The disappearance of the magic book is equivalent to the fact that the secret of the manufacture of nuclear weapons on the scientific side has been stolen, and the serious situation basically makes the entire magic side vigilant in the future.

"The magic book was stolen? Ninety-nine percent of the magic book in the world is in the Roman Orthodox library. According to the defense level, it is the highest in the world. It will also be taken away. Are you kidding me? It's more like the Roman Orthodox Church directing and acting."

Ye Fei sneered when he heard the words. Now, in this world, it is possible to steal the magic book in the library of the Roman Orthodox Library, which is covered with national-level magic. This is probably only the possibility of the devil, or the possibility of Aleister, or the wandering quasi-demon god Ao. Lyles.

"The magic book was stolen? This is impossible." Index was surprised when she heard the conversation.

"The Roman Orthodox library is a place where the entire library is transformed into a different world with great magic. It is a different world that is independent from the world. There is no correct way to enter. Only authorized librarians can enter. , so the theft of the magic book must be theft by internal guards."

Index said in a positive tone that the magic book is a very dangerous thing to the world, and if it is used for bad things, it will be a disaster for the world.

Stiyl twitched the corners of his mouth and took a deep breath.

"It is indeed self-directed and self-acted by the Roman Orthodox Church, but in some cases, it is not self-directed and self-acted."

"You are contradicting each other. What's going on? Does it have anything to do with Academy City? Or is the Roman Orthodox Church trying to do something else during the Cold War?"

Ye Fei has no feeling for the Roman Orthodox Church wanting to do something, and whatever he does is under his watch, as if he is watching a farce.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????????

However, the Roman Orthodox Church knew that Academy City had an irresistible force, and if they wanted to do something, it would be a bit dead.

"This, you must also know the magic book "Book of Law" as a magician."

"I know a little bit." Ye Fei shrugged and said. He has the original text of the Book of Law and Aiwass who wrote the Book of Law. Basically, no one knows the law better than him except Aleister. book.

"This book is the work of Edward Alexander, known as the most evil magician of the last century. It is said that when someone opens it to the correct interpretation, then the era of crucifixion will end and enter a new era."


"And at noon today, a librarian nun within the Roman Orthodox Church said that she had been able to correctly interpret the Book of Law, but this is taboo in the Cross religion. The nun knew in advance that she would be executed, so He escaped while the church was not paying attention, and his destination was the island country.”

"So it is! This is not an important topic." Ye Fei was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect this to be the case.

Think about it confidently, the summer vacation was postponed for two weeks, and this time period happened to be when Orsola thought he had cracked the method of deciphering the Book of Law. Is the time line right?

"That's right, that nun is just an ordinary librarian and doesn't possess strong magic power. It was impossible for her to escape from the Vatican. She was let go on purpose, because the Roman Orthodox Church found that she was seeking asylum in a native of the island country. Cross religion. And this extreme eastern sect happens to be on the crusade list of the Roman Orthodox Church, so we plan to plan, and prepare to send a large number of believers into the island country under the banner of charity activities, preparing to annihilate this sect in one fell swoop.”

"Tsk tsk, this sect is the Amakusa Cross Sect, Kanzaki is the former Pope, you can also destroy Kanzaki by the way, and then station a large number of personnel in the island country, kill three birds with one stone, and play a good hand."

Ye Fei whispered, although Academy City is an independent city-state, it cannot interfere with the island country. The Roman Orthodox Church comes to do charity, and people are eager to do so. Even if the garrison surrounds Academy City, Academy City will have nothing to do when it is not attacked.

"That's probably the case..." A few.

Chapter [*]: How about making you a toy, Frenda

"I already understand the matter, well, that's all, it has no effect on Academy City. Now the Roman Orthodox Church and the Adult Church don't dare to think carefully about Academy City, but Kanzaki is my friend. This kind of thing, naturally will not let it go."

Ye Fei said while handing over the TV remote control to Index. Index already knows how to use the channel change, so it won't be any more troublesome.

After hanging up, I made a phone call to the Seventh Pharmaceutical Research Center, and got the information that Kanzaki left the institute two hours ago on the grounds of personal problems.

"Tsk tsk, I managed to lure Kanzaki into the past, but Kanzaki is not a fool. As a leader, I naturally know the truth, but I'd better go there in person."

The Roman "[*]" Orthodox Church will definitely publicize this action. On the surface, it seems to warn the younger generation who has ideas about the magic book, but in fact it is telling Kanzaki, "Now you must destroy all your former partners. Come to the rescue soon.”

"A Fei, you must help Kanzaki, you can't let the conspiracy succeed."

