"Hey! It's really bad to be beaten. It's a great fate for you to survive."

Wearing a scarlet suit and casually opening the neckline, the man exuding a strong breath looked at the two and said. .

Chapter [*]: The Plan of the Fantasy Killer

"You go down."

"It's Lord Right." The old director of the hospital respectfully responded to the man in front of him, and then carefully exited the treatment room. After going out, the whole person broke out in a cold sweat.

"Then talk about it, what have you encountered? How far can the angels made with science reach."

The fire on the right took out a cross-shaped spiritual equipment and stuck it on the foreheads of the wind in front and the water in the back, and the two instantly woke up.

"Right Fire! What are you doing?" The wind in front glared at him with a ferocious expression, her bad attitude made her look like a wounded wild dog, ready to bite at any time.

"Don't worry, I'm just looking for what I want, it won't do you any harm, but I don't know if it will affect your memory. After all, I won't use these ordinary magics, hehe."

The fire on the right chuckled and took the cross from the foreheads of the wind in front and the water in the back.

"You bastard, how can you fix it?" The wind in front of him blurted out.

"It's really tragic, not only has the "Divine Retribution Technique" been cracked, but even the "Angel Power" has been broken up? Well!You can't be at the right seat of God like this, so take care of your injuries, maybe you will find a church for the elderly in the future. "The fire on the right side laughed teasingly.

"Haha, my mother 887 doesn't need you to be pitiful, go as far as you can."

"It's not right for an injured dog to bite, but I would like to thank you for finding out some information about Academy City."

Right Fang Zhihuo finished speaking, turned and left, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, he had already got what he wanted, and he had also figured out the bottom of Academy City, although he never took Academy City in his eyes.

With the technology of manipulating the power of angels, I have long discovered that Academy City is full of energy similar to the power of angels, and it does a good job.

In addition, the superpowers who control the "angel-like power" are the so-called "absolute powers"? They can reach the level of the lowest angel, but no matter how much this kind of garbage, it won't do me any favors.

But...a boy who can eliminate the power of dissent! Hehe, the magic right hand, I'll say it! The world can't find this thing, and in the end, it's hidden in Academy City.

He has been looking for the "Fantasy Killer", the ultimate exorcism spirit outfit that existed in the last century. Although it was broken in the chaos of "Golden Dawn", the arm of the Holy Crusader will be in the "Heavenly Aspect". It will be passed down through inheritance and will appear in a certain era in the future.

I just didn't expect that the way it would appear would be a human arm, "Kamijo Touma", the god of pure demons! So that's because the name overlaps with the meaning of "Fantasy Killer"? It's seven billionths A coincidence.

"I have to arrange it properly. In addition, to correct the four elements, I still need to use the "Forbidden Book Catalog", let's put pressure on Britain. "

The fire on the right left Tokyo Bay under the respectful escort of the dean.

When the Puritans made the "Forbidden Book Catalog", they read the "Magic Books" all over the world. After reading, all the Magic Books were sealed in the Roman Orthodox library according to the agreement, and no one except the nuns and monks who were in charge were allowed to approach them.

However, in order to prevent the betrayal of the "Forbidden Book List" or the use of evil magicians, two "controlling spirits" were made. Originally, the Roman Orthodox Church and the Puritan Church each held one, but the British royal family sealed all magic books in the store. The Roman Orthodox Church took both for the reason.Puritans and the royal family each held one.

Academy City, District [*], a certain hospital, a spiky head with a bandage all over his body sneezed heavily.

"Did I have an unlucky cold on the hospital bed? It's so unlucky. Although it has always been so unlucky, it feels like Kamijou-san's worst day in more than ten years recently."

But fortunately, the disciplinary committee girl who was rescued by him bought fruit to visit him. (cibh)

"Hahaha, you are really lucky meow, you can survive under the beatings of so many people. Although you are usually unlucky, your life is still very hard."

"Where did you guy go at that time, I almost died, almost died."

"Speaking of which, who sent you to the hospital, Ah Shang?"

"Who brought me to the hospital?"

Kamijou Touma instantly thought of what happened before he fell into a coma. He remembered a big yellow dog talking to him in an uncle's tone! And he also saw a dog's foot stepping on his face.

"Ahem, boy, Huang Mao, it was my old dog who sent him to the hospital, otherwise he would be in trouble!"

At this time, the only one of Kihara and the big yellow dog, Kihara, opened the ward and walked in.

"You, you..." Tuyumen Yuanchun saw the golden dog's pupils shrink for a moment, and then said solemnly: "Can we go outside and say a few words."

