"About the religious world, do you think I'll make fun of you? Bishop Nikolai, you can send spies to investigate Sasha. If you don't handle it well, it may suffer a reputational blow for the adult religion. "

A sweet female voice with odd tones came from an old vintage rotary telephone.

"Archbishop Lola, how did you learn about Sasha Chloe's betrayal of the church, I'm very concerned about this, besides, it's not the only thing that the Puritans contacted me at this time, right? It's crossing the line." Nicola frowned, her sight gradually becoming dangerous.

The church has long been dissatisfied with his behavior of imprisoning the patriarch, and there are even branch bishops who have openly disobeyed him. If news of the betrayal of the members of the "White Book of Annihilation" spreads, the dissatisfaction with him will deepen, and even worse. This black pot will be on his head.

There are even bishops who are secretly contacting the patriarch and want to help him regain power, which has made him intolerable, and some bishops have even colluded with the Roman Orthodox Church and the British Puritanism.

The Supreme Archbishop of the Puritan Church, Laura Stewart, is not a kind character in itself. It can be said that she is beautiful on the outside and full of bad water in her heart. How this woman became the Supreme Bishop in the first place is still an anecdote, but she can sit comfortably. The guy who has been in the top bishop position for decades is not a good communicator.

"Bishop Nikolai, you must also know that the British royal family asked us to negotiate with Academy City a long time ago. At that time, we left our eyeliner in Academy City, and it is not surprising that we can understand what happened in Academy City. , but don't you want to know why the crusade that assembled the "Right Seat of God" and the three hundred Annihilation Order failed? The reason?"

Laura in St. George's Cathedral half-squinted her eyes, and the corner of her mouth showed a fox-like smile. This old guy is a bit useless if he wants to take the bait, but what the little master explained is still to be done.

"What happened in Academy City! So what is Bishop Lola's opinion?" Nikolai was attracted, and now everyone is very concerned about this stop in Academy City, and knows Academy City best among the three major religions. There is only Puritanism.

"Stop, isn't it too shameless to want to exchange information without corresponding efforts? Of course, I can give you a discount if it is Bishop Nikolai."

Lola said with a smile, the secrets that are said directly are not secrets. The best way to avoid being suspected is to make those who want to know pay a painful price.

What you get at a great price, even if it is false, will be strong enough to believe that it is true.Inducing people's hearts, manipulating human feelings, and grasping the weaknesses of human nature are what she is best at.

"So what does Bishop Laura want from me?"

"Open access to the entire territory of Russia to the Puritans, and must not prevent any member of the Puritanism from interfering with any activities outside of Russia's education and state power." Laura lion said his thoughts.

"Impossible! What's the difference between this and the Puritans directly living in the whole of Russia, tell me a few conditions that I can accept..." Nikolai roared at the phone and refused, the Puritans How dare the female fox dare to speak like a lion.

"Don't be so excited, we can talk slowly, there are no bad deals in this world, right?" Laura smiled very calmly, as if she was not the one who just made the conditions.

After abolishing the power of Lola, the Puritans can enter the country at will, but an agreement was reached on the premise that the event needs to be informed of the adult religion.

Lola sighed faintly. This can be considered to make up for the royal family. She is filling in the pit of losing the list of forbidden books. She was criticized by the royal family and made Chengjiao sign these conditions. It can give some help to the royal family, which is devastated by the pressure of the Roman Orthodox Church.

"The crusade in Academy City is quite exciting. If you want to finish talking, you will have to chat for several hours, so I will keep it short."

"Bishop Nikolai, what level of energy do you think you need to reach to severely damage the "Right Seat of God"? "Lola said with a half-smile.

"You mean, Angel?" Nikolai asked with a solemn expression.

"The response is really fast, as expected of the person who actually controls the adult religion." Laura teased with deep meaning.

"Now is not the time to criticize me, and this is the internal affairs of my adult education. However, at the angel level, does Bishop Lola want to say that Academy City has mastered the technology of summoning angels?" 1.7 The color is gradually gloomy, and he is most taboo to be said by other sects about his improper position.

