Jian Gong Zhai slapped the wall in annoyance.

"It's no wonder that the Roman Orthodox Church's behavior is so weird, it's all to make Fang Song vigilant, to confuse us, I'm afraid Osola has a tracking technique on her body, and she subdues Osola in an instant when we're not paying attention."

"It's the way to do it without combat casualties after all, damn it."

Orsola turned to them for help, and in the end Orsola was kidnapped because of their negligence, which was too careless, too shameful, and too failed.

"Notify everyone, secretly investigate the movements of the Roman Orthodox Church, and must rescue Orsola before she is executed."

Jian Gong Zhai calmed down, touched his chin, and thought, his face condensed.

The Roman Orthodox Church is too weird, I'm afraid it won't be executed immediately if Osola is kidnapped. Maybe he has already thought about the follow-up, and the next step may be to do something to them. Always under surveillance.

"No, everyone leave here quickly, it's not safe anymore, it will be troublesome if you don't leave."

On the other side, a black Honda RV has reached the block in Edogawa Ward.

"Tsk tsk, you guys are really stupid. Relying on the calculation power of dozens and hundreds of times of level 5, you haven't beat me once, and you have lost all your chips. So what are you going to bet on next?"

Ye Fei touched his chin with a half-smile, and stared at the four curled up together.

"Shameless, who can beat the legendary level 7 like you in terms of computing power." Flanda curled up in tears, her cheeks flushed, and she complained with tears. .

Chapter [*]: Anyway, I am very happy

"It's abominable. In fact, Director Ye Fei just wanted to see us all making a fool of himself, so he forced us to play this vulgar game."

Silk flag likes to put her knees together and hug her knees with both hands. This way, she tries not to make a fool of herself. Although she is very shy, she still retorts.

Anyway, sooner or later, she will be eaten by this Ye Fei Director. She had expected it, but she didn't expect it to be so fast.

The props are very qualified in intelligence work. In the deeds of Director Ye Fei, he has never killed a girl at all, unless it is the kind of guy that he hates and his personality is broken, which shows how much he is. Love beauty.

"Oh! You know me so well, and the silk flag has grown up."

Ye Fei touched his chin with a smile and admired the silk flag the most. He said, "Although I don't get along with props very much, I already know his nature. Shokuhou Caoqi and Bubei Shixin both call him the collection of human desires. body.

"So, what exactly does Chao want to do now? What should Chao do as soon as possible, I Chao 28 don't want to stay in this atmosphere for too long." Silk Flag Favorite said in a self-sacrificing manner, although he said so, his tone was very flustered .

"Don't you think so too?" Ye Fei touched his chin and smiled brightly.

"..." Takitsubo Rikou leaned back on the sofa, a little listless. He gave up any resistance to Ye Fei a long time ago. She wouldn't resist whatever he wanted to do, not just because he couldn't beat him.

Moreover, Ye Fei gave her an unprecedented sense of shock and security. He was not a person who likes the new and hates the old, and he is sincere to every female companion. This is incredible for someone in the same position as him.

"Really, do whatever you want." Maiye Shirley said through gritted teeth, a little flustered in her tone, but her thoughts were similar to those of Takitsubo Rikou, except that she was more afraid of Ye Fei.

"Since all of you have asked for it, I would be too unmanly if I refused." Ye Fei nodded contentedly and said with a smile: "Haimei, please park the car in the corner ahead."

"Oh! Do you want others to join in too?" Yu Caihai said with a playful smile. Since the last time he played some games with him, he hadn't been very intimate. Men are such creatures, and they only play with him often. If you are affectionate, he will always care about you.

"I can't ask for it~"

"No! I, I suddenly remembered that I wanted to go to the toilet, so I!" Flanda's face changed, and she smirked and touched her back, trying to take the opportunity to escape.

"Crack!" Ye Fei snapped his fingers casually, and then looked at Flanda with a half-smile: "Oh, I'm sorry that an accident happened just now."

"I..." Frenda also tried to find an excuse.