Index's cute face anxiously grabbed Ye Fei's sleeve and said.

"You don't want to go too, stay at home obediently, when will you have the magic power to use the magic book to leave the academy city."

Ye Fei looked at Index who was about to rush out the door and pressed her shoulders and said seriously.

Now that Index's shackles have disappeared, she can already provide the magic power to use magic by herself, but the magic book in memory requires too much energy, resulting in very little magic power generated by herself, and after using ordinary magic a few times, it will be gone. Of course, if it is to interfere with other people's magic, it is very effective.

"But there is someone I can protect myself and help Ah Fei." Index said with puffed cheeks.

"I took you and let me take care of you, stay at home obediently, now you can't help me, or you will work hard to move towards the devil, anyway, there are [*] magic books, and soon Become a magician on your own."

Ye Fei rubbed Index's little head and refused, then left the apartment. Two minutes later, a black Honda RV drove by.

The Honda RV stopped in front of Ye Fei, and the cab of the RV was opened.

"Boss, we are not too late."

"It's just right. Now go to Tokyo and give the green light all the way back."

Ye Fei patted Silk Flag's favorite shoulder and said admiringly, and then came to the RV, Mai Ye Shenli, Silk Flag's favorite, and Flanda were all sitting upright, especially Flanda who was sitting on the other side had a very expressive expression. barely.

Although he has been Ye Fei's subordinate for a long time, due to his exaggerated ability and one of the actual controllers of Academy City, all three except Takitsubo Rikou are very cautious when facing him.

"Boss, I don't know what you are going to do when you leave Academy City this time? Do you want to take advantage of this time to win the actual rights of the island country Tokyo? How much bonus can we get?" Flanda said cautiously, saying Ye Fei looked at her expressionlessly.

"Frenda, shut your mouth for me."

Mai Ye Shenli looked at Ye Fei's expressionless face, trembled all over, and punched Flanda on the head, Flanda squatted down while holding her head in pain.

"it hurts……"

"Director Ye Fei, what's the mission this time?" Takitsubo looked at Ye Fei, and asked his doubts in silence for a while. Usually, missions are posted directly on a fixed website. They, and they still want to leave Academy City.

Flanda rubbed her head with tears in her eyes. At this time, she also realized that she seemed to have said something wrong, and looked at Ye Fei with some fear.

"It's not a big deal, it's just that some people from the magic side came to Tokyo City and are going to deal with my people, so I'm going to capture all those people alive, of course it's better to keep them alive. After all, it's still in the Cold War, if All dead, my plan..."

Ye Fei paused when he said this, then shrugged and raised the corners of his mouth: "Your mission is to defeat them, that's all, the more chaotic the better."

"The people on the magic side! Are those guys again? It's really annoying, I did so many things last time, and this time I'm here again, and I have to deal with the boss's people, then we will go through fire and water, and we will die, even if we kill them. Wherever life is lost, we must complete the mission..."

Flanda's eyes lit up, and she blurted out, such an important task, there must be a lot of bonuses, and money symbols appeared in her eyes.

But Mai Ye Shenli's face changed greatly, his eyelids twitched wildly, and this Flanda made a promise of something.She knew that some characters on the magic side were difficult to deal with, and they overturned the car if they were not careful.

I also lost my life, when the time comes, I will throw you out first.

"Oh~ is it true?" Ye Fei was also stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Flanda to have such ambition, so he couldn't help teasing her and said, "Then what if you don't finish the task and you're still alive?"

Flanda was still indulging in the bonus, and was suddenly knocked back to her original shape by a sentence. She raised her head mechanically, looked at the director who was not smiling, and broke down in cold sweat.

"this and that……"

"We will do our best to complete the task, please rest assured. I am already level 6. If I fail the task at this level, I will definitely give you an explanation." Mai Ye Shenli said quickly, stepping on Flanda secretly, saying He gave Frenda a fierce look.

Takitsubo 1.7 looked straight at Flanda, which made Flanda panic.

"I'm kidding you, as long as you don't run away, betray your teammates, betray Gao, etc., I'm still very tolerant. As for the bonus, it must be very rich, so you can't use it up in your life, how can you be satisfied?" Ye Fei looked at it playfully. Flanda.

"Really? It can't be used up in a lifetime, how much is that!" Flanda was shocked, her heart pounding.

"Be my toy, give as much as you want."

Flanda was suddenly woken up by a spoonful of cold water.

The black Honda RV quickly left the seventh school district and headed towards the gate of the school city's mutation. .

Chapter [*]: Kanzaki's sigh.

