"Then, let's go to Academy City now."

On the other side, the Roman Orthodox magician troop is searching all the Amakusa members in Tokyo City. The Yanis troop was the first to find some members of the Amakusa, and they are trying their best to track Akira.

On the other hand, Anbu props are gradually investigating members of the Roman Orthodox Church.

"It's been checked out Mai Ye. There are four areas in the Edogawa District, the Laerima District, and other areas with the largest number of magic personnel. Basically, each team has eleven members."

Flanda took the laptop and looked at the information and said excitedly: "It's time for Mai Ye and everyone to make a handsome shot."

"At a time like this, I don't really want to work at all." Qian Qi said with a frown and a pouting mouth. Although he felt a lot more comfortable, he was still very awkward and sticky.

"Really, finish those guys early, I have to go back to take a bath early and wash off the smell of this body."

Mai Ye Shenli rudely kicked the car door and said irritably, a light green light appeared on his body, and when he raised his hand, a green atomic collapse was shot out of the super sky. .

Chapter [*]: Sudden speech of Hangjian, one hit will kill

"Takitsubo, do me a favor."

Although her current ability can only reach more than 6% of level [*], her ability has also been enhanced several hundred times. In addition, Takitsubo's ability can strike all targets in the entire Tokyo city, and can Absolute hit.

"No!" Takitsubo refused.

"Why? I don't want to spend a whole night on the road." Mai Ye said with fullness. Although his tone was irritable, he would not curse like before. Takitsubo Riku also became level 6 and his progress was faster than before. She is even higher, in terms of ability and other aspects, she is better than before, and she can use the abilities of all abilities in Academy City.

"Have you forgotten that Ah Fei wants us to capture them alive as much as possible? And even I can't be [*]% accurate with this ultra-long-distance strike, it's just okay to destroy the building, if it kills ordinary people by mistake... and this place is not Academy City, try your best to restrain yourself."

Takitsubo Rihou said calmly.

"Tsk! It's really troublesome." Mai Ye tutted his lips unhappily: "He just told us to try our best, and he didn't know for sure."

"No, no, no, I won't be held responsible if Ah Fei blames me."

"It's really troublesome, now that we know, let's just go and find those guys." Mai Ye Shenli immediately compromised when he heard the responsibility.

"Takitsubo will get used to it, and now he will start calling Ye Fei Li 903, a name like Ah Fei?" Flanda said with a wink.

"He allowed us to call him that." Takitsubo Ri said blankly from behind.

"Let's act quickly, I really want to finish the mission quickly," said Silk Flag the most.

"Speaking of which, why don't we immediately clear the Amakusa-style people, but track them little by little, and let them run away every time, and we can't find where they are."

Walking on the street at night, wearing a black monastic uniform, the nun who looks only [*] or [*] years old timidly holds the cross and casts the magic of tracing in distress.

"And the tracking magic doesn't work anymore."


A [*]- or [*]-year-old blond girl with a wheel-shaped spiritual outfit in her hand sighed: "This is also a matter of no way (cibh), don't complain about Angelina, the magic of tracing magic is only at a distance. It only works when the other party is very close."

"And the Amakusa-style has been reduced by us. They haven't found it, and our mission is not to fight them immediately, but to drive them away. Our target is the female saint who is related to Academy City."

"But... even if the opponent is not Amakusa, but now we are completely lost, if we are tricked by them, won't we screw up the mission?, and if we are found by the female saint, we will be killed in an instant. Bar."

Angelina shrank her neck timidly and said timidly, when she thought of facing the female saint, she had the urge to run away.

"There is nothing to fear, it is our honor to be martyred for the Father."

"But the other party is the church's ultimate trump card. One person can capture a city, with a few hundred of us..."

"It's the chants that deal with the power of the female saint. We just need to deliver the last blow in the back. Really, can you not be so timid."

"Yes, yes..." Angelina shrank her neck.

At this time, the cross that detected magic power in his hand glowed.

"Hey! Fa, found it."

"Wait..." At the same time, the communication card came with an order to round up Amakusa.

"The Yanis troops, the first, second, and third squads, arrange a wide range of idlers to evade. The fifth, sixth, and seventh squads continue to narrow the encirclement."

"The Gregorian chorus is singing chants. Yannis pays attention to the appearance of the saint and is ready to stab Hangjian at any time."

Meanwhile in the sewer.

"Damn, that's how it turns out. We've been caught in a misunderstanding. They haven't tracked us. Instead, they have used the advantage of numbers to keep narrowing the scope of our activities, and we don't know it yet. We're too immature. Damn."

Jian Gong Zhai smashed the word on the wall with regret, turned around and said in a low voice to the fifty people gathered here.

"The conflict with the Roman Orthodox Church is now inevitable, stay here and we will soon be discovered."

"Boss, give your instructions. Anyway, this is not the first time this kind of thing has happened. This time it is more dangerous."

"We broke through in two ways, with me as a group, Wuhe and Shanteng as a group, and now we are starting to break through."

More than [*] members of the Roman Orthodox Church who have been chasing the Amakusa style from the Edogawa district to the sewers of the Nerima district have driven away ordinary people in a large area of ​​​​this area.

Above a manhole cover, the street is full of magicians and nuns in black monastic clothes.

"These little mice are hiding underneath."

At this moment, the land above the sewer was cut into a circular hole, and everyone in the Amakusa style began to rush out.