"It starts with you, Frenda, you start with it."

"Wow! Help!"

The RV parked in the shadow of a building somewhere in Edogawa Ward, Tokyo swayed slightly, and from time to time there was a sound that could not be clearly defined.

The time lasted until twelve o'clock.

The door of the RV opened, and six people came out neatly dressed.

"I thought I was going to die..." Flanda's trembling voice while holding the RV's knees had an unprecedented charm.

"It's super exaggerated, I thought the bones were going to fall apart." Silk Flag said with a pinkish tone, his favorite skin, walking very unnaturally.

"Where is this? If it weren't for your body being too fragile, I wouldn't limit my strength. You must know that my punch can easily destroy a city."

Ye Fei wrapped his arms around the waists of Silk Flag Favorite and Flanda with a contented expression, and laughed, while Takitsubo Rikou behind him pulled his sleeves, and seemed to think he was uncomfortable.

"Super monster..." Silk flag loves to complain, if she hadn't been hydrated, she would have been dehydrated.

"I don't have a [*]% guarantee if I perform the task like this now." Mai Ye Shenli walked with his knees shaking slightly, and said with a pale face. She has been played for the longest time. Only a little bit is worthy of her figure, causing her to walk numbly.

"The task is very simple. Those guys from the Roman Orthodox Church are all trash to you. Their high-end combat power was used when they attacked Academy City last time. Even those combination magics require a particularly long activation time. ."

Ye Fei shrugged and said, as the Heavenly Father of the Crusaders, all believers are under his supervision, and the magic prepared by the hundreds of magicians in Tokyo is mainly to deal with Kanzaki.

"Besides, you can just drive the Crusaders out of Tokyo, then I'll leave first."

Ye Fei smiled, then kissed Silk Flag's favorite cheek, let go of the two, then waved and walked down the street.

The four in the props group looked at each other.

"I really don't know about Lianxiang Xiyu. Driving now is prone to traffic accidents." Yu Caihaimei smiled, her body was sore and numb, and she couldn't work in this state.

"It's really like 900 beasts. It hurts. It's obviously the first time for me. I don't want to walk."

"I brought this, a medical light, something developed by Dr. Bubei, which is said to heal minor wounds with just a single light."

On the other side, Orsola, who had been in the downtown area of ​​Tokyo for a few hours, looked around in confusion. She originally wanted to go to Academy City, and only Academy City, a place that the Roman Orthodox Church feared, could protect her and would not covet the magic way. Book.

But after hours and hours, no good-hearted people were really willing to help her.

Although she often preaches in foreign countries, this is the first time she has come to Western Europe, and she does not understand the common sense here, even if she takes a tram.

Just when she was about to ask the kindhearted person again, a hand clapped on the shoulder, she was stunned for a moment, then turned around gently and saw a teenage boy.

"This nun, you seem to be looking for something, do you need the help of a kind person?"

Ye Fei smiled and looked at this nun who was as gentle as Index. She had a very good figure and was a suitable saintess candidate. .

Chapter [*]: My nun is interested

"Well, may I ask how to get to Academy City?"

Orsola looked at the boy who stopped her and bowed slightly, her voice warm and gentle, speaking in the island language with a little Italian accent.

"Oh~ I want to go to Academy City, but the passage to Academy City is closed at this time."

Ye Fei looked at the nun with a smile and said kindly, the beautiful body curve outlined by the black monastic uniform, and the overly respectful and gentle personality directly hit his cuteness.

"Eh? Has the access to Academy City closed?" Orsola was stunned for a moment, then lost and asked respectfully, "Can you tell me the location of Academy City? Heavenly Father will protect you."

"I don't need Heavenly Father's protection, I just need your thanks." Ye Fei pouted, looking at Orsola's blue eyes and said.

"I just came out of Academy City, so I can take you in."

"Eh? Thank you very much for your help. Well, didn't you say that Academy City has closed the passage?" Orsola smiled elatedly, holding the cross in both hands with some doubts.

