"Stranger! I know who it is, someone will deal with it, we can just watch it here." Ye Fei's eyes flickered, and the water behind finally came.

[Opened a new book, Comprehensive Manga: Final Fantasy, mainly based on the world view of the forbidden world, the type that traveled through the magic forbidden and game life [*] years ago, two updates a day, because of interest, if you feel good, you can read this book every day Also two more. ].

Chapter [*]: This is the Kingdom of God on Earth

Outside Academy City, the gate passage of the thirteenth district, perhaps there is some special charm to enter from here. Basically, most spies from the magic side or other countries like to enter from here.

At this time, the darkest part of the Roman Orthodox Church, and a member of the Right Seat of God, one of the most powerful groups, the strongest saint walked in coldly.

The blue long-sleeved golf ball shape, covered with a white short-sleeved T-shirt, quite sturdy facial features, exudes a thick and uneasy atmosphere.

Such an identity should have been very conspicuous, but the agricultural workers who waited in line to enter Academy City and sat on the trucks and the security guards at the border entry inspection automatically ignored his existence and entered the world's most stringent pass.

"This is the first time to come to Academy City, but the gate here is not as strict as in the information, do ordinary people also occupy the majority here?"

The water in the back casually looked at the security guards who were maintaining the law and order and walked towards the inner territory of Academy City.

"It is indeed the feeling of a saint. There are indeed saints in Academy City. There is no way to sit back and ignore it. If it continues to develop, it will not be a good result."

There is a weak sense between the saint and the saint after they are close to each other, and they will roughly know the direction of the other party. This is the power that belongs to the angels.

When the water in the back walked towards the Inductive Emperor, the cameras on the tree trunks, on the corners of the walls, and above the alleys, turned the direction of the cameras in various positions, aiming at the intruders who stepped into the territory of the campus city.

The water in the back knew nothing about it.

The students passing by, the ethics committee arranging the traffic order, the clerk in the commissary, the teacher leading the elementary school students across the road, the agricultural staff cutting the flowers... After the water in the rear passed by, there were star-shaped eyes in everyone's eyes. Gorgeous patterns and a weird smile.

"According to Shokuhou-senpai's report, the intruder was indeed discovered. The other party used some kind of ability to make everyone ignore him, but he doesn't seem to know that Academy City has surveillance."

At the 177th branch of the Disciplinary Committee, next to the computer that was dissatisfied with the surveillance video, Uiharu Shiri said calmly and solemnly with earphones, although it was approved by Senior Ye Fei, it was still very difficult to operate the surveillance network of the entire Academy City.

"Huh? I used an unknown ability. That woman from Shokuhou said that she came from the magic side, and she is a guy stronger than level 5, so this ability is also magic." Looking at the surveillance screen, he frowned.

"Although Academy City has blocked the information on the magic side, it is fortunate that Director Ye Fei's explanation, otherwise it would be difficult for us to know. Now let this big man see how powerful the illegal invasion of Academy City is."

Kuroko Shirai prepares to take action to arrest the water in the rear, but is pulled by Uiharu Shiori.

"No, senior Ye Fei said, let's not act rashly. The other party is definitely not something the discipline committee can deal with. The senior has already sent someone."

"Really? It's really a pity. Although I call my elder sister, my elder sister will definitely not ignore it, but this is our job. Even if my elder sister becomes level 6, ordinary people are still ordinary people, and they cannot be involved." Shirai Kuroko sighed, although the elder sister always said that if there is something that can't be solved, you must tell her, but... hehe, I thought of some pictures in my mind and the corners of my mouth drooled.

"I'm also about to become level 5, and the 177 team will definitely be able to do well by then." Uiharu Shili smiled shyly when she heard that.

"Well, congratulations first, after all, I want to become a level 5, and I am still a level 4 powerful person. My elder sister becomes a level 6. I can't teleport with my elder sister, and my ability has not improved much, so how can I repair it." Shirai Kuroko held his hands in remorse and said with a look of tears.

