Chapter [*]: The Right Seat of Angels and Gods

The golden dog looked at the spiky-haired boy who was running for his life, and then said.

"But it seems that the fantasy killer doesn't need the help of my old dog. Director Ye Fei really has two strokes. He even took control of the imaginary math area. The magician who broke into this city is just a sheep for slaughter. ."

"Teacher, let's go over now." Kihara unique nodded.

Kamijou Touma tried his best to fight the magicians behind him. Although he didn't know why these guys were vomiting blood, it might be some sequelae caused by magic, but to deal with such guys, he could only wake them up with his fists.

"Damn, the superpowers of the mere science, don't be too arrogant." A magician smashed Kamijou Touma's back with a cold weapon, blood flowed out instantly, and Kamijou Touma also fell to the ground, but still stood up and The magician fights.

"Oh, magicians, Academy City is still the base of science, no matter what, it's not a place where you can go wild, but I don't think you have a chance to understand this truth."

The mage was stunned by a sincere voice, Kamijou Touma saw the opportunity to punch the mage in the face and smashed him to the ground, and then looked at the person who helped him... Dog! Silly 880 eyes .

"Hey! Boy, haven't you seen a talking dog?" Kihara's brain stem said like a kind old grandfather.

"The dog, the dog has spoken!" Kamijou Touma looked at the woman in the white coat and the big yellow dog walking towards him in shock, almost biting their tongues, but the pain behind him made him crouch down, and he fell down in an instant.

"Suck! I finally passed out of fear in front of this boy's road, hey! Uncle, I'm really sorry." Kihara Naogan shook his head, took a deep breath of the cigar, and spit the smoke ring on Kamijou Touma's face.

"Teacher, I think he lost too much blood. Call the hospital staff to pick him up." Kihara Yuki took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"It's really a pity, hey, then come and tell this kid next time." Kihara said regretfully, and the dog paw patted Kamijou Touma's face (really bullied by the dog).

Fraxinus looked at the pictures on the big and small screens, Ye Fei half-squinted his eyes, looked at Aleister's screen and joked.

"I didn't expect you to really take out your trump card, aren't you going to keep a million hands? It's not like you, Aleister."

Kihara's brain stem, expands the dog's brain to obtain wisdom and thinking that is not weaker than human beings. The user of the "Magic Driving Armor" is Aleister's power relay station. In the original timeline, he killed the dog of the demon god and monk.

As the ultimate god who has reached the end of magic, it is really embarrassing to be fucked by a dog.

As for why Aleister wants to use a dog as his relay station, it is probably that this guy doesn't believe in humans at all, or it has a deeper meaning.

"I don't think I can keep many secrets from you." Aleister said in a calm voice. Since this trump card has been understood, it is not a trump card, and it is meaningless to hide.

"Hehe, then what do you think of my power to control the artificial heaven, science is based on magic, this is just a fact for you, it's okay to fool around with the magic side, I am the power of science."

"..." Ares didn't speak.

On the side of the spacious road, one foot of a building was damaged, and the body of an adult was thrown out and smashed to the ground.

"Cough cough! Vomit!" Wind in front spat out a large mouthful of blood, raised his head and looked at the huge radiating light belt inside Academy City.

The oppressive aura I felt from entering Academy City, could it be said that this is the trump card that Ares (cibh) tower said, that is the true face of Academy City's imaginary mathematics district and the Five Elements Organization.

The power of angels, the mere Academy City actually possesses the power of God, and so underestimates me, so underestimates the church, so underestimates my faith, does mere science despise us even at this level?

The wind in front is extremely angry, and the science side controls the power of angels, so what is the church?What position should we place on the scientific side, and tell the world that God prefers science without belief?

And that blasphemous mass produced by science that brings harm to all those who wear the cross.

The wind in front moved quickly towards the seventh school district where the power of angels descended. At this moment, a ray of light came towards her, and the wind in front stopped.

In the appearance of a young girl, the gear-shaped halo revolves above her head, the ribbon-shaped wings stretch behind her, her body exudes a holy light, and the powerful angelic power envelopes this area.

"Hehe, I haven't even found you, the blasphemous aggregate fallen angel." The front wind spit out the chain cross in his mouth, looking arrogantly at the fallen angel who appeared in front.

"I don't want to hurt others, please leave Academy City." Feng Zhan Binghua's voice was a little cowardly, but he said with a tough attitude.

"What are you kidding? Are you ordering me? Do you think you are really the messenger of God? A mere fallen angel, an ugly aggregate of heinous crimes, completely destroying you." The wind in front said with a sneer, raising the hammer in his hand towards the wind Zhan Binghua attacked and left.

