After he finished speaking, the water behind him staggered out of Academy City. So far, he was unable to fight. If the other party spared him his life, if he didn't know what to do, the spear of Longinus would directly penetrate his heart.

I just didn't expect that there are Martial Daoists stronger than saints on the science side, and they also have the technology to manipulate angels. From the previous three different angel powers, there are at least three angels.

I am afraid that the church will be severely damaged in the next war, and the water behind understands that the plan of the church today is here, and those bishops will never be reconciled, nor will they listen to his advice.

On the other side, Misaka Mikoto stopped her ability. She didn't expect that she would be able to use such a strong strength in the face of an absolutely capable person. She vomited blood and fainted after fighting at least ten times, but her attack was very measured. Yes, the thunderbolt looks scary and actually the voltage is relatively low, except for the most open one.

The ground like a crater, and the building next to it that was cut in half, are all telling how intense the fight just now was...  

The wind in front was already covered with blood and fell to the ground like a rag doll. His eyes were white and he had completely passed out. Is there a thin thunder and lightning on his body?

"Uh..." Misaka Mikoto saw that the environment she created had defeated the terrorists, and her mood disappeared instantly, and her expression was stiff and cold sweat came out.

Too bad, I was just too excited, and I accidentally overused my abilities, destroyed three buildings, damaged the train tracks, and such a wide range of streets, how much money will this cost?

Even if you graduate and work for [*] years, you won't be able to afford it.

"I'm leaving now, no one should find out that I did it..." Misaka Mikoto looked around and found nothing like a camera, she slowly backed away with a guilty conscience.

At this moment, a cold voice came from behind, which made Misaka Mikoto startled.

"Personal question one, Director Ye Fei asked me to take the wind ahead."

"Who, who!" Misaka Mikoto hurriedly turned around and laughed dryly when she saw Sasha's appearance: "Ha, ha, it turned out to be the one brought back by Senior Ye Fei, called..."

"Answer one, Sasha Kreutzev." Sasha grasped the wind in front of her and disappeared in front of Misaka Mikoto.

"By the way... Anyway, I was catching terrorists before I accidentally destroyed it. If Senior Ye Fei is the director of 1.7, he should help me..."

In a black Honda RV heading towards the Seventh Pharmacy Research Center.

"Tsk, those logistics guys are really slow and waste so much time." Mai Ye Shenli complained irritably.

"It's not like Mai Ye, you are so violent. It's very difficult for the logistics staff to clean up those residues, otherwise we could have ended." Flanda, who was a little tired, pouted her lips and shook her blond hair, complaining.

"Shut up, Flanda, it's because the magic of those guys is very entangled, so I increased the power of my abilities. It's already pretty good to be able to survive a few." Mai Ye Shen used the mineral water to wash and soaked a little blood. Hand said grumpily.

"Hey hey, we have so much credit, I really don't know what the boss will reward us.".

Chapter [*]: The happiness of the props group

"Hey hey, we have so much credit, I really don't know what the boss will reward us." Flanda's small eyes showed a glittering light, and she did not feel uncomfortable after finishing the residue.

"What an idiot, needless to say, of course it is to become a level 6, but Director Ye Fei promised to give me a level 6 spot, well, it may not be a complete level 6, although I don't know what it means, probably not. Too bad, hehe." Mai Ye Shenli smiled.

"Wow, wow, Mai Ye actually laughed, is she really that happy?" Flanda's eyes widened and she screamed like a ghost, knowing that Mai Ye usually laughed when she wanted to kill someone.

"Do you want to die?"

Mai Ye Shenli kicked Flanda's calf and cursed badly. Flanda screamed and covered her calf, tears came out.

"Do it yourself." Silk Flag said most of the time. After 28, she poured herself a bottle of mineral water, which relieved her bad feelings. To be honest, this mission was the one that she had done the most.

"Hmph, if I hadn't known some secrets of Academy City, we would have thought like the flowers in the greenhouse that there were only the superficial ones at Level 5, and there were even a few at Level 6. I would definitely become the next Level 6. ."

To be honest, in addition to earning quest bonuses, her goal is to increase her ability. She has seen too many people who are stronger than her, making her feel very weak. Maybe she might fall down on that mission, just The "water in the back" and "the wind in the front" in the data can instantly kill a level 5 like her, and she can only clean up the trash.

"But I don't know how much bonus the boss will give. Compared to becoming level 5, I still feel that the bonus is a bit more real." Flanda said tangled, the specific ability is the storage space. Originally, there was a room as big as a room. How big will level 5 be? A swimming pool or the size of a football field?It's enough now, and it's useless no matter how big it is.

It can hold large objects such as cars, but it is completely unnecessary.