"I need to make a correction. Academy City has not mastered the technology of summoning angels, but the technology of creating angel-level combat superpowers. There is a long gap between the two."

Laura's tone became serious, and even she was very surprised when she knew about it.

"What did you say? The technique of making angels, Bishop Lola, are you sure you're not kidding me?"

"I never joke about this kind of thing. If I don't believe it, I think Bishop Nikolai will be very convinced when his head is taken off by an angel-level capable person soon." Laura said half-jokingly.

[In other words, the [*]-word reminder really wants to drain me, so I can only do my best].

Chapter [*]: Lola's plan

"Of course, you can also contact the higher-ups of the Roman Orthodox Church, and you may be closed."

Nikolai frowned, the other party's tone made him irritable, and the other party would not necessarily lie in exchange for news with strong conditions for Puritanism. so stupid.

"I accept this news, thank you for contacting me specifically."

He hung up the contact angrily. He didn't fully believe what Laura said. Of course, [*]% of the information was true, but he didn't understand the motives of that sinister woman as always. He had a vision before, so it was impossible to tell him the news so kindly.

As we all know, the Puritans cooperated with Academy City more than ten years ago. Although they broke up in the end, they have always been in touch.Even if the Puritan Academy City joined forces with him, he would not be surprised.

From what it looked like, the woman who was as insidious as ever was trying to use him as a gunman.

"Academy City 28 is hidden so deeply, a superhuman with angel-level combat power, it's really tricky, I'm afraid that if the magic side doesn't act, the science side will overtake the magic side. !"

Nicola irritably swept the pile of documents on the desk to the ground, and looked out of the snow-falling window with her hands behind her back.

Today's magic side is led by the religious world. Although there are three major sects in name, the status of adult sects has always been embarrassing. Whether it is influence or high-end combat power, it is the weakest.

Not long ago, the leader of the "Right Seat of God" of the Roman Orthodox Church, You Fangzhi, met with him, and the other side supported him to take the position of patriarch, but the adult religion must fully cooperate with his actions in the future, even though the other side's behavior is against him. Crusaders are simply an insult to the faith.

But how could he have given up so easily when he finally climbed to this position, but he also knew that after the Roman Orthodox Church declared war on Academy City, it would definitely lead to the Third World War, and the weakest Orthodox Church would have an incomparable position at that time. Embarrassing, it is very likely that the first one will be destroyed.

"Right Fire and Laura Stuart seem to be planning something. Academy City's angel-level combat power! There's no way out."

Nikolai pondered, he hadn't been in this position for a long time, but he didn't want to be finished so soon.

Compared with the Puritanism restricted to the royal family of the United Kingdom of Ireland and the United Kingdom, he has to feel that the Roman Orthodox Church is more sincere, so he can only put down his posture and cooperate with the Roman Orthodox Church.

He also knew that by doing this, Chengjiao would give up his share of the next Cold War and follow Big Brother. He might not even be able to drink soup, but at least he would not be in a passive state.

"It's really helpless, I finally passed the news."

Laura yawned lazily and silently knelt in front of the statue of Heavenly Father and prayed. Although she knew that Heavenly Father had been replaced, she still had to show it to the diligent believers on the surface, so as not to be caught by that group again. The old stubborn seized the handle and impeached where the Queen was. Those old guys should not be caught by this lady, otherwise they would be the first to be tied to a cross and sunk to the Thames.

At this moment, the door of the church was violently pushed open, and hurried footsteps came, which startled Laura. She looked over and complained angrily after seeing who was coming.

"It turned out to be Steele. Being so rude at St. George's Cathedral is a blasphemy to the Father. If you are caught by those old guys, you will be tied to a cross and sunk into the Thames."

"Supreme Bishop, I'm sorry that I'm not a polite and traditional gentleman. Before criticizing me, please tell me, are you really serious about this document?"