"That's right, Mr. Dog saved me! Dogs can talk, so what is this..." Kamijou Touma felt that his worldview collapsed.

"Yo Sao Nian, I'll tell you something later."

Kihara Naogan and Tsuchimikado Yuanchun walked out of the ward, Kihara only looked at Kamijou Touma indifferently, making Kamijou Touma a little embarrassed.

"do we know each other?"

He knew that he was involved in something a month ago and lost his memory. He didn't know anyone from the past, and he even forgot who his parents looked like.

"Know, Kamijou Touma, a very important person in the plan." Kihara Yuki said flatly.

"Plan? A very important person..." and a series of words made Kamijou Touma feel that he was involved in something dangerous again.


"Do you want Kamijou Touma to be involved in the war on the magic side again? This time it is not a simple reconciliation. It is completely irreversible. Kamijou is completely ordinary except for his right hand. kill him."

Tuyumen Yuanchun looked at the smoking golden dog coldly. This dog was far higher than the director in the position arranged by the chairman. Although he didn't know what was going on, it must be very important.

Aleister Crowley, no, Edward Alexander, is this man continuing the madness of the twentieth century? If so, the magic side really can't calm down.

"Hey, Huang Mao, this is not something I can tell you, your dog. If you can ask it from Aleister, it will be your ability, but Aleister will not let Kamijou Touma have an accident. He is one of the most important trump cards.”.

Chapter [*]: Aleister has never compromised

"One of the most important cards! If Aleister's purpose is that, I don't think Fantasy Killer can do that. Fundamentally, Fantasy Killer is just a self-made spirit made by the arms of the Holy Crusaders. Just pretend."

Tsuchimikado Yuanchun stared coldly at the golden dog and said with anger. In the end, he completely misunderstood the purpose of Aleister, thinking that as long as the peace between the science side and the magic side is maintained, I didn't expect that at the beginning I thought it was wrong.

"I'm an old dog who doesn't know these things. I can do whatever Chairman Aleister asks me to do. Can you still resist him? The double agent on the magical side." The Golden Dog mocked with disdain.

"Okay, that's enough to say so much. However, there is another person who has the same purpose as Aleister, and even Aleister has to compromise."

"There's one more person? Could it be that Aleister still has allies in this situation?" Tsuchimikado Motoharu's face instantly became solemn.

"Hey, the director named Ye Fei is much more crazy than Aleister. Although he is not interested in Fantasy Killer, sometimes Aleister will change how to use Fantasy Killer because of his decision. You should talk to that person first. Dangerous guy - let's talk."

Tuyumen Yuanchun wanted to ask something else, but was dismissed by Kihara's brain stem. It was enough to talk so much with this two-faced spy.

The golden dog approached the ward wagging its tail, leaving Tuyumen Yuanchun with a solemn expression, and slowly left the hospital with his hands in his trouser pockets.

"The biggest mystery of Academy City is not Aleister. I have noticed this for a long time. It is Ye Fei who climbed from a student to the director position in just one semester."

"It's really amazing. After investigating for so long, there is still no result. The orphan who was abandoned in Academy City, this is definitely not your true identity."

Tuyumen Yuanchun, the investigation data shocked even himself, first became level 5, and then it was revealed that it was a saint's physique, even if it might have been a hidden saint's physique, but just a superpower and a saint's physique is very impressive suspicious.

Since he became level 5, what he has done is simple, defeating Accelerator, robbing the "banned book catalog", cracking the "automatic secretary", becoming a director, and finally using "mind control" to control all directors to become The apparent controller of Academy City, it is said that [*]% of Academy City's latest technology comes from his team.

I have to thank him for eliminating the dark side of Academy City. Judging from the speculation so far, his purpose is the same as Aleister, to deal with the demon gods who are no longer in this world?

Crazy, completely crazy, Aleister can still understand his behavior, but what reason does Ye Fei have to do such a crazy thing.

"The world can no longer be completely calm." Tuyumen Yuanchun looked at the hospital behind him with a stern face and turned to leave.

The war between the science side and the magic side is inevitable, and the European side has been targeted in various aspects due to the cooperation between the British Puritanism and Academy City.

Academy City seems to be peaceful now, but this is the peace before the war, and after the peace there will be an unprecedented storm.

Aleister's direct troops and organizations received orders from Aleister after the invasion of Academy City ended.

Aleister hangs upside down in the glass jar calmly, a large number of projection screens appear in front of him, and countless data are being calculated.

"The Hound Troop obeys orders, and the stagnant loop information network has accelerated to spread to the entire Tokyo area. Multiple encryptions are carried out. Academy City's Anbu channel network is encrypted and expanded, and the manpower needs to be increased."