"If you really want money, Chao can let Director Ye Fei exchange it for money. It is estimated that Director Ye Fei will only give you [*] yen to get rid of you." Silk flag said most contemptuously, and the opportunity that others dreamed of was replaced by It's a fool to be able to earn money from tasks at any time.

"Hahaha! Forget it, anyway, Director Ye Fei is so stingy..." Flanda scratched her head with a dry smile. During normal tasks, Director Ye Fei didn't owe wages, but if you ask him for something other than work, he may make you laugh. Son, super ungentleman.

"According to the level of the task, you should be able to get [*] million yen of funds. The four people may get [*] million yen evenly, and the remaining [*] million yen..." Takitsubo looked at the computer. Said with an expression.

"How about going to KTV to celebrate?" Flanda raised her hands eagerly with bright eyes.

"Hey! Flanda, do you think KTV will open for this kind of event tonight? Sixty percent of the entire Academy City is in a coma." Mai Ye Shenri was speechless.

"Actually, the seventh school district was not affected by the "Sacred Retribution" that arrived early. After all, where is the place where Director Ye Fei opened the secret weapon, and Chairman Aleister seems to have also dispatched the secret weapon. Takitsubo said calmly, although he did not enter the inner circle of Director Ye Fei, he still heard some things.

"Although I really want to go, Director Ye Fei seems to be looking for me for something, so I'm so sorry." Qian Qi Shaoxing shook his head and said, although he didn't know what Director Ye Fei was doing, he definitely couldn't refuse.

"Hey! Director Ye Fei is looking for you?" Flanda's eyes widened, then she smiled and exclaimed.

"Okay, I get it now."

"You know? What?" Mai Ye Shenli asked.

"Hey, what do you think, Director Ye Fei is so horny, and there are so many women around, all of them are beautiful, usually the four of us are called together, and now there is only one person, Silk Qi, shouldn't it be preparations? To the silk flag hand." Flanda made a gesture of grabbing something with both hands.


Silk Flag smashed Flanda's belly with a fist the most, making her shut up instantly, and said angrily: "How is it possible, don't make blind guesses."

"It hurts..." Flanda screamed while covering her stomach, and then whispered, "It's not impossible, I'm just saying it's possible, maybe..."

"..." The corners of Qian Qi's mouth twitched the most, and she felt anxious when she said that. It seemed that there was such a possibility. Although she had long been aware of being slept by Director Ye Fei, she was fine after so long. feel safe.

"Not only the silk flags, but also Maiye and Takitsubo are not impossible to drink." Flanda whispered.

Shiri Mikuno and Rikou Takitsubo waved towards Flanda's head at the same time.

"Frenda, you die for me."



The flesh collided with the ground 880 times.

In the pain, Feng Zhifeng's consciousness gradually regained consciousness. She knew that she had been captured by the people of Academy City, and she did not kill her immediately.

"Oh~ The injury is very serious. I didn't expect you to attack very hard. You are too destructive in fighting. When I have time, I will teach you Tai Chi. I am still very good at using softness to overcome rigidity."

Ye Fei looked at the wind in front of him that looked like a broken doll on the ground. Several ribs were broken, his internal organs seemed to be damaged, and his arms were broken. Although there was a reason for Misaka Mikoto's electric shock, most of the injuries were caused by Sasha. of.

"Yes, Heavenly Father." Sasha was stunned for a moment, and then said respectfully, Heavenly Father actually wanted to teach her Eastern martial arts? She didn't think about why Heavenly Father knew martial arts, because Heavenly Father was omniscient and omnipotent.She is very excited now that she can let the heavenly father teach herself, which is not even the treatment of God the Son of Jesus.

"Father?" The wind in front opened her eyes instantly. She wouldn't know what the word represented. She was the only god of the Cross religion. The anger in her heart was unprecedented. Fu actually called a certain leader on the science side, Heavenly Father! It's a heinous crime and unforgivable.

"Ouch! Cough, cough..." He was about to roar, but he spat out a mouthful of blood. .

Chapter [*]: The wind in front of you who do you think I am

"I advise you that it's better not to use magic power here, wind ahead."

The plain voice came, and the wind in front raised his head with an ugly face. After calming down, his thinking became much clearer. Now that she has fallen into the hands of the other party, I am afraid that if she shows resistance in front of such a big man in science, she will be put on the spot. Killing, she couldn't help showing a mocking smile, she had already put her life and death aside.

This place seemed to be the core area of ​​Academy City, and was filled with disgusting artificial lights and incomprehensible scientific instruments.

The guy at the head looked very young, less than twenty years old, his appearance was no different from a normal person, but he exuded a terrifying and friendly contradictory atmosphere, but it was extraordinarily harmonious.

