Misaka Mikoto said while biting the cake, Academy City was invaded by magic two months ago, which caused the guards and the discipline committee to be very busy.

Because a large number of facilities were damaged and then repaired, the start of the school was delayed by two weeks. This is indeed good news, but it is a torment for the discipline committee, because the discipline committee needs to assist the repair professionals to maintain it. law and order.

"It doesn't matter, the main job is for the guards who are almost completely paralyzed, and the Discipline Committee is only responsible for some inconspicuous little things, so we are completely relaxed, you are right, Chuchun!"

Shirai Kuroko said with a smile, casting a stern gaze towards Uiharu Shiri.

Uiharu Shiri, who was under threat, was shaking all over, trembling and shouting like a little squirrel.

"Yes, the 177 branch basically doesn't need our help, so Sister Gufa gave us permission to rest."

"Is that so?" Misaka Mikoto was stunned for a moment, then shrugged, Gufa Meiwei, who she knew, was a very serious and reliable older sister. She said that if it's okay, it should be okay.

"Yes, that's it, haha, haha!" Chuchun Shili scratched her head and smiled awkwardly. In fact, Gufa-senpai only said that she would take a break for half an hour. She didn't say that they should go to the buffet. I know how to explain it to Sister Gufa.

"Chuharu, you became level 5 and was bullied by Shirai Kuroko. That's not good, sometimes you have to be tougher." Ye Fei said jokingly when he saw Shirai Kuroko and Uiharu's Libby wink.

"Hey, don't ruin the relationship between me and Chuchun. Don't think that you are the director, so I don't dare to scold you." Shirai Kuroko's mouth twitched slightly, looking at Ye Fei badly...  

"Just scold me? I've become a lot more sensible." Ye Fei shrugged.

"Senior Ye Fei, don't make fun of Shirai," Chuchun said with shame.

The relationship between Shirai-san and Ye Fei-senpai is very delicate. Everyone knows that it has something to do with Misaka-senpai, so the relationship between the two is basically hostile. It’s just because Ye Fei-senpai is very powerful, and he is still the top of Academy City. The big man made Shirai very uncomfortable, so he could only say a few words, but it seemed that he couldn't say anything about Ye Fei.

"Hey, Ye Fei-senpai, the director should have a lot of power, right, woo! I don't mean to interfere with the senior, that's it, can I cheat a little and get Endymion's concert invitation?"

Zuotian Leiko, who was sucking in the cold drink, suddenly thought of something, then looked at Ye Fei and realized something, her eyes lit up, and her hands clasped together in a plea.

"Saten, cheating is so unfair to those who are serious about drawing lots." Misaka Mikoto said with a raised eyebrow.

"But it's a pity to miss it, and Senior Ye Fei has also heard her song, it's super hot!" Zuotian Leiko looked at Ye Fei expectantly.

"Uh! I'm sorry, although I've been very busy recently, I really haven't paid attention to this aspect." Ye Fei spread his hands and said helplessly. Although he was very idle during this time, he hadn't paid attention to entertainment for a long time. Now, he feels that he is going to be disconnected from the student 1.7 life.

And Mr. Xiaomeng said that the last cram school is coming to an end. If he didn't finish his homework before the start of the school, he must give him extra lessons after the start of school. Well, in fact, he forgot the homework. Well, when the time comes, let Yuriko Lingke be this Xueba do a favor, anyway, she is very idle, and she has become a house girl by playing games.

"That's true! Senior Ye Fei's work is very busy!" Satian Leiko stuck out her tongue.

"However, although this is not a project invested by Academy City, I can communicate with the president of "Gate of Star Trails". Ye Fei said with a smile, a ray of light flashed in his eyes, he is also very interested in the girl who is immortal and wants to die.

The potion of immortality, there is no way to make this thing in the [*] magic books. .

Chapter [*]: Can destroy half of the earth

I don't know how the potion is made. It belongs to the unrecorded magic potion. There are no magic books of immortality. On the contrary, there are many. Basically, no magic books have magic about longevity or immortality, but they all belong to Forbidden magic, [*]% will bear the curse when gaining immortality.

For example, there is a ritual about blaspheming God, that is, him, being cursed by God and becoming a dark creature to gain immortality. Dark creatures are vampires.

"Very good, thank you Senior Ye Fei, of course I won't let Senior Ye Fei work in vain." Zuotian Leiko said happily.

"Want to prepare a present for me?"

"Yeah! However, I don't know what gift to prepare for the senior." Zuotian Leizi stuck out his tongue, what should senior Ye Fei give?It seems that the baseball glove I gave last time has never been used by Senior Ye Fei. That’s true. Senior Ye Fei’s work is so busy, how could he have a friend to play with? But then again, Senior Ye Fei’s friends seem to be all girls. I didn't see any boys.

"Gifts are just thoughts. Even if you just send a mobile phone 28 pendant, it represents your thoughts, not based on how precious it is, but what it represents."

Ye Fei smiled and said, he really doesn't care much about gifts. Speaking of valuable things, the treasure house of the king contains [*]% of the treasures of the world's human beings from ancient times to the present. What do you want?He has even the gun of Longinus.

