"As the name suggests, President Lolita is really a legitimate Loli, and I like it very much. I just don't know if I can develop a relationship with President Lolita."

Ye Fei looked at the delicate young girl and said teasingly.

Rattilie Tanglelode has navy blue eyes, long blond hair combed into two thick ponytails, and a hair tie with a top hat-shaped decoration on the left side.

She is fair-skinned, wears lipstick, wears a pair of diamond-shaped earrings, and wears a peculiar black and white checkered outfit with opposite left and right colors. The navel top is black on the left, black on the right, and the bottom pants are the opposite. .She was also wearing black high-heeled ankle boots and a red cape over her clothes.

"It's really interesting boy. I heard that you have powerful power in your hands. I don't know if it's true." Le Tilly said with a smile. She has lived for more than a thousand years, and she has never encountered any storms. This kind of ridicule is still very interesting. Hard to make her angry.

"It's true, why do you want to give it a try? The immortal witch." Ye Fei said playfully with half-squinted eyes.Several.

Chapter [*]: Please kill me

This witch who has lived for thousands of years wants to take her own life. In today's world, unless it is an angel-level magic with magic-side instant death effect, it is absolutely impossible to kill her, even if it is split in half under the law of inexplicable hair. , she will also recover, and if you want to remove the magical effect on her, you can only destroy the "phase" that runs these laws.

But who knows exactly where these phases are, and no one can interfere if it is not the person who created them.

Of course, he has the "Void Engine" except for him, but he didn't spend a lot of time finding the position of the phase, and a gun of Longinus can kill her tens of thousands of times.

"It seems that Academy City has long known my identity."

Lei Tili raised her slender eyebrows and smiled in surprise. She has never concealed her identity, but she used to use the identity of the president of "Star Trail Gate". Caused those capitalists on the science side to think she was just a rich businessman.

"Of course, your little actions in Academy City can't hide from me. The so-called Endymion space elevator itself is a huge device that uses expansion magic and ancient Greek astronomical magic by idol theory, and your purpose is to use the Protect Alyssa to achieve her purpose."

Ye Fei put on Erlang's legs and teased as he looked at the Millennium Loli whose expression gradually solidified and said with half-squinted eyes.

"This kind of trick, as long as you are slightly proficient in some magical knowledge, you will not be able to defeat yourself. The flow of the base of this building is not so easy to cover up."

"You actually know all of my plans, so why did His Highness the Director not destroy it when he found out, but waited until now to appear. What plans do you have, I'm all ears."

When Lei Tili learned that the plan was completely exposed, not only did she not panic, but she was unusually calm, and she looked at Ye Fei with a smile.

After a thousand years of experience, things that are very scary and shocking to ordinary people are very ordinary to her.

"I don't have any plans, I just don't want to let Academy City lose a building. It's quite beautiful to invite you, Ratiri Tanglelod, to join me, or let me take you back."

Ye Fei didn't talk nonsense, and directly invited her to say, the plan?How could this kind of brain-consuming thing be used by an ordinary magician, he just wants to recover an undead witch, that's all.

"Join you?" Le Tilly smiled, and then smiled arrogantly: "Does your Highness Director want me to join Academy City? It's an interesting proposal, but I refuse."

"It's not about joining Academy City, it's about being mine."

Ye Fei looked at Lei Tili with half-squinted eyes and said that her skin was tender and without any traces of time, but she also had a mature temperament that had experienced time precipitation. Although her figure was only that of a young girl, the arrogance in her bones was not only absent. Makes her look superior, but even more lovely.

Although there is no magic power, astronomical magic has been learned to the pinnacle in the world for thousands of years. If you can use magic yourself, it will hardly be weaker than the wind ahead.

"What an interesting kid. I heard that Director Ye Fei, one of the twelve directors of Academy City, attaches great importance to his friends. If a friend is hurt because of me, the Ye Fei Council will not give me death."

Lei Tili's eyes suddenly became hurried, and she looked at Ye Fei with burning eyes, as if she was seeing the object of her worship, and she spoke like a madman with frantic thoughts.

The power of the angel level can definitely kill me. It would be better if I could die in the hands of an angel.

"Could it be that I've been sitting here for so long, and I don't want to serve double hot tea to the guests? I really don't know how to welcome guests."

Ye Fei raised the corner of his mouth and said.

"However, with your current strength, you can't do any harm to my friends. They are generally level 5, and there are even three level 6s, one scientific angel, and two saints. Even I am level 6, angel level battle. Which one do you think you can handle?"

When Lei Tili heard so much power, she looked at Ye Fei with her blue eyes short of breath, and stood up frantically, lying directly on the table and approaching Ye Fei, grabbing his collar with both hands, her cheeks close to Ye Fei The cheeks, the tip of the nose sniffed...  

