"Well, now is not the time to force you, just stare wide-eyed at how I activate the "artificial world", whether it is your means higher or my higher. "

Ye Fei raised the corner of his mouth and raised his hand when he saw that Aleister didn't answer. An imaginary ball the size of a basketball appeared out of thin air, and the imaginary ball was entangled with so many codes that could not be seen clearly.

[Start the battle version of the soul, and start acting as a dark plane, code name, artificial heaven............]

[Starting, 10%, 50%, 100% start successfully. 】

A dazzling white beam of light rose into the sky in the seventh school district, and a strong storm spread out from the seventh school district in an instant. The white halo covered the entire school city, and a large number of white light strips from mythology spread to the sky to illuminate. , the entire Academy City can see it.

"What's going on here? Well, it's so uncomfortable..."

Feng Zhan Binghua was instantly pushed out of the imaginary math area and came to the material world, holding his chest in discomfort, like a hypoxic patient, his black hair gradually turned golden from the roots, and his pupils were dyed with the color of the golden sunset. Wings composed of light bands appeared, and a gear-shaped angel halo was suspended above his head.

"Feng Zhan Binghua, no, it's Hugh Feng Zhan now, don't worry, it's just temporarily occupying an artificial heaven, and it will pass soon. If possible, help protect the people of Academy City."

Ye Fei's voice rang in the ears of Hugh Feng Zhan, and Hugh Feng Zhan nodded when he realized what had happened.

"I, I know, Ah, Ah Fei."

"Oh, oh, what is this? Such an exaggerated energy response, is it really exaggerated by the little master."

Standing on the ruins, Quezal looked into the distance and was amazed by the mythical light belt.

Quezal and Rear Zhishui have been fighting for nearly twenty minutes, and the two are almost on a par in combat, but Rear Zishui is already a little tired, and Rear Zishui is very dignified. He doesn't know what this woman is about, no matter what Whether it is physical skills or magic, he is not weaker than the fully opened stigmata, and even now he does not mean to be tired.

At this time, his body froze, turned his head to look at the light band in the distant sky, and his face changed suddenly.

"Could that be, the power of an angel!"

The flow of magic power in the body is restricted by this power, and even the stigmata is locked, what is going on. .

Chapter [*]: Beheading

"Has an angel been summoned?" Zhishui in the back looked solemnly at the radial band of light covering the sky, with a strong sense of ominousness in his heart, and he had to check it out.

In the process of the previous angel being suddenly summoned, did Academy City get the method to summon the angel or did he spy on something?

Although it is very similar to the power of angels, there is still a big difference. The water behind is looking at the mysterious and powerful woman who is watching, so I can't waste time here. The energy response of this scale is enough to destroy this large area. in once.

Although this may be some kind of conspiracy of Academy City, no matter what kind of conspiracy, innocent people cannot be ignored.

"Ah le le, are you going to run away? But I'm very sorry, but the little master wants big sister to stop you, or drive you out of the city, just be obedient."

Seeing that the water in the back was rising and running towards the place where the huge energy was reacting, Quezal quickly chased after him, came to the top of the water in the back, and landed towards the water behind him.

The knight spear of the water in the back raised both hands, and the whole person was directly smashed to the ground by the weight of 28 pounds. His legs were plunged into the concrete, and the huge force exploded and rolled over the ground within a hundred meters, and the two nearby buildings collapsed in an instant.

"Drink!" The knight's spear in the water at the back instantly swelled twice in size and threw Quezal out. Quezal flipped a few times in the air and landed on the ground of the ruins, rushing towards the water at the back again, excited laughing out loud.

"Hahaha, I haven't fought so happily for a long time. Big sister is very happy, but I must not let you hinder the little master."

Rear Zhishui's face was cold and embarrassing, this woman is too strong, and he has gone all out to not take advantage of him, but is passively beaten.

In order not to be entangled, the huge water body of the football field was suspended in the sky and smashed towards Quezal in an instant. It contained the magic of Gabriel's blessing, and every drop of water could smash the granite.

"Could this be the protection of Gabriel that the little master said, it's really amazing, and the big sister is going to be real." Quezal smiled free and unrestrained.

[The power of God, the glory of the good God. 】

As the body of a good god, she has the power to invalidate the good attribute, and the enemy of the good attribute cannot cause any harm to her. She can distinguish the good and evil of others from the eyes of one person. This man named the water behind has no doubt. It's a kind camp, no matter how terrible and powerful moves are, it can't hurt her.

The water in the rear calmed down, and he felt very strange long ago. No matter how he attacked the opponent, he didn't get any injuries, not even scratches, so obviously the opponent also had some kind of protection.