Speaking of which, he has two guns of Longinus, one is the ultimate assassination spiritual equipment in this world, and the other is an authentic artifact in another world. In terms of power, the artifact is naturally stronger.

When Quezal faced the water behind him, he lent her the spiritual equipment.

"Can we go together too? Senior?" Chuchun asked softly, her cheeks slightly shy, cheating is really a bit shy, but she still wants to go together.

"Of course you can go together, it's just a ticket. By the way, Mikoto will go too. Endymion looks down on the earth and it's a very nice view." Ye Fei looked at Mikoto who didn't seem to care much about this and said.

"Okay, I've been paying attention to the cosmic elevator for a long time. Academy City's technology has developed to such an amazing level. I really doubt that in a few years, Academy City will colonize Mars."

Misaka Mikoto looked out of the window curiously. From this position, you could see the space elevator in the twenty-third school district. Maybe you can see this building in the entire island country. I heard that it takes more than an hour to get there by the elevator. top.

"It's too exaggerated to colonize Mars. Humanity's current technology should not have reached that level. I estimate that it will take hundreds of years to develop." Saten Leiko blinked and said in disbelief.

"Will it continue to develop for several decades? I don't think it will take that long, maybe it will be possible to colonize Mars now." Shirai Kuroko stirred the soup with a spoon and looked at Ye Fei who was eating calmly, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

This guy is really annoying. It's just lunch at the same table with my elder sister. He also invited my elder sister to the concert, and he didn't invite me on purpose. Obviously, he has bad intentions. him!

Thinking like this in my heart, I was actually very depressed. This guy is too unreasonable, and he seems to be no different from the "God" in theory.

"Hey, what do you say, Shirai-san? Is it related to Ye Fei-senpai?"

Everyone noticed that Shirai Kuroko looked at Ye Fei and asked curiously.

"Obviously, isn't he a level 7 that doesn't exist in theory? There are so many black technologies, space battleships, space gate technologies, and those black technologies that can't be named. Isn't it easy to immigrate to Mars? "Said Kuroko Shirai with a natural expression.

"So, it seems really possible! I'm level 6 and I can control electricity halfway across the earth. Although I can't breathe in a vacuum, the sky ship of that blonde woman is said to be capable of short distance voyages." Misaka Mikoto was surprised.

"Stop! This topic ends here."

Ye Fei raised his brows and interrupted their imaginations. In fact, he can really colonize Mars. He can rely on the "Void Engine" to transform the environment and atmosphere of the entire planet, and even modify the gravitational parameters of the planet, but it is completely unnecessary. , in order to acquire a piece of land?

In fact, thousands of years ago, the magic side could rely on magic to immigrate to Mars, but they did not do that because of the trouble, and the earth's resources were enough for them, so there was no need to do it, and the magicians were all egoists, Act only for your own desires.

"Hey! Naruto Alyssa has released a new song, let's listen to it quickly, it's definitely better than all the songs you've heard before."

Saten Leiko looked at the phone, said in surprise, and then pointed the screen at everyone.

"Naruto Alyssa! Is that the girl?" Uiharu Shiri looked at the news on her phone and put it on the table and asked. 890

"That's right, that's right, it's her! A very popular singer, and she's still a student~ He's already a very powerful singer at the same age as us. This is talent."

Saten Leiko seems to have joined a cult and admires the girl in the photo very much.

"The message sent by Senior Sister Gufa just now, Minghu Alyssa performed a solo performance in the business district of the seventh school district, and now it has attracted a lot of audiences, and it happens to be the responsibility of the 177 branch, we don't seem to be able to continue. Enjoy." Chu Chun Shi Li San said with a smile.

"Saten's wish will come true."

"Really?" Zoten Leiko looked at the screen of Uiharu Shiri's phone in surprise, then stood up full of energy, clenched his fists and said, "Then let's hurry over there, if we miss it, it will be too late."

"Aren't you going to eat a little? I feel like eating half of it like this is a waste." Misaka Mikoto said hesitantly.

"That's right, so hurry up and empty the plate."

Ye Fei looked at the girl with pale pink hair in a dress and touched her chin. She was not an ordinary person, but a product of magic and will, but a super girl who could destroy half the earth.

Can't let this go. .

Chapter Three Hundred and Forty-Three: Judgment of Saints, Ninth

Stiyl Magnus was in a very bad mood today, the worst mood ever.

To be honest, he didn't understand what the Supreme Bishop was thinking at all. Even if the Puritans and Academy City reached an agreement, it was a conversation between the leaders. There was no need for him to come back again. Meet the director named Ye Fei.

In his opinion, being able to become a director of Academy City in such a short period of time, and also one of the most important people in Academy City, is no worse than the supreme bishop in terms of cunning and black heart.

Although the Supreme Bishop is black-bellied, he is also very tolerant and approachable to his subordinates, but the Director Ye Fei, to be honest, in his opinion, is a wolf who will bite at any time.

"There are demon gods in Academy City, and you have to let me negotiate, but which demon god is it? Didn't those existences leave this world before BC? Did they return again?"

