Rattilie went mad again, the pentagram in her hand shone with dazzling light, and the cables in the office lit up with dazzling arcs.

"This is the technique of summoning Zeus' thunder in ancient Greek astrology. However, there is no Zeus, the devil, and he doesn't have the power of the devil at all, not even the power of an angel."

Ye Fei raised his head calmly and looked at the magic circle above the office and the spell that gathered the power of Endymion with disdain.

Quantitative change led to qualitative change, and the originally blue thunderbolt also turned red, falling towards the top of Ye Fei like a javelin.

"Hahaha, I seem to have heard something surprising, Demonic Power! There is no Demon God named Zeus?"

With a loud bang, the entire office was blown apart, and all the arrangements were burned to ashes.

Shatola, who was vigilant outside, fell into a coma because of the huge magical impact.

Ye Fei directly used the "Void Engine" to make the entire Endymion staff fall into a state of stagnation.

"This kind of attack is just in vain, but you are miserable. This blow has reached the level 5 full blow. Using the magic of idol theory to cause a blow is very remarkable."

Ye Fei looked at the charred Retili who was blown up by her attack and said with approval, the power of this blow even blew her robe to ashes.

In Ye Fei's sight, Le Tili was actually recovering at a very fast speed. The charred skin quickly turned back to what it was before, and even her hair was restored.

"Sure enough, it's because of the phase. The immortal medicine is a magical crystallization that has some connection with the phase. Tsk tsk tsk, I know the principle, and I can make it after I figure out the principle."

Ye Fei touched his chin and said analytically, then grinned at the witch who had nothing in her arms.

"Cough, cough, it has recovered, haha, have you seen it? Your Excellency Ye Fei, no matter how much I commit suicide, it will be of no avail. There will be an existence like you that can kill me."

Le Tili coughed out a mouthful of black smoke and said morbidly and madly, clenching the pentagram in her hand again, and pressing it against Ye Fei's chest.

She knew that this would be useless, but she just wanted to provoke such an existence, because she knew that the disgust, anger and anger generated by this existence would inevitably kill the person who provokes him, whether it is a quasi-demon or a demon, or a magician. They are all so arrogant.

"¨" It's useless, but I won't be angry, but I can't do nothing for bombarding me for such no reason, so I will charge the price. "

Ye Fei smiled brightly, looked at Lei Tili in her arms and swallowed her saliva, and said in a low voice with her head close to her: "Actually, I came to you because I was interested in you and took Endymion away. I like your face."

"I won't let you die. Of course, I still have my own moral bottom line. If I kill you, you will never be able to enjoy it."

After finishing speaking, Ye Fei directly used the "Void Engine" to modify the parameters of Lei (Qian Nuo Zhao) Tilly's magic, and all the magic operations she was familiar with suddenly became confused.

In short, she couldn't use any magic she knew.

"Is this the power of the so-called quasi-magic god? Just one sentence made me disqualified from using magic."

Lei Tili's pupils shrank, and she couldn't help but feel fear in her heart. This kind of emotion would still appear in her who was already world-weary.

"Actually, I'm greedy for your body. After all, a loli with a thousand-year shelf life is too legal."

Ye Fei said domineeringly, and put her arms through the bend of Ratili's legs and put her on the desk.

"Don't you think so!"

Lei Tili's face froze, she didn't need to think to know what was going to happen, but she had studied this person's information, and she was very lecherous. There were not ten or nine female companions by her side.

"That's right.".

Chapter [*]: I do whatever I want

"You bastard!"

Le Tilly's face changed drastically, but before she could finish the rest of the sentence, her lips were blocked, and her blue eyes widened.

△ ([*] words, I dare not write it, for fear of the God of Crabs.)

After a long time, the sun at noon had already fallen to the horizon, and the golden sunset covered Academy City with a golden coat.

Endymion's president's office is a mess, and the damaged facilities have been repaired.

"You guy..."

