But I caught each other's students in Academy City, and I'm still a saint.If it were Academy City from half a year ago, they would probably agree, but now, with the Roman Orthodox Church going to war like this, it would be a joke if the other side wanted them to act.

The next thing to face is Academy City's blocking, and to take the saint back through the heavy defense net of Academy City.Thinking of this, Stier broke into a cold sweat, it's impossible, it's impossible, even if Academy City won't kill him because of his identity, the result will definitely not be very good, especially because the Supreme Bishop is going to kneel and lick him now. Academy City.

So, knowing that I can't take it away alone, I called three half-baked apprentices too. Isn't this adding to the trouble? He can't leave alone, and now he has to be distracted to take care of the three of them.

"Yeah! I figured it out because I should have arrived at Academy City already. They are on your next flight~ So hurry up and find them."

Laura blinked her eyes naively, counted her fingers and said.

890 "What?"

Steele's eyes widened, looking at the calm woman in front of her with her cheeks twitching, her heart pounded, wait a minute, doesn't my next flight arrive at Academy City half an hour later than me?

"Bad, broken!"

"You really like to find something to do for me, Supreme Bishop, you really should have been scolded by the Queen a few more times."

Steele said sarcastically without hesitation, Lao hurriedly closed the laptop, then hurriedly searched for the tracking spiritual outfit on his body, and hurriedly ran out of the hotel, the cross in his hand glowed brightly, pointing in a certain direction.

"They have already come to the seventh school district, which means that they have successfully entered Academy City, and they have come here. They are not going to arrest the saint without authorization, right? They will really cause trouble for me."

On the roof of the seventh school district, three girls in the costumes of British medieval witches jumped between the buildings.

In Britain, magic is popular, witches and knights are one of the indispensable cultures. This kind of clothing does not attract too much attention in Britain, but in the modern science and technology culture of Academy City, this kind of dress is very (cibh) Mavericks are basically invisible except in campus cultural performances and dress-up festivals.

"Marybeth, don't we really go to the master first? If we screw things up, we will be scolded by the archbishop."

The witch with short brown hair asked worriedly about the older girl with the witch's pointed hat.

"Don't worry, the archbishop just told us that the master is in Academy City, did he give us specific contact information, and said that the master will find us, then we will complete the task ahead of time, and the master will definitely praise us."

The witch with the blond pointed hat with a broom in her hand laughed and said, and then a compass-like spiritual outfit appeared in her hand.

"The pointer to detect sonic magic is pointing in that direction, and the saint has been found, hehe."

"Let's go this way? Although the other party hasn't awakened, what if there is a power we don't know...such as the strength of Kanzaki-san? After all, it is ranked ninth!" The petite witch blinked and asked.

"No problem, the information just said that the other party was an ordinary person before awakening. Even if she has strength we don't know, she can't use it. The power of a saint can't be mastered without special training, so let's grab it directly. She'll do it." Marybeth shook her hand in victory.

"Stop, found it."

The three witches fell from the roof to the corridor of the commercial street, and everyone was attracted.They are mistaken for the superpowers of the fashion show, no matter what power they use, they will not feel strange. What makes people strange is their dress, which is very unconventional.

"Wow! Is it a cos witch?"

"Did you also come to listen to Alicia's street singing?"

"It's amazing. Hundreds of people have gathered. Will the Discipline Committee and the Security Guard come to intervene?"

The three witches excitedly squeezed away the crowd watching the lively and squeezed to the innermost.The target is the pink girl who plays and sings, and her ethereal and pure voice made them stand up

The crowd also quickly quieted down, listening to the ethereal singing quietly.

"A good voice, but the voice is comparable to magic, and it is worthy of being a saint."

The five Ye Fei people who came here with space to move just happened to catch up.

"Space movement is really convenient, and it's there in an instant."

Satian Leiko looked at the crowd excitedly, and couldn't wait to stand on tiptoe, her ethereal singing calmed her down.

"It's really good, I didn't even notice it before." Misaka Mikoto was surprised, then closed her eyes and listened quietly, showing a relaxed expression.

"If my level also reaches level 5, I can also achieve this distance." Shirai Kuroko's attention was not on the singing at all. At this time, her resentment could not be calmed by the singing, and she muttered softly.


