse Source Puzzle 545" demon girl to assassinate Aleister, but she was saved by Suzu Yuriko when she was beaten to death by Aleister, so she became Yuriko Suzuka's "Pendant" brought her magic knowledge such as magic and Kabbalah.

During the battle against the demon god Nephthys, the trinity resonated with the demon girl and all Misaka's will, and the Trinity summoned the collection of what has been done, thought, and wished since the birth of mankind, and successfully planted the third tree of life in the world, "The Human Tree", added a new law to the world, and thus gained the power to damage the devil as a matter of course, the white wings turned white gold, and then cut off a hair of Nephthys, killing Coronzon from Kabbalah. Descending on the tree.

In fact, this is not the power of Lily of the Bell family, but it was lent to her by the collective will of all human beings from the birth of mankind to the present. Now that she has the power of Alaya, she can more or less gain the control of the third tree. right.

This is at this moment Yuriko Suzuka fights the gods.

"The Lord of the Third Tree of Life." Yuriko Lingke muttered, although she didn't know how powerful it was, even if this guy said that, it must be incomprehensible and powerful, and the corners of his mouth could not help but curve, and his smile was a little gloomy.

"Hehe, hahaha, well, since you said so, then I also use your things well, well, anyway, I am not nothing now, and there should be a reason to use this ability.".

Chapter [-]: Yuriko, let's play games

"Of course, I'm very optimistic about you. You must know that those who get the tree of life will get omniscience. If you are lucky enough to be so mad that the goddess of fate will be mad, you may get the "simulated star creation map" of this world, but this kind of The probability is only [-] in [-]. "

Ye Fei went to her side, patted Yuriko Lingke on the shoulder and said jokingly, speaking, Yuriko's body has developed a lot recently. Although she can control her own development, she can't control it naturally. development.

"Simulation of creating a star map! That's your kind of thing? How many billions did you say? There's no difference between that and impossible." Yuriko Suzuka froze for a moment, her face darkened, and she said, that kind of incomprehensible thing This guy has such unreasonable power. Although he has no pursuit of power, he is truly invincible to have that kind of thing.

Thinking in my heart, I looked at the last game I was playing on the game console. If there is such a thing, no one can take away everything that I have now, even the guy from Ares ~ Tower.

If it wasn't for Ye Fei, the final game would have become a so-called bullshit cause as planned by Aleister, and it would have been destroyed. If it was the previous one, I would definitely not be able to kill Aleister, only- Impotent fury.

"Well! After all, not everyone is me. Do you know how many people in the entire multiverse have this thing?" Ye Fei shrugged and said indifferently. The entire multiverse can have two simulated star charts. Only him - one.

"Although I don't know, but it's definitely not a lot, otherwise you won't be complacent."

"There will be no more than a hundred people in the entire multiverse with a simulated star chart, and no more than twenty can eventually develop into a group of gods, and the rest will die halfway."

The most typical is the Star Sea Dragon King at the beginning of the establishment of the small garden world. The virtual star Taisui is his, and his original name is Taisui Xingjun.

"There are less than [-]!" Yuriko Suzuka was shocked.

"So you are lucky to meet me." Ye Fei said confidently.

"Cut!" Yuriko Suzuka snorted and said nothing.

"Misaka, please rest for a while." Ye Fei watched Yuriko Suzuka's eyes turn, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

"Misaka Misaka..." The last work heard Ye Fei calling her and was about to answer, but she became more and more sleepy, and finally fell into a deep sleep smoothly.

God said, speaking out of the law, just relying on words can leverage the level of miracles. Although it is not considered the top miracle in this world, it is already on a par with the "Sacred Right", and it is only possible to fight against the right with words. The fire, this ability is formed by the integration of "Yan Ye Infinite Deception" into the skill tree.

"What are you going to do?" Yuriko Suzuka frowned.

"What are you doing? Now there are only the two of us left. Naturally, we are doing what we want to do." Ye Fei said badly.

Suzuka Yuriko's cheeks were slightly stiff, the corners of her mouth twitched, and her eyes flickered, this guy...

A few hours later, it was almost evening, and there was the sound of running water in the bathroom. Yuriko Suzuka was wearing a bathrobe and wiping her hair, frowning slightly. This sticky feeling was really uncomfortable.