Le Tilly leaned on the sofa chair exhausted, her blue eyes coldly looking at the oriental boy who was creating scientific instruments out of thin air, his voice was like a biting cold wind, like a sharp sword trying to tear him apart. Fragments.

"The bathing equipment has been created, do you want to take a comfortable bath?"

Ye Fei looked at the legal loli with a gentle face, as if he had not done anything. Although he felt guilty from a certain point of view, on the other hand, he took it for granted, as if his thoughts were divided by duality. Same.

He is very clear that this is the function of the human nature and the divinity of the self, and both the human nature and the divinity are infinitely magnified, such a contradictory but reasonable collection.

This is very normal. The owner of the simulated star chart is 897, who is such a contradictory and reasonable existence, who takes into account human nature and divinity.

On the one hand, I still feel that the morality is correct, but on the other hand, it is manifested to the extreme in the self, resulting in a mentality of wanton and freewheeling.

"You really are not a human being, a collection of contradictions, a monster." Le Tili stared at the self-proclaimed quasi-demon god with a cold face. In the glue just now, she saw through his terrifying essence, not that she wanted to accept it, but Something incomprehensible was changing her physique and something incomprehensible.

"Okay, witch, I may be a monster, but you are also a monster, but I'm not the kind of irresponsible guy. On the contrary, I attach great importance to my partners. Even if you don't agree, there is nothing you can do. You are already among my partners. part of."

Ye Fei said with a shrug, snapped her fingers, and Rattilie had fallen into the bath he created.

Those who are related to him are all part of the group of gods, there is no dispute, just like Zeus in Greek mythology, because of this relationship, there is no way to escape, but he is different from Zeus (cibh), Zeus I want to secure my position in this way.

In fact, he really likes Rattilie. Although it's just her appearance, he's really interested in her in this relationship.

"Don't be complacent, Demon God, I will kill you sooner or later, or kill me now, hehehe."

Rattilie wiped her body, her smile gradually sneering wildly.

"I told you, haven't you given up the idea of ​​begging for death? The immortal partner you were looking for has appeared in front of you." Ye Fei was speechless.

"This is two different things. Sooner or later, you will die by my hands." Leitili said fiercely and savagely, looking at Ye Fei.

"It is estimated that your wish will not come true. Hurry up and clean it up, and then come with me." Ye Fei spread his hands and said, if it wasn't for the true god who understood the truth, he really couldn't kill him.

"I really can't understand a monster like you. You can force me to order but give me the right to choose."

Le Tilly said flatly, she got out of the bath and wrapped herself in the towel next to her.

She knew that she could not be the opponent of such a monster, but she also didn't understand why the other party came to the door in person?

Could it be that, as he said, she was just coveting my beauty? Her physique at twelve or thirteen years had nothing to do with beauty anyway.

"Because to a certain extent, unless I really want to do something, I respect other people's choices very much." Ye Fei touched his chin and admired Lei Tili, although the game was very progressing, no matter what. It will recover with exertion, but not with you no matter how much you appreciate it.

"Things I want to do in particular, huh, lewd."

"It's not lustful, it's just impulsive. Originally, I was ignited by a certain goddess's infinite primitive desire, and you tease me differently, which will naturally cause such a result."

Ye Fei said helplessly, this kind of primitive impulse is really difficult to control, especially after being processed by the evil god.

"Haha, in short, I won't let it go like this today, just wait." Le Tilly said coldly, although she really wanted to die, it didn't mean she was willing to let others play with her.

"Remember, I hope you will always remember, but I think you will soon forget it."

Ye Fei stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers, appearing on Rattilie in a gothic loli outfit.

"Come with me, you'd better be obedient, otherwise I don't mind playing a game."

Being threatened, Lei Tili followed him coldly, not because she wanted to follow, but because she couldn't control her body inexplicably. A word can be turned into reality. Is this the power of the devil?

Rattie was silent.