Level 6 absolute ability people, even if they don't use the ability, but now, all the abilities of the ability people can't be used normally.

"Don't be too pessimistic, if Shirai-san has a better attitude towards Senior Ye Fei, he will definitely let you use the evolution program that becomes level 5." Uiharu Shiri said.

"He! I don't want to be nice to him at all." Kuroko Shirai's face darkened, but that guy is the director of Academy City, and he has the kind of technology that casually evolves capable people... What should I do? Woolen cloth?If I don't become level 5, I might be really useless to my elder sister, and then my elder sister will completely forget me and fall into the arms of that evil guy.

Thinking of this possibility, Shirai Kuroko knelt down indifferently.

"Student Shirai..." Uiharu Shiri was startled, and then she probably knew what she was thinking, and smiled embarrassingly, it seemed that Misaka-senpai liked Ye Fei, and it was a big blow to Shirai-san.

Speaking of which, Senior Ye Fei is too careless, there are so many female friends with ambiguous relationships.

Thinking of the vacation two days ago, I can't help but sigh and leave. There are so many beautiful girls. Every 877 person is so dazzling. I have no chance at all, but the chance of tears is even greater.

"Is the other party really the strongest saint on the magic side? The concealment method is too bad, I thought it was very strong, in short, there is no level 6 strong, right?" Shokuhou Cao Qi raised the corner of his mouth and said, with her current ability, she can Covering the entire Academy City, and without the need to see it directly, watching surveillance video can achieve the level of controlling others, and the number of people under control has reached tens of thousands.

"Speaking of which, isn't that strong man your follower? Just say a few words and he will surrender. Why waste so much effort?"

"It's not time yet, if I were to be exposed now, my [*] billion believers would be crazy, and the worship of [*] billion believers is not enough now, and I have to wait until all the demon gods appear, and I can almost expose my Identity." Ye Fei said helplessly.

"A pilgrimage of two billion beliefs, Academy City will be trampled to pieces!" Shokuhou Cao Qi shuddered.

"The place where I live is the kingdom of God on earth, and my followers will flock to my arms to soak in the breath of God. That's about it." Ye Fei looked at Sasha, who was standing quietly beside him, with a playful look. .

Chapter [*]: Who do you think you are talking to?

"Answer [*], the place where the Father is, no matter where it was originally, is the kingdom of God on earth, and the place of worship for all believers." Sasha Kloeigev said respectfully.

No matter where Academy City was originally, whether it was an enemy of the Cross religion or not, now that the Heavenly Father is here, then this is the Heavenly Father’s kingdom. No cross believers are allowed to be rude. I have already gone to capture the water behind.

Although I don't know that Heavenly Father does not let believers know that he is here, it must be to capture those pagan gods. The number of Ability Gods may make Heavenly Father afraid, so he has to arrange it. Although he wants to blaspheme the only Heavenly Father, But reason told her that it was indeed the case.

"For the time being, don't let my followers know that I'm here, and let them make a fuss." Ye Fei said with a smile, and in his tone, he took the actions of the Crusaders as a child's temper.

Even those demon gods know that Heavenly Father is back, I am afraid they will swarm to attack it. After all, they are stealing knowledge from the book of Kabbalah planted by Yawei. For Yawei, those demon gods are taking advantage of his absence. Household thief.

"Aren't you sending someone to Dafa him? We'll find our place soon~" Shokuhou Cao Qixingxing asked Ye Fei with a blink of an eye. Anyway, she already regarded Academy City as her boyfriend. If your personal property is damaged, spending money to repair it is spending your boyfriend's money.

Although I don't know much about money as a big man, I feel very uncomfortable about being taken away by others.