"Hey, please don't get too excited." Ye Fei's mouth twitched slightly, covering the immortal witch who seemed to be eating him with one hand.

I didn't expect this power to be so rude to a witch who wanted to die.

"Magic power, such a strong magic power, you are actually a magician, and this is a stigmata! You are still a saint, and there is also the sacred power contained in this body, as well as the superpower that cannot be explained, ah~ This is true It's a very great force."

Rattilie's small hands stroked the body that was not very strong and did not have too many muscles, she could feel the terrifying power contained in this body.

It can be said that this is the sanctification of the flesh, comparable to the gods, and she has no doubt that this power can easily destroy the huge island country under her feet.

"So strong, although I don't know if it can kill me, but if it is this power, at least I see the greatest hope."

Rattilie seemed to have encountered the most precious artwork, like the power that Ye Fei possessed, and wished she would be killed by this power now.

"Obviously I have lived for more than a thousand years, and I still have such a gaffe at 1.7. Is there no sense of shyness?"

Ye Fei grabbed the hands of Lei Tili, who was lying on the desk and almost fell into his arms, and said twitching at the corners of her mouth.

"Yeah, I have lived for a thousand years, except that I am still alive, time has washed away everything except life, I will give you the gate of the star track and all the property under my banner."

Le Tilly didn't care about the hands that wanted to touch her, and said expectantly, her eyes full of madness.

"Please kill me with your strongest blow."

"Do you really want to die so much? It takes a thousand years to make you have nothing but life. It really makes people feel pity, is it lonely or can't see hope?".

Chapter [*]: She's not shy about this loli

Ye Fei looked at the witch who desperately wanted to die.

He understands her thoughts very well. She is tired of living. It's like she has suffered too many setbacks in one thing. She stands up again and again, but there will always be one that knocks her down and can't stand up again. Tired, sleepy, no longer believe that living is a happy thing, but a kind of hell, living is hell.

In order to end their own hell, they often choose to end their own lives. For such people, death is liberation.But for those who are immortal and immortal, this is an extremely extravagant thing, so extravagant that it is impossible to achieve it by paying everything.

Of course, there is also a way to let her break the hell, that is to find a group that can accommodate her, but this is unrealistic, because for a thousand years she has not found a group of immortal people like her, even if she has found vampires, but vampires It will also die of old age because of more and more blood sucking.

"You who have only experienced a mere ten years of life can't understand the pain of immortality. No matter what friends, life, things, or the world are like a curse, you will leave forever after a short acquaintance, and you will get immortality without any cost. Not dying, that's the price, eternal pain."

Lei 28 Tilly jumped down from the desk, sat on Ye Fei's knees, grabbed his collar with both hands, and told the long-term torture in detail.

"Hey, you're acting like I have nothing to do with you. I'm still a pure boy. If you can't control yourself, you'll be finished."

Ye Fei's face was twitching. He could feel the temperature on Lei Tili's body. Maybe to Lei Tili, who had lived for a thousand years, such a move didn't feel anything, but it was very painful for him, to put it bluntly. He had no resistance to this kind of closeness, otherwise he would have thrown Rattie out long ago.

"Haha, it doesn't matter, we'll say goodbye in a while anyway. I've already activated a spell on you. If you don't kill me, you'll be unlucky all the time, and you'll kill more than me."

Rattie raised her head, and her lovely face showed an excited smile.

"..." Ye Fei sighed while covering his cheek with one hand.

"I knew that such a thousand-year-old peerless loli would never happen, but secretly cast a spell on me."

"After all, I have rich experience and understand the weakness of human nature better, especially for the collection of your information, the lecherous Director Ye Fei." Leitili said triumphantly.

"Your Excellency who is also a magician should know that the Greek astrological astrology is best at fate and cause and effect. The magic with the three goddesses of fate as the core of the formula is almost impossible to prevent, so come and kill me, if you can't kill it. If you kill me, then I will kill you, of course I will not be the opponent of the saint, but I will attack and kill you all the time until I die, hehe, hahaha."

Lei Tili's lovely face slowly twisted, her blue eyes gradually went crazy, she laughed like a madman, and her small hands held Ye Fei's cheeks.

"Angel-level power, I have never encountered it before. Your Excellency Director, you can definitely kill me, please."

"I can quite understand you, but if you have a group of immortal companions with you, wouldn't you still think about suicide? I'm curious."

Ye Fei grabbed Lei Tili's hands and said with a smile.

He didn't care about the Greek astrological astrology formula at all. His body has long been immune to any fate, cause and effect, and curse. What's more, he has opened the human body limiter for so long, and his body has long been sanctified, comparable to a god. Even blasting the earth to dust with the most terrifying spell wouldn't hurt him.

"A group of eternal companions."

