"Solved? But there are still creatures suspected of angels being summoned, and the sky above the entire Academy City is filled with huge energy that is suspected to be the power of angels."

"Stop! That's what I came up with, and it's about to dissipate."

"What about the previous earthquake?" Index blinked and puffed out her cheeks.

"There were terrorist attacks before, which have been suppressed." Ye Fei said helplessly.

"What about tonight's dinner?" Index looked at Ye Fei with a bad face, grinding her uncle's teeth finely.

"Didn't you just direct the suppression of terrorists? That's why..." Ye Fei said helplessly.

"Humph! You don't tell me about such important things, Ah Fei really hates it." Index puffed out her cheeks and turned her head with a cold snort.

At this time, someone came again, but it was not a scientific researcher, but a girl with tea hair. .

Chapter [-]: Misaka Mikoto's tangle

Misaka Mikoto pushed open the door of the living room of Fraxinas Hou, and what caught her eye was a very high-tech environment. In this environment, it was an extravagant arrangement that violated harmony.

It's a bit like the illusion of a future punk. She knows very well that this skyship is a gift from Ye Fei to Xingyan. That guy shows off in front of her. It's really a hateful Xingyan, but Ye Fei also gave me a very level 6. Precious things are evened out.

Well! How extravagant and wasteful is this star eye in life, the futuristic sky ship needs to be made into such a luxurious appearance, even if Ye Fei's girlfriend can't use other people's money so messily, it's really bad style.

"If you come, come in, don't peek behind the door."

Ye Fei turned off the monitoring system of Academy City, threw the holographic influence device aside and was caught by Shubi, took a calm sip of the warm coffee, and said.

Misaka Mikoto's cheeks blushed, like a child who had done something bad and tiptoeed to open the door, with her hands behind her back, her eyes were a little erratic, and she slowly walked in front of Ye Fei.

"Alaaa, Bilibili looks like a thief, it's not because he did something bad and came to find my bail." Shi 883 Bee Cao Qi's shining star eyes turned around, A hand with a spider web glove covered his lips and sneered maliciously.She couldn't pass up any opportunity to taunt her nemesis.

"That's not it, you think everyone is like you, always thinking of doing bad things." Misaka Mikoto said glaringly like a cat stepping on her tail, but after she finished speaking, her guilty blush turned into a twist.

Index blinked and turned her gaze to the dessert on the table. The corners of her mouth drooled, she swallowed, she quickly grabbed it with both hands and stuffed it into her mouth, showing a happy smile.

Ye Fei raised his brows, it seemed that Index had starved to death, wouldn't he have eaten all the food in the refrigerator! He sighed and looked at Misaka Mikoto.

"So, what's going on? Are you in trouble?"

"It's not that I'm in trouble... it's just, that..."

Misaka Mikoto doesn't know how to explain to Ye Fei, because she has collapsed several buildings, so can you help me pay back the debt? She can't do this, if the mother and Lusuke know that she (cibh) owes With such a large debt, she will definitely have a headache, but she can't say it.

"What's wrong? It's the first time I've seen you like this, how can I help you if you don't tell me?" Ye Fei said strangely. Judging from Mikoto's emotions, she was just very tangled, but she had no other emotions, which made it hard for him to guess. .

"I'm sorry, when I was catching terrorists before, no, I accidentally damaged the building, and the street, so can you help me! Please."

Misaka Mikoto gathered up her courage, closed her eyes, bowed ninety degrees to Ye Fei, and said loudly, her voice getting smaller and smaller as she spoke.

"It turned out to be this..."

Ye Fei knew what Misaka Mikoto was struggling with. It turned out to be the matter of destroying the building. This matter is very simple. In fact, for this kind of terrorist invasion, the damage caused by superpowers can be ignored. After all, the loss he caused when he destroyed the "Absolute Ability Person Evolution Plan" was much greater than this.

I haven't seen Academy City fine him, of course, this is because that kind of plan can't see the light, so I took advantage of this loophole.

"Actually, this kind of unintentional damage is reimbursed by Academy City. Although there may be excessive suspicion, I have cleared it for you, so don't worry."

"Eh? Is that so?" Misaka Mikoto was startled and blinked. Was it simpler than she thought?

"It's like this, I didn't expect you to help catch terrorists. Ordinary citizens should not take action on this kind of thing. Sometimes it will unintentionally disrupt Chairman Aleister's plan." Ye Fei put down the coffee and said earnestly. , now has come to a very critical period.

The only people who can damage Misaka Mikoto on the magic side are the fire on the right, Orells and Coronzon, as well as those magicians who have subverted a few people, but I don't know when the devil will come, if Misaka It would be terrible if Mikoto accidentally met the demon god that came, so it's better to let Aleister test the water first.