"Are you really determined to mess with me to the end? Don't you realize that something is very wrong here."

A trace of blood flowed from the corner of the water's mouth in the rear, the magic power in the body was blocked, and the stigmata was locked. In this situation, the damage to the body by using magic power forcibly can be imagined, and the other party can still fight him in this situation?

"Oh! Are you injured? Big sister didn't use much strength just now?" Quezal asked suspiciously.

"Is this some kind of technique aimed at a specific group of people?" The Water in the back secretly asked.

The thirty magicians of the Heresy Meeting Legion have all come from the [*]th school district to the junction of the second school district. On the way, they solved the two directors who were in a state of suspended animation, although these directors were only directors in charge of peripheral matters, not the general manager. director of the council.

The thirteenth school district is a school district with many kindergartens and elementary schools. The guards responsible for the safe evacuation of the children fell to the ground and fell into suspended animation, while the magicians who covered their entire bodies in black monastic uniforms stood in the center of the guards.

"According to the information, this is the primary school concentration area, and there are many young children. There is a director here."

The magician said in a low voice, looking at a group of crying children, which made the nervous magicians very irritable.

I don't know what happened, but after a large amount of energy reaction, there was a problem with the magic power in the body. This must be the means of Academy City, and Academy City began to fight back.

"It's so noisy, shut up these kids."

For the annihilation group that has been slaughtering heretics all the year round, ordinary people cannot attack young children who have no resistance, but they can. For such extreme elements, everyone in Academy City is blasphemy. Heresy, you need to go to hell to repent.

Just as he was about to raise the butcher's knife to the children, a piercing sound of wheels screeched the ground, followed by a loud laugh.

"Haha, it's finally here, you group of intruders can be captured, and perhaps the corpse can be left intact."

All the magicians looked at the person coming. It was a blond girl holding a rocket launcher. More than a dozen fireballs flew towards the person.

"Fu 880 Landa, put down the bazooka. There are so many kindergarten children over there. If you accidentally go out on fire, what happens? Think about how the boss will punish you."

Silk Flag Favorite was startled and hurriedly knocked on Flanda's head and roared, and used gas control to disrupt the direction of the flying fireball, but the direction was not twisted according to the idea, just avoided the positions of a few people.

"Oops, it hurts!" Flanda cried tearfully while covering her head.

"Don't be careless, the opponent is the Roman Orthodox Heretic Annihilation Legion. There are 36 people in the academy city. It seems that they have carried out beheading operations separately. The combined magic of each team of seven people is equivalent to the strongest blow of level 0. Here We can't be careless with 5 people." Takitsubo Rikou slowly opened the door and jumped out of the armored car, raised his head to look at the opponent in this mission, and said plainly.

"Also we have to deal with all the intruders before they get into District [*], there's a very tight time frame."

"Cut, no matter what you do, solve them directly." Mai Ye Shenli sneered at the intruder on the magic side with his little leather boots on. Three bright green light balls appeared in front of him, and the scorching rays of light shot towards the enemy. .

Chapter [*]: Golden Dog, Kihara Brain Stem

at the same time.

The fifteenth school district is not only the most prosperous school district in Academy City, but also the birthplace of various popular elements.Television stations and various media organizations are located in this school district, and it is also the most expensive place in the entire Academy City.The landmark building is the "Diamond-like" giant commercial building, which is also the station building for the fifteenth school district.

The heretical annihilation force team that came here also faced the encounter in Academy City, but it was not organized by Ye Fei, and Ye Fei sent "Props" and Sasha.

The entire Academy City's system of guards and discipline committees has collapsed by 90%, and only a few kind guys who didn't feel disgusted by the intruders did not faint.

At the entry point of the [*]th school district, the guards have been completely hit by the heretical annihilation force, the thick gate is twisted and deformed, the police car is burning, and an angry voice came when the disciplinary committee and the guards were about to clean up the suspended state of suspended animation. Interrupted the spells of the magicians.

"Hey! The bastard over there, get me out of there!"

The magicians looked at the person who came, showing surprise. It was a young man with a spiky head, wearing a cheap long shirt and trousers, and angrily punched the magician who was about to kill the disciplinary committee girl.

"So angry, but not affected by the "Sacred Scourge", what the hell is going on with this guy? "

The magician dodged the punch and waved the cross to send out a crimson fire towards the hedgehog boy, but the hedgehog boy slapped it away.

"Magic cancelled, that hand!"

"Who the hell are you and why do you do such a thing!"