"I am the right seat of God who is in charge of the wind, the yellow and the archangel "God's Fire" Uriel in front of me. Let me see what the fallen angel created by science is compared to the archangel Uriel!"

The white gale attacked Feng Zhan Binghua, but Feng Zhan Binghua waved the white light wings to disperse the gale with angel power.

"You're not my opponent, and I really don't want to hurt anyone."

"Hypocritical monster, just your existence has hurt two billion believers in the world." The wind in front seemed to hear what a funny joke, and roared furiously, holding a hammer in both hands.

At this time, a quiet voice came.

"Answer one, then leave it to me next, this is my task.".

Chapter [*]: The invasion plan gradually collapses

The wind in front looked at the person coming, thinking it was a supporter of Academy City, but after seeing it clearly, he frowned.

The visitor floated on top of her head, with a golden halo on her head. A large amount of water attribute angelic power filled her body, and the amount she possessed was even more than that of the Gabriel physique guy behind the water. .

"How is that possible, the power of the Archangel Gabriel, the "power of God", who are you, bastard." The storm in front looked angrily at the magician who came, it was not a superpower, but a magician , a magician who uses "Angel Power" like her.

A girl with a delicate figure wrapped in a tight-fitting straitjacket, and a red cape over it.There was a very thick collar around his neck, and a rein attached to the collar made a crisp sound, the voice~ said calmly and coldly.

"Adult Religion "Destroy the White Book", Sasha Kreutzev has followed an order to defeat you, personal opinion one, you are not my opponent, and now you can surrender..."

"Shut up!" The storm in front roared angrily, calmed down, stared at Sasha and asked, "It seems that you are my enemy, so when did the three major sects join forces with Academy City? Sasha I have heard the name Chloe Zev, the power of the angel you drive comes from Gabriel, right?"

Wait! I heard about the Archangel Gabriel being summoned before I came to Academy City, and the guy possessed by the angel is a member of the "Destroyed White Book" of the adult religion, so that's it, then Sasha Chloe It also makes sense that Fu has the power of the Archangel Gabriel.

"Personal opinion No. [*], this has nothing to do with adult education, it is my own choice."

"Personal opinion! Has nothing to do with my own choice?"

The wind in front was stunned, then laughed, and rushed towards Sasha in a rage.

Then it is a traitor. In the last century, the most evil magician who tried to overthrow God appeared. In this century, there have been people who betrayed God one after another. Unforgivable, damn, damn, damn, damn bastard.

"Leave it to you." Feng Zhan Binghua's figure slowly disappeared on the spot, the wind in front passed through her body like a phantom, which made the wind in front of her eyes sharp, and then she swung the hammer, and the white gale slashed not. Qian's attacked Sasha.

A small hammer appeared in Sasha's hand and swung it at full force, smashing all attacks, and attacking the wind ahead at a speed exceeding the speed of sound. On the street far away, Sasha pursued her with victory.

"Ouch! Cough, cough, cough."

The wind in front of him clutched his painful chest, opened his mouth and spat out a lot of red blood, and swayed and stood up against the wall.

Damn it, damn it, damn it, this kind of strength is not just the power that can be used by the "Angel Power" driver, this is a saint, a saint like water, how is this possible, if you say "annihilation of the white book" There can still be a basis for the betrayal of the members, but Sasha Kreuzeff is a saint, this is absolutely impossible, what is going on.

A large amount of water was formed at a high altitude and fell towards the wind pointing forward. The hammer of the wind in front smashed the ground, and the white gale smashed a large amount of water, but Sasha's small hammer had already flown over, and the wind in front barely smashed the small hammer. The small hammer fell into the building, and a dozen-story building collapsed.

"Damn, cough, cough, Academy City's trick, it's impossible to complete the mission in this situation, maybe you will die here, damn, even if you die here, you have to kill that fallen angel..."

The little hammer seemed to have eyes and flew towards her again. It rolled around on the ground to avoid the attack, and ran towards the side alley, ready to give up the fight with Sasha. Regardless of the effect on Sasha, she is not strong in fighting, and can only temporarily avoid its edge.

"Cough, vomit! Aleister, I really have you. At least I know the real trump card of Academy City. No wonder it can rise to the level of keeping pace with the magical world in a few decades, but you underestimate religion too much. ."

The wind in front ran quickly in the alley, trying to find the location of important people in Academy City, but just ran to the end of the alley, someone was already waiting for her, and the wind in front stopped.

"You are the culprit that caused so many people to fall into a coma. Even the sunspots have been recruited. Since I have this ability, of course I can't sit idly by and let such a guy go unpunished."

The brown-haired girl looked at the strangely dressed woman and said righteously, even disgusting such a criminal in her heart.

The unknown white energy spread from the feet to the whole body. A white light wheel appeared on the top of the head, and the light belt appeared behind him. The sky was rumbling with thunder, and a large number of thunderclouds enveloped the entire Academy City.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????????