"What kind of astronomical magic did you use to cause Shutola and Naruto Eliza to separate, I'm a little curious."

Ye Fei healed the unconscious and injured black-haired girl, and then asked while walking.

"Isn't Your Majesty the God of Magic who can fulfill all wishes? This kind of Greek astrological magic also needs to ask a humble magician like me." Leitili said with a sneer.

"I'm not a demon, so naturally I don't know about this kind of astrological magic that is not recorded in the magic book. Is this strange?" Ye Fei said with a shrug.

Although the Demon God occupies [*]% of all the magic, there is still one percent that is not controlled by the Demon God, such as the Book of Law and the great magic created by the magician.

"The astrological magic I created has erratically amplified its destructive power. I didn't expect it to eventually evolve into a miracle spell. Haha, otherwise I would have died three years ago. It's a pity, it's a pity."

After leaving Endymion, Ye Fei took control of Endymion, and he became the actual ruler and largest shareholder of the "Star Trail Gate". Helpless to become one of his subordinates.

Although I really wanted to talk to the little singer Naruto Aliza about her ideals at this time, but considering that it was already time for dinner, I decided to go back to the apartment to have dinner with Index first, otherwise the nun would be very angry .

While Academy City was relatively calm, the magic side was not calm at all. .

Chapter [*]: The Crisis of Amakusa and the Pope

Ye Fei returned to the apartment, finished dinner and enjoyed dinner with Index, and Index patted her stomach comfortably and said contentedly.

"Hey, Fei, at noon today, I found a restaurant opposite the apartment building that I've never eaten before. The smell from lunch was very fragrant. Would you like to invite Kanzaki to have a taste?"

Index patted her stomach, a drop of saliva flowed from the corner of her mouth, and said in a soft voice.

"Kanzaki came to Academy City and haven't eaten at a restaurant yet~"

Ye Fei held his cheeks and held the remote control to change the channel, looked listlessly at Index and said, "You want to eat it yourself, just wipe the saliva from your mouth after dinner. And the dinner I made for you was made by the legendary kitchen utensils, why are other delicacies attractive to you?"

Speaking of Kanzaki, she was sent by Laura to Academy City as an ambassador to reconcile the relationship between the two parties. She ate three free meals in the research institute every day. Never used it once.

After all, the magician's knowledge of science is still in the age of steam, not to mention high-tech products, even letting her understand the structure of the steam engine can make her frustrated.

Therefore, even the ATM machine is stumped for the pure saint.

"A Fei, this is completely different. The meals made by the magic kitchen utensils are completely different from the chef's sincere meals..."

"Okay, I get it, let's go have a meal tomorrow." Ye Fei interrupted before Index's long story was finished.

And at this time, the phone rang, it was - Steele's call.

"Hey, Steele's call." Ye Fei looked at the caller ID strangely. Didn't this guy just enter the juvenile reformatory? Did he escape?Gee.

If the magician wants to escape from prison, it is really very simple, just need an idler to escape.

"Stiyl, is that the former partner? That fire method with stripes on his face." Index blinked and asked curiously, bringing her little head closer.

She was very angry at the fire method who pretended to be an evil magician to chase and kill her for a year. Although she forgave him, the deception of her was still nothing.

"This guy……"

Ye Fei picked up the phone, this Stiyl would never call him if it wasn't something very important.

"I'm really sorry to call you now, Director Ye Fei." A sincere voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Before you say your apology, you have to talk about the escape." Ye Fei said rudely.


Steele on the other end of the phone was sweating profusely, and then bared his teeth like a mad dog.

"The situation is urgent, so I had to come out of the small room. It's not too late for Academy City to convict me afterwards."

"What's the matter?" Ye Fei raised his eyebrows.

"It's like this, this evening, the Roman Orthodox Church came out with the news that a book of magic was stolen." Stier went straight to the subject and said seriously when he heard the news, he was also sweating.

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