Ordinary citizen... Misaka Mikoto twitched at the corners of her mouth, and there was a trace of electricity on her forehead. She complained in her heart that I was already a level 6 or an ordinary citizen. Citizens' positioning is a bit broad?

"I see, thank you Yefei-senpai." Misaka Mikoto said with a sigh of relief, then glanced at Shokuhou who was mocking her, a tic tac toe appeared on her forehead, and she withdrew lukewarmly. This is Xingxingyan's territory, and she doesn't want to stay here for too long.

After coming back from Hawaii last time, the whole school knew about her vacation with Shokuhou Caoqi, but it was rumored that she surrendered to Shokuhou Caoqi's lewd power, the hateful star eyes, always using this kind of invisible eyes. s method.

"Oh, I really can't stand the ridicule. Now the second level 6, I'm really a little scared when she gets angry." Shokuhou Caoqi closed one eye and shook the remote control in his hand.

"Then you are still mocking Mikoto, then I won't help you when you are bullied~" Ye Fei said speechlessly, the two enemies were mortal enemies. If they met and didn't quarrel that day, it would be abnormal.

"It's really ruthless, you really care about that washboard, what's wrong with Misaka Mikoto? If you hug him, you must be covered in bones." Shokuhou Caoqi said jealously.

"You are indeed throwing Mikoto off the street in terms of your body, but you won't let me touch it." Ye Fei shrugged and said, looking at Shokuhou Caoqi's fierceness, the growth is too excess, and all the nutrients go there. .

"What are you talking about, Ah Fei?" Index watched Ye Fei's cheeks bulge with a faint look in her eyes.

"It's nothing! I'll have someone bring you a big meal right away." Ye Fei said disguisedly, picked up the phone and asked his subordinates to deliver the food, but don't treat Index as a child, she is very sensitive to emotions and has a sense of smell. Also very accurate.

"I want pizza, hamburgers, cheese, fried chicken!" Index exclaimed excitedly.

"What a fool!" Shokuhou Caoqi murmured softly as he stepped on Ye Fei's instep.

Ye Fei suddenly remembered that he had said before that he was going to try out the mind overclocking device for the props group of four. .

Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty Five: The Magic Side's Response

The crusade against Academy City has ended, and the entire magical world is watching the fire from the other side, waiting for the result of the Roman Orthodox Church.

Although the Magic side wanted to eradicate Academy City a long time ago, they were unwilling to take the lead because they didn't know Academy City's capabilities. They could only pull the fuse in the dark, waiting for the three major religious forces to get impatient and test the water.

If Academy City is a paper tiger, then all the forces will have a share of the pie. If Academy City hides incomprehensible secrets, then no one will act rashly.

The evil-minded magic-side forces that were waiting for an opportunity outside Academy City knew that Academy City's trump card was deployed when they saw an energy similar to "Angel Power" but not appearing in the sky above Academy City.

In the end, he actually tested three kinds of energy reactions that have reached the angel level, and this power is enough to destroy the entire world.

In the end, only the water behind was seen running away from Academy City with serious injuries.Everyone realizes that this crusade to gather half of the Roman Orthodox "Right Seat of God" has failed.

It took a long time to see Feng Feng escape from Academy City, and even the power of angels on him has been destroyed, and he has become an ordinary magician.

The Roman Orthodox Church, St. Peter's Basilica, is no longer the Pope's Matthew Lis walking out ~ the church paced at the door.

After negotiating with the leader of the Puritans, I got the tragic news of the failure of the crusade against Academy City, the water in the back and the wind in the front escaped with serious injuries, and the "Heterotic Destruction Legion" - completely wiped out.

Matthew Liss cut off contact before he could even hear half of it.

"Bastard, what the hell is going on? "Wind" and "Water" were seriously injured in Academy City, what happened? "

Even though "Wind" doesn't respect him, there is something to understand between the two who belong to the church. That is, for the stability of the Roman Orthodox Church, "Wind" is indeed a little extreme.

The defeat of anger, "wind" and "water" is doubly significant for the entire religion, or the entire magical side.One is that the Roman Orthodox Church lost two important battle strengths and pillars.There is another one that proves that Academy City has the combat power corresponding to the "God's Right Seat", and the number is still higher than that of the God's Right Seat, otherwise the two Gods' Right Seat cannot be seriously injured.

what is the problem?A saint named Ye Fei? It is impossible to easily injure the right seat of God just by being a saint, but how can this be explained? Is it a weapon of science!Those machines that need to be controlled by humans cannot be activated even after being hit with the "God Scourge".