"This is Kihara, understand, execute it now." The male voice came through the loudspeaker.

"By comprehensively analyzing the data that Kamijou Touma's operation and the activated aim diffusion position cancel each other out, we can obtain the quality and quantity of the right hand." Aleister said flatly.

Several state-of-the-art computers are arranged in this building, and the amount of calculation data for each one is thousands of times that of the "treemap designer". This is made by getting up early to catch the power of science and magic. This is also the reason why this place is used as the core of the operation of Academy City.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????????

"At the center point, the regular number of continuous idle speed operation was confirmed. The center point is 0, and the stability level is maintained at level 3."

"The name of the specimen (fantasy killer) has an influence rate of 98% on the plan, and it is being carried out in an orderly manner."

The corner of Aleister's mouth raised, he was revising all plans when the variables first appeared, but the final result would not change, he never trusted Ye Fei from beginning to end.

His purpose was to make the demon god fall, and Ye Fei's goal was to regain the demon god. Their process did not conflict, but the result conflicted, and now they just need to wait for the result to come.


The devil is bound to fall, and even if he is killed by Ye Fei in the end, it cannot stop his plan. Can the eyes that see through the future be able to see through the future with the same but different results? This is still up for debate.

It has been almost two months since the invasion of Academy City ended, and nothing else happened in these two months, probably because the whole world fell into a rare period of calm after a time that shocked the world.

There are still two weeks left for this summer vacation to come to an end.

In the past two months, nothing special has happened other than daily activities, and Academy City has been completely under his control.

If something really happened, he probably forgot the "props" agreement, because after waiting for a month, Mai Ye Shenli couldn't get in touch, so she came to the door angrily, although she was trembling when she saw him It's like seeing a cat and a mouse.

Since she is so scared, she still wants to face me in a rage. Although she succeeded in making her a level 6, although she is only 32% of the absolute ability, she is also nearly a thousand times stronger for her. She thinks that I am level 6.

However, the recent news that the "Cosmic Elevator" is about to be completed has attracted Ye Fei's attention. If I remember correctly, which undead girl was going to do something wrong.Several.

Chapter [*]: The Immortal Girl

"The twenty-third school district, the Endymion Cosmic Elevator, will be completed in the near future, and everyone is welcome to come and visit."

"The Endymion Space Elevator was invested and constructed by American Airlines (Star Orbit Gate), which leads directly to the stratospheric space. The space shuttle is set up at the top to fly to airports around the world. Today's aviation..."

Nearly ten minutes at noon, the cafeteria in the seventh school district, where Misaka Mikoto, Satian Leiko, lazy Shirai Kuroko and Uiharu Shiri, and Ye Fei, who had nothing to do, occupied the corner by the window.The LCD TV on the wall broadcasts the news that the iconic building of Academy City is about to be completed.

"By the way, it has been more than three years since Endymion started construction. It has been under construction since I was in the fourth grade of elementary school. Now I can finally visit it. It is said that I can go directly to "Eight Eight Seven" in the universe. Time, it's not good for us to go and see together then." Chuchun Shili said with sparkling eyes.

"I heard that I need to receive an invitation ticket to visit. I don't know if I can grab it by then. It seems that there are only more than [*] places, and the concert is still held on the top floor of Endymion. It is said that it is very popular recently. singer."

Misaka Mikoto looked at the LCD TV and said curiously, although she didn't care much about this, she was still a little curious.

"It's such a pity." Chuchun Shili lowered her head in disappointment.

"Hehe! That singer is called Minghu Alisha. Her singing voice is very good, and she has extraordinary magic power, which can instantly relieve the irritable mood. She herself claims that this is a miracle of singing. Do you think it will be? Does it really have magical powers?" Satian Leiko asked with a gossip expression, she was very interested in urban legends, especially those related to mystery.

"It shouldn't be so magical. The singing will make people happy under a certain audio frequency. Saten should not imagine that there is such a magical singing." Uiharu Shiri shook his head.

Saten Leiko was not convinced: "Maybe it is really a magical singing voice, and Naruto Alyssa is a very mysterious singer~. Maybe it has something to do with angels or something."

"This is too exaggerated. Saten is always suspicious. If something terrifying like an angel is in Academy City, the whole Academy City will be doomed. Things that science can't explain..." Kuroko Shirai said weakly, since knowing that There is also a world other than science. She feels that science can't explain it, so she goes to magic, and she herself is suspicious.

"Let's talk about these topics when the time is right, but, after all, isn't the Discipline Committee very busy these days? Is it really okay for you to skip work like this?"

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