Naturally, she didn't know who this guy was, and whether she had seen it before. Although she came to crusade against the saint who betrayed God, she didn't have a photo of the target.

In contrast, there is a blond girl who exudes the strange smell of an angel looming. It is not an angel in the formal sense, but an angel made by science that I have encountered before. Could it be said that this is also an angel made by science?

In addition, Sasha Chloezev, a member of the White Book of Annihilation who betrayed God, possesses the power of a saint, and can also use the power of Gabriel, the "power of God".

This is what Aleister said about the true face and true power of Academy City!

Although the Roman Orthodox Church is the "Right Seat of God", it is not deeply involved in ordinary magic, but no one can compare to the "Right Seat of God" in the field of angelology. She knows very well what the angels she encounters represent.

At least if you want to defeat those angels without the power of the angel level, it will not work, and the only person who has the power of the angel level in the "right seat of the gods" is the leader of the "right seat of the gods", the right fire.

Thinking about the whole story, the wind in front couldn't help laughing at himself a little bit, and ran to Academy City with the right seat of the two gods. I'm afraid Aleister has long been waiting for her to throw herself into the trap.

At least there were two angel-level powers that dealt with them this time. The "Heterotic Extermination Unit" has probably been wiped out, and even the guy in the rear has been killed.

Academy City must have secretly seen more than the three Angel-level soldiers. The thought that Academy City might have mass-produced Angel-level combat power made me tremble. After all, what science is best at is mass production.

The magic side faces such a terrifying scientific side, how long can it last if a war is launched?Moreover, the three major religions on the magic side are not united, or even rivals.

"Leave my life, what do you want me to do, is it because you like me, hahaha. "." The wind ahead looked at Ye Fei wanton and sneered.

"You don't need to use prickly language to provoke me, it's useless, in my opinion, you're just a naughty child playing around and making faces in front of the parents for a while, if the parents are unhappy, you may make you kneel for a while ."

Ye Fei looked at the wind ahead with a smile and said, talking about the thread of faith that has affected the wind ahead. This thread is still the closest to the breath of an angel. It was eliminated from the seven deadly sins to the lowest point of evolution, so that the power of an angel can be obtained. Degree.

Taking back the angelic power of the wind in front of her and making her an ordinary person again, the wind in front of her widened her eyes and looked at Ye Fei in disbelief.

"How is it possible, where are you holy?"

"Who do you think I am, the wind ahead." Ye Fei said with a half-smiling smile, the power of the simulated star creation map and the inverse Genesis opened up a little, and the power from the real god made the wind in front feel it.

Reverse Genesis was originally a simulation of the Kabbalah's tree of life configuration, and it came from the same source as Yahweh's Genesis. Nothing is closer to Yahweh's power than this.

"God!" The wind in front felt boundless, and the unimaginable great power widened his eyes and watched Ye Fei say the word.

Afterwards, the wind ahead believed in Ye Fei's identity, and at the same time knew what was going on.

"So that's the case, Academy City is also the power of Heavenly Father..."

Everything in the world belongs to Heavenly Father. Whether it is science or magic, it is Heavenly Father’s power. It is normal for Heavenly Father to feel bored and play some games, and it is normal to want to deal with demons.

"Now I need you to pass the news that Academy City's money is hidden in the Demon God back to the Roman Orthodox Church and the Orthodox Church. Don't let anyone know that I am in Academy City."

Ye Feiyu said earnestly to the wind in front, who was kneeling on the ground respectfully, and raised his brows slightly. The wind in front who now looks like a little girl who made a mistake is completely different from the wind before, hey, my old father It's hard to do~

"I understand, I will definitely do what my Heavenly Father entrusted to me," said the wind ahead.

After that, the wind ahead was sent out of Fraxinus.

"It's finally over, it's time to relax." Ye Fei slowly fell down lazily, just resting his head on Shokuhou Caoqi's lap.

"what are you doing? Shokuhou Caoqi frowned slightly, and his cheeks were slightly red, this guy doesn't think that he's getting along with each other recently and wants to do something.

"Obviously, lap pillow. After all, it's the first time I've been put on your lap."

At this time, the teleportation device of Fraxinus was activated, and a familiar voice shouted his name anxiously.

"A Fei, A Fei, something is bad, a lot of things just happened!"

Ye Fei hurriedly got up from Shokuhou Caoqi's thigh, the corners of his eyes twitched slightly, when is this Index bad, but this time...

Index ran in anxiously carrying the monastic uniform, looked at Ye Fei and said anxiously.

"A Fei, A Fei, something is bad. A lot of people just passed out, and someone started a large-scale angel-level spell in Academy City."

"Don't worry, it's resolved." Ye Fei raised his palm (Qian Qianhao) and quickly interrupted Index's words.

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