"Ah ah ah ah ah……"

All the nuns and magicians who were prepared had spear-like magical equipment in their hands, and a fiery red flame appeared on the tip of the spear. From the color, it could be seen that the temperature of the flame was not an ordinary flame.

The glass of the fashion store was hit by flames, the glass quickly melted, and the fashion store also burned and even exploded.

In the Cross religion, the flame has an extraordinary meaning. The most famous one is to judge heresy. If it is defined as a heresy, then the flame will have corresponding power. Only those who live in peace in the flame are pure believers.

However, this kind of fire magic against heresy is simply the most vicious poison for Amakusa-shi who has accepted other religious ideas.

More than [*] people in Amakusa-style kept hiding behind buildings with the magic they were good at. Even if they were playing hide-and-seek in the surrounded streets, they could not be caught for a while.

The fiery red flames blasted the ground into potholes, and many walls were devastated.

"Damn, what should I do, what should I do, sooner or later it will be over if I don't break through." This was the first time Jian Gong Zhai encountered such a crisis, and his heart was extremely flustered.

More than a dozen members hid in a hotel, carefully watching the magician chasing out of the window.

Standing in a hidden high place, Kanzaki Kaori watched this scene with some sigh, and held the long sword around his waist in his right hand.

"Eldest sister, think carefully." Yuanchun Tuyumen, who had just found Kaori Kanzaki, said solemnly: "Once you are exposed, you are likely to die. This time, it is said that the Roman Orthodox Church brought two thrusting swords. , ready to kill you in one hit.".

Chapter [*]: Wasn't the eldest sister's head given to Ye Fei?

"So what?" Kanzaki Kaori replied coldly.

"Okay, okay, eldest sister, I know there's no way to stop you, but you can't go out safely by yourself. Have you seen the magician hiding in the dark?"

Tsuchimikado Motoharu pointed to a large group of magicians in black monastic uniforms in the distance, as well as a nun holding a large sword in the shape of a cross.

"The Gregorian chorus and the two thrusting swords, the Roman Orthodox Church has carefully planned them. Two of the seven thrusting swords left in the world have taken out two."

"..." Kanzaki Kaori was silent, if it was just a simple Gregorian chorus, she could defeat it, if it was a thrust to Hang Jian, her saint's power would be blocked.

"Eldest sister, I don't understand. Didn't the archbishop give you to Ye Fei? It's like he belongs to him. If you ask him for help, according to that guy's personality, he will never ignore it."

Kanzaki Kaori looked blankly at the guy full of nonsense.

"I was just arranged to take care of Index. It has nothing to do with the science side, and is just an ordinary friend with Ye Fei."

Tsuchimikado Yuanchun sneered as he looked at the long sword that had been unsheathed a little, and then saw that something raised the corner of his mouth.

"Hey! Look at Big Sister Kanzaki, Ye Fei did as expected, he seems to be more than ordinary to you..."

The long knife stabbed Tuyumen Yuanchun's stomach in an instant, and immediately bowed into shrimp.


"Damn, the Roman Orthodox Church really wants to wipe us out this time."

"What should we do with the Pope!"

Amakusa-style was cornered, and his clothes were scorched by the flames of the Roman Orthodox Church. Everyone anxiously turned their attention to Jian Gong Zhai Zi.

"Running separately won't work, we're already surrounded, and fighting won't work, and I don't know if Wuhe has been caught."

Jian Gongzhai broke out in a cold sweat. He was more anxious than anyone else at this time, and his heartbeat was faster than ever.

He didn't want to break through the siege silently, but the surrounding area was blocked, and there was no gap at all. The battle between magicians was not something that could be won by melee combat. It was not only related to knowledge, but also related to religious principles.

The magic of the Roman Orthodox Church is far higher than their level in terms of level and restraint, and they can't win at all. They follow the Roman Orthodox Church hide-and-seek, but they fight head-on, and they are many times more enemies than them. Fighting, huh, I can't hold on to a fight at all.

"Damn, what should I do..."

Jian Gong Zhai tried to find a way by life, but unfortunately he is not a wise leader, let alone a powerful leader, nor a person who can break the embarrassment at a critical time.

Surrender will not work, their bounty is on the top ten list of the Roman Orthodox Church, and they can't wait to get rid of the mutant cross sect that betrays the orthodoxy.

Before they could think of anything, a large number of fireballs were thrown towards them, and everyone hurriedly used magic to escape quickly.One of the front walls of the building was blasted with large and small potholes.


"Who are you!"

"Academic City heresy!"

Just when Amakusa was in despair, a scream suddenly came from the rear of the Roman Orthodox Church, which made Amakusa stunned.

"You bastards, it's better to hold your head and squat down, and don't cry if you accidentally knock it off. Oh, the dead can't cry."

Mai Ye Shenli's small leather boots slowly stepped on the ground, looking at the group of black-clad magicians viciously and irritably, an electronic ball appeared in his hand and threw it at the feet of the magicians, causing a strong explosion, directly letting one of them go. A small number of magicians lost their ability to resist.

"That's right, you'd better stand there obediently, or else you won't be compensated if you blow up the wrong way~ Hahaha."

Flanda said with a cute smile, and then God took out a bunch of grenades from the space and threw them at the magicians.

Deafening explosions and flashes appeared throughout the street. Since the magicians' monastic uniforms were spiritual outfits, the bombs only stunned them, but the scene was indeed extremely chaotic.

"Academy City's capable people! How dare you appear here!" A magician who seemed to be the leader of the team roared angrily, and he couldn't even believe it.

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