In the corner of the seventh school district of Academy City, in a hotel, Stier carefully hid the contact magic in his monastic uniform, and then took the laptop out of the suitcase.

"If it's the return of the devil, Bishop Lola is understandable."

In Steele's eyes, Bishop Lola wanted to kneel and lick the demon god who was hiding in Academy City and controlled everything. There was nothing he could do. That was the demon god, the god of magic who could change the laws of the world at will.

But as the supreme bishop of the Crusaders kneeling and licking pagan gods, it is a shame for God.

"This thing is so troublesome. Good magic doesn't have to play with technology. Compared with that rebellious saint, you are the biggest heresy."

Stier fiddled with the laptop with difficulty. Although he had passed the processing of the technique, it could prevent anyone from eavesdropping, but he was a magician, and his scientific cognition remained in the age of steam, so fiddling was particularly laborious.

It's not that he is stupid, magicians are all fanatics of knowledge, and he is still a genius who created his own rune characters at the age of fourteen. He can be said to be the pinnacle of runes, but let him study science now, and also It's better to just kill him.

Stiyl slandered the Supreme Bishop's shameful behavior of kneeling and licking science. Even though he was the strongest magician in Britain, he introduced science and technology into the church, and the Queen also expressed her support. Do the Queen and the Supreme Bishop feel any sense of crisis?

After tossing for a long time and checking the manual several times, it finally turned on and contacted the Supreme Bishop's phone according to the steps.

An image of Lola's upper body appeared on the screen, and a resentful voice came.

"It's really incomprehensible to contact me at lunch. If I didn't enjoy a good lunch, I would make the old nuns accuse me of unintentional things, Mr. Magnus."

"I'm really sorry about that, Supreme Bishop, I'm on a mission now hungry, and this was sent privately by an executive authority."

Steele bared his teeth mercilessly, and then asked with a frown.

"Bishop Lola, you seem to have sent my apprentices to find me. What is the situation? They are just magic apprentices who haven't reached the level of apprenticeship."

Even though he was only a teenager, in fact, he was a mentor in Puritanism. The three apprentices are also very talented in magic, and they can officially graduate after a year.

However, the Supreme Bishop sent over the three apprentices who were now half-baked, which really made him puzzled.

"Since you want to serve me, of course, the master and the apprentice must be tied together. After all, you all say that I am a woman obsessed with power."

Looking at the woman who opened her mouth on the screen, Steele's cheeks twitched, and he said speechlessly: "You better not fool me, and this cold joke is not funny at all."

"..." Lola's expression froze, and she said with a disappointed expression: "I thought this joke was funny, what a boring man."

"Sorry, I only feel your deep malice."

"Okay, in fact, a girl suspected of being a saint appeared in Academy City. In the end, she was ranked ninth in terms of danger, so I need you to bring her back." Lola's expression suddenly became serious said.

"There are saints in Academy City again? You're not referring to the one called Ye Fei, right?" Stier frowned, feeling very stupid. How many saints are there in the world? Why are they in the base camp of science? It just so happened that there were two of them? This probability is not much higher than the conscience of the archbishop.

"Do you think I'd be so boring?"

"Did you pass by?"

"¨" The suspected saint who appeared this time was called "Naruto Eliza". In fact, the church noticed her a few years ago, but at that time she was just an ordinary girl and did not show anything special. But when she speaks, there will be a phenomenon called "miracle". Recently, this phenomenon has become bigger and bigger, and it can explode completely and destroy the northern hemisphere. "

"Now both the Roman Orthodox Church and the Orthodox Church have noticed her and she has been judged "nine". "

"The judgment is nine! A full-scale burst can destroy the northern hemisphere. This is too crotch. It is several ranks higher than Kanzaki, and even the water in the back is lower than her."

Stier's eyelids twitched wildly, what kind of evildoer is this, doesn't it mean that Kanzaki will be hanged and beaten by the opponent.

"She hasn't fully awakened yet. The Roman Orthodox Church and the Orthodox Church should take action, especially the Roman Orthodox Church. The last time they attacked the Academy City suffered heavy losses, so they were almost determined to win, but they did not dare to send someone in at this time (Ciannuo's) Academy City, so our Puritans have a better chance of getting her."

Laura said solemnly, for Puritanism, it was basically picking up a powerful saint for nothing.

"Actually, you just want to get this saint, so as to wash away the Queen's complaints against you. You really pushed me into the fire pit." Steele sarcastically said without hesitation, since he is such a strong saint, he Wouldn't it be a direct gift to someone to run over stupidly.

"Relax, that girl hasn't awakened yet and can't control her power at all, so she's just a little girl now, whether it's kidnapping her or coercing her, she must be brought back. If this is messed up, The Queen is going to criticize you again, Mr Magnus."

Steele's face is as black as coal. I'm going to take the blame again, right? I'm really afraid that one day I will be tied to a cross and sunk into the Thames. .

Chapter [*]: Idlers evade, three little witches

"How long will it take for those three idiots to get to Academy City?" Stiyl sighed, there was nothing he could do now, he could only bite the bullet, and ordinary magicians who had not awakened could also deal with them.

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