"Well, this is the third time I've been out of Academy City, and as expected, the division of Academy City is more comfortable."

After flying at night, he rested his head on his arms and looked at the night view outside the RV window and couldn't help but say, since Tokyo City is also in the same location as Academy City, and because there are many cooperations with Academy City, it is also technologically superior to Europe. There are many developed areas, but there are also many old areas.

"Director Ye Fei has only been out of Academy City three times? Takitsubo Rikou, who was sitting upright quietly, couldn't help but be surprised when he heard the words, and looked at this somewhat favorable boss.

"I've only been out of Academy City three times, isn't it, so few?" Flanda seemed to have discovered something inconceivable, blinked her eyes, and then said in surprise: "Even our Anbu, whose movement is restricted, doesn't know how to go out. How many times have I been to Academy City, but I have only been out as a director three times? I heard that some directors hid in nuclear facilities because of paranoia of being persecuted...Ugh, ah, ah, it hurts!"

Before he could finish speaking, he was stomped by Mai Ye Shenli, and then he was hit hard. He squatted on the ground and covered his instep, looking at Mai Ye Shenli with tears in his eyes.

"Why are you stepping on me again..."

"Shut up Flanda, don't talk casually about anything other than the mission." Mai Ye Shenli glared at Flanda, who had a cheap mouth like a Rakshasa, and looked carefully at Ye Fei, this fellow Flanda, It was obvious that he was still speaking out in front of Ye Fei.

"Frenda really wants to sew up your mouth." Silk flag favorite was very dissatisfied with Flanda's cheap mouth, looked at her faintly and said, sometimes it was obviously the accident caused by Flanda's cheap mouth. Still hiding behind them, this troublesome style made her speechless.

"Okay, okay, don't show it to me. Sometimes being cheap is also a talent, isn't it, at least it makes me less boring, and I'm not the kind of person who cares about form."

Ye Fei was amused by the appearance of the four girls, and waved his hand casually.

"As I grew up in Academy City, isn't it incredible that I have only left Academy City three times? Academy City is home to me, and apart from vacations, traveling far away is incredible, right?"

Hearing Ye Fei's words, Flanda realized that she seemed to be mocking this terribly powerful director just now, and immediately showed a cute and cute smile, stood up to please, and sat upright.

"By the way, there is still a lot of time before the destination, should we play an interesting game?"

Ye Fei looked out of the car window, carefully looking at the cute and cute Flanda, the well-proportioned Shiri Mugino, the silk flag favorite with perfectly straight legs, and the quiet Takitsubo Rikou.

Although it only takes one second to reach the destination, it is too boring. If the original journey can be reached in an instant, it will lose a lot of meaning in life, which will make the heart empty.

"Games?" Silk flag likes to see Ye Fei's eyes sweeping over her legs, like a cat with fried fur, feeling uncomfortable.

Could it be that……

"?" Takitsubo also felt that something was wrong. She was very impressed with the atmosphere. Her cheeks were slightly red, and her eyes were erratic. Although she had a good impression of this maverick director since the last incident, she really wanted to be calm. She still felt uneasy about doing such a thing.

Mai Ye Shenli looked away, his heart beat faster, although he was shy, but other emotions took up more, and he had thought of such a day a long time ago.

"Games? What games, do you mean poker? What about the latest video games in Academy City?" Flanda said with interest and anticipation.

"The sound insulation of this car should be good, right?" Ye Fei asked with a half-smile.

"It's a bulletproof motorhome, of course (cibh) soundproofed."

"Oh, oh! Do you want people to keep the car in a safe corner? I don't think you can solve it for a while~"

A familiar female voice came from the cab.

"Stop, why stop, Yu Cai Haimei?" Flanda asked suspiciously.

"No, do you still need to park to play this game?" Ye Fei shrugged and took out a deck of cards and laughed.

"However, there are rules."

Everyone except Flanda breathed a sigh of relief, but the rules made the corners of their mouths twitch.

"If you lose one, you will lose one piece of clothing. The rules are very simple. If you lose the clothing, you will lose."

Ye Fei touched his chin and said with a half-smile.


The dog days of Tokyo are hotter than Academy City, and the entire city is surrounded by high temperature in terms of heat emission. There is no clean energy of Academy City.

At this time, a girl wearing a shirt with only one sleeve and short trousers and jeans stood calmly at the top of the tower in Edogawa district and watched as she walked out of the subway and dressed like a group of bad gangsters. people.

The gangster's dress has not attracted much attention in cities where ACG culture is prevalent. Even if her dress is in Tokyo, apart from the opposite sex attracted by her appearance, she will not think her dress is incredible.

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