It's not that she doesn't want to compete with Yuriko Suzuka for the first place, but this is impossible. It's too scary for two people to fight, and she can't beat it. I feel like I'm on the verge of entering a level above level 6.

"It's really surprising, what's Alicia's plan next?" Saten Leiko asked.

"I, I don't know..." Naruto Alyssa said in a panic.

"Since you don't know what to do, join my camp. Awakening ability is easy to solve. Don't worry about hurting others." Ye Fei narrowed his eyes slightly and said with a smile.

"Okay, thank you." Naruto Alyssa nodded and said, this is the best choice for her, she is afraid that the awakening of ability will kill innocent people. .

Chapter [*]: The gate of the star trail, a thousand-year legal loli

For Narugo Alyssa, the request of the Academy City director to refuse is not very good, and she is indeed afraid of her own power, because she knows that something incomprehensible will happen when she sings.

"If it is a saint, it would be very bad if it was captured by other magic-side forces."

Misaka Mikoto is in favor of Ye Fei's approach.

"Then let me arrange accommodation for you. Although it is a researcher's dormitory, the facilities are relatively complete compared to the student dormitory."

Ye Fei looked at Naruto Aliza, who was a little uneasy, and smiled. In other words, anyone who suddenly encountered this kind of thing would be overwhelmed and terrified.

"Thank you very much, as long as I have a place to live, I am very satisfied."

Naruto Aliza stood up, bowed to Ye Fei politely, and said shyly on her cheeks.

Because she doesn't have the memory of three years ago, she has spent all her time at the abandoned child protection agency in Academy City. There is no problem with a simple life, and she doesn't dare to expect a luxurious life. As long as she can live on, she is already very happy. , and she has her own ideals to pursue.

"Hee hee, can we be considered friends now?" Zuo Tian Leizi suddenly scratched his head and stuck out his tongue.

"I'm looking forward to becoming friends with everyone." Naruto Alyssa smiled shyly.

"Great, I might have a friend of a super popular singer in the future." Saten Ruiko excitedly grabbed Narugo Alyssa's hands and said lively and cutely.

"Oh, why is it so exaggerated." Naruto Alyssa said with a shy expression on her innocent cheeks.

"You may not know how popular your song is, you will definitely become the most famous singer, we will cheer you on."


Ye Fei took a sip of coffee comfortably, showing an expression of enjoyment, then looked out the window and half-squinted at the huge building above the stratosphere, and slowly raised the corner of his mouth.

I've been dealing with magic incidents before, and I haven't had time to take care of you, but how can such an interesting building be used as a pile of magic.

Naruto Alyssa was assigned to the researcher residential area of ​​the Seventh Pharmacy Research Center. The environment here is much better than the student apartment.

Through the window, you can see the scenery of half of the seventh school district. Both the air quality and the environment are second to none in the country. It seems that the superb technology has not caused the city to be polluted.

In fact, Academy City has a department dedicated to environmental aspects, and has also assigned a director position.

"I don't know if I will be selected for Endymion's concert selection."

Naruto Alyssa blinked and looked at the huge building outside the window with anticipation and worry, but more of a serene expression. Although singing and debuting are her ideals, she will not pursue it too much, because it will hurt her. other people.

If it hurt others, she would rather not sing.

Didi Di, the text message from the mobile phone came, opened the mobile phone and looked at it, stunned for a moment, and then showed a surprised expression.

"Selected! Actually selected? Good!"

"What was selected?"

Saten Leiko heard the voice and curiously poked her head into her head, blinked her eyes and asked curiously.

"It's Endymion's opening concert. I didn't expect to be selected from so many famous singers. It's great."

Naruto Alyssa jumped up happily while grabbing Saten Leiko's hand.

"Eh? Is that the Endymion opening concert! That is to say!"

Zuo Tian Leizi was puzzled, and then surprised: "That means you will officially debut soon?"

"Mmmm!" Naruto Alyssa nodded happily.

"I just finished saying that I want to become a very popular singer, and now I have succeeded!"

"Did something fun happen?" Uiharu Shili walked in and asked curiously.

"Is such that!"

The five girls immediately congratulated happily, and then asked (cibh), "Hey, where is Senior Ye Fei?"

"Probably to do something very important, after all, he is the director." Shirai Kuroko said with his arms crossed, his brows slightly wrinkled, and he was thinking about how to speak to Ye Fei about what he wanted to upgrade.

I really want to upgrade, but I don't want to bear his favor, so tangled.

"Even if I see this, it's amazing."

Ye Fei came to the entrance of "Star Trail Gate Endymion" and looked up, but could hardly see the top, because it had an altitude of more than [*] kilometers.

Cosmic elevator, in fact, this name is exaggerated, its function is only to send personnel to the stratosphere more than [*] kilometers away in the form of elevator, saving the distance of the propeller take-off, and directly transporting passengers and passengers on the outer space platform. supplies.

Such an exaggerated building naturally has an exaggerated cost, but it is impossible to build it in Academy City, so it has absorbed a large number of investors' funds. Academy City also allows investors to establish their own private organizations within the scope of permission, and at the same time There are also many national backgrounds.

The investment in so many countries and businessmen has finally been completed after three years.

The one who integrated a large number of merchants and operated the entire Endymion was a girl who was called the president of Lolita in the outside world, Ratiri Tenglord.

Although she looks only thirteen or fourteen years old, in fact she has lived for more than a thousand years.

She was born in 1182 AD.During the Crusades, she once rescued a wounded soldier when she was young. The soldier gave her several immortal medicines called "Xianguo". She ate them without knowing what it was, and she became immortal. .But because life circulates in the body, it cannot be refined into magic power.