Ye Fei's attention was completely different from theirs. He noticed the three flowing magic powers, and looked at the three magicians who were sneakily drawing some symbols on the ground with crayons.

"This dress! Isn't it from the Puritan side? Is this a preparation for arrest?"

When Naruto Alyssa sings, it will cause some invisible phenomena. He felt it a long time ago. The religious side probably knew it a few years ago, and now they are ready to send people to arrest people.

However, these things happened before, and it is estimated that the Roman Orthodox Church would not dare to come.

"Coronzon is really brave. If you want to arrest people, you don't even say hello to me. I really need to clean up."

Ye Fei's expression was weird, and he also knew that Coronzon would definitely have a hard time dealing with the royal family after he was tricked by him before, so he was ready to please the royal family, but he would be unhappy if he didn't say hello.

"However, if you want to force Naruto Eliza to go to the magic side, this kind of behavior is not acceptable. How can a subordinate rob someone from the master?"

After the singing ended, warm applause broke out.

"Thank you everyone." Minghu Alyssa happily thanked everyone.

But in less than half a minute, the originally gathered crowd had dispersed one after another, which made Naruto Eliza puzzled.

"What's wrong? Did you just sing a song?"

I feel a little down. I didn't leave so quickly when I was performing on the street before. Didn't I sing well just now?

"Idlers disperse, the name of this magic, hehe, Minghu Eliza, right." The petite witch smiled and said to the doubtful girl. .

Chapter [*]: Tragedy Still Happened

"Idlers disperse? Although I don't understand what it means, thank you for listening to the end." Naruto Alyssa looked puzzled, then brightened her eyes and said happily.

"You're welcome, we don't have much time, so..."

The three little witches were just about to activate the magic to kidnap Naruto Alyssa, but a suspicious voice came from behind.

"Hey! What happened just now? There are so many people who are right, why have they all left. It seems that there is something strange."

Misaka Mikoto looked at the people watching the fun who had spread out. The surroundings became empty, and the passers-by who were walking here unknowingly changed their direction. This strange atmosphere made her very puzzled.

"Really, it's so strange! Could it be that this is the "boundary that cannot be crossed" in urban legends?"

Satian Leiko, who looked around strangely, instantly lit up, and was about to jump up with excitement. She didn't expect that she would be able to experience the feeling of urban legend for herself.

"The "boundary that cannot be crossed"? What kind of legend is this? "

Shirai Kuroko felt that the busy commercial street suddenly became so empty, and a bad feeling came up in his heart, and then looked at Naruto Alyssa and three girls with strange clothes. .

This costume... is very similar to the magician that Ye Fei said, could it be that these three guys did all this?

The vigilance of the Discipline Commissioner instantly stared at the three-girls.

"The "boundary that cannot be crossed" is that the lively area suddenly becomes empty, which is very unbelievable. It seems that all unrelated people have left tacitly. Although the discipline committee said that it was done by those with spiritual abilities, it is necessary to control So many people can only do it at level 5, so is it actually made by Shokuhou-senpai? But now it seems like a real urban legend. "

Saten Leiko said with bright eyes.

Minghu Aliza also noticed something was wrong, the surroundings were so quiet, it was as quiet as if everyone but these people had disappeared, she was a little scared, she picked up the electronic piano without hesitation and said with a dry smile: "I'm very sorry, now I'm going to prepare Leave, next, next time I will perform on the street."

"Why aren't these people affected? Let's do it, and then go to the master." The older witch felt that something was wrong with these people, and she waved the broom spirit outfit in her hand, chanting a spell in her mouth.

The water pipe buried in the ground suddenly burst, and a large amount of water propped up the ground to form water dragons, and finally gathered around Naihu Aliza. Naihu Alisha was stunned, and then she was shocked and didn't have time to shout out. The sound of water closed her mouth.

Misaka Mikoto and the others, who were still discussing, changed their expressions.

"What happened!"

"Hey, what are you doing?" Misaka Mikoto shot a beeping electric current towards the three little witches without hesitation.

The three little witches had a very tacit understanding. After Mary started, the short-haired witch Mary Beth instantly launched the spell, and the floor tiles on the ground quickly swelled to form a wall to block the lightning.