"The next few days may be very unsafe. If I encounter a guy who claims to be a magician, throw me directly outside the walls of Academy City, and don't pollute the air of Academy City." Ye Fei casually held Lingke Yuriko's cup of coffee said that Yuriko's refrigerator is full of canned coffee. After the experiment has passed for so long, she has to forget the habit she left behind.

"I don't need you to remind me about this kind of thing. As long as I dare to destroy this unpleasant place where I want to live, I will solve him." Yuriko Suzuka said rudely, a murderous look flashed in her red eyes.

"Tonight is also a very meaningful night, and the fuse is about to ignite." Ye Fei said, stretched, laughed playfully, and opened the apartment door.

"I'm leaving first, come find me if you want~"

"Go away! You shameless fellow." Suzuka Yuriko cursed with twitching cheeks.

"One day husband and wife for one hundred days, it's been two days, isn't it two hundred days? It's really chilling~" Ye Fei pretended to sigh, but his expression was very satisfied. When will you eat the little bee? Although the little bee is not yet an adult, but it has developed so well, there should be no opinion, right?Although she claims that she must be an adult to be willing, who knows the reality.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????????

"Tsk!" Lily of the Bell family tutted.

Ye Fei returned to his apartment. Although the entire Academy City was his, he could use the funds to build the palace, but there was no need for this. Index only liked to be in that hut.

They have arranged for them to be students and teachers. As gods, their intelligence and wisdom will soon adapt to the life of this era. Even if they walk with them, they will only think that they are disappointed and attractive students. Or just a teacher.


And they also claimed that they wanted to be independent, and they didn't need him to spend money to support them! This is very good, and it makes him worry a lot. He won't be a goddess, and his ideas are so good.

Tima arranged the status of biology professor. No one is better than her in terms of biological evolution. She can shuffle the biological system tree of the entire planet within a week.

Ishtar wanted to be a teacher of astronomy, but she didn't look like a teacher, so she was only assigned the status of a high school transfer student, which made her very dissatisfied.

Ereshkigal's identity is also a student. In terms of identity, it is Ishtar's twin sister, but the two are arguing about who is the elder sister and who is the younger sister. Don't admit defeat either.

As for Quezal, it's even easier. She took the initiative to ask Ying to become a physical education teacher. She has the genes of the god of war, the god of fighting, and the god of wrestling. I'm afraid she doesn't want to teach all students to be master combatants. Kick Berserker.

After playing outside for so long this time, Index didn't bite him because she was too bored, but there was another thing to deal with.

Sasha, who was temporarily placed in the Russian Orthodox Church of Fraxinus, annihilated the white book, woke up.Several.

Chapter [-]: I am your heavenly father, child

Ye Fei picked up the teacup and tasted it carefully, looking at the girl with her delicate body wrapped in tight-fitting restraints.

The long golden hair that almost covered his eyes was slightly wavy, and the fair skin seemed to reflect the bright moonlight.The girl's appearance is very cute, wearing a black belted restraint, transparent clothes like pajamas, and a red cape over it.A very thick collar was placed around his neck, and a rein was attached to the collar.

In the modern world, this kind of attire is either role-playing or sex props, but on the magic side, it has the guiding significance of using magic, but in fact, it was forced to wear it by the leader of the adult religion Annihilation Baishu who abused his power.

Sasha Chloeigev, with her head down, her bangs covering most of her face, the only thing showing is her cherry lips asked coldly.

"The first question, who are you, why did you take me to the "Eight Seven Seven" city of the academy, and do you want to study the power of angels."

Ye Fei put down the teacup and looked at Sasha with a smile and said, "You think so, my lamb, you shouldn't turn yourself into a piercing hedgehog when facing me, otherwise it will disappoint me."

"Repeat question one, who are you and what is your purpose?"

"I've already made it so obvious." Ye Fei sighed deeply, raised his mouth slightly, stretched out his hand, and multiple rays of light appeared in his hand. This was a basketball-sized ball of light. In the middle is the configuration of a Kabbalah tree of life, with countless threads coming from unknown locations.

"This is it!" The cold-tempered Sasha stared at the ball of light in astonishment. Countless emotions and reverence surged into her heart, as if she had seen the Heavenly Father who entrusted her will to survive.

