When Leizi said this, everyone except Shirai Kuroko nodded.

"Indeed, this building looks strange, but I can't tell you anything strange. Is there something special?" Misaka Mikoto touched her chin with a curious look, and reached out to touch the wall. I do see the difference from a high-dimensional perspective, but I can't tell.

"It's not surprising. The materials of the entire building have been replaced with "unnatural matter". As long as it is not a level 6 attack, this building will be fine. Even if it is broken, it will automatically recover because of the added memory. "Non-Elemental Matter" that restores metal. "

Ye Fei said casually, as much as you want for something like Weiyuan matter, and the "weiyuan matter" maker placed in the underground laboratory is still continuously producing substances that do not exist in this world for research.

Stiyl pricked up his ears instantly, but he didn't have the man on the magic side behind his back? But he couldn't understand it either.

"Master, are we going to be arrested and executed?" Mary asked in a low voice.

"You three, I'm angry when you say it. Didn't I tell you to wait for me to pick you up? You dare to act without authorization. You will definitely die, but..."

Stiyl reprimanded his three apprentices. He didn't know what compensation he would be asked by Academy City. Those high-level leaders on the science side were vampires.

Stier has been scolding the three apprentices all the way. Misaka Mikoto and others are used to it, and they know that the three are not bad people, so don't bring Arisa Naruto here. As for the reason, it is to investigate her being a magician Keep an eye on this thing.

"That I have forgiven them, so don't reprimand them any more." Naruto Alyssa hesitated and said, although the other party wanted to kidnap her, but she has nothing to do now, that is, she is involved in troublesome things .

"Weiyuan Substance! Is that the ability of the second place? It's amazing, I heard that it is a substance that does not exist in the world." Uiharu Shiri said in surprise, and then touched the wall with bright eyes, a kind of desire The urge to knock a piece of collection.

"Speaking of which, it's been a long time since I heard the news of No. 5. The news of level [*] used to be spread around every day by the good guys. It is said that No. [*] is no longer in Academy City?"

Misaka Mikoto said, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly. She also has a lot of small news right now. Yesterday, the housekeeper received a lot of bad news about her. It was just some small things. If you want to wear a school uniform, you will be criticized for changing your clothes.

Don't the Tokiwadai school managers feel that this school rule is a bit redundant? Really.

"Speaking of which, it seems to be the case. The second one has disappeared for a long time, and there has been no news of him since the summer vacation started. It seems that he has indeed left Academy City, maybe to visit family or something... "..." Chuchun Shili said indifferently, this kind of thing is normal, for example, the seventh-ranked Sobaita Junba often skips classes, often violates discipline and goes outside Academy City. Very little news.

"..." Ye Fei raised his brows, the second child, it is impossible for him to appear, and he has become a non-elemental substance manufacturing machine.

Eight people came to the rest area of ​​the seventh school district, and the staff poured them cold coffee.

"I didn't expect Senior Ye Fei's work area to be so simple. I thought the director's life was very luxurious, and it cost tens of thousands of yen for a cup of coffee."

The simple and simple environment surprised Misaka Mikoto. Compared with the previous skyships, this place is simply too simple. It is like a school rest area. That star eye is really pampering. Broken to the core.

"Other directors are indeed very extravagant, but for me, material luxury is no different from what ordinary people use, it's just a formal thing." Ye Fei took a sip of coffee and said with a smile, when it comes to luxury, it must be decorated with grandeur ? If you want luxury, the gold in the king's treasury can be used as bricks to build buildings.

"Senior Ye Fei's ideological realm is so high." Chuchun Shili said in amazement.

"I'm welcome 1.7." Naruto Alyssa said politely, holding a cold drink in both hands, she was actually very nervous, although it was hard to imagine that this boy about her age would be one of the council members of Academy City.

"Then, let's talk about it next. The matter of kidnapping students in Academy City for no reason is a very serious matter. As one of the directors of Academy City, I have a reason to put you in the prison of Academy City. Fire."

Ye Fei put down the coffee and looked at the quiet Naruto Alyssa, and looked at Steele, whose face was green, with a playful look.

Stier's mouth twitched, what the hell is the fire method?I have a name like the very serious Stiyl Magnus, so I got a nickname just because of the fire rune magic I use. .

Chapter three hundred and forty seventh: a mere saint

"Wait a minute, I'm very sorry for the behavior of the disciples, but there are reasons for them to do so."

Stier's face twitched. In fact, he was also very helpless. Originally, he didn't want to come to Academy City, but the Supreme Bishop found some reason to throw him over, and it's okay to take the blame, but now it seems that the other party obviously knows Ming Ming. It is obviously impossible to take Nauru Arisa away under the pretext of "For the peace of the world, the science side cannot interfere with the technology of the magic side".

The actions of the Roman Orthodox Church in my heart have completely broken the reasons for using these excuses. Now I basically can't take people away, and it is very likely that I will cause a lot of trouble.

In particular, he still has to bear the blame, and the mission has not been completed, which is a big blow to the Puritans. The Supreme Bishop was scolded by the Queen, and he has a chance to be blamed. Moreover, the Knights have long been very hostile to the Puritans, and the second princess also Especially do not trust Puritanism and Witch Sect.