Rattilie was unmoved, but replied: "I used to look forward to a partner who has immortality. I experimented with myself, trying to make other people immortal, but I failed. I also tried to find that kind of undead demon. Medicine, but I haven't even heard of it, not even in the Roman Orthodox library."

"I once found the surviving vampire clan in the Balkans, but even the so-called immortal ones will age because of the constant sucking of human blood, and eventually become rigid corpses. I used to be friends with them, but the most alive The one who lives for a long time is only four hundred years old, it is ridiculous, I am the only person in the world who is immortal and immortal."

Ye Fei sighed and couldn't help but feel that Le Tili's eyes were too narrow.

"You are the only one who is immortal in the world. Have you forgotten the magician, the quasi-demon and the demon, they all have infinite lifespans."

Ye Fei felt that he needed to change the concept of this witch, and wanted to die, nothing could be more fucked than this.

He can understand Rattie's mentality very well. If he is an arrogant person, he will become a god in the end. If he has no relatives and friends around him, he will be lonely and crazy in the end.

Immortality sounds like a great thing, but after hundreds of years, even thousands of years, it is the biggest curse for the parties, because they watch their relatives, friends, descendants, one by one, die of old age, and only themselves remain unchanged. , always alone.

"The magician of the people, huh, is there any magician who is still in this era? The last magician of the time, Ed Hua Alexander, died under the crusade decades ago. As for the old magician The devil has long since disappeared from this world."

In the end, Le Tilly thought of something and couldn't help sneering.

"There are no demon gods, but there are no one thousand or eight hundred who claim to be demon gods. In the end, they all died peacefully. The only one still alive is Othinus, who claimed to be the demon god in AD 1860, and is now wandering in Europe. The wandering magician Orlers."

"I'm curious, aren't you well-versed in astrology? Isn't it easy to find a maniac? Or the like, let me tell you the immortal ones you can find, the right fire of the Roman Orthodox Church, the Puritan Archbishop Lola Stiart, finally there are about a dozen people with the ability to immortalize in Academy City, and finally Aleister in the windowless building, how, is it suddenly interested?"

Ye Fei said with a smile but not a smile, there are more than a dozen immortals who are not wrong, and those who use the godhead are all immortal prodigies.

"!" Le Tili's eyes widened involuntarily, a little incredulous, then a little dazed, and then her blue eyes firmed and said.

"Sorry, I still want to die, please hurry up, or I will chase you wildly."

Ratiri took out a pentagram badge from the side of her cloak and said with a morbid smile. .

Chapter [*]: Actually, I'm just greedy for you

"Chase me."

Ye Fei looked at the witch sitting on his lap with a half-smile, and she could clearly feel her temperature.

"You can't do it, you can't do it at all. No one in this world can kill me. Do you think the magic you just cast on me was successful?"


Lei Tili raised her eyebrows, her slender palm touched the young director's chest, her expression changed slightly, and she lost her voice.

"Impossible, what I use is the astrology of destiny. In this world, except for demons and magicians, no one can remove them. Even saints will definitely be affected. Why is it useless to you?"

"This sentence is really good. No one except the demon gods and the magicians of Rendian can be invalid. Then what do you think I am, the immortal witch, Letiri."

Ye Fei raised the corner of his mouth slowly, stretched out his hand to lift her chin and asked with a smile that was not a smile, the tender skin touch made his heart move, even if he lived for a thousand years, his skin would be more tender than ordinary girls. To be refined, is this the so-called nourishment of the years?

However, regarding the "destiny" and "causality" of this world, in addition to the original laws on the tree of life, it is the phase interference law created by the devil.

A person's bad luck is also mostly because of the aspect.

Aspect conceals the original tree of life law and rules everyone's luck and bad luck. Even if the devil does nothing, Aspect will interfere with the world all the time.

This is why Kamijou Touma will be unlucky, the right hand eliminates the effect of the demon phase on him, but it does not return to the original law of the tree of life, resulting in no luck and bad luck will happen to him.

He himself will be involved in the luck and bad luck of others, causing trouble all the time.

Le Tilly's blue eyes gradually widened, and then the morbid smile gradually disappeared, becoming enthusiastic, and she smiled happily.

"It turns out to be like this, no wonder, is your Excellency a human magician or a demon? I'm really sorry for your misunderstanding, I should have thought that the stigmata on this body is just to conceal the original identity, right, it is convenient to walk on the ground, With the power to become a god in the flesh, you are the devil, right? "."

"I guessed half right, I'm not yet a Demon God, but it's coming soon."

Ye Fei said with a smile, his breathing was a little short, and his heart was a little touched by Lei Tili. The original desire was magnified because of her nature. A legitimate thousand-year peerless loli was in his arms, if he didn't have any impulses, it would be impossible.

"Are you supposed to be a devil! Haha, haha, then let me see your mighty power."

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