"I'll look for it. It's not that easy to find your faith thread from the two billion beliefs." Ye Fei rubbed his chin and searched carefully. It took three seconds for his powerful computing power to be accurate. turn up.

"That's the root! Mosimoxi, can you hear me? My dear believer."

The will of ridicule was transmitted to Sasha's will through the thread of faith. Sasha was dumbfounded, and then looked at Ye Fei in shock.

"It is the first time that I use the thread of faith to communicate my will, and there is no need to doubt that I am the Father of the Cross religion."

Ye Fei smiled while holding a golden thread of faith connected to Sasha.

This light sphere is the Faith and Faith gift system of the "Heavenly" aspect.

"Well, if you don't believe it, I'll give this to you, and treat it as a gift to devout believers."

Speaking of which.Ye Fei activated the "Heavenly Realm" gift system and bestowed the gift of the stigmata. Obtaining the stigmata to become a saint requires a physique similar to that of the Son of God Jesus, but it is not up to him who controls the "Heavenly Realm" phase to become a saint. , but giving stigmata is not a casual thing. After all, there are a number of stigmata. Each stigma corresponds to an archangel. The stigmata carried by the archangel is very limited. At most, each angel can only carry Nine stigmata.

A trace composed of the power of an angel appeared in Sasha's body, Sasha believed it in an instant, and then knelt on the floor in admiration.

"Noble, noble, the only heavenly father, believer Sasha Kreuzeff didn't recognize you. It's really ashamed of your faith."

Sasha instantly changed from a little hedgehog to a little girl begging for her father's forgiveness. The voice of nostalgia and worship slowly said that the happiest thing in this world is that the most devout believer meets the heavenly father he worships, and Also bestowed upon her noble gifts.

"I don't mean to blame you, Sasha, sit down and talk."

Ye Fei smiled slightly, and Sasha sat upright again with her head lowered, her face blushing, like a child praised by her parents listening to her heavenly father's teachings.

This was an incredible day for Sasha. Mr. Gabriel was possessed by the Archangel. Although he lost consciousness, he probably knew that she had fought a battle and was brought to Academy City by the Lord, although he did not know Why is the Lord in Academy City, but the Lord must have a reason for the Lord.

The Church has not received a record of the Father's will since the first century BC, and it is unbelievable that the Father is now in the world.

"From now on, Sasha, stay by my side, Academy City is my place, don't worry about it."

This statement is full of loopholes, but there is no dispute that he is already the Father of the Cross religion. If the magicians of the Cross religion dare to resist, the system of "Heaven" will be stopped in minutes, and all the magicians of the Cross religion system will be stopped. Become an ordinary person with empty magic.

"Yes, Heavenly Father............" Sasha said with a blushing face in admiration.

At this time, Shokuhou Caoqi pushed open the door of the living room, walked in, and said in surprise: "Have you agreed? Before this guy woke up and attacked Fraxinas, I was scared to think that Fraxinas. Sinus is going to be broken."

"It's all right. Now she's my partner. Well, that's probably the case. In fact, it's a lot more complicated. In fact, he's my believer and I'm God."

Ye Fei said through spiritual communication, and there was some happiness in his tone.

"You are God! She is a believer? What the hell is going on?" Shokuhou Cao Qi was stunned, isn't his boyfriend the owner of a simulated star map? Why did he become a god again at this time? A few images flashed quickly.

Could it be that Ah Fei captured the angel last time just to do this?

"That's pretty much what you think."

Sasha looked at Shokuhou Caoqi at this time, stood up, stopped in front of her and asked, "Question one, who are you?"

"It's really rude, this religious dress is very strange, I'm the girlfriend of the god you believe in in the mortal world, isn't it disrespectful to me?" Shokuhou Caoqi's shining eyes flashed a bit of clarity.

"Heavenly Father's girlfriend on earth! Could it be, the Virgin Mary!" Sasha was stunned, then exclaimed in surprise, and then apologized respectfully: "I'm very sorry, Madam."

"That's not it! It's such a rustic second name." Shokuhou Cao shouted at 1.7, what kind of name is this, the Virgin is an old woman, and she should be called the Holy Maiden, the Holy Maiden.

"By the way, Fei, I found out that there is an intruder in Academy City. He exudes a strong feeling and is heading towards your research institute. Do you want to do something?" , blinked his eyes, and folded his arms in his hands as if asking for credit.

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