Endless life also taught her to learn ancient Greek astrology and use the environment and props to use magic.

But the friends around her died again and again, and she was the only one left. She was tired of life and wanted to end herself.

But she couldn't kill the immortal. In the following hundreds of years, she gained a lot of wealth to buy the "Star Gate" company in the United States, realizing that the space "may change differently" which is not affected by the power of the world. "

So the plane crash of the 88-person miracle three years ago was organized, but the astronomical magic still did not kill her, but Naruto Eliza was born unexpectedly.

To this end, she built "Endymion" in Academy City to lead to space. Endymion itself is a magical device, hoping to kill her through the miraculous power of Naruto Eliza.

"The people around me leave one by one, and I hate immortality. It's really sad. If I don't have the power to let them live forever, maybe I'll become very lonely too."

Ye Fei sighed, then walked into Endymion. .

Chapter [*]: Want to try my weapon?

In addition to taking on the function of the "cosmic elevator", Endymion is the largest commercial center in the entire Academy City, and undertakes the business goals of all investors who invest in this building.

It can be said that once it is opened, it will become the most famous commercial center in the world, which will not only attract a large inflow of foreign capital, but also allow those businessmen to make a lot of money, so it will be built even at a high cost.

And it is only natural to decide to hold an opening concert after the completion of the project. At that time, the important person in the plan will be able to use the Miracle Special in the center of the facility.

As long as it achieves its purpose, this cosmic elevator doesn't matter how many people will die~ It has nothing to do with her.

But such a smooth plan would not have any problems, but now the information tells her that the magic side has already taken action on Naruto Arisa, and also let the most powerful director of Academy City personally intervene, this is simply Jean-her plan was aborted.

"It's a real headache to get the singer I invited into trouble at such a critical time - ah."

In an office somewhere in Endymi, Ratiri Tanglelode sat on a red office chair that was higher than her, propped her cheeks and looked at the intelligence paper in her hand with interest, and then her blue eyes looked at A girl who reports information.

"Is this your news? Sutterola Sequinzia, just asked you to ensure the safety of the singer, you have done such a big dereliction of duty, and the "Dark Crow Force" has been invested so much money, It's not just for intelligence work. "

"I know that this time it was my dereliction of duty."

Black-haired, black-eyed, and wearing tights, Shatola's face was a little ugly, and she replied in a low voice, before she got to the target, the other party was taken away by the director who controls Academy City, even if she went to stop her They may not even be able to look at each other.

But dereliction of duty is dereliction of duty without any justification for rebuttal.

She is the captain of the "Dark Crow Unit", and the investors who need to be instructed to invest in the "Dark Crow Unit" are also a type of "Anbu".

But it wasn't responsible for Academy City, it was just a security force that was only responsible for companies, created by the compromise between companies and national forces within Academy City.

To put it simply, it is a violent organization supported by corporate investment and under the command of private individuals.

"It's useless to hold you accountable, tell me what happened, how did that girl provoke Academy City?"

She was more concerned about how she planned to provoke the director, rather than criticizing the meaningless thing that Saudola was doing poorly.

It's not strange that Narugo Alyssa will be noticed by the magic side, but it is a little strange to be noticed by the senior management of Academy City.

Academy City's current energy should be placed on the magic side, and if the magic side wants to take Nauru Arisa away, it will conflict with Academy City, check and balance each other, and have no experience to manage such an opening meeting between companies. .

Shotola raised her head to the stern answer of the blonde goth loli who was scrutinizing her.

"Originally, I was notified to protect Naruto Alyssa in the dark, but before I arrived, Naruto Alyssa was kidnapped by three abilities, and then the railgun defeated the three abilities. The next thing is that the people with the ability to move with the space left with everyone."

"It's very likely that there is a director's protection behind Naruto Alyssa."

Rattilie narrowed her eyes and tapped her fingers on the table: "Super electromagnetic gun, three magicians, space movement ability, things have become so troublesome, that child is finally found to be different."

"What?" Chatola asked.

"It's nothing, there's nothing to do with you here, no, now you represent the "Star Trail Gate" to negotiate with which director, as long as the concert goes on as scheduled, you can directly ask the other party's request. "

Letiri said with half-squinted eyes.

"This! Will the other party agree? Also, I am very puzzled that Naruto Alyssa has to be invited to the opening performance. Isn't it easier to invite other singers? Why take such a big risk to invite her?"

"What does it have to do with the director that I invited that girl to sing? You just need to take my message over there, and we'll talk about the rest later."


At this moment, a joking voice came, and the closed office door was opened.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????????

"You don't need to send someone over here. I'm here to negotiate with you in person. It's rare for me to give you such a big face as an entrepreneur."

Rattilie frowned and looked over, and Shatola quickly stood up, pulled out the stun gun at her waist and scolded sharply, "Who?"

Ye Fei approached the office calmly, looked at Shotola carefully, raised the corner of her mouth slightly at the young Rattilie, and then paid no attention to the stun gun that Shotola pointed at him and came to the chair opposite the desk sit down.

"You bastard!"

"Okay, stop Shatola and get out." Ratiri waved her hand and stared at the boy sitting across from her.

"Yes!" Shatola put down his gun and watched the sudden person vigilantly, then obediently withdrew.


"Director Ye Fei, I didn't expect you to come here in person. It's an honor." Le Tili smiled on her childish cheeks, and her blue eyes looked at him with strong anticipation.

It is said that the director himself is a very powerful superpower, and he has an angel-level force in his hands, but he does not know whether he can successfully kill her.

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