Stiyl Magnus, holding a document, stood in front of Laura in a dignified manner, clenching his cigarette butt's teeth to express his anger now.

As a member of Puritanism, Stile's current behavior is simply unbelievable in the eyes of other denominations, but in the eyes of Puritanism, it is just a very common little joke.After all, their supreme bishop is so approachable and indifferent. Of course, it would be better if he restrained his black-bellied and vicious tone.

"Ala! Before questioning me, please organize your appearance first. If someone sees me and talks about my lax teaching, especially the Queen is someone who likes to tell me the truth, and this aspect is the most important thing, really of."

Looking at the shameless and unrestrained blonde woman in front of him, Stier was so angry that he was about to chew the butts of his cigarette and swallowed, and then he forced himself to calm down and said, "Please put away your malicious, cute, and non-standard tone, even if you want to learn those tones. Please also find a professional teacher, in addition, your every move affects the whole world, this point and the paper of the Academy City Alliance, are you sure you want to sign your name?"

"Is this something that makes a prudent child reckless? It's not enough exercise for you, Stiyl." Laura pursed her lips in dissatisfaction.

Seeing that 887 Lola didn't talk about the business for a long time, Stiyl couldn't bear to use the flame magic and grabbed it in her hand, and said angrily.

"Speak quickly!"

"Hey! It's really lacking strength." Laura shook her head regretfully. She ruined the child's play so easily, and said after thinking about it.

"The matter with the Academy City Alliance is not my proposal. I'm just the executor. This is the idea of ​​the royal family. If you want to blame, go to Her Majesty and complain."

"Her Majesty!" Stilton turned off the flames and put away the documents and asked.

"Why did Her Majesty choose to cooperate with Academy City? I really can't think of a reason. Didn't the royal family break up with Academy City more than ten years ago? And they destroyed the research facilities in the country."

"You have misunderstood the royal family. In those days, some people made their own decisions, and it had nothing to do with the royal family. The children really thought about the negotiation between countries too simple. Now it seems very peaceful, but you know that Rome is instigating most of the countries in Western Europe. Are you putting pressure on the royal family since last month? So you have to find a reliable ally at this time."

Steele's mouth twitched: "Reliable ally? So I found Academy City, do you know what this means?".

Chapter [*]: It's time for you to give

"Stiyl, are you worried that Academy City will learn our technology? You don't have to worry. It's a well-known fact that people with abilities can't learn magic." Laura said indifferently.

"This is not necessarily the case. The director of Academy City is not only a superpower but also a saint. Can you guarantee that Academy City has not mastered the technology of integrating science and magic? What's more, the "Forbidden Book List" is so important to clear The teaching cards have all fallen into the opponent's hands, Sa, Bishop, tell me, is this a mistake caused by your own cleverness, Sa, tell me, you old witch. "

Steele's brows jumped wildly, no matter what angle this woman with a bad stomach was fooling me, she roared loudly and with a cold face.

After Index was sent away, this old witch's series of operations simply refreshed her lower limit. I don't know what happened to fight against the rebellious saint.

Before, the pure saint who was finally left behind by the Puritans to take care of Index, well, this seems to be no problem, but in fact, it is to send a woman to the rebellious saint. This is obvious to anyone with eyesight. .

What is the purpose of this old witch, if I don't ask clearly today, he even helps her count the money after being sold.

"It's rude, Stiyl, you haven't learned anything about the upbringing of the nobles."

A big tic-tac-toe appears on Lola's forehead, indicating that she is angry now.

"I was still thinking about who to negotiate with Academy City, but now it's up to you. There's no room for refutation. If you mess up, the Queen will criticize it and let you take the blame."

"You wanted me to go, you old witch."

Stier pouted. He was used to this woman's usual methods. He had already taken a lot of blame, anyway, so he might as well take advantage of this time to ridicule him and vent his anger.