Headache, if these three idiots don't act without authorization, it can basically be done.

Misaka Mikoto and the others were calm, sipping cold drinks silently, and the atmosphere seemed very cramped. It was the first time they had appeared in a conversation with the senior management of Academy City, and they had learned a lot.

Naruto Alyssa lowered her head uneasily. Until now, she hadn't figured out what was going on. She was already involved in a very troublesome matter. It was best to wait for the director to clear her up.

"The reason? Isn't it that Naruto Eliza is similar to the power of a saint? In the end, you want to bring her back to replenish your combat power. Don't use this kind of careful thinking in front of Academy City. I won't let you take it away. Yes, I sincerely invite you to stay in a juvenile reformatory for a few days."

Ye Fei said disapprovingly, and then said with a half-smile.

The three girls were just about to speak, but Stier's eyes glared at them and they shut up instantly. At this time, the three of you should not make trouble. This guy is as dark-hearted as the Supreme Bishop. He took a deep breath and spit out a smoke ring. .

"Before I do, I want to explain one thing. Naruto Eliza is ranked as the ninth place in the judgment of saints. If her power is uncontrollable when she awakens, it will lead to the mass extinction of creatures in the northern hemisphere of the earth. Literally, it may be A state where bacteria don’t even exist.”

"Huh?" Naruto Alisha exclaimed, her eyes were a little confused and completely confused. Although she couldn't understand what they were talking about, she knew it was about her, but what she said could wipe out all life in the northern hemisphere would also be a problem. It's too exaggerated, although sometimes strange things happen when she sings, but it's just an accident, she's not even capable.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, what are you saying about the situation where Naruto Eliza can destroy the northern hemisphere, this is too exaggerated, she is obviously just an ordinary girl."

Misaka Mikoto shouted out in surprise, destroying the northern hemisphere, even she can't do it, you must know that she is level 6, and can only destroy modern electrical civilization at most, but destroying half of the life of the earth is too exaggerated, a thousand people Neither can she.

Satian Leiko and others have grown their mouths, and they are shocked when they look at Minghu Aliza. Maybe they have not seen the scene of Ye Fei's battle with Angel before. Maybe they are just joking, but as long as Ye Fei is involved in so many things. Eight or nine of them are true.

"What saint? What destroys the northern hemisphere, just an ordinary girl." Naruto Alyssa was frightened.

Ye Fei shrugged and said slowly: "The so-called judgment ninth is the reserve of saints. After awakening, they are real saints. Before awakening, there is a slight gap between saints and ordinary people, but the gap is not large. After awakening, the power It will grow exponentially, the worst saint can paralyze the function of the entire city by one person, and the general level 5 will only be killed in seconds."

"Is that the kind of Kanzaki?"

"Because of this, the church ranked her ninth in the judgment. She is very dangerous. There are less than 17 saints in the whole world, including the preparatory saints. Kanzaki Kaori is also ranked [*]th in the original ranking. , if the awakening is not fully prepared, it will cause a catastrophe, and sending her to the church is the best choice for herself and others."

Stier said solemnly, complaining in his heart, this trick was taught by the Archbishop. He, a magician who doesn't like to use his brain at all, will also work on his language after being teased by the Archbishop a few times.

"If the moment of her awakening causes innocent people to die, then she will be in the shadows for the rest of her life."

After taking a deep breath, this was his last chance.

The atmosphere instantly calmed down, and Naruto Alyssa's eyes circled.Is she a rare talent with less than [*] people in the world? She couldn't help but point to herself and asked in confusion.

"Am I really that powerful?"

"There is such a strong power, you may not be aware of it yourself, but the level of power corresponds to the "7=4" series of the Golden Dawn, man of miracles, so you may not understand, you only need to know that you are really There is that kind of Jet Li. "

Ye Fei nodded and said, Naruto Alyssa is the product of miracles, which corresponds to (7=4) the miracle person on the magic side, level 6 on the science side, and is on the same level as Aleister in terms of magic progression, but Although Yale 893 Star is at this level, his combat power is boundless.

"But I'm struggling to even run [*] meters..."

"This has nothing to do with physical strength, so it is the best result that you go with us." Steele said.

"I refuse." Ye Fei said without hesitation.

"I don't think the scientific side has the ability to guarantee that the awakening of saints will not cause innocent casualties." Steele said in a low voice after a moment of silence. He was not surprised. After all, for such an important person, Academy City is willing to let go of talents really easily. Strange.

"The science side can even create angels, a mere saint, hehe, okay, this is the end of the negotiation, Mr. Steele Magnus, now please stay in the juvenile reformatory for a few days."

Ye Fei clapped his palms and said, "This is the rule of Academy City. Those who use their powers on the street to seriously damage public property will receive ideological education on the fifteenth day of the Youth Correctional Institution. Heizi, the Disciplinary Committee will arrest them."

Stier's face darkened, with a face of death, he really didn't dare to resist, after all, this was the territory of Academy City.