"Don't worry, someone has already taken the initiative to invite Ying. I'm afraid that one has already suffocated. After all, Academy City is indeed a venue without sports wrestling." Ye Fei shrugged, the big sister has always wanted to play wrestling with him, although Wrestling can take advantage of it, but the image is really bad, and only using body wrestling, temporarily technically, you will be pressed and beaten.

Even if he turned on the human body limiter switch, how long has it been turned on?If you want to sanctify your body like a god, even if you don't need Saitama's three years, it will take a year and a half.

"The one you're talking about is the one who really always wanted to wrestle with someone else. It's a hobby that's not flattering." Shokuhou Cao Qi rubbed his arms and said, subconsciously he was very concerned about motor nerves. Good people are uncomfortable.

"By the way, who are those four girls? Not to mention your family members, although I haven't become a full level 6, but through the membrane filtration of the artificial heaven, I can still find that they are abnormal, too. Don't talk about the woman who is your own mother, I even think she treats me as a daughter."

Shokuhou Caoqi held his hands on his shoulders and trembled, it was too scary, too scary, it's not scary to say that it's scary, it's just that goosebumps are hard to accept.

"Hehe, didn't you find anything from their names? I remember that you were studying myths and legends recently." Ye Fei looked at Shokuhou with a half-smile.

"Could they really be!" Shokuhou Caoqi was shocked, of course he doubted it, and even went to read the information on purpose. The twins are also the names of Mesopotamia, and the one who likes to wrestle and put feathers on his head is probably the Quetzalcoatl god in South America.

"Of course, they are gods, but they are not full gods. You can think of them as human beings."

Ye Fei nodded, stretched out his hand and pulled out the virtual projection from the void, which was playing the image of the water behind.

"The human body of the gods... Just such a description is already very exaggerated." Shokuhou Caoqi's mouth twitched, and she wanted to check their memories when they met, and she really thanked her boyfriend for being strong.

"It's already evening. I'm really skilled. There are very few people who can affect at night. It's a real man. If it's another god's right Shiba, he can't kill everyone in Academy City." Ye Fei touched his chin.

Ye Fei felt that there was nothing wrong with what he said, but Sasha was in a cold sweat. Heavenly Father was very dissatisfied with the right seat of God, which means that they lost Heavenly Father's protection.

Walking on the flat and clean streets of Academy City, the water behind continued to walk towards the destination.

Whether it was the eyeliner that Shokuhou Misaki had set beforehand, the surveillance equipment in all directions, or the water behind Aleister's stagnant loop, they didn't notice it.

Although Rear Zhishui has some knowledge about herbal medicine, agriculture and craftsmanship, he doesn't know the common sense of a higher level of science. It is impossible for him to learn it, but he also realizes that he is being watched from beginning to end.

This should be the surveillance of Academy City, or a saint who sat on the board of directors of Academy City, let him enter and has not done anything until now.

Looking at an LCD screen showing advertisements on a street that has become empty.

"¨" It's you who is watching me in the dark, saint who has deviated from the right path. Please reply when you hear what I say. I know that Academy City can communicate through these machines. "


The level behind looked at the already gray LCD screen quietly, not surprised.

"You are really brave to enter Academy City alone, aren't you afraid that you won't be able to get out of the water in the back?"

An unfamiliar voice came from the speaker, this is Ye Fei's voice.

"You are the saint who joined Academy City. I will give you the final advice now. Now give up your identity as Academy City and go to the Roman Orthodox Inquisition to explain your sins. I can guarantee that you will survive unscathed."

Looking at the gray LCD screen, the deep voice behind Zhishui said (Qian Zhaozhao).

"However, if you insist on continuing to provoke war, you will not only endanger yourself, but also the civilians and ordinary believers of Academy City. If your answer is no, then I will personally rectify you."

"Don't doubt that I don't have that kind of strength."

Ye Fei, who was sitting on the Faxinas sofa chair, couldn't help but smile.

"What a frog at the bottom of the well, who does he think he is talking to?" Shokuhou Caoqi folded his arms and turned around.