"Speaking of which, what are you trying to do, lose Index, send money to Academy City and send women, and lick your ass to Academy City in a low voice, Archbishop, you are really beautiful, you are really not afraid of being caught Is the Queen dismissed and investigated? Then I was honored to eat for several decades in prison, oh! You are already the age of your grandmother, and it is estimated that you will go to see the heavenly father within a few years of prison. "."

Steele spit out a smoke ring with a cigarette on his face, and his face was full of sarcasm. Although the Puritans had autonomy in the country, they still had to belong to the royal family and serve the royal power. If this female fox messed up, it might give the entire Qing Dynasty. Teach to wear small shoes.

And the Supreme Bishop is only for "the Queen to manage religious affairs because of the busy business". The actual leader of Puritanism is subordinate to the Queen, so even if the Queen attacks the Supreme Bishop, it has to suffer.

"The Stier Puritanism has recently developed a criminal law against bad breath. I don't want you to be the first victim."

Laura got angry at being called an old woman one after another, it's really hard to teach a stinky child, and then she patted her chest happily.

"But your expectations have failed. Her Majesty is tolerant and open-minded. After learning that Academy City has mass-produced angel-level combat power, she resolutely approved my approach, and gave me full authority to deal with it, that is, to send you to the school. The Queen of Garden City Slices will also turn a blind eye."

Steele's cheeks were stiff, and he stared blankly at this woman who not only pretended to be tender but also spoke poisonous words. He did not deny that this woman dared to do this, and then he was stunned.

"Mass production of angel-level combat power? How is it possible!"

"I'm not lying~ Level 5 has already given you a painful scar!" Laura said with half-squinted eyes.

"Cut! I was just caught off guard." Steele said disdainfully, his cheeks twitching, this woman likes to tear open his scars and appreciate it repeatedly. It is undeniable that he can't beat level 5.

"Then you don't know how powerful Level 6 is. It's probably more than 5 times stronger than Level [*]. Now that Academy City has mastered this kind of technology, of course Her Majesty can't turn a blind eye."

"Even if the Queen is worried about the pressure of Western European countries, there is no need to unite Academy City. You must know that there is a national-level great magic on the soil of Britain. The Queen is equal to the archangel on this land, and the knights are the angels. "Steer still doesn't understand the significance of doing this, the royal family is invincible in this piece of British land, and even if all countries are targeted, they will not dare to step into this land.

"Children are really short-sighted. It is not as simple as playing a family between countries. If the entire Western Europe targets this land, we will have no problem, but the people will lose their jobs and starve to death. The economy will return to the era of isolation and isolation. At that time, the anger of the people will even disturb the royal family."

Steele was speechless, he had never thought about this issue, and the look in Lola's eyes was not so ironic.

"¨" What's more, there are demon gods in Academy City. Since they can't afford to offend them, they should try their best to win the relationship. "Lola sighed and said, and there is not only one demon god, although the little master is not that high yet, but he also has such a strong strength, which Cthulhu mythological demon god is there.

"What? There are demons, aren't you joking? Why have I never heard of it." Stiles half-squinted his eyes and asked suspiciously.

"No, this little fish still wants to know the existence of the devil."

Laura looked at Stile with contempt, making Stile's cheeks twitch, well, he really doesn't deserve to know.

"You didn't lie to me? Since there is a Demon God in Academy City, and you asked me to negotiate, you really didn't feel at ease." Stier's face turned green.

"Didn't you swear in front of the (Qian Qian Zhao) Godfather statue to give everything for the development of religion. Now is the time for you to give." Lola said with a kind smile, like a wily female fox.

Stiyl shuddered, Demon God! He was already horrified when he heard the word, and he had to let him go, such a vicious woman.

He didn't think it was false about Lola's news, because the whole of Britain knew that the Supreme Bishop was strong, and that she had reached this position by her own strength. It is not surprising to know that the devil exists.


At the same time, in a hospital in Tokyo Bay funded by the Roman Orthodox Church, the wind in front and the water in the back are undergoing body repair.

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