"Don't call me by my name, Kuroko's name can only be called by my elder sister." Shirai Kuroko said angrily like a furious cat.Then the handcuffs were taken out.

"Master..." The three ignorant girls shivered. .

Chapter [*]: This city is very scary

Kuroko Shirai brought four magicians to the downstairs of the Seventh Pharmacy Research Center, put the four of them into the police car, and sighed.

"Really, you've been exhausted with so many things on the magic side during this time? Really, you can't keep up with your elder sister."

Since the beginning of the summer vacation, there have been incidents related to the magic side. A large number of spies have flooded into the campus city. Before, they even went to catch the magician who claimed to be "Return of the Winged One", which wasted a lot of effort. I'm afraid I'll get hurt that day.

Looking at my hand, I felt a little tired, and I couldn't keep up with my elder sister. My elder sister is already level 6, and I still have to level 4. If I don't improve, I really can't help at all.

I used to be able to provide a little help to my elder sister because I was a disciplinary committee member, but now it has no effect. At least I have to reach level 5 to keep up with my elder sister. I have to make changes.

With the information about becoming level 5 in her head, the only person who can do it is that annoying director, but how could that annoying guy help her?And she can't afford to be a level 5 resource.

"Hey! What a headache." Kuroko Shirai scratched his head.

The four of Stiles sat quietly in the police car with handcuffs on their faces, their faces very green.The older Marybeth asked cautiously.

"Master, did we just give up?"

Steele was silent for a moment, took a deep breath of his cigarette, and said, "Just give up."

The three apprentices looked shocked, never expecting a master who would never give up would make such a decision.

The doubts of the three apprentices made Stiles sigh.

"The three of you just came to Academy City, and some of the church's secrets are not within your reach. You don't know the horror of this city. You only know that the Roman Orthodox Church has failed, but you don't know where they failed. In these tens of thousands of acres of land, there are more than three angel-level capable people, and more than five saint-level combat power. "."


The three little apprentices showed shocked expressions.

Stiyl glanced at the reactions of the three Xiaomengxin and continued: "There was an angel-level combat power and a saint just now, and three level-5 superpowers who were not weaker than the saints. If we acted rashly at that time, We'll be killed in an instant, especially that man, who is the same as the archbishop."

"Don't look at our magicians, it seems that they are already very strong, but here we are just lambs to be slaughtered, so we'd better talk less, do less things, and just look at their faces obediently, otherwise our lives will be difficult to save."

The faces of the three little apprentices turned pale, and now they knew why the master was so angry, and stopped them from speaking with his eyes. This was to protect them, and try not to let the other party feel that they were hostile.

"So, you are still too young, and you will inevitably be stupid in the face of this kind of thing. Remember that in the future, magic can sometimes not protect you."

"We know the master." The three little apprentices responded in panic.

This city also hides a demon god, this is the most terrifying place.Stier's face was slightly stiff. If the other party caused dissatisfaction, let alone Puritanism and Britain, even the entire world would be turned upside down in an instant, and the world would change even before they knew what to say.

"What about the Queen and the Archbishop?" the brown short-haired girl asked worriedly.

"Hmph, how dare you mention that it was all because the three of you acted on your own to screw it up. Go back and wait for the punishment." Stier said coldly as his face darkened.

The three apprentices lowered their heads in despair, and tears came out. The church's punishment was severe, and they would be locked in a small dark room to reflect, and the toilet had to be cleaned for half a year.

As long as the Church of Necessary Evil does not betray the Church and threaten the safety of the Church, there will be no severe punishment. After all, it takes a lot of work to teach a good magician. If the severe punishment leads to betrayal, it will not be worth it.

"We are going to be sent to that 'juvenile reformatory', will we be beaten?" Mary asked cautiously.

"No, at most, let those people instill a lot of moral thoughts on us, and then come out after [*] days of imprisonment." Steele said, spitting the cigarette butt on the ground and stepping on his feet.

"After fifteen days, the three of you will go back to church obediently."

After listening to the director's explanation, Naruto Alyssa rubbed her temples in an unnatural tone.

"I understand now... I'm sorry, I heard too much, it made me a little confused, I need to rest."

Holding a cold drink in both hands, perhaps the cold feeling can calm her down.

She has a gentle personality and doesn't think that everyone is deceiving her, but it's hard to accept that she is born strong and can destroy half of the earth. She has passed the second disease. age.

Besides, she is just a street singer. Although many people like the songs she sings, she has nothing to gain from her, so this should be true, and I feel a little melancholy.

The three views of more than ten years collapsed in an instant, and slowly digested the huge amount of information and reshaped their own three views.

"¨" This is too powerful, even more powerful than me, and I don't know how it compares to Yuriko. "Misaka Mikoto said in amazement, the excitement in her heart instantly rose, and her competitive momentum instantly boiled.

Even though she is usually approachable and approachable, she actually has a competitive gene in her bones. She originally thought that after becoming level 6, the incompetent other than Yuriko Suzuka would be stronger than her, and her competitive heart cooled down. Now there is a difference (Qian Nuo is good) It ignited in an instant.

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