Fantasy killer? Even if he has rare abilities, he can't fight against the right seat of God alone. What's going on?

Matthew Lis thought quietly, and at this moment a footstep sounded in his ears, Matthew frowned and looked over, there should be no tourists visiting at this time.

"Hehe, it's really bad, "Water" and "Wind" were defeated by Academy City, right, ha, the world is really going to be in chaos now, it's time for the Roman Orthodox Church to take over the chaos, You say so, His Majesty the former Pope. "

Watching the footsteps of the owner, Matthew Lis, his face became solemn, showing an expression of unhappiness and vigilance.

"The fire on the right... I didn't expect you to come out from behind... St. Peter's Basilica is not the place you should be."

"It's really a scary expression, does it make you uneasy to see me?" The young man in the orange priest monastic uniform chuckled teasingly.

"As the leader of the right seat of God, I don't feel relieved that you are not behind the scenes."

"Hehe, as the saying goes, a truly qualified leader shouldn't be in a dilemma at such a time. That's not acceptable. I don't see the former Pope's arrogance in you."

Matthew Lis frowned, "I'm not the Pope anymore."

"That's why I call you the former Pope."

"What do you mean by that? How did you hear about the failure of this crusade against Academy City?"

He just found out about the news that the right fire behind the scenes is actually ahead of him. What does this mean?

"But don't underestimate the information channels of the right seat of God. Do you want to know the specific information of this crusade? I can tell you." Right Fire said meaningfully.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????????

"What's your purpose?" Matthew said cautiously, he was very clear about the power of the right seat of God hidden behind the scenes. the power of.

God is absent, the person who temporarily takes charge of the heavens instead of God.

"Don't make my imagination so insidious, there are three angel-level powers in the crusade of Academy City this time, and it is not surprising that "Wind" and "Water" were defeated. "

"What? Angel-level power, isn't that an angel!"

Matthew Liston caused his shock, and his face gradually became solemn.

"Is your message accurate?"


"Who do you think I am?"

"How is that possible, Angel! How long has it been since Gabriel, the power of God, has returned to the heavenly realm before he reappears. It's still three, what the hell is going on? How could Academy City know the technique of summoning angels? This has completely broken through. The technical balance of the two sides has been balanced, and measures must be taken if it is not possible.”

Matthew Liss is going to send a message to the entire magic side, and the three angels must be sent back to the heaven. If the big element is dislocated, it will be completely troublesome at that time.

"I can't hold my breath, this is not good. Former Pope, this time the angel-level power is not an angel from the heavens, but a guy called "absolutely capable" by Academy City, and he has adjusted his energy level to correspond to Kabbalah. The lowest angel on the tree of life. "

"Absolutely capable! The power of science?" Matthew stopped.

"If it's the power of science, it's more troublesome."

"That's right, it's even more troublesome. Otherwise, when the number increases, there will be no meaning for religion to exist. Is it necessary to impose all-round sanctions on Academy City?" Right Fire said with a smile, a flash of light flashed in his eyes. teasing.

At the same time, the news of Sasha Kreutzev's imprisonment in Academy City was also learned by the adult religion, and at the same time, the news of the betrayal of the religious world spread throughout all the crucifix sects.Several.

Chapter [-]: The Blonde Female Fox Lola's Joke

Russian Orthodox Church - Cathedral of the Saviour in Moscow.

This is the highest church and the base of the adult religion today.

Today's supreme leader, the patriarch, is Krance R. Zalkis.But unfortunately, it is the one named Nikolai Tolstoy who really controls the Indoctrination.

Nikolai is an ordinary-looking Russian, but what is different is that he is very good at acting as a backstage and reaps profits.Relying on his own talent, he imprisoned the young patriarch, took all the rights of the adult religion into his own hands, and essentially ruled the magician army of the adult religion.

In fact, when he heard that the Roman Orthodox Church was going to impose sanctions on Academy City, he was going to intervene secretly, but he didn't know the specific means of Academy City, so he would temporarily observe until the resistance of Academy City was interrupted by the Roman Orthodox Church. It was only at the time when the "[-]" three parties were used to divide the interests of Academy City.

However, that evening, the Supreme Bishop of Puritanism contacted him with bad news.

"What? Sasha Kreutzev has determined that she betrayed the adult religion and transferred to Academy City? How is this possible? The words spoken by the leaders of the Puritans must not be mixed with lies."

In the office of the Cathedral of the Savior, Nikolai, who was sitting grandly in the position of the patriarch, said with a frown and a little gloomy tone.

The red wine glass that was swaying in his hand was put back on the desk heavily, and the red wine spilled wet the official document aimed at the barcode of Academy City.

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