Kamijou Touma stopped in front of the Disciplinary Committee member who was lying on the ground. He clenched his fists angrily and looked at the magicians who had beaten the Disciplinary Committee and the guards. Kamijou knew very well that they were magicians. To this kind of loss, basically this kind of thing happens every two days.

But this time it was unimaginably serious. Everyone was fine, but suddenly everyone fell down.

"This kind of thing? As the most devout believer of God, isn't it a matter of course to annihilate the biggest heresy of Academy City? Are you still not aware of your position? Boy."."

"God? Destroy Academy City, the biggest heresy? Is this why you hurt so many people? What do you take life for!" Kamijou Touma questioned in disbelief, his anger increased, his fist squeezed to death dead.

"Just for this kind of thing... Our faith, science insults the heavenly father of our faith, it's just such a thing in your mouth, so you say Academy City is the biggest heresy, a sacred one that has been tainted by talking to you. Heavenly Father, even killing the entire Academy City is not enough to wash away the fact that he has sullied Heavenly Father and kill him."

The fanatics of the Annihilation Legion roared angrily, and everyone rushed towards Kamijou Touma.

"Damn!" Kamijou Touma's face changed wildly, the clumsy mountain dodged the attack of the cold weapon, moved his punch behind a person, ran behind him, and a large number of fireballs smashed at Kamijou Touma, but he was imagined Killer offset.

"Cough, cough, cough!" But after using magic, many magicians had already coughed up blood, realizing that bad magicians could only fight physically.

"The spell has been eliminated? Could this man be one of the purposes of this trip, fantasy killer?"

As early as a few months ago, a magician reported that he had met a man who could cancel the magic in Academy City, so it was determined that this was one of Academy City's trump cards, and it was the target that must be eliminated.

"Yoyo, Ah Shang, can you hear it now? If you can hear it, run to the street in front of the left. Where there are reinforcements, that person may help you if you can."

When Kamijou Touma, who was being chased, received a call from Tsuchimikado Motoharu, the smiling guy finally turned serious.

"Tuyumen Yuanchun, where are you at this time? Are you all right?"

"I'm fine, I really envy you, Ah Shang, at this time. I and Kabut are trying desperately to control myself not to be affected by the spell. I can't help you too much, you can only rely on yourself."

There is no way to resist the "Sacred Scourge", but it is difficult to do it without strong willpower and mind control.


"Whoops, these little things are really annoying. Even if the boss sent me out to clean up the garbage, I don't know how to be considerate and considerate of my old dog."

A golden retriever with a backpack sighed, stepping on a comatose magician under its feet.

It is hard to imagine that a dog can speak human words, and its intelligence is not inferior to humans at all, and even surpasses humans.

"The rest of the teacher has been resolved." A young woman in a professional suit and a loose white lab coat wiped her fingers with a handkerchief and said expressionlessly.

"The only thing, this kind of rational drug that makes the brain feel emotionless, it's better to use less, it's not good for the brain." The golden dog looked at the young woman and said earnestly.

"¨" I know the teacher, this time the drug was injected to deal with the opponent's surgery. "

"Oh, I'm still not used to this task of cleaning up small things. By the way, I took out the cigar in my schoolbag and lit it, and the cigar in my mouth was gone again. The taste of this cigar is too weak. Change to a high-end cigar next time." The golden dog sucked the cigarette butt in the dog's mouth and spat it on the ground.

"It's teacher, it's not good to smoke too much." Kihara only nodded expressionlessly, took out a cigar from Golden Dog's backpack and lit it, Golden Dog couldn't wait to bite.

"The only thing, you don't understand, cigars are the romance of men."

"Go back now, the rest will be cleaned up, I have already heated the milk for you, and it is now ready according to the time."

"Oh, is it still Musashi milk? Only the taste of this milk is healthy."

Speaking of this, Huang (Qian Qian's) golden dog looked at the cigar on the crossroads and said with a smile: "Although I want to go back quickly, that kid from Fantasy Killer has already run towards this side."

"Fantasy Killer, do you want to help?" Kihara Yuki asked.

"Hey, Aleister has already prepared everything, the only thing left is Fantasy Killer who hasn't figured out the situation, so let him know something, let's go and get in touch with him, after all, this is also Aleister's One of the plans."

The golden dog smashed the cigar and spit out a soft smoke ring.

"However, Ye Fei, the director, doesn't know what the reaction will be, tsk tsk, when it comes to that guy, even my old dog finds it incredible, Aleister can't deal with him, so now Academy City A situation where rights are divided into two."

"Let's not act rashly in the contest between the two kings of science. It won't do us any good, and maybe Aleister will be at a disadvantage."

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