In this state, Academy City is like being shrouded in a myth, a girl who controls thunder and lightning with a white band of light emerging from the myth.

Feng Feng's pupils shrank in front of him, looking at the girl who was blocking his way in disbelief, and the extremely conspicuous halo and light wings, he muttered to himself: "What a joke, angel, there are two angels in Academy City!!"

"Seeing what I look like now, I understand the gap between us. It will be less painful if I catch it, otherwise I can only beat it violently."

Misaka Mikoto looked at the wind ahead and said, she actually encountered such a bad terrorist incident a few days before the summer vacation, she couldn't sit back and watch it anyway, because she was a level 6 of Academy City.

........ 0

"What a joke!" The wind ahead said to himself.

"Just kidding, then just watch." Misaka Mikoto thought, and a huge beam of light fell from the sky covering the range of several nearby buildings, like a giant pillar connecting the sky and the earth.

Three hours have passed since Academy City was invaded.

In a street, a magician in a black monastic uniform fell to the ground, not knowing whether he was dead or alive. Shiri Mugino and silk flags liked to stand in the center, and the surrounding buildings still had traces of scorching.

"Oh yeah, this wave is finally done, then there are three more places to come, but the mission shows that it has been completed." Flanda said lively and cutely while watching the mission with the tablet, and then exclaimed excitedly. Around Mai Ye Shenli and silk flags like to turn around.

"So we have completed the task perfectly, and I can also get the ticket to become level 5. It's great, great, this time Mai Ye and Kenji's actions are great."

"Let's go back now." Takitsubo Rikou said calmly, unfolding his wings made of non-elemental matter behind him.

"The reward for this mission should be quite a lot. After all, it is a super terrorist army."

Going downstairs to buy things, by the way, Yuriko Suzuka from a small team carried a grocery bag and went home silently with one hand in her trouser pocket.

"Really, it made me late, tsk, I'm really upset." Ji.

Chapter [*]: The end of the battle

Yuriko Suzuka didn't want to take care of these things. After all, Ye Fei must have corresponding measures, but I didn't expect those guys to come to the gate of the seventh school district so easily, and just happened to come out to buy a vegetarian package. Solved by the way.

"Tsk, but then again... Well! It has nothing to do with me now." Suzuka Yuriko stopped and looked up at the raining sky. The next Academy City will not be too calm. walk away.

Speaking of which, the "Power of Alaya" that the guy from Ye Fei gave me has no idea at all. He said that it is related to the "Misaka Network", and there is also magic. Can something really plant a "tree of life" for the world?

Well!After all, what is the "tree of life" and "eight eight zero"?I have absolutely no clue, is it really possible for me to succeed now? Although the guy believes that I can light up the "skill tree", I have obviously reached the limit.

What can be done to break this situation?

"Tsk! It still needs a little external stimulation. After all, have I ever seen those so-called demon gods?" Yuriko Suzuka said, she is not the kind of brainless person, if she doesn't understand, she will not think about it for the time being. It is impossible to calculate out of thin air. Although Ye Fei and Aleister should be not far from the so-called Demon God, they cannot be used as a reference.

In a small alley in Academy City, Shizuo in the back looked at the woman who had been trembling with him for nearly an hour, gasping for breath. He used almost all his strength, but he couldn't even inflict scratches on this woman. This must be an incomprehensible blessing.

"That gun, if there is no accident, it is the gun of Longinus. I didn't expect this gun to be reproduced. Even the church's [*]-year heritage has not been restored. Taste. "

The exhausted voice came from the mouth of the water behind, and he stared at the jet-black spear with the forked spiral head in Quezal's hand, and there were wounds pierced by the spear on his limbs, and his heart was a little bitter.

As a saint, with a physique similar to that of the Son of God Jesus, facing the replica of the gun of Longinus is dead, and facing the real one, there is basically no need to fight. If this woman wants to kill him, this gun will be out of hand. In an instant it was his death.

"Yes, this is what my little master is using to deal with you, but the little master doesn't mean to ask for your name. Even if the little master kills you, I will probably let you go secretly."

Quezal showed a sunny smile, and pointed the spear of Longinus towards the outside of Academy City.

"Leave quickly, don't come to Academy City, the little master may not let you go next time~"

"Can you spare my life?" The water in the back flickered, clutching his abdomen and slowly standing upright. Although his limbs were penetrated through his body, he couldn't use his magic power and stigmata, but it was no problem to move like an ordinary person. He knew that if this If a woman is willing, he doesn't even have the strength to move.

"I will remember this kindness, but please tell your master that the conflict between the magic side and the science side is inevitable now, and let him think about it carefully."

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