Academy City is full of superpowers who are no weaker than official magicians, and they are always ready to fight, although the archbishop said that even if they fought in Academy City because they cooperated with the Puritans, there would not be much of a problem.


"That kind of dress, and the ability to spread a position without aim, is it a magician? Yossi! These guys have come to Academy City again, are they planning to destroy again? This time can't be easily bypassed. past you."

When Misaka Mikoto saw this, a big tic-tac-toe appeared on her forehead. Since that incident, as long as the magician who invaded Academy City has been labeled as a terrorist by her, she now not only comes to Academy City to arrest people, but also has Destroyed the building.

With a rumbling sound, a dark cloud gathered in the atmosphere above, and a bolt of lightning struck the three little witches.

ten minutes later.

"Are they really magicians? They seem to be very weak, so can they invade Academy City?" Kuroko Shirai frowned slightly as she looked at the three girls kneeling on the ground and wondered in her heart that she was not without encounters. I have been to magicians, but those magicians are very tricky, and they are not weaker than those with great abilities.

These three magicians are probably the same kind of powerful people.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????????

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you guys were so weak, otherwise I wouldn't be so hard." Misaka Mikoto scratched her head with a smirk and sincerely apologized. A little power and that's it.

"Should we take them to the hospital first?" Uiharu Shiri said worriedly.

"Misaka-senpai, don't worry about it. Originally, they were going to kidnap Eliza."

Saten Leiko looked at Naruto Aliza with bright eyes, the breath of gossip was slowly brewing, why was Naruto Aliza kidnapped by the magician?Is it because the singing is so good?

"Thank you for saving me." Naruto Alyssa said gratefully. Although she was almost kidnapped just now, she didn't panic, and her eyes were full of playfulness and cuteness.


"You're welcome, why are you entangled with people on the magic side?" Misaka Mikoto said freely, and then asked curiously.

"Eh? Magic side? Although I don't know what's going on, I don't know very well." Naruto Alyssa shook her head in a very confused response.

Ye Fei sat on the chair he took out, and looked at the three little witches with bruised noses, bruised hair, and knelt on the floor. They had lost their ability to resist, and lowered their heads with a bewildered expression.

"Because Naruto Eliza is similar to a saint and has not awakened yet, after awakening, it is equivalent to a nuclear weapon on the magic side, equivalent to level 6, so now the magic side wants to kidnap him before he awakens, and then do some brainwashing What has become a religious force."

"Saint! Level 6, it turns out that Naruto Alyssa has such a terrifying potential, so these three are kidnappers, and they are going to be brainwashed. They are full of ten villains." Misaka Mikoto looked at the three girls with a serious expression, she used too much force before. The guilt disappeared instantly.

"Saint! Brainwashing?" Naruto Aliza was at a loss.

"That's not the case... We didn't plan to brainwash." Mary retorted.

Steele, who had just arrived here, looked at the situation with an expression like a dead mother, and the most unwilling thing happened.Several.

Chapter [*]: Fire Law, you need to pay a price of [*] million

The Seventh Pharmacy Research Center, Ye Fei's base camp, on the surface it looks like an ordinary building, but since entering the gate, Stier has been tense all over, and cold sweat is dripping down, just this The corridor that doesn't seem to be long, he has no doubt that as long as he makes a little move, he and three idiot apprentices will die here.

"That female fox, she probably didn't tell the Demon God hiding in Academy City that she might have something to do with the director of Ye Fei."

Stier swallowed his saliva, his cheeks stiffened, and his eyes glanced around. Everywhere on the entire wall had a super-advanced dangerous reaction. The whole building was like a religious-level magic that separates the feature space from the world, which is too exaggerated. Can the science side also make something of this level?

Thinking of this, "Eight Nine Three" trembled all over. The last time he was called by Chairman Aleister, it was similar to entering that windowless building, as if he was already in a different world, and he even had to doubt him. Can you get out of that building?

"Hey! Why does Senior Ye Fei feel that this place is very strange? It's not the same as before?" Satian Leiko asked curiously, blinking her eyes, feeling something different. She is now level 5, although it has not been announced. It came out, but it was level 5 without a doubt, so you could feel some creepy vibes.

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