"Academy City will indeed close all passages after ten o'clock, but if there are acquaintances from the upper classes of Academy City, it will be no problem." Ye Fei said with his arms crossed playfully.

"But I don't have any acquaintances in Academy City." Orsola froze for a moment, showing a distressed expression.

"Sister, what's your name? What's the purpose of going to Academy City?" Ye Fei asked knowingly. Although he knew very well who she was, this kind of negotiation was still necessary.

Orsola reacted and said apologetically: "I'm very sorry, I'm sorry, my name is Orsola, I am a nun belonging to the Roman Orthodox Church, and I need to go to Academy City for some personal reasons."

"My name is Ye Fei. What is the reason for personal reasons?"

Ye Fei jokingly approached Orsola and continued to ask questions.

"That...you are."?" Orsola looked suspiciously at the boy who approached her.

"It just so happens that you are one of the directors of Academy City. Since Orsola wants to go to Academy City, she has to ask the bottom line. Please forgive me." Ye Fei stretched out his hand and said with a gentle smile. .

Orsola reflexively shook hands with Ye Fei, and the rhythm was half a beat before he was stunned for a moment, showing incredible consternation.

"Huh? Are you one of the council members of Academy City?"

Blue eyes looked at the boy in disbelief. Although he didn't understand the system of Academy City, he also knew that the director was the title of the high-level management of Academy City.

I never thought that I would encounter one of the rulers of Academy City in a daze.

"As you can see, my name is Ye Fei. Presumably Ossola, as a nun of the Roman Orthodox Church, should have heard this name."

His name is now widely spread, and basically no one on the magic side doesn't know about this rebellious saint.

"So, can Orsola state the purpose of going to Academy City now? This situation is just a routine inspection, don't be surprised." Ye Fei said gently.

Orsola's expression became pleasantly surprised, and then showed a trace of distress and sadness: "Actually, I am being hunted down by the Roman Orthodox Church, and this is what happened..."

"Is that so, the Book of Law? Then, as the council of Academy City, I will grant Osola entry and protection." Ye Fei nodded and said with a slightly raised corner of his mouth.

His purpose was originally to pick up Orsola. He likes this girl with a pure heart, and his personality and cuteness are also his favorite type.

"Thank you so much for your help."

Being promised help, Orsola held the cross in excitement and bowed slightly. After so long, she finally received sincere help, which made her elated.

She didn't doubt Ye Fei's authenticity, she didn't know why she didn't subconsciously deny his idea, and there was no reason. His eyes were full of arrogance and nobility, full of aloof charm.

Ordinary people and liars don't have this sense of aura.

"For me, this is a trivial matter. In Academy City Orsola, there is no need to worry that someone will be interested in the magic book. For Academy City, magic knowledge is knowledge that is completely unintelligible."

Ye Fei took it for granted that the Book of Law of the Roman Orthodox Church was something that Aleister left behind to frame the world. The knowledge in it was completely messed up, and there was no correct way of answering it.

"If you're worried that Academy City is coveting the Magic Book, Orsola will not seek help from Academy City, isn't it?"

"No, I didn't suspect that Academy City would be interested in the Magic Book." Orsola said quickly: "Actually, the Roman Orthodox Church has not cracked the secret for decades, and I just learned about it by mistake. After answering the secret, he was hunted down."

Said to stop here, blue eyes looked at Ye Fei.

"¨" He also said that he was not afraid of Academy City's covetousness, such an expression. "Ye Fei teased with a half-smile.

"Well, I heard that Director Ye Fei is still a saint..."

"Think I found you because I coveted magic books? I'm not interested in magic books, and there is a "banned book catalog" by my side. If you are interested, I have countless knowledge of magic books. "

"That's right, I'm very sorry." Orsola bowed respectfully and apologized, she actually suspected this kind director just now.

Although the director is a saint, he grew up in the academy since he was a child, and he is also a superpower.

She didn't know that superpowers and saints could not coexist, otherwise she would never believe in Ye Fei.

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