Sasha's lips under the hood trembled slightly. If the water behind him knew that the person he was talking to was Heavenly Father, I wonder if he would immediately kneel down and repent.

"Well! Let's not talk about whether I can straighten my strength. If you want to get in front of me, then you can fight with my friends first. If you win, you will be eligible to come before me. If you don't win, then just Let's start a full-scale war, Academy City is here.".

Chapter [*]: The raid comes, the wind ahead

Ye Fei squinted his eyes and casually lit the fuse called war, without concealing it, he directly opened the last fig leaf between the magic side and the science side.

"Is this your choice? The saint named Ye Fei, let me just say it straight, even in a vicious incident that caused countless casualties, you still make such a dangerous choice, there is no rational choice?"

The water in the back looked at the LCD screen coldly and said calmly, stretched out his hand, a knight spear that was three times his height appeared in his hand, and smashed the LCD screen with a gust of wind.

"Then, I can only eliminate the culprit who disturbed the peace of this world."

A steady voice and a passionate intellectual voice came.

"Hey, this big man who looks very strong, your opponent is my big sister~"

Wearing a gym teacher's tracksuit, Quezal stepped forward and waved towards the water behind him with a toothy smile.

The water in the back frowned and looked at Quezal and said coldly: "Aren't you a superpower from Academy City, a follower of the saint named Ye Fei, I don't want to do unnecessary things, leave Bar."

"Yes, of course it's impossible. Big sister managed to find an opponent in a wrestling match, but she doesn't want to flip through it casually. If you want to find the little brother of the master, then you have to pass me first. ." 877

Quezal put his hands on his hips and refused with a smile, and the atmosphere instantly became free and hot.

"Master? Hmph, I advise you to leave Academy City immediately to clear your suspicions, but if you want to stop me, an opponent that the entire organization can't deal with, do you think you can defeat it by yourself? I I don't want to waste time here."

The water behind looked coldly at Quetzal who was blocking the way, trying to make her back down with the last exhortation.

"Hehe, of course I can win, I hope the big man won't let me down, otherwise the big sister will be very heartbroken." Quezal smiled with absolute confidence, a strong fighting spirit rose up in his body, and the sleeves of his hands were rolled up.

As the god of fighting, as long as things about fighting can definitely attract her fighting spirit, once she decides to fight, she will definitely win.

"I have no reason to fight with you. If you insist on hindering me, I can only apologize."

The figure of the water behind appeared in front of Quezal in an instant, and the huge knight spear swept towards her, attempting to stun Quezal with a heavy blow.

Quizar (cibh) turned his hands on the knight spear that appeared in an instant and turned over to dodge the attack and came to the water behind him and kicked the back of the water behind him.

Boom! The water in the rear was kicked out and hit the wall of the canteen. The wall collapsed, and the water in the rear was instantly dignified. Although he was not injured, he received absolute attention. This woman is no weaker than a saint. The ability of a martial artist who reaches immortals with physical skills!

"Don't underestimate big sister, big sister, I am the god of fighting, and I have never lost in fighting." Quezal smiled happily, fell from the sky, and slashed towards the water behind him, and the water behind him instantly escaped. The concrete asphalt pavement collapsed instantly, the floor tiles on the ground were turned over, leaving a three-meter-deep pit, the wall of the canteen was completely scrapped, and the driveway was destroyed with arm-sized cracks.

A piercing siren sounded around the streets of the thirteenth school district of Academy City, as if the sound of demolition and blasting kept coming. Although there were relatively few people living in the thirteenth school district, the guards still kept a large area. blockade.

"Please evacuate all personnel in the area. Ten minutes ago, a dangerous terrorist invaded Academy City and is now under arrest. Please evacuate urgently."

The guards blocked the street intersections in this area, and rows of explosion-proof shields were erected. The submachine guns were